MDT 2012 - Settings Per Task Sequence

I recently converted to MDT 2012 after running MDT 2010 for awhile (which has been great). Johan had written up an article (
that allows you to do settings per task sequence without the use of a database which was amazing for our environment. After switching to 2012 this no longer works. Is there something I'm missing or what do I need to change to make this work?

' // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
' // Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator
' // File:      DeployWiz_Initialization.vbs
' // Version:   6.0.2223.0
' // Purpose:   Main Client Deployment Wizard Initialization routines
Option Explicit
'  Image List
Dim g_AllOperatingSystems
Function AllOperatingSystems
    Dim oOSes
    If isempty(g_AllOperatingSystems) then
        set oOSes = new ConfigFile
        oOSes.sFileType = "OperatingSystems"
        oOSes.bMustSucceed = false
        set g_AllOperatingSystems = oOSes.FindAllItems
    End if
    set AllOperatingSystems = g_AllOperatingSystems
End function
Function InitializeTSList
    Dim oItem, sXPathOld
    If oEnvironment.Item("TaskSequenceID") <> "" and oProperties("TSGuid") = "" then
        sXPathOld = oTaskSequences.xPathFilter
        for each oItem in oTaskSequences.oControlFile.SelectNodes( "/*/*[ID = '" & oEnvironment.Item("TaskSequenceID")&"']")
            oLogging.CreateEntry "TSGuid changed via TaskSequenceID = " & oEnvironment.Item("TaskSequenceID"), LogTypeInfo
            oEnvironment.Item("TSGuid") = oItem.Attributes.getNamedItem("guid").value
            exit for
        oTaskSequences.xPathFilter = sXPathOld
    End if
    TSListBox.InnerHTML = oTaskSequences.GetHTMLEx ( "Radio", "TSGuid" )
End function
Function TSItemChange
    Dim oInput
    ButtonNext.Disabled = TRUE
    for each oInput in document.getElementsByName("TSGuid")
        If oInput.Checked then
            oLogging.CreateEntry "Found CHecked Item: " & oInput.Value, LogTypeVerbose
            ButtonNext.Disabled = FALSE
            exit function
        End if
End function
'  Validate task sequence List
Function ValidateTSList
    Dim oTaskList
    Dim oTS
    Dim oItem
    Dim oOSItem
    Dim sID
    Dim bFound
    Dim sTemplate
    Dim sCmd
    Set Oshell = createObject("")
    set oTS = new ConfigFile
    oTS.sFileType = "TaskSequences"
    If Property("TSGuid") = "" then
        oLogging.CreateEntry "No valid TSGuid found in the environment.", LogTypeWarning
        ValidateTSList = false
    End if
    oLogging.CreateEntry "TSGuid Found: " & Property("TSGuid"), LogTypeVerbose
    sID = ""
    sTemplate = ""
    If oTS.FindAllItems.Exists(Property("TSGuid")) then
        sID = oUtility.SelectSingleNodeString(oTS.FindAllItems.Item(Property("TSGuid")),"./ID")
        sTemplate = oUtility.SelectSingleNodeString(oTS.FindAllItems.Item(Property("TSGuid")),"./TaskSequenceTemplate")
    End if
    oEnvironment.item("TaskSequenceID") = sID
    TestAndLog sID <> "", "Verify Task Sequence ID: " & sID
    Set oTaskList = oUtility.LoadConfigFileSafe( sID & "\TS.XML" )
    If not FindTaskSequenceStep( "//step[@type='BDD_InstallOS']", "" ) then
        oLogging.CreateEntry "Task Sequence does not contain an OS and does not contain a LTIApply.wsf step, possibly a Custom Step or a Client Replace.", LogTypeInfo
        If not (oTaskList.SelectSingleNode("//group[@name='State Restore']") is nothing) then
            oProperties("DeploymentType") = "StateRestore"
        ElseIf sTemplate <> "ClientReplace.xml" and oTaskList.SelectSingleNode("//step[@name='Capture User State']") is nothing then
        End if
    Elseif oEnvironment.Item("OSVERSION")="WinPE" Then
        oLogging.CreateEntry "Task Sequence contains a LTIApply.wsf step, and is not running within WinPE.", LogTypeInfo
        oProperties("DeploymentType") = "REFRESH"
    End if
    oLogging.CreateEntry "DeploymentType = " & oProperties("DeploymentType"), LogTypeInfo
    set oTaskList = nothing
    set oTS = nothing
    ' Set the related properties
    oEnvironment.Item("ImageProcessor") = ""
    oUtility.SetTaskSequenceProperties sID
    If Left(Property("ImageBuild"), 1) < "6" then
    End If
    If oEnvironment.Item("OSGUID") <> "" and oEnvironment.Item("ImageProcessor") = "" then
        ' There was an OSGUID defined within the TS.xml file, however the GUID was not found
        ' within the OperatingSystems.xml file. Which is a dependency error. Block the wizard.
        ValidateTSList = False
        ButtonNext.Disabled = True = "inline"
        ValidateTSList = True
        ButtonNext.Disabled = False = "none"
    ENd if
    sCmd = "wscript.exe """ & oUtility.ScriptDir & "\ZTIGather.wsf"""
    oItem = oSHell.Run(sCmd, , true)
End Function

