MBP switch to SDD questions

I got my MBP two weeks ago coming with the Lion but without SDD. I want to use the SDD now.
First, can I just add the SDD disk to my MBP without removing my old disk?
Second, if I had to remove the old one, do I need to buy the Lion or the Apple Store can give me one?
Third, do I have to get the SDD from Apple Store?
Thanks guys

No, but you can clone your hard drive to the SSD if the HDD isn't too full. But if that isn't convenient, then you can reinstall Lion onto the new drive. Put either the SSD or the HDD into an external enclosure for notebook SATA drives (or you can also get these USB to SATA drive adaptors.) Here's the general process:
How to replace or upgrade a drive in a laptop
Step One: Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alterhatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
Shutdown the computer.
Step Two: Remove the old drive and install the new drive.  Place the old drive in an external USB enclosure.  You can buy one at OWC who is also a good vendor for drives.
Step Three: Boot from the external drive.  Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager appears.  Select the icon for the external drive then click on the downward pointing arrow button.
Step Four: New Hard Drive Preparation
1.  Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
2. After DU loads select your new hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID (for Intel Macs) or APM (for PPC Macs) then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.
Step Five: Install Lion
Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears.
Select Reinstall Lion from the menu and click on the Install button. When the installer appears you can switch from the boot drive (HDD) to the SSD as the destination. This will result in Lion being installed on the SSD.
The computer will start automatically once Lion has been installed, and should boot from the SSD.
Step Six: Open the Startup Disk preferences and select the new internal volume.Eject the external drive and disconnect it from the computer.

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    Message was edited by: James Fish


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    plampione wrote:
    I am about to buy the macs, so both the desktop and macbook pro will be fast.  I plan on buying the fastest processor, 8gig of ram on the macbook, debating 8 or 16 on the imac, though from the previous thread sounds like it should be 16, and ssd on both (imac with 256 ssd + 2 TB HD, macbook with 512 sad).
    I suggest ordering both Macs with the minimum RAM and adding 3rd party RAM yourself.  The task is trivial and will save you heaps.  I bought my iMac with 4GBs (that's two 2GB modules plus two empty slots), and then added two 4GB modules into the empty slots.  So I have 12GBs.  My plan is to try to live with just 12GBs until 8GB modules become affordable, and then replace the two original 2GB modules with two 8GB modules, bringing it to 24GBs.  If needed, I'd ultimately go to 32GBs by replacing the two 4GB modules I have just installed.
    I think the MacBook Pro (MBP) still has only two slots, so using 4GB modules, you are limited to 8GBs.  If the architecture of the MBP supports it, you may be able to go to 16GB when 8GB modules become affordable.  But you'd need to check this.
    - using an attached harddrive on the macbook pro - Definitely a reasonable idea, but I was hoping to be able to bring up the library from anywhere in the house.  I do have gigabit ethernet throughout the house and can wire in as needed, but again, was hoping to be able to sit on the sofa and do some tagging.
    Another way to achieve this still has your Aperture Library and Masters on the iMac as I recommended above.  You could use the MBP to share the screen of the iMac.  It's a standard OS X function, no software to buy.  You enable sharing on the iMac and log in from the MBP.  That way you have the function on your sofa, but the power and capacity of the iMac for your actual work.  This works fine over wifi for me via an Airport Extreme using 802.11N
    - Backup - by putting the masters on the imac i was planning on using time machine to back them up onsite, and crashplan to backup offsite.
    Good plan.  TM and Crashplan are good products and free.
    I'd also recommend making a second onsite backup by cloning to a pair of external drives, and periodically send one of these drives offsite.  You may find that Crashplan for offsite backup over the internet is too slow if you have a big photo shoot.
    What if I plug into the gigabit ethernet whenever I am going to run aperture?  Would that allow the imac/macbook model to work?  Concerned about the performance issues described above though, even for the machines themselves.  Would copying the library nightly to my wife's computer work?  How big does a 20+k library get with referenced masters?
    Size of the library depends on many factors such as choices for previews, and the amount of editing (adjustments) you do, but here is a data point.  I have 47K images, many RAW and the Library was about 60GBs, the referenced Masters another 280GBs.  I say "was" because I have let it grow by importing recent images into it.
    Today we are on PCs and I use windows live photo gallery and tag all my photos, which are stored on a NAS, my wife also runs WLPG and can see all the tagging I do.  This works pretty well and is simple, I just import from the camera, show all 'untagged' photos/videos, and tag them.  I also move them to a basic folder structure to be safe.
    I understand this is not as feasible on mac, and if you are wondering why I am switching, it is because I have been having a lot of stability problems with the pc's and have had enough.  I use iphones, ipads, and apple tv's.  Recently got a macbook air and really like it.  Just need to figure out how to manage the photo/video library.
    A lot of my concerns about your plan are because I'm impatient.  On my MBP, it was taking about 5 seconds to render each image as I reviewed them.  I typically take a very short time to tag the images, so the computer was slower then me.  Now, with the iMac, I'm the slow link in the chain.
    It may be that you are used to a leisurely tagging process, but I have no experience with WLPG.
    The great things about Aperture that I really love, having come from a Photoshop background are that Aperture is always non-destructive in its editing and it is non-modal in the UI.
    There is a price to be paid for non-destructive editing.  Aperture often has to go back to the Master and then apply your adjustments.  This takes resources.  But it saves you time.  And you don't have to muck around creating another external folder structure yourself, as it seems you do with WLPG.  I just import my images into "Projects" in Aperture (the Masters are Managed), and when I want to selectively change Managed Masters to Referenced Masters, I just tell Aperture to do this and that it should utilize my Project structure as the external folder structure.  Aperture does all the folder creation for me, yippee!
    Finally, you may even find that the MacBook Air is good enough to do the tagging on with the shared screen approach I mentioned above, and then maybe you don't have to buy a MBP.
    HTH.  Happy to discuss further

