Lr 5.3 bug with "Don't enlarge" option.

Very nasty bug. I have a lot of 5D Mark3 raw files cropped in various proportions 2:3, 3:4 and 1:1, then want to export final result with some Max size. On the export screen I select Resize to Fit: Long Edge, set size to 4000 pixels and marked Don't Enlarge as I don't want to upscale 1:1 images. As result, the resize doesn't work at all, full images come out with original size such as 5760x3840. The resize work properly when "Don't Enlarge" unchecked, but it does upscale smaller images, which isn't acceptable. What is Adobe solution for this case?

Aleksanders wrote:
What is Adobe solution for this case?
Fix in Lr5.4, to be released soon - probably.
In the mean time, you can:
* fall back to Lr5.2
* divide exports into 2 (those that need resizing and those that don't)
* use Exportant to take care of problem automatically (Miscellaneous filter - Prevent long dimensions).

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    You could just disable updates. Change these settings in about:config.
    * - set to false
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    You can still check for updates with the "Check for Updates" button in the About Firefox window, but it will download the update file anyway if there is an update available. You can also check which is the current release from here:

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    Unfortunately, Safari cannot be updated past 5.1.10 on a Mac running v10.6.8.
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    Be aware, Apple no longer support Snow Leopard v10.6 > pdates-1558393
    See if your Mac can run v10.9 Mavericks >  OS X Mavericks: System Requirements
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    Has anyone else noticed this, or can anyone else reproduce the bug as I described?  I'd appreciate it if an Apple employee could confirm that this is a bug in iOS 5 and not just something wrong on my end.  Thanks in advance. 

    02-May-200702:03 PM
    scoobyman wrote:
    Hi keffa
    After the time spent and attention to detail in replicating this fault, I do think that you should email your findings to Nokia Care to be found on:
    This is after all a discussion forum and others may find the same bug, but until it is logged at Nokia there is little chance of future modification if required!
    Done already. They may of course have corrected this in the 11.x firmware currently being rolled out but as I don't yet have access to it I can't say.
    Useful links: Phone firmware update | Nokia support site

  • Has anyone seen this BUG with Time Warp and Dissolve?

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    If you put two clips adjacent to each other on a timeline, apply time warp, set percentage to say 30% of realtime, then apply a dissolve between the clips, clip B, the outclip will play in reverse for a period equal to about 1/3 of the duration of the clip.
    This is true scrubbing through the timeline and even rendering.
    I'm going to call support tomorrow, but that's not going to help me get my project finished any sooner since this is a critical element in this composition. I've tried the time remapping method, but the frame-blend is no match for the pixel motion of time warp.

    I think your post #11 was being sarcastic, but you left a little wiggle room for it not to be. With the sarcastic interpretation, I must add my thoughts:
    Here is the link to the Adobe bug report form
    . It is important that users who discover bugs with reproducible steps file them - otherwise they don't stand a chance of ever getting fixed. Steven Gotz's advice was sound in this regard.
    As to the discussion of workarounds - since this is a User-to-User forum, the best that we as a community can do is help each other out with workarounds, since none of us here have the power to actually fix anything.
    The important thing to glean from SG's post is the definite need to file a bug report.

  • BUG with Memory CAS-Latency with MSI i848P Neo-LS BIOS

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    It doesn't depend on PSU or others things (graphics card,...).
    Try with Pentium 4C 2.6 or 2.8
    But I have just one brand of memory (but many different sticks). Chips reference are VT56DD32M8PC-5 (256 or 512 Mb). This memory are reference as Cas Latency 2.5
    If I set memory timings on SPD or manual : same result !!!
    If I set memory speed on AUTO or 400 MHz : same result  !!!
    If I set other timings, then they are save correctly (ie : RAS# precharge set to 3 or 4).
    I check timings with latest version of Memtest86+ V1.0 :
    and of course, I get many errors.
    The same memory tested on others mobo, give good results.
    I try Windows XP installation and I get....  blue screens.
    With some memory sticks : I have this message "memory timing too tighly",
    if I press F1 to continue: then I get a memory cas latency of 2.5 with memtest86+ and then no error.
    I try BIOS revision 1.0 (default) and 1.2: same result !!!
    So, as I said before, I think this is a bug with the BIOS. I agree that a BIOS cannot detect correctly all kind of memory, but if you set memory timings manualy, then it must be set as you want ! ?
    Any idea...

    H0 Alex,
    You are correct.I have the same problem with my 875p neo lsr on bios 1.9. TH0S 0S B0OS BUG.but everyone says your psu is not enough or your rams isnt  on the MSI Memory Compatability List.
    why all of rams I try give same result?
    MS0 boards works only with 10 or 20 don't say customer why you use this rams?
    why in asus boards many os these rams working properly.This rams isnt on the MSI Memory Compatability List.but working.I try many no name rams and results are very good in all of the tests.
    In my opinion MS0 bioses doesnt work good enough.
    You don't drive a car.Car Drives you.

