Maintaning number range

hi Gurus
i have to mantain alfa-numeric range for raw material in material master ex. RM01
please suggest how to configure?

goto sprologistic general-material master-basic settings-material types---define number range for material type..
here u can maintain the number range
make use of tcode MMNR for creating the no range
group and assign the material type to relevant group well regarding the alphanumaric thing there is standard no range avilable for that
but yes you can make the no range internally
for this go to tcode OMS2
then select the material type and then unmark the check box external w/o check

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    Do one thing
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    In SNRO , Give object type RV_BELEG. In that you maintan your number range.

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    Dear Frances,
    1st Part
    Go to, T. Code: SNRO
    Insert, Object: RV_Beleg
    and Click Tab: Number ranges (just above the Field: Object)
    On to next screen, Click Tab: Intervals (with pencil-icon)
    Here, maintain your Number ranges, that you wanna assign to your Billing Doc. Types, i.e. F2, G2, L2 etc..
    2nd Part
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    Insert, Table/View:
    and click Tab: Maintan (down, at screen)
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    Best Regards,

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    Dear sir,Thanks for attention towards the issue,but still i need to clarify some details-
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    or is it the case like the anything should earlier have been done before the number range for J_1IEXCLOC was created.i would request u to pls guide me giving the complete details of the step to be followed.
    Thanks in advance
    Anshuman chakraborty

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    Prabu S.

    For project defination internal number is assigned by system.
    When you saves's project then system allocate one number to project defination, you can view it,
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    go to and find technical doc about IPC 5.0 that i presented at Marco Island in 2006.

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    Edited by: harissahlan on Oct 19, 2011 5:44 AM

    With external number range, there is no updating of the number range objectt. The only thing you need to know is whether the number you wish to assign is allowed according to the external number range. And also check if there isn't already an object/document with the same number in the database.

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    what is the background to this request?
    I guess that the requestor can easily identify their own requisitions among many.
    I dont think that this is necessary with SAP, do not put to much importance in numbers, there are many other options to meet the users requirements.

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    As per my knowledge billing doc uses only Internal number range but when i check table: TVFK i can see No. range external maintained (XX) same maintained my company where shall i config this please give me idea and steps.

    Hi Jack
    In VN01, number ranges for all will be maintained wherein you can see on the right side a tab "Ext".  If you tick in this box, assign to your billing types in VOFA, then whenever you do billing, external numbers will be generated.
    Reward if this helps you.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    hi ASHWIN,
    how many plants are there? If not too much, say less than ten, you can create separate document types for the plants. To the different document types you can assign different number ranges. On the other hand you have to write exits, that the proper document type is used in case of MIRO posting for example. You need to create validations as well, that a specific document can only be used for a specific plant (in case of manual posting).
    hope this helps

  • Number range of  accounting document for different plants

    whenever a billing document is created in SD (using the T-code VF01); an accounting document will be simultaneously created in the FI module. one document type(TS,number range---60:1 to 9999 ) have four  plants .different plants have own number range and sequential document number .
    eg: doc. type   num.range    fr       to           plant cty       co code
             TS           61            1        1000       PLANT_1      3100
                            62           1001    2000       PLANT_2      3100
                            63           2001    3000       PLANT_3      3100
                            64           3001    4000       PLANT_4      3100
    How can that carry out this function ?
    thank you for your help !

    Hi leung,
      As Mr.Rohit has mentioned it has to be done with the z table and the available user exit.
    Wht we have done is.we have created no ranges in obj rv_beleg.Eg
    AA   0000000001 to 0000099999
    AB   0000100000 to 0000199999
    AC   0000200000 to 0000 299999.
    Using the user exit we have created a Z table.And assignd for this ombination in the Ztable.
    Plant X   Billing type A   AA
    Plant Y   Billing Type A  AB
    Plant Z    Billing type A  AC
    Once this combination matches the appropriate invoice no range gets picked up.

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    Company code: 200
    Divisions 281 and 284
    When trying to release to accounting in VF02  a document created in division 284, is it possible to assign it to a different number range than the one used by division 281 ?

    If this a real scenario?
    Ideally speaking for operations in each Country we create a seperate Company code. (except for Euro one)
    Secondly Division is a two character field not three character as you have mentioned.
    Further I feel your requirement is not possible with SAP Standard settings.
    But if you sales Invoice number ranges are seperate for each Division, then there are couple of threads in the forum explaining the process to have same Sales Invoice & Accounting Number Ranges. Request you to search the forum & you will find a solution.
    Jignesh Mehta

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