  • XMP questions and more switching from LR questions too.

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    All feedback is much appreciated!

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    I was really pleased when I found that Aperture 3 read all the other metadata correctly!

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    Appreciate everyone's help as always!

    To be honest, nobody but Apple knows what Apple is thinking but usb is not a good alternative. I also don't know of too many professional post houses or broadcast studios that have anything to do with firewire infrastructure at all. You can get firewire 800 to firewire 400 adapter cables for cheap, search the internet. You can then daisy chain your camera/capture device in line with your storage device.
    The better alternative is to get a express firewire card for your MacBook pro as you mentioned which would create two firewire buses; one for capturing, one for storage. Again, you can search the internet and here's a place to get you started http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Sonnet%20Technology/FW800E34/
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    Unix provides a function known as Touch which will modify the dates modified and created for files. You can learn more about it here:
    If you open the application Terminal in Applications -> Utilities, and drag the said file after inserting the touch command of your choice (providing a space between the complete command sequence and allowing the path of the file to show up), and then hit the enter key, you will be able to modify the date created and modified on the Finder. I don't know how iMovie sequences its own folders, but that's how to change the Finder info for the file.
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  • Switch stack connectivity question

    x.x.x.10 = stack 1
    x.x.x.11 = stack 2
    my question since i have been thrown to the wolves is (with very little experience): I am at one site with 2 stacks. Is connecting stack 1 to stack 2 done with a crossover or straight through cable? On stack 1 I have 6/0/19 and 6/0/20 being used for avaya vm erver and avaya ip office. So I need to make sure that second stack can communciate to number 1 in order for the prots on the second stack to recognize the vm server and ip office locations. I'm a little confused. I know I shouldn't use a stackwise cable. Any help would be appreciated.

    Not to be overly technical or picky, the term "stack" refers to the feature that the 3750 is capable of and stacking this platform would require a "stackwise" cable. It should come with the switch and it's silver. you connect the 3750 through stack port in the back of this switch. Now, if you are simply connecting two switches together, you will require a cross-over cable. A good rule of thumb is when connecting two alike devices you will need cross-over, like router to router or switch to switch. If they are not alike then you will need straight.

