MB Pro Display Problems

Hey everyone, my friend recently dropped his MB Pro from about 1-2 feet on a carpeted floor. This is what his display looks like:
Do you guys think it's a loose connector from the board -> display?
Any thoughts on a diagnosis?

Hi there,
well, it wasn't all this bad...
Yesterday I tried to get it fixed by following the description from here:
I tried to install the first update but my computer said I don't need that! And so I quit it...
I went to the Apple Store today, we looked for the right update and found the "Lion Thunderbolt Software Update", downloaded it, installed it..... and tested it. And it works fine now.
Thanks to the Apple Store in Vancouver (Pacific Center)!
But why don't you guys have Thunderbolt Displays in the store!?!?!?!
Greetz and cheers!

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    Hi D,
    I am not aware of the 9400 having a similar volume of issues. All hardware will have a certain percentage of issues, but the 8600 is/was well above the norm. I don't believe the same is true of the 9400, and if it is, there still isn't a special repair program for it. I recommend perusing the 2008/later MBP forums.

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    That card is for a PC it may not give you Startup and Option-Boot screens.
    The 7950 "Mac Edition" card has a very distinctive look:
    http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/product_index.aspx?cid=1&gid=3& sgid=1157&pid=1777&psn=&leg=0&lid=1

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    Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT & 9400M
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    It could just be bad. Do you have another computer to try it with?

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    why is that, is it mean, i don't have retina option on my mb pro?
    thanks for your answers!

    thanks my Ginger!
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    I tried with display reset by pressing Shift + Ctrl + Eject to solve this problem but it still happen.
    So which is the problem, the graphic display (NVIDIA 8600M GT graphic card or my display screen?

    Hope you're within 4 years of your original purchase date:

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    Wrong font display:
    Normal font display:

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    Please see the Pic:
    Wrong:(click to see large)
    Normal:(click to see large)

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  • MacBook Pro display doesn't work

    Hi everyone,
    My MacBook Pro's display has been working erratically in the last weeks.
    The first time, the display did not work for two day. Second time for almost a week (during Easter) and now for three days.
    I've never had any hardware related issues with my old Apple computers, so this is very strange to me.
    I've already followed the instructions posted here: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=300537
    The computer seems to work normally, I can hear the startup chime and the drive spinning if I get close to the machine. The problem is the display or the graphics card.
    I am in Peru at the moment and contacted the local Apple Reseller and they've told me it takes approximately 60 days to have it repaired. I'm thinking about flying to the US to have it repaired quickly, I can't wait that long.
    My Mac's specs are:
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz 2 Cores; 4MB L2 Cache; 4GB RAM; 800MHz Bus Speed;
    Boot ROM Version: MBP31.0070.B00
    SMC Version: 1.18f2
    Graphics/Display specs:
    Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT
    Type: Display
    Bus: PCIe
    PCIe Lane Width: x8
    VRAM (Total): 256 MB
    Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
    Device ID: 0x0407
    Revision ID: 0x00a1
    ROM Revision: 3172
    Color LCD:
    Display Type: LCD
    Resolution: 1920 x 1200
    Depth: 32-bit Color
    Built-In: Yes
    Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Quartz Extreme: Supported
    Display Connector:
    Status: No display connected
    Has anyone had a similar problem? Were you able to solve it without taking it to Apple?
    Thanks for your help!
    Message was edited by: YoQuieroTacoBell

    I am going to chime in because I had the problem, did an archive and install which fixed the display problem but a display issue is back again! When I did the Archive and Install, I purposefully did NOT install the graphics update. That fixed the issue until yesterday...... I think the monitors worked alright when I started up in the morning but later in the day, I noticed that the external monitor (SyncMaster225BW) was a yellowish color and the letters were distorted. Ok, so I unplugged it and previously when I unplugged it (since the Archive and Install anyway), the MBP display would go blue but come right back on. Not so yesterday. It stayed blue so I had to press the power button to get it to go off. Booted up and came on. Plugged the external monitor in (can't remember if I plugged it in while it was shut down or after) and it worked fine. Booted up this morning and the resolution and color on both monitors was yellowish and not right. In fact "mirroring" was turned on, something that I did not choose. Recalibrated my MBP monitor. Got that right. Oh, and yesterday and today, I had to choose my background pictures for both monitors. Couldn't get the external monitor to work right so unplugged it which caused the MBP monitor to go blue and stay blue. Had to reboot again. Left the external monitor unplugged. Started writing this post and plugged in the external monitor again and all is right. Both have the correct background picture and resolution and in the menu bar, both are listed with the correct names (first thing this morning they weren't named Color LCD and SyncMaster). So anyway, that is my display woes. I was so happy that all was well after doing the Archive and Install and not doing the graphics update but something else is going on now. Not sure what. Hope this issue gets fixed soon! Please Apple....... Judy

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