  • Optimization bug with C++ inlining

    While evaluating Sun Studio 11 I have identified an optimization bug with C++ inlining.
    The bug can easily be reproduced with the small program below. The program produces
    wrong results with -xO2, because an inline access function always returns the value 0.0
    instead of the value given on the commandline:
    djerba{ru}16 : CC -o polybug
    djerba{ru}17 : ./polybug 1.0
    coeff(0): 1.000000
    djerba{ru}18 : CC -o polybug -xO2
    djerba{ru}19 : ./polybug 1.0
    coeff(0): 0.000000            <<<<<<<<<< wrong, should be 1.000000This occurs only with optimization level O2; levels below or above O2 don't
    exhibit the bug.
    Compiler version is
    Sun C++ 5.8 Patch 121017-01 2005/12/11
    on Solaris 8 / Sparc.
    I include a preliminary analysis at the end.
    Best Regards
    Dieter R.
    -------------------- -------------------------
    // note: this may look strange, but this is a heavily stripped down
    // version of actual working application code...
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    class Poly {
        // constructor initializes number of valid coefficients to zero:
        Poly() { numvalid = 0; };
        ~Poly() {};
        // returns coefficient with index j, if valid. Otherwise returns 0.0:
        double coeff(int j) {
         if (j < numvalid) {
             return coefficients[j];
         } else {
             return 0.0;
       // copies contents of this Object to other Poly:
        void getPoly(Poly& q) { q = *this; };
        // data members:
        // valid coefficients: 0 ... (numvalid - 1)
        double coefficients[6];
        int numvalid;
    void troublefunc(Poly* pC) {
        // copies Poly-Object to local Poly, extracts coefficient
        // with index 0 and prints it. Should be the value given
        // on commandline.
        // Poly constructor, getPoly and coeff are all inline!
        if (pC) {
         Poly pol;                      
         printf("coeff(0): %f\n",pol.coeff(0));
    int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
        double d = atof(argv[1]);
        // creates Poly object and fills coefficient with index
        // 0 with the value given on commandline
        Poly* pC = new Poly;
        pC->coefficients[0] = d;
        pC->numvalid = 1;
        return 0;
    The disassembly fragment below shows that the access function coeff(0), instead
    of retrieving coefficient[0] simply returns the fixed value 0.0 (presumably because the
    optimizer "thinks" numvalid holds still the value 0 from the constructor and that therefore
    the comparison "if (i < numvalid)" can be omitted).
    Note: disassembly created from code compiled with -features=no%except for simplicity!
    00010e68 <___const_seg_900000102>:
            ...     holds the value 0.0
    00010e80 <__1cLtroublefunc6FpnEPoly__v_>:
       10e80:       90 90 00 08     orcc  %g0, %o0, %o0      if (pC) {   
       10e84:       02 40 00 14     be,pn   %icc, 10ed4
       10e88:       9c 03 bf 50     add  %sp, -176, %sp
                                                       local Poly object at %sp + 120
                                                             numvalid at %sp + 0xa8 (168)
       10e8c:       c0 23 a0 a8     clr  [ %sp + 0xa8 ]      Poly() { numvalid = 0; };
                                                             loop copies *pC to local Poly object
       10e90:       9a 03 a0 80     add  %sp, 0x80, %o5
       10e94:       96 10 20 30     mov  0x30, %o3
       10e98:       d8 5a 00 0b     ldx  [ %o0 + %o3 ], %o4
       10e9c:       96 a2 e0 08     subcc  %o3, 8, %o3
       10ea0:       16 4f ff fe     bge  %icc, 10e98
       10ea4:       d8 73 40 0b     stx  %o4, [ %o5 + %o3 ]
                                                             load double value 0.0 at
                                                             ___const_seg_900000102 in %f0
                                                             (and address of format string in %o0)
       10ea8:       1b 00 00 43     sethi  %hi(0x10c00), %o5
       10eac:       15 00 00 44     sethi  %hi(0x11000), %o2
       10eb0:       c1 1b 62 68     ldd  [ %o5 + 0x268 ], %f0
       10eb4:       90 02 a0 ac     add  %o2, 0xac, %o0
       10eb8:       82 10 00 0f     mov  %o7, %g1
                                                             store 0.0 in %f0 to stack and load it
                                                             from there to %o1/%o2
       10ebc:       c1 3b a0 60     std  %f0, [ %sp + 0x60 ]
       10ec0:       d2 03 a0 60     ld  [ %sp + 0x60 ], %o1
       10ec4:       d4 03 a0 64     ld  [ %sp + 0x64 ], %o2
       10ec8:       9c 03 a0 b0     add  %sp, 0xb0, %sp
                                                             call printf
       10ecc:       40 00 40 92     call  21114 <_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_+0x54>
       10ed0:       9e 10 00 01     mov  %g1, %o7
       10ed4:       81 c3 e0 08     retl
       10ed8:       9c 03 a0 b0     add  %sp, 0xb0, %sp
    Hmmm... This seems to stress this formatting tags thing to its limits...