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    Good day to all.  We have a small LAN with less than 10 switches total.  Including all the network printers and PCs and servers there are about 70 nodes in this building.  In the data room, there are (6) 24-port Catalyst switches.  I am trying to determine the best way to inter-connect them.  2 of the switches are c3750x and are stacked.  2 are C3560X and cannot be stacked, and the other 2 are C2960G and cannot be stacked.  Also, there is a C2960G in another building connected to one of these 6 via a 1G uplink.  I wish I had gotten more of the switches with stack capability, but at the time I was not aware of the advantages of stacking.
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    So here is the way I have it set up right now: there is a 1-G fiber uplink from another building and the fiber is FDDI so it is not possible to use a 10-G uplink between the buildings; they are too far apart for FDDI.  We might run some OM3 fiber later, but for now, the 1-G uplink is the best we can do.  So the 2 buildings are connected using a gigabit fiber uplink with SFP ports, and the fiber coming from the other building is connected to the C3560 that is not the default gateway.  The default gateway switch, call it switch-1, is using both the 10-G uplinks and has one 10-G port connected to the master in the 2-switch stack, (one of the C3750X's, call it Switch-A).  The other 10-G uplink goes to the other C3560X, call it Switch-2 (Switch-2 is the one with the fiber uplink from the other building).  Switch B is the stack slave and is only connected via the stack cables.  The other 2 switches are C2960G-24TC-L and one is connected to Switch-A with a 1-G copper SFP uplink, call it Switch-3, and Switch3 is connected to the other C2960G with a 1-G copper uplink.  I have attached a basic diagram.
    So... my question is, without spending more money, is this the best way to connect them?  I could use more of a hub and spoke topology if I did not stick to SFP ports for all the up-linking.  It was my understanding that the SFP ports are the best ones to use for uplinks.  But due to the limitations of the network modules, I could not connect more than 2 SFP uplinks from a given switch, or 3 in some cases where only 1G uplinks were used.
    If we did not mind spending a few more thousand (I would love to run OM3 between the buildings and get the speed up to 10G), so if we had another 5 to $10,000 to spend, would it be worth getting a switch full of fast SFP modules and using it to uplink all the other switches (a total of 5 counting the link from the other building and not counting Switch-B since it connects via the stack)?  Everything is working well, so it might be better to leave it alone.  Any helpful comments and/or suggestions are welcomed with a heaping helping of sincere appreciation!

    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    What you might consider is using your dual 3750X stack as the physical core and as the L3 router.  All your other switches (except the off-site switch) would have dual port channel links, one link to each 3750X.  This provides core and L3 redundancy and can provide more inter switch bandwidth.
    For you critical single home devices, such as your Internet and off-site switch connections, you can have a logical configuration "mirror" port ready on the second 3750X stack member, so if the member with the active link fails, you only need to repatch.  (This can also be use for other critical single homed servers).
    On a 3560X/3750X switches you do want to use the SFP ports for your busy ports (because they have their own reserved hardware buffers).  However, if you use 10g port, as 10g, you lose half your SFP ports.  Without knowing your expected traffic flow patterns, I cannot not say whether using all the SFP ports for dual gig port-channels would be better than having some on copper edge ports and some as dual 10g fiber ports.

  • Layer3 Switching and BVI questions 2948l3 to 3750

    We currently have a 2948L3 Core switch which does the routing of our two class C ip schemes. I did this using a BVI. We have purchased a 3750L3 gigabit to replace a core switch at another location however it appears some of the bridging that was capable in the 2948L3 is no longer supported in the 3750 or the methods for implementing it has changes.
    On the 2948 I configured it like so and everything works great.
    ip subnet-zero
    bridge irb
    interface BVI1
    description Kludge for and to exist within the same broadcast domain
    ip address secondary
    ip address
    no ip directed-broadcast
    bridge 1 protocol ieee
    bridge 1 route ip
    I then add any port into bridge-group 1 and it can route between the two subnets.
    The 3750L3 does not support bridge protocol ieee only vlan-bridge. Here is the config of the 3750
    version 12.2
    switch 1 provision ws-c3750g-24ts
    ip subnet-zero
    no file verify auto
    spanning-tree mode pvst
    no spanning-tree optimize bpdu transmission
    spanning-tree extend system-id
    vlan internal allocation policy ascending
    bridge irb
    interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
    no mdix auto
    interface Vlan1
    no ip address
    bridge-group 1
    interface BVI1
    description BVI to allow and to exist
    ip address secondary
    ip address
    ip classless
    ip route BVI1
    ip route BVI1
    ip http server
    ip http secure-server
    bridge 1 protocol vlan-bridge
    bridge 1 route ip
    When i try to add any port to bridge group 1 other than vlan1 it tells me that
    % command accepted but obsolete, unreleased or unsupported.
    So my question is how would I allow two different subnets to work in the same broadcast domain on a 3750 like i did on the 2948. I've looked all over the cisco site but have not found any info on what config proceeds the bridge ieee command that i used on the 2948.

    Clearly most of the bridging commands are not supported on the 3750.

