Master Data Object

Hi Gurus, I am required to add the grant to the AR cube along with it's associated master data. This is first time for me, so please provide step by step guidance and I will assigned full points.
Am I to create Multiprovider?
Message was edited by:

Hi Toja,
please specify with more detail what does "to add the grant to the AR cube along with it's associated master data" mean?
Do you need to activated and load the AR cube along with its master data IObj??
If yes, start analyzing the business content in this area and identify which objects are required and to be activated.
Then analyze the gap btw your req and your business requirement.
Finally activate the content and implement the gap.
hope this helps even if I am unsure about your enquiry....

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    Pradip Parmar

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    Any help is much appreciated.

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    R/3 in RSA5
    Sales Master Data
    0ACCNT_ASGN_TEXT               Account assignment group for this customer   
    0ACCNT_GRP_TEXT                Customer account group                       
    0BILBLK_DL_TEXT                Locked                                       
    0BILBLK_ITM_TEXT               Billing block for item                       
    0BILL_BLOCK_TEXT               Billing block in SD document                 
    0BILL_CAT_TEXT                 Billing Category                             
    0BILL_RELEV_TEXT               Relevant for Billing                         
    0BILL_RULE_TEXT                Billing rule                                 
    0BILL_TYPE_TEXT                Billing Type                                 
    0CONSUMER_ATTR                 Consumer                                     
    0CONSUMER_LKLS_HIER            Consumer                                     
    0CONSUMER_TEXT                 Consumer                                     
    0CUST_CLASS_TEXT               Customer Classification                      
    0CUST_GROUP_TEXT               Customer Group                               
    0CUST_GRP1_TEXT                Customer Group 1                             
    0CUST_GRP2_TEXT                Customer Group 2                             
    0CUST_GRP3_TEXT                Customer Group 3                             
    0CUST_GRP4_TEXT                Customer Group 4                             
    0CUST_GRP5_TEXT                Customer Group 5                             
    0DEALTYPE_TEXT                 Sales Deal Type                              
    0DEL_BLOCK_TEXT                Delivery block (document header)             
    0DEL_TYPE_TEXT                 Delivery Type                                
    0DISTR_CHAN_TEXT               Distribution Channel                         
    0DIVISION_TEXT                 Division                                     
    0DLV_BLOCK_TEXT                Schedule line blocked for delivery           
    0DOC_CATEG_TEXT                SD Document Category                         
    0DOC_TYPE_TEXT                 Sales Document Type                          
    0INCOTERMS_TEXT                Incoterms (Part 1)                           
    0INDUSTRY_TEXT                 Industry keys                                
    0IND_CODE_3_TEXT               Industry code 3                              
    0IND_CODE_4_TEXT               Industry code 4                              
    0IND_CODE_5_TEXT               Industry code 5                              
    0IND_CODE_TEXT                 Industry code                                
    0ITEM_CATEG_TEXT               Sales document item category                 
    0ITM_TYPE_TEXT                 FS item type                                 
    0KHERK_TEXT                    Condition Origin                             
    0MATL_GRP_1_TEXT               Material Group1                                         
    0MATL_GRP_2_TEXT               Material Group 2                                         
    0MATL_GRP_3_TEXT               Material Group 3                                         
    0MATL_GRP_4_TEXT               Material Group 4                                         
    0MATL_GRP_5_TEXT               Material Group 5                                         
    0MATL_TYPE_TEXT                Material Type                                            
    0MAT_STGRP_TEXT                Material statistics group                                
    0NIELSEN_ID_TEXT               Nielsen ID                                               
    0ORD_REASON_TEXT               Order reason (reason for the business transaction)       
    0PICK_INDC_TEXT                Indicator for picking control                            
    0PRODCAT_TEXT                  Product Catalog Number                                   
    0PROD_HIER_TEXT                Product Hierarchy                                        
    0PROMOTION_ATTR                Promotion                                                
    0PROMOTION_TEXT                Promotion                                                
    0PROMOTYPE_TEXT                Promotion Type                                           
    0PROV_GROUP_TEXT               Commission Group                                         
    0REASON_REJ_TEXT               Reason for rejection of quotations and sales orders      
    0REBATE_GRP_TEXT               Volume rebate group                                      
    0RECIPCNTRY_TEXT               Destination country                                      
    0ROUTE_TEXT                          Route                                                    
    0SALESDEAL_ATTR                Sales deal                                               
    0SALESDEAL_TEXT                Sales deal                                               
    0SALESORG_ATTR                 Sales organization                                       
    0SALESORG_TEXT                 Sales Organization                                       
    0SALES_DIST_TEXT               Sales district                                           
    0SALES_GRP_TEXT                Sales Group                                              
    0SALES_OFF_TEXT                Sales Office                                             
    0SCHD_CATEG_TEXT               Schedule line category                                   
    0SHIP_POINT_TEXT               Shipping point/receiving point  
    In BW
    Base Unit of Measure     0BASE_UOM
    Bill-to party                    0BILLTOPRTY
    Calendar Day                  0CALDAY
    Calendar Year/Month      0CALMONTH
    Calendar Year/Week      0CALWEEK
    Change Run ID              0CHNGID
    Company code              0COMP_CODE  
    Cost in statistics currency          0COST_VAL_S
    Credit/debit posting (C/D)            0DEB_CRED
    Distribution Channel       0DISTR_CHAN
    Division                                     0DIVISION 
    Number of documents    0DOCUMENTS
    Sales Document Category          0DOC_CATEG
    Document category /Quotation/Order/Delivery/Invoice 0DOC_CLASS
    Number of Document Items         0DOC_ITEMS
    Fiscal year / period
    Fiscal year variant                      0FISCVARNT
    Gross weight in kilograms           0GR_WT_KG
    Number of Employees    0HDCNT_LAST
    Material                                     0MATERIAL
    Net value in statistics currency    0NET_VAL_S
    Net weight in kilograms 0NT_WT_KG
    Open orders quantity in base unit of measure 0OPORDQTYBM
    Net value of open orders in statistics currency 0OPORDVALSC
    Payer                            0PAYER
    Plant                             0PLANT
    Quantity in base units of measure 0QUANT_B
    Record type                   0RECORDTP
    Request ID                    0REQUID
    Sales Employee            0SALESEMPLY
    Sales Organization         0SALESORG
    Sales group                   0SALES_GRP
    Sales Office                   0SALES_OFF
    Shipping point                0SHIP_POINT
    Ship-To Party                0SHIP_TO
    Sold-to party                  0SOLD_TO
    Statistics Currency                    0STAT_CURR
    In R3 RSA5 we have all the Master data data sources as mentioned above, and BW also. How to find the related Master data Infosource in R/3 Master data Data sources.
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by: Bhima Chandra Sekhar Guntla