    Thanks for confirming this.
    No, this happens neither in an Open Source package nor in an important product. This is an internal product, which is continuously developed with Sun Tools since 1992 (with incidents like this one being very rare).
    I am a bit concerned with this bug though, because it might indicate a weakness in the area of C++ inlining (after all, the compiler fails to correctly aggregate a sequence of three fairly simple inline functions, something which is quite common in our application). If, on the other hand, this is a singular failure caused by unique circumstances which we have hit by sheer (un)luck, it is always possible to work around this: explicitly defining a assignment operator instead of relying on the compiler-generated one is sufficient to make the bug go away.

  • IE7 Padding Bug with Spry Effects

    I'm having a recurring issue with using the Spry Blind effect
    in IE7 where, when upon trigerring the Blind, the width of the
    element being expanded/contracted is expanding out to the right
    over it's edges.
    For example.
    A div with a width of 800px and a padding of 20px;
    When a Blind is triggerred on this element, the width of the
    element would expand to 840px, the padding on the left side remains
    fine, but the text now goes all the way to the right edge of the
    newly widened element.
    This has been extremely frustrating and doesn't occur in
    I'm hoping this is a common problem. My implementation of the
    script is fairly straightforward so I don't know if there is
    anything else but a bug with the effect.

    Here is a somewhat messy version of the page I am working
    If you click the green down arrow at the bottom of the top
    right pane you will see the error.
    The table expands out past the borders of the div. The
    padding-left and padding-right on this div is 20px each, and it
    expands out to 40px past the border of the div, so I am assuming
    there is some correlation.
    It also happens on the bottom one, though it is not as
    evidence, since the text goes behind the background, isntead of
    over it.

  • E71 Firmware Bug with USB Mass Storage.

    Just got a e71, it has the latest firmware, it's mostly good except for this bug.
    If you install a new theme on a memory card and then attempt to use the USB for mass storage it will always lock the card no matter how you disconnect from the USB, it always reports Memory card in use.
    What is supposed to happen is the phone is supposed to switch to a theme on the phone memory and unload the theme on the card, it does indeed switch themes, but does not unload the theme on the card, so the only way to free the card is to reboot the phone.
    If anyone from Nokia is looking at this forum, you guys need to fix these little bugs with the firmware.  A update to the OS the E71x is using would be nice by the way.  I paid a lot of money for this unlocked phone and expect it to be rock solid.

    I had this problem with the memory card. All you do is set the USB connection to PC suit and not Mass Storage. If it's in PC suit mode you don't loose the memory card and it always let you access it. I never bother with mass storage anymore. Also set to don't ask if you want. I ahve no issues since I di this and am using the 200 firmware.
    To transfer files to the card I go into my computer, double click the picture of the nokia E71 and then double click the memory card and access it that way. Hope this helps as it's a pain installing everything on the phone.
    Just another quick tip if you download the themes through your phone like me once installed and after a re-start something may try and install and fail once your phone starts up. It will do this everytime you re-start your phone. To fix the issue you have to browse the memory card with 'view hidden folders' selected in Windows and delete certain sis files from a certain folder. I can't remember off the top of my head but it explains it in another post in this forum. I can't take the credit for it.

  • File sharing bug with windows in mountain lion

    File Sharing Bug with Windows
    there are some windows in our firm and we're sharing the files using File Sharing. The problem is that the windowses can see the files not only the ones in public folder, but also whole disk, like Desktop, Library etc. When i installed Lion, it was happened again for one time. But then it fixed in a way which i don't know. After Mountain Lion, this problem occurs again.
    So, why can it be happened and how do i fix it? please help me.
    thank you.

    not any guess?

  • Bank DC issue  (Bug with ESS 603?)