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    Thanks in advance,

    Right, you will need 2 task sequences in a replace scenario.  The REPLACE task sequence captures the user state from the running OS.  Then you use a NEW COMPUTER task sequence (I called mine RESTORE) that restores the user state back after installing
    the OS, which will boot from media or PXE.  RESTORE gets all of its values from the Default and Jackson sections. My apologies, my customsettings.ini is butchered and has comments and junk in it that I should remove to clean it up.  And you will
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    Priority=ByLaptopType, ByDesktopType, ByIsVM, DefaultGateway, TaskSequenceID, Default
    TimeZoneName=Central Standard Time
    _SMSTSOrgName=Office of xxxxxxxxxxxx
    MandatoryApplications001={aa888a5e-849a-4522-a4e4-57b39dfa29c2} ;you'll want to remove this
    USMTMigFiles004=migexcludexternaldrives.xml ;you'll want to remove this 
    USMTMigFiles005=migmydocs.xml ;and this
    ; USMTMigFiles007=config.xml
    ;ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c /vsc /all /localonly
    ScanStateArgs /v:5 /o /c /ue:%computername%\*
    LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c 
    USMTMigFiles004=migexcludexternaldrives.xml ;remove this
    USMTMigFiles005=migmydocs.xml ;and this
    ; USMTMigFiles007=config.xml
    ;ScanStateArgs=/v:5 /o /c /vsc /all /localonly
    ScanStateArgs /v:5 /o /c /ue:%computername%\* /ue:xxxxxxxxxxxx\administrator
    LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c 
    ScanStateArgs /v:5 /o /c /ue:%computername%\*
    LoadStateArgs=/v:5 /c /ue:%computername%\* /ue:xxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxx

  • MDT 2013 - Different settings per task sequence

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    I tried this too : but it doesn't work.
    Perhaps MDT 2013 acts different then 2012 and 2010???? It would be nice if you could help me out on this one. :-)

    @fapw, we use the database for a few years now and we're quite familiar with it. But we're going to install MDT for a client and they don't have SQL and they don't want to have it installed on one of their servers. So that's why I'm playing with the customsettings.ini.
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    In the meantime I've read that the skip-panels-stuff is something that stands above everything and thus it's not possible to control that using properties, like f.ex. MACaddress. Well, that's alright then.
    But I've got GOOD news for you all : selecting values for variables based on TaskSequenceID DOES WORK in MDT 2013 and ADK 8.1. This is what I did :
    So I've downloaded the vbs, created an "external" tasksequenceid.ini which is read at the beginning of my Task Sequence and booted up the pc. When you select the tasksequence of your choice the parameters get filled in correctly ! OSDComputername
    was the variable that I used to show me if the other tasksequenceid.ini file was read or not. If yes, the computername would have to be my value, if not it would be MININT-randomnumber.
    Only downside of this fantastic wizard is that going back to change one of your options is not possible anymore. The moment a variable has a value, it doesn't change anymore! That particular behaviour was messing up my tests yesterday.

