Making background transparent

I am trying to edit photos for a webpage that have a black or white background. they need to be transparent to resize them large enough without distorting image clarity. They are to be used in a catalog format that allows for 150 x 150, then 300 x 300, upwards to 600 x 600. What is a simple method?

There are three tool for erasering back ground.................
1. Magic Eraser Photoshop Magic Eraser Tool
2. Pen Tool Photoshop Pen Tool
3. Magic Wand Tool Photoshop Magic Wand Tool
You Can try them to solve your problems

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    what is the png? fireworks png? if it is , you can change it
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    you could use the magic wand tool and select the white background,
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    If you have the time and can find it, I strongly recommend
    b Channel Chops
    by David Biedny, Bert Monroy, and Nathan Moody. It's out of print and doesn't address recent versions of Photoshop, but the basics are still relevant. I consider it one of the very best Photoshop books in existence.

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    As long as your file is not too huge you can also copy it and paste into Photoshop. I often find this quicker than exporting.
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    This method also gives you the opportunity to copy/paste your Illy file in parts, thereby producing more layers in Photoshop and giving you the opportunity to add Photoshop layer effects.
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    Hello DrJeff08
    I'm happy to report that I did manage to solve my problem,
    perhaps if we're lucky we'll solve yours too. (This is my first
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    Opacity mask of clipping path are the two ways to do this in Illustrator. Photoshop is the ideal program for this task.

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    • if the Layer is a Background Layer change it to a regular one by double-clicking it
    • make a Selection with whatever Selection Tool is appropriate
    • if you selected the background use Select > Inverse to invert the Selection
    • Layer > Layer Mask > From Transparency
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    File > save for web (& devices). That will give you the best and smallest web-ready graphics. With save as you're embedding all kinds of info that doesn't need to be in the image. File size can bloat ten-fold quickly. Use save for web.

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    Set your background to transparent (press apple+J to open the window you need) as it may currently be set to "solid" and render the movie out using Animation, as this preset will support transparency. That should do it.

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    Is this the look you're going for?
    A sample layered psd file with your logo (as pixels; I didn't take the time to redraw it) and Outer Glow layer style, along with several test backgrounds, and the logo itself saved as a .png with transparency can be found here:
    Here's how the transparent .png looks over a web page background:

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