    <i>How to know which master data objects need to activated from delivery version to active version in R/3 for a particular standard cube like 0SD_C03.</i>
    I think, you are looking for master data sources(text,attributes,hier).Am i right?
    If so, This cube has almost all SD master data characterstics. So you can activate all the all master data datasources of SD in r/3 (SD-IO).
    Any way you requirement does not stop only by using this cube . You will activate all other cubes in SD also. So if you want to activate only needed master data datasources when you are activating a cube, the job becomes senseless. There is no problem(wrong) in activating all master data available under that application , even though you want to activate only one cube.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

  • How to find the size of the master data objects in the BW system?

    We would like to understand the size of the master data tables overall for a specific source system (Logical name is Ex.ABCD, which supplies all master data to BW). Can you please advise the procedure to find out this?
    Is there any table that will allows to see all the master data objects related to specific sources system so that we can find out that table size? Thanks.
    For example, we have many Texts, Hier & Attributes.
    Advance Thanks.
    Edited by: BW USA on Feb 2, 2010 10:52 AM

    You can find out all the master data tales used in the BW system by
    Tcode : SE11
    Enter as /BIC/P* for master data tables and press F4 which gives list of master data tables currently used in BW system.
    Similarly for Texts  /BIC/T*  and press F4
    Similarly for Hierarchies /BIC/H-* press F4
    and can know the size of the all tables.