  • SCCM 2012 R2 OSD Task Sequence option

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    Here are an example on a WMI query checking for a computername using wildcards,.
    -- My System Center blog -- Twitter

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    Could you advise?
    Kind regards,

    > > Define "assigned to computer objects". How is this done technically?
    Well, computer objects are members of collections via AD memberships, like the collection "W7-Google-Chrome" (exists of 100 computer objects).
    Deploy of packages is done to these collections. So a computer member of  "W7-Google-Chrome"  will automatically get Google Chrome.
    Some computers are member of 30 collections, some of 80.
    Goal is to have the task sequence run all applications/packages assigned (with their reboots if needed).
    Kind regards,

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 - OSD Task Sequence - Auto Apply Drivers

    I have a basic task sequence created, capture User State, reboot into Windows PE, Apply Operating system, apply Windows Settings, Auto Apply Drivers, Setup Windows and Configuration, Install Applications, Restore User state
    The problem I'm having is auto Apply the drivers. My test system is a Dell Opitiplex 3010, with a realtek PCI GBE Family Controller being the only driver added to the driver database.
    During the task sequence, I see it down loading the driver, then proceed though the whole sequence. The system restarts and brings up the login. Here is the problem, the network drivers don't install, so the system is still in a workgroup, with no user state
    I repeat the task, this time during the Setup Windows and Configuration, I press F8, and copy the _SMSTaskSequence folder to C:\temp.
    Once the task in complete, I see the network drivers saved in _SMSTaskSequence\Drivers & \contentCache. I able to install the network drivers from this location.
    What am I missing, why are the network drivers not being setup correctly in Windows 7?
    From the \logs\SMST.LOG, I can see the driver being installed correctly, but one the sequence is complete the driver has not been installed.
    From the SMSTS.LOG:
    Installing driver "Realtek PCI GBE Family Controller" OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Copying "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\ContentCache\BA4B1243-742B-4BFA-8245-89E7B33DE1C5" to "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\drivers\1". OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Successfully installed driver "Realtek PCI GBE Family Controller". OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Entering ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\ContentCache\BA4B1243-742B-4BFA-8245-89E7B33DE1C5 OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    reference count 1 for the source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\ContentCache\BA4B1243-742B-4BFA-8245-89E7B33DE1C5 before releasing OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Released the resolved source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\ContentCache\BA4B1243-742B-4BFA-8245-89E7B33DE1C5 OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Microsoft Basic Render Driver'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Generic volume'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'ACPI Fixed Feature Button'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'HID-compliant mouse'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Motherboard resources'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'CD-ROM Drive'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'USB Root Hub'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'System timer'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Generic USB Hub'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'USB Input Device'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'ACPI Power Button'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'High Definition Audio Controller'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Motherboard resources'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel Processor'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel Processor'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel Processor'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Intel Processor'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'PCI Simple Communications Controller'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'HID Keyboard Device'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Generic volume'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'Generic Monitor'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Failed to find a suitable device driver for device 'USB Input Device'. OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Exiting with return code 0x00000000 OSDDriverClient 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 900 (0x0384)
    Process completed with exit code 0 TSManager 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 1300 (0x0514)
    !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 1300 (0x0514)
    Successfully completed the action (Auto Apply Drivers) with the exit win32 code 0 TSManager 3/21/2014 5:52:37 PM 1300 (0x0514)

    Yes, I open a dos box during the Windows Setup, xcopy SMSTaskSequence to C:\temp
    Then once Windows install is completed, I login to the local Admin account(only thing available), device manager and install the network driver from C:\temp\SMSTaskSequence\drivers\1
    From Earlier in Setupact.log:
       PnPIBS: C:\_SMSTaskSequence\drivers is listed as a driver path in unattend.xml ...
    2014-03-25 12:27:22, Info                         PnPIBS: Found the file rt64win7.inf
    2014-03-25 12:27:22, Info                         PnPIBS: Added driver C:\_SMSTaskSequence\drivers\1\rt64win7.inf to the list of drivers.