    Hi all,
    We are trying to disable  the 'Edit' and 'Delete' button in the Bank Overview iView.
    As the first step we tried printing some message in the init() and wdDoModify() method  of VcPerBankUSOverview of essusbank using IWDMessageManager.After rebuilding and deploying,somehow the messages are not geting printed.
    If we try printing in the detail view, its getting printed.But not in the Bizcard view of VcPerBankUSOverview.Am I in the wrong place? Is this bizcard getting created dynamically for Bank Overview screen.
    I tried printing messages in Per DC too.
    We are in ESS 603.Is this a bug with ESS 603?

    to disable the Edit and Delete buttons of the bank overview there are 2 options. Neither of them involves changing a standard component or even any kind of development.
    1 - Configure the correct authorizations in ECC system so that the users don't have authorization to modify or delete the data.
    2 - Disable the buttons by using the Java Webdynpro Personalization: preview the iView and press CTRL + right mouse button on top of the buttons.

  • Bug with selection tool in Photoshop CS

    Hi there,
    I find a bug with photoshop.
    I work on video editing, so I usually create some image with not square pixel. In DV for exemple, we use 1,066 pixel ratio.
    So I create a layer in full screen for DV editing (720*576 pixels for PAL in Europe) with 1,066 pixel ratio.
    If I want to delete a area with 720*576 ratio, I use the selection tool and I select (keep the ratio 720*576) ... but the area wich I delete Is not really the correct ratio 720*576 !! Because, If I create a layer with the object tool (create a rectangle) with the correct ratio 720*576, It isn't the same shape as my old area.
    So I think there is a bug ... isn't it ?
    PS : sorry for my english, but I'm french.

    I have test this problem with a friend on a CS3 version.
    There is the same problem !
    But we don't have the CS4 ... anybody want to test this ?

  • Bug with highlighted text in Illustrator CS6

    Hi! I use AI CS6 on a mac book pro Lion 10.7
    I got a recurrent bug with the text tool.
    When I selct a text sometimes the highlight totally hide my text and it's difficult to edit it! I tried CMD+H and CMD CTRL+H but nothing works, even hide bounding box...
    As you can see... It's an issue to read and edit the text properly!
    And even in wireframe view CMD+Y texts appear like blocs!
    And besides this happen not on evry texts in the document.. I don't have a clue
    Very annoying!
    Anyone has the same problem? Solution is would be appreciated!

    Hi SaCha_bxl,
    What you have done is, Switched on the "Show Hidden characters" option. U can hide it back by
    Clicking on "Type" (Which will be in navigation bar) and see if u have checked in "Show Hidden Characters " if so uncheck it and your problem will be solved.
    or you can also use the short cut " Alt+Ctrl+I "

  • Strange bug with the class

    Hi everibody!
    I'm writting a system to upload images with JSF and RichFaces. But when i try to delete the images files sometimes hapen some strange bug.
    first i'll post my method code here:
    public void deleteUploadedFile(ActionEvent event) throws Throwable {
            UIComponent link = event.getComponent();
            UIParameter param = (UIParameter) link.findComponent("fileId");
            TheFile file = this.uploadedFiles.get((Integer) param.getValue());
            try {
                File f = new File(file.getPath(), file.getName());
                if ((f.exists()) && (f.canRead()) && (f.canWrite())) {
                        for(int i=0; i<file.getThumbs().size(); i++){
                            File t1 = new File(file.getPath(), file.getThumbs().get(i).getThumbName());
                        setDeleteLog("Arquivo não pode ser excluido");
                } else {
                    setDeleteLog("Erro ao tentar excluir o arquivo");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                setDeleteLog("Deu erro: " + ex);
            } finally {
                if (this.deleted) {
                    if (this.uploadedFiles.remove(file)) {
                        setDeleteLog("Conseguiu remover");
                    } else {
                        setDeleteLog("Deu erro");
        }Well, when the method run the f.delete() line, sometimes, something strange hapen. With is, the file data is deleted as expected, but the file it self is not deleted. And even when i run the line this.finalize the JVM still using the file, with don't allows me to try to delete it untill my tomcat stop (with kill the application that was using the file). And this don't hapen every time that i try to delete one file.
    And worse, once it hapen every next time that i try to delete one file hapen the same bug.
    My question is...what could it be, and what can i do to solve this?!

    About this is not a possible cause. Because before i upload a file I verify if the file already exists and even after i change the file name:
    //this method change the file name and eliminate all the special characters, and also attach the current day of month,
    //month, year, minute and second to the file name
    public String generateFileName(String fileName){
            Locale l = new Locale("pt","BR");
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-3").getID()), l);
            int ext = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
            String name = fileName.replace(fileName.substring(ext), "");
            String newName = RemoverAcentos.remover(name).toLowerCase()+cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH)+cal.get(cal.MONTH)
            return newName;
        }the upload method
    String fileName = generateFileName(item.getFileName());
            try {
                File uploadFile = new File(filepath, fileName);
                if (!uploadFile.exists()) {

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