  • Master Data Governance & Implementation of SAP Master Data Objects

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    If any one in SAP community has implemented Master data governance, I would like to benefit from their experience and hence the request

    Not sure what sampling approach is, but it certainly help build a business case if you can provide sample data and case studies.
    You may refer the SAP Provided PDF and presentations, to build your Business Case.
    [SAP MDG|]

  • List of Master Data Objects in ECC 6.0

    Hi All,
    Can anyone please provide me a list of Master Data Objects in ECC 6.0? *\[removed by moderator\]
    Kaushik Koli.
    Edited by: Kaushik Koli on Jul 1, 2008 1:20 PM
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Jul 1, 2008 4:32 PM

    Hi Gareth,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I know it is not an easy task but I need to provide a list of master data objects in ECC 6.0.
    Can you atleast tell me where to start from? Any manual way of finding it will also do?
    Kaushik Koli.

  • Is it possible to delete the keyfigures data in a master data object?......

    Hi Folks,
    can any one please tell me how can i delete a particular keyfigures data i na master data object.
    just i loaded wrong data to the keyfigure.i want to delete the whole data for the keyfigure any one please help me .its very urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ashok,
       you  cant delete   particular attribute (as keyfigure  in ur case..) data for particular master data.. you need to delete entire master data once.. but before that you need to delete  transactional data related that master data.. and then load  once again with the correct data...
        but you can't delete particular attribute(key figure data)...
       otherwise.. you can load once again the correct data.. because.. if you load same data  means master data  will just ovverwrite the  previous data  so, you can try with this option also..

  • Transaction code to list the warehouse master data objects

    Hello all,
    Is there any transaction code that lists all the warehouse master data objects/ reports. If there is any transaction code or document related to it pl. post it.

    Hi Greetings
    Transaction : SAP1
    Logistics Execution --> Warehouse Management --> Master Data
    You can find Number if WM master data reports.
    Gobinathan G

  • Master data object - Available for reporting related

    Hi Colleagues,
    I want to load some 'duplicates' to info Object X. Meaning I have all values same but differ in one attribute. (Key is same). I do not want to use compounding for few reasons. I have not explored on functinality masterdata for reporting (Flexible update, not sure i used correct word) Can you please extend help in understanding the following..
    Questions 1:
    I understand that I can make available for reporting the existing master data object.
    2) Can I add some code to allow duplicates there?
    3) Can still the infoobjet navigational attributes has the same functionality - meaning they can be reported from reports of this newly extended masterdata?
    Thanks for your time.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Arun,
    Thanks for your time..
    Infoobject alread exists with out the attribute below at the monet. It is also available in the cubes for my reporting on cubes..I would like to add the following attribute for my phase 2 for my new reporting needs..
    <u>Infoobject  - Attribute,</u>
    SKU1  - GRP1
    SKU1  - GRP2
    SKU2  - GRP2
    The issue is with the 1st 2 records.. As I do not have the componding.. My Cube already have Infoobject with lots of data... I do not want to add attribute componding as it demands for the presence in the cubes also. So I have to double the current data base size.. Ahh I do not want this..
    Coming to reporting on the cube
    I would like to report on both the things.. Like..
    Including attribute
    SKU1 GRP1 abcd
    SKU1 GRP2 abcd
    SKU2 GRP3 xyz
    excluding attribute
    SKU1 abcd
    SKU2 xyd
    We do not have any keyfigures..none is related with time..
    Hope I am clear..
    Thanks for your time,
    Message was edited by: Hari Kiran

  • Load Failure for Master Data object

    Dear Sdns,
                        Am doing daily master data loading for VENODR_ATTR master data object.... Am loading it through DELTA Update.... I got an error in Status Tab.
    rror message from the source system
    An error occurred in the source system.
    System response
    Caller 09 contains an error message.
    Further analysis:
    The error occurred in Service API .
    Refer to the error message.
    How you remove the error depends on the error message.
    If the source system is a Client Workstation, then it is possible that the file that you wanted to load was being edited at the time of the data request. Make sure that the file is in the specified directory, that it is not being processed at the moment, and restart the request.
    The Error Message is : - Update mode R is not supported by the extraction API.The application program for the extraction of the data was called using  
    update mode R . However, this is not supported by the InfoSource.        
    Kindly Help me if any of the Snd people might have face this kind of problem...
    Answering Getz Appreciated,
    Warm Regards,

    Hi Aluri,
    The file might be used or being edited by some other person when you are doing the delta.
    CHeck the source system connection @ AWB.activate it.
    Follow these steps
    1. Activate transfer rules for data source in source system.
    2. Activate the ODS
    3. Activate the update rules (ods to ods and also ods to cube)
    5. Right-click at the ODS, choose 'Generate Export Data Source'
    6. Replicate the data source
    7.se38---->RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL for source system .
    Then start data loading again.
    Hope this helps.
    Assign points if useful.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Loading from ODS to Master data Object

    Hi Friends ,
              Please let me know how to load from ODS to a master data object.