  • Win 7 Pending Reboot after Task Sequence

    SCCM 2012 SP1/MDT 2012 Win 7 Task sequence. All working fine but I'm finding that any line of business applications that are trying to install as at the end of the TS via the primary user are failing because of a pending reboot
    I've tried adding another restart step in the TS but it is still pending a reboot. Checked a few post and looking in SessionManager\PendingFileRenameOperations there is a tmp file with no associated entry which I understand to be a delete operation and indeed
    after a manual reboot it all disappears, but I'm confused as to why the TS should leave the system requiring a reboot
    Can I fix/troubleshoot this in any way ?
    Ian Burnell, London (UK)

    Try to identify the application that caused the registry key to be set and see what the exit code was of the installation of that application. The task sequence will respond to an exit code of an application and not to a registry key.
    A dirty work around could be to set the task sequence variable SMSTSPostAction to something like
    cmd /c shutdown /r /t 0 /f to trigger a restart when the task sequence is finished.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Task sequence fails after upgrading to 2012 R2 and MDT 2013

    After upgrading to 2012 R2, my task sequence fails after the Setup Windows and ConfigMGR & Restart Computer. Instead of continuing to run the task sequence and load up the MDT Toolkit Package, it just stops at the Windows 7 login screen.
    Do I need to create new toolkit & settings packages with MDT 2013 settings? Or do I just need to create a new task sequence?
    I can't figure out what log to look at on the VM that I am imaging. If someone can point it out maybe there's some useful information. Thanks.
    My task sequence

    It sounds a lot like that it could be failing at the client installation. Please take a look at the client installation logs.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude
    Here are the log files from c:\windows\ccmsetup\logs .. I took a glance and things run with success 0 which should mean no error right? The system also has the client installed with the CU2 patch.
    Client Logs
    Searched a bit online and people are saying it's due to the incorrect boot image. I was using a WinPE 5.0 I created on this TS but I'm going to make another and see where it goes.
    This was the solution.

  • MDT 2012 Suspend Task Sequence Problem

    Hi ,
    I have been using LTISuspens.wsf without problem in my MDT 2010 and MDT 2010 U1 for a long time. Recently I have create my test MDT 2012 and I have problem with this task.
    I have created the new Run Command line cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf" in State Restore section. The build and capture TS is stopping correctly and I have the LTISuspend icon on the desktop. After resuming the TS, it going correctly through, running
    sysprep, pop in again Set Network Location window, I can see it is running “Apply Windows PE (BCD)” step and then stops. There is message “suspended” and “The task sequence has been suspended true Use the…..”
    Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
    My customsettings.ini is from MDT 2010 and there they are fine.
    I am capturing Windows 7.

    A few suggestions below for each of your issues.
    Issue 1 is that you don't see any task sequences in the wizard
     - Have you updated your deployment point after upgrading to 2012? if not then do this now
     - Have you updated your boot media with the newly generated Litetouch_x86.wim (meaning your boot CD, boot USB or WDS)
    The thinking behind this is that if you are using MDT 2010 boot media to try and speak to an MDT 2012 DS then you will have the same problem.
    Issue 2 is that you've had the TS running in the past but it's broken for one reason or another.
     - Have you recreated your Task sequence using the MDT 2012 client template? There are (minor but critical) differences in the logic between the versions of MDT and the new task sequence template has been updated as such. Using an MDT 2010 template with
    MDT 2012 scripts can cause this.
    These are 3 things that cause similar issues to you following an upgrade.