  • MBP i7 istat temperature question

    My very first post!
    anyways, quick question....i recently installed istat on my mbp and the temperature section lists 2 memory controllers, one is at ~36 C at the other at ~94 C. Why are there two memory controllers and why is there such a big temperature difference?? this is under light workload btw

    reinstalled istat and now only showing one "memory controller" at "normal" temp.
    perhaps the high temp. at ~94c caused the istat to freeze.
    anyone else ever have this problem?

  • MBP switch itself off sporadically

    The short version: my MacBookPro (technical details below) switches itself off sporadically and nobody knows why!
    The long story now: In July this year began my MacBookPro began to switch itself off. Due to the fact that this happened first while using Aperture 3 I thought that the problem was Aperture-related. It wasn't, the MBP did this after this first failure also while using other programs, even then, when Aperture was not open in the background.
    So I started searching. First the usual things (Onyx, safe reboot, DiskWarrior, PRAM-reset), then the special ones (test with TechToolPro - everything was ok!) - but this didn't change anything: the MBP still switches itself off!
    I couldn't even find a pattern: it happened after hours of use as well as shortly / during the (re)start or in battery-mode or when it was plugged in.
    I made a backup of everything, wiped (secure) the harddrive, installed a new system on it, made all the system-updates and used it like this for a while. Nothing changed, it still switched itself off sometime!
    I took it then to SCNet in Essen to have it repaired. They tested it for one week and found nothing! The MBP had beautiful results in all of the tests and switched itself off not even a single time - a wonderful machine, they said!
    I took it back home, this wonderful machine, and used it whitout any change for a while. After some time, the nightmare began again!
    Now I really don't know what to try anymore... so I'm here!
    Here are the technical details about my MBP:
    - MBP 17"
    - built in 2007
    - RAM maxed from 2 auf 4 GB by Gravis (an autorised reseller) in Essen (in 2008)
    - the internal harddrive (160 GB) changed by the same Gravis in Essen through a new one (320 GB) (also in 2008)
    - logic board changed by SCNet due to an NVIDIA-error (it was paid by Apple!) - I've posted about this here (http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=11403389#11403389) already.
    - Mac OS X 10.6.4
    Do you have any advice? Do you experienced something like this or at least heard of such a nightmare?
    I am very grateful for any advice!

    I took it then to SCNet in Essen to have it repaired. They tested it for one week and found nothing! The MBP had beautiful results in all of the tests and switched itself off not even a single time
    When the issue occurs with you, are there any peripherals connected to your computer? If so, remove them.
    Make sure you are not using the computer on your lap as it is not a laptop. Sometimes if the Macbook Pro gets too hot, it will shut itself off.
    Per your user manual: Do not operate your MacBook Pro on a pillow or other soft material, as the material can block the airflow vents. Never place anything over the keyboard when operating your MacBook Pro. Never push objects into the ventilation openings.
    From MacBook Pro: Care, Use, and Safety Information
    If you have Apple Care, I would give them a call. Advise them what the repair shop told you. You may need to take your computer to another repair shop for a 2nd opinion.

  • Upgrading my MBP to SSD today, question...

    So, my plan is to fresh install Lion on it when I get it, but my question is this.  Am I better off, since I'm using a fresh Lion install to also install all my apps from scratch instead of using the migration assistant after Lion is installed?  Is it irrelevant?  (I have noticed that when I delete programs, the amount of space they should free up, they seem not to, so was thinkin fresh installs of everything would give me back some space?)
    Also, any reason not to delete the printer driver file (~2.0gb) and just install the one driver I need?
    Any other space saving tips that might help me out on my new SSD (going from 320 to 180gb)?
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Am I better off, since I'm using a fresh Lion install to also install all my apps from scratch
    any reason not to delete the printer driver file (~2.0gb) and just install the one driver I need?

  • HR Infosets - switch object selection question?

    Dear All,
    I encounter this issue. I create a HR Infosets using logical database PNPCE. As the requirement of our HR Dept, so we need to add more extras fields (by code).
    The problem when we switch on/off object selection (from menu):
    - When the object selection is off: all the extras fields I add are available.
    - When the object selection is on: all of them are not available.
    This is my idea. All the field of infosets will be display when the object selection is on depend on SAP internal field, and the extra field we add by code will not be displayed.
    But it's my opinion. So please help me with this issue.
    Thanks in advanced.
    Edited by: Pham Thien on Nov 18, 2008 3:12 AM

    We can hide those options by implementing the Layoutsets. If you need to hide those options for standard admin user itself, then you need to change the standard Layoutsets, which is not recommended. These options are defined in the "Command Group" of the Layoutsets.
    You can Navigate to Layoutsets thru below path.
    Sys Admin -> System Configuration -> Knowledge Management ->Content Management -> User Interface -> Settings -> Layoutset
    Tweaking over the Layoutset Command group properties will hide the options which you mentioned.
    Mahendran B.