    Hi Krishna,
    If your master data is enabled as "Infoprovider" then you can use an export datasource on the ODS and load the data into your master data.
    I am not sure if it will work if the master data info-object is not enabled as "Infoprovider".
    The other mechanism would be to use an infospoke to download the ODS data into a flatfile. And then use the flatfile to upload the master data.
    Hope this helps.

  • Loading to Master data object

    A master data object is loaded on a daily basis from R3 (Full Load).  In the past there have been loads to the same object via flat files.
    A full load from R3 does not overwrite records which are not part of R3 but part of a flat file load, is that correct? Thanks

    Just to add (even though it is answerd )
    If you had the zero-fill property set in OMSL(?) for material no, these two would values have been treated as one (with zeroes filled on the left). Check table value for field TMCNV-FLAG0 (this should be set to 'X' to have the numeric values zero-filled automatically).
    Caution : once this setting is done and materials loaded, it shall never be changed.

  • Loads to Master data object

    If I have created selection packages to load to a master data object for example:
    1. Load to 0MAT_PLANT
    2. Five packages created filtered by plant range
    If I kick off the first package do I need this load to finish before the second package can load into the object i.e. 0MAT_PLANT is locked by the first package or can I load packages in parallel to a master data object?  If so how? Thanks

    Thanks for that, have carried that out.  I have observed the following would be grateful if someone could confirm
    1. Have a package running 2+ million lines
    2. Kick off a package with a few hundred thousand lines after the first package, will complete before first package
    3. Get an error since the extract completes in R3.  However cannot load to the object since it is locked by the first
    4.  Message below:
    User BWR3REMOTE is preventing you from loading master data for
    characteristic 0MAT_PLANT . The lock was set by the master data loading
    process with the request number (DataPackage number)
    REQU_46MIUD73IBHYLLD9KZCAX4P47(000226) on 20070729,171630(711753) .

  • How to Display the ColumnName for the Text of any Master Data Object in BEx

    Hi Experts,
    In Bex Analyzer While Displaying the Key and text of any Master data object it shows column name for master data key but not for the text, here client requirement is he wants to see the Text column name as Description  for any master data text.
    say Customer Number is a master data object , while displaying key and text of CustomerNumber - column names should look  like as below
    CustomerNumber    Description
    C11111                     Pepco
    C11112                     Coke
    but usually in Bex Analyzer it displys as following(Text without  column Name)                      
    C11111                     Pepco
    C11112                     Coke
    Please suggest how can we achive this requirement, thanks in advance.

    Hi Chandra,
    I suggest you to enhance your datasource with text feild, by adding text feild to your datasource in ECC side and replicate it ti BI side.
    For this you have to write code at CMOD.
    Better this doc will help you.

  • How to load data for attribute of Master Data Object from PSA

    Hi Experts,
    I have a Master data Object, 0Equipment.
    I loaded data to PSA from R/3.
    I am able to see records for Zxxx field in PSA.
    I have added a new mapping object Zxxx in BW.
    But, when I loaded the data from PSA to Master Data Object, 0Equipment,
    I am not able to see records for Zxxx which is an attribute of 0Equipment.
    I do see the records for rest of the attributes of this Master Data Object.
    I tried deleting and reloading the data
    and treid to check attribute change run
    Please let me know if I am missing something in loading the Master Data from PSA

    Jr Roberto,
    I checked all the records in Maintain Master Data and did set the Zxxx Not Equal To Blank.
    No data for Zxxx InfoObject, eventhough there is data in the corresponding field in PSA.
    I did 1:1 mapping.
    Need help

  • Turning off the text for a master data object

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    There are no issues in turning off the texts, but if its an object that requires description in the report, say material, plant etc, then you won't have that available as the texts are disabled and not loaded.

Maybe you are looking for

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