  • MDT 2013: Wizard Pages by Task Sequence

    I believe what I am trying to do is not possible from previous readings on this forum, BUT then I see something in my MDT 2013 OSD wizard that seems to indicate there might be a way to get it done. So here goes.
    For my own demos, I am trying to develop a deployment share that is much like Johan Arwidmark's hydration kit. Some machines, like a domain controller or a SQL cluster are all well-defined: computer names, IP addresses, etc. are fixed and can be set
    in customsettings.ini or in the Task Sequence with variables. However, I would also like the ability to have to deploy a "generic" machine where I can select roles, applications, etc.
    This would require having different wizard pages shown for different task sequences. From what I've read, this may not be possible without developing a custom wizard (and that might be too much effort). However, I currently have two task sequences and depending
    on which one I select, I see a different number of steps to complete? See screenshots. I don't know what I have currently configured that makes it like that.
     (when I select "Domain Controller 01" task sequence) (Task sequence ID "DC01")
     (when I select the "generic" task sequence)
    Below is my customsettings.ini [the only rules file I have].
    _SMSTSORGNAME=Demo Deployment
    _SMSTSORGNAME=DC01 Deployment
    I would expect the settings for task sequence "DC01" to be applied after I select that task sequence in the wizard. That doesn't seem to work. The first task in the sequence is a "Gather" task that gathers local data and processes customsettings.ini.
    I understand I can't override most settings from [Default] because they would have already been processed but as you can see, that's not what I am actually trying.
    I am not opposed to having multiple rules files if that would work. However, it seems like that doesn't make much difference when it comes to actually seeing different wizard steps active. I've tried adding a second customsettings_dc01.ini file and having
    a Gather step that specifically references that file in the "Initialize" group.
    I've considered some alternatives to making it work this way, such as having multiple deployment shares and "linking" them (although I haven't done this before) so I wouldn't have to copy all the applications.
    I would also set the computer name and all in the task sequence using variables, but that still doesn't address the problem.
    Any insight is appreciated,

    SpeedBird186 - There are several assumptions going on here.
    1. by default MDT processes the CS.ini file *before* the wizard, and *after* the Task sequence has started. If you want CS.ini file to be processed just *after* you select your TS in the wizard, use Johan's trick above.
    2. There are about 20 different wizard pages, and they don't appear in *all* scenarios. the wizard framework will attempt to do an intelligent job of filtering out pages that are not relevant to the scenario at hand. For example, in the graphic above, you
    can see that the OS roles and Features page will appear/disappear. This can happen for example if the task sequence you selected earlier does or does *not* have a "OS Roles and Featrues" step in the Task sequence.
    3. For me, the easiest way to process roles would be to create some new "Applications" and to put them in a folder.
    Keith Garner -

  • Remove sccm 2012 client package from task sequence

    Hello, is possible to remove the sccm client package from task sequence ? i am deploying OS to workgroup computers and i dont want install the sccm client . I am using MDT to create the task sequence.
    Erickson Martinez

    No, if you are using a task sequence in ConfigMgr (MDT integrated or not) then a client package is mandatory. The only way to get rid of the client is to deinstall it at the end of the task sequence (for example by using the SMSTSPostAction variable).
    Another option, if you don't want the client, is to use MDT to deploy those machines. But that would cause an extra deployment mechanism to maintain.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Whats the best way to apply office updates during OSD task sequence with Software Update Agent disabled?

    I am trying to update office via the SCCM 2012 R2 OSD task sequence. I know offline updating only updates the core components in the WIM and I'm trying to figure out how to add office updates as well. I am aware of using powershell to try and kick off
    a WU scan as seen here:
    But the kicker is we don't use SCCM to update the workstations (Solo WSUS install). Is there a way to do this (maybe set the client in the TS to switch on SUP, then off again when it goes off into production) rather than have to build a new image every month?

    You could use the ZTI_WindowsUpdates.wsf script from MDT.
    How does it work?
    The task sequence steps run a script called ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf. The script uses the
    Windows Update Agent API to manage the downloading and installation of updates. All audit information is written to the
    ZTIWindowsUpdate.log file. If you find any unusual error codes in your log returned from the API (although I never have)  you can compare the codes
    here. The script will also check and update the
    Windows Update Agent(WUA) as needed at the start.
    In its default state, the ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf script will connect to Microsoft Update then search for and download all available updates including Security Patches, Drivers, Browser Updates and Service Packs. This is essentially the same
    as opening the GUI and selecting check for updates.
    Daniel Ratliff |

  • Maintenance windows applies only to task sequences doesn't work

    SCCM 2012 R2 CU4
    Task sequence deployment run outside maintenance windows when the maintenance windows is set to apply only to task sequences.
    When the maintenance windows is set to apply to All deployments, the task sequence deployment run inside maintenance windows as expected.
    The maintenance task defined was as:
    Name: Maintenance Windows of Collection Coll_A
    Time: 10:30am to 06:00am
    Date: 20th March 2015
    Apply this schedule to: Task Sequences
    The task sequence defined was as:
    Deployed to Collection Coll_A
    Time: Run as soon as possible
    The task sequence run at 9:48am on a workstation that is member of Coll_A.
    There aren't other maintenances windows on others collections.
    Below the workstation's serviceWindowsManager.log:!123&authkey=!AI0dFPZ89XCL7xs&ithint=file%2clog