  • Switch Layers Script Question

    Hi I have a small script here which someone from these forums posted not too long ago... was it Noel? Either way, this script is fantastic and brings up a sub-menu to switch documents. When the menu pops up, it shows a list of all open documents in Photoshop. (I actually modified this script so all it does is switch documents instead of copying the active layer to another document.. somehow I managed it with the very basic knowledge I have )
    The default document selection (the document name that is highlighted in the menu) when the list opens is "0"
    I'm looking for a way to get the highlighted selection to reflect the active document instead of "0".
    I think it's somewhere in this line of code:
    win.NewList.selection = 0;
    and I've tried changing the 0 to "actLay" and also "activeLayer" but it throws me an error message. Is there a way to get the active document as the highlighted selection? Here's the code...
    var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var AllDocs = app.documents;
    var actLay = aDoc.activeLayer;
    if (AllDocs.length > 1) {
    var itemDoc = null;
    var win = new Window("dialog","Switch Documents");
    this.windowRef = win;
    win.Txt1 = win.add ("statictext", undefined, "Switch to which document?");
    win.NewList=win.add ("dropdownlist", undefined)
    for (var m = 0; m < AllDocs.length; m++) {
    win.NewList.add("item", AllDocs[m].name) 
    win.NewList.selection = 0;
    itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.actLay;
    win.cancelBtn = win.add("button", undefined, "Switch");
    win.cancelElement = win.cancelBtn;
    win.NewList.onChange= function () {
        itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.index;
        return itemDoc;
    app.activeDocument = app.documents[itemDoc];

    Here's your original code with just minor changes:
    Added a var to hold activeDocument index.
    Added if statement to set the above variable.
    Added a line to set the dropdownlist selection.
    You should also start scripts with the target application. In this case: #target photoshop
    #target photoshop  
        var aDoc = app.activeDocument; 
        var AllDocs = app.documents; 
        var actLay = aDoc.activeLayer;
        var activeIndex;//add var to hold activeDocument's index
        if (AllDocs.length > 1) { 
        var itemDoc = null; 
        var win = new Window("dialog","Switch Documents"); 
        this.windowRef = win; 
        win.Txt1 = win.add ("statictext", undefined, "Switch to which document?"); 
        win.NewList=win.add ("dropdownlist", undefined) 
        for (var m = 0; m < AllDocs.length; m++) { 
        win.NewList.add("item", AllDocs[m].name)  
        if(AllDocs[m].name == aDoc.name){activeIndex = m}//set activeIndex if activeDocument name matches current doc in list
    var docR = activeDocument
        win.NewList.selection = activeIndex;   //Set selection for dropdownlist
        //itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.actLay;
        win.cancelBtn = win.add("button", undefined, "Switch"); 
        win.cancelElement = win.cancelBtn; 
        win.NewList.onChange= function () { 
            itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.index; 
            return itemDoc; 
        app.activeDocument = app.documents[itemDoc]; 

  • MBP switches off without warning at 15% battery

    After recently upgrading to 10.6.5, I was working on my MBP and when it hit 15% of battery, without warning the laptop completely shut itself off. To reboot, I had to plug it in to power up. This has happened both times I've run low, and I have yet to get a battery low warning message, or an orderly shutdown. My MBP simply shuts off. Never had a problem like this before. Any solutions? Similar experiences?

    (n_n) is correct. Modern batteries are "smart devices". They have a computer chip that informs the operating system how much power is left and the OS uses that information to approximate how much time is left before the battery is drained. Based on this information the OS can tell you how much time you have left, when you are running on reserve power and when you are close to depleting the battery. As you use the computer, running on battery and recharging it, the onboard processor and the OS get out of sync and that's what you experienced.
    Apple recommends that you calibrate your battery to prevent this. I've set up a repeating calendar event to remind me every other month. My wife, whose computer use is different from mine, has her reminder set for every month.

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