    When was the client added to the collection? Was it able to retrieve those MW policies before it received the TS?
    Torsten Meringer |
    1_the client was added at the 9:30am.
    2_Yes it is.
    I have done another test and the result is the same:
    _ first setting up the maintenance windows in Coll_A,
    _ then insert the client in Coll_A and force a machine policy evaluation
    _then deploy the task sequence in collection Coll_A

  • Task sequences won't run after "Setup Windows and ConfigMgr"

    In my Task Sequence for SCCM 2012 R2, no task sequences that occur after the "Setup Windows and Configuration Manager" step will run if I add to the Installation properties:
    I believe this hotfix is necessary because I had to install on the server to fix the speed of downloading the WIM file. And I believe it says I need to append this PATH= switch to the install. 
    Is my path used incorrectly or something? Because that is the actual path to the file. 
    My task sequences will run fine if I remove it and just leave the in the install properties. 

    Your path would then be :
    I suggest that you plan for further patches. Create a directory with all your future hotfix in it.
    Ex: D:\SCCMHotFixes\KBNumber\x64
    Your "Patch" parameter will grow over time, when a new hotfix will be release, you'll need
    to add it after this one and so on...
    I always use the _SMSTSDataPath without any problem, you could also try this.
    Benoit Lecours | Blog: System Center Dudes

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 and MDT 2012 Task Sequence Templates, MDT File/Settings Packages

    We're setting up SCCM 2012 integrated with MDT 2012 for our OSD. My main issue is finding actual reference material for the MDT task sequence templates when integrated with SCCM. The MDT documentation has a lot of information on variables and task sequences
    outside of SCCM integration. 
    One thing I'd love to find information on is what's actually going on during an MDT Client Task Sequence template. I found this but
    it doesn't delve into the kind of detail I'm looking for. I can dig up information through the MDT reference material on some things, but I just can't find anything out there that actually walks you through an SCCM/MDT task sequence template. For instance,
    under State Restore what is being referenced in Install Software with base variable name PACKAGES, vs Install Applications and base variable name COALESCED APPS. And, where are you supposed to put these applications? That's just a specific example, I'm hoping
    to find some kind of walkthrough.
    Two things I'm hazy on are the MDT packages. What exactly are the MDT Settings Package, and the MDT Files Package? What are they used for? What benefits do you get out of using them? And, how exactly do you use them? I know one of them has something to do
    with customsettings.ini, but what's the point of using SCCM with MDT if you still have to muck around in the customsettings.ini file?
    Either way, it seems like there are a lot of references to SCCM task sequences, and a lot of references to MDT task sequences. But, not together. Which is a bit annoying since the MDT-integrated task sequence templates are very obviously different than either
    SCCM or MDT by itself. Any help would be appreciated, even just information on where to look. Maybe I'm just really bad at finding reference material for SCCM/MDT. Thanks. 

    When MDT integrated with SCCM, We need the following MDT components to be created:
    MDT Boot image
    MDT Toolkit Files
    MDT Settings
    The MDT boot image (for example) gives you extra abilities over the standard ConfigMgr boot image such as the ability to display a HTA Refer here:
    MDT Files once created, you will find UDIWizard_Config.Xml file in which you can start User driven Installation OSD using UDI designer.
    Refer these links for better understanding:
    Thanks, Prabha G
    Thanks for the quick reply. But, what about the MDT Settings Package? Also, both have a pretty big folder structure for each package. Surely it does more than just provide a couple xml and ini files? I'm not looking for anyone to spoon-feed me the information,
    but at least a pointer in the right direction for finding the reference material. It seems for SCCM/MDT integration you have to go all over the place finding scraps of information to put together. 
    Also, any info on the SCCM/MDT task sequence templates? Thanks. 

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