MDT 2013, D: Wim not applying after update from MDT 2010 to 2013

Updated MDT from MDT 2010 Update 1 to MDT 2012 Update 1, uninstalled WAIK, Installed MDT 2013, and then ADK, Upgraded all Deployment shares along the way, and now the extra drive (D:) Wim will not apply to Drive, i have tried two different ways to handle
the said action, the first was using the Unattend.xml, adding the  DataImage Action, the other was using an Imagex command from the MDT task sequence. neither is applying the Wim, before the upgrade this worked. has any one else had this issue? 
Thank you, 
Dane Zittritsch
Thinix Support Manager

I moved from MDT 2010 to MDT 2013 and its just not working, i have tried a few different methods, the old way we used the
Unattend.xml and placed a install order and that always worked, but now i am trying to use Imagex and its not applying the wim, when i get in the image the D:\ (Second Drive) is missing files.  Now here is the weird part, if i re-run the task sequence
the D WIM is applied, but that's counter productive. i will apply my TS.xml information. 
<?xml version="1.0"?>
   -<sequence description="A complete task sequence for deploying a client operating system" name="Standard Client Task Sequence" version="3.00"> -<globalVarList> <variable name="OSGUID" property="OSGUID">{52bb4035-96e5-46f3-9d17-3d2a363895c3}</variable>
      <variable name="DestinationDisk" property="DestinationDisk">0</variable>
      <variable name="DestinationPartition" property="DestinationPartition">2</variable>
     <variable name="DestinationOSVariable" property="DestinationOSVariable">OSDisk</variable>
     <variable name="DestinationOSRefresh" property="DestinationOSRefresh"/>
     <variable name="DestinationOSDriveLetter" property="DestinationOSDriveLetter"/>
     <variable name="DestinationOSInstallType" property="DestinationOSInstallType">ByDiskPartition</variable>
-<group description="Initialize the TS environment" name="Initialization" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false">
- <step description="" name="Gather local only" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_Gather"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="GatherLocalOnly"
property="GatherLocalOnly">true</variable> <variable name="RulesFile" property="RulesFile"/> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGather.wsf"</action> </step> </group> -<group description="Test"
name="Validation" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<operator type="or"> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">PHASE</variable> <variable
name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">VALIDATION</variable> </expression> </operator> </condition> -<step description="" name="Validate" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010" type="BDD_Validate"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="ImageSize" property="ImageSize">0</variable> <variable name="ImageProcessorSpeed" property="ImageProcessorSpeed">800</variable> <variable name="ImageMemory" property="ImageMemory">768</variable>
<variable name="VerifyOS" property="VerifyOS">CLIENT</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIValidate.wsf"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Check BIOS" continueOnError="false" disable="false"
startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIBIOSCheck.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step>
-<step description="" name="Next Phase" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTINextPhase.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> </group> -<group description="" name="State Capture" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable
name="Variable">PHASE</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">STATECAPTURE</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Next Phase" continueOnError="false"
disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTINextPhase.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step>
</group> -<group description="" name="Preinstall" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">PHASE</variable>
<variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">PREINSTALL</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Gather local only" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010" type="BDD_Gather"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="GatherLocalOnly" property="GatherLocalOnly">true</variable> <variable name="RulesFile" property="RulesFile"/> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGather.wsf"</action>
</step> -<group description="" name="New Computer only" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">DeploymentType</variable>
<variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">NEWCOMPUTER</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Validate" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010" type="BDD_Validate"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="ImageSize" property="ImageSize">0</variable> <variable name="ImageProcessorSpeed" property="ImageProcessorSpeed">800</variable> <variable name="ImageMemory" property="ImageMemory">768</variable>
<variable name="VerifyOS" property="VerifyOS">CLIENT</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIValidate.wsf"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Format and Partition Disk" continueOnError="false"
disable="true" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_PartitionDiskAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="OSDDiskIndex" property="DiskIndex">0</variable> <variable name="DONotCreateExtraPartition"
property="DONotCreateExtraPartition"/> <variable name="OSDPartitions0Type" property="Partitions0Type">Primary</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0FileSystem" property="Partitions0FileSystem">NTFS</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0Bootable"
property="Partitions0Bootable">True</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0QuickFormat" property="Partitions0QuickFormat">True</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0VolumeName" property="Partitions0VolumeName">OSDisk</variable>
<variable name="OSDPartitions0Size" property="Partitions0Size">100</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0SizeUnits" property="Partitions0SizeUnits">%</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitions0VolumeLetterVariable" property="Partitions0VolumeLetterVariable">OSDisk</variable>
<variable name="OSDPartitions" property="Partitions">1</variable> <variable name="OSDPartitionStyle" property="PartitionStyle">MBR</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIDiskpart.wsf"</action>
</step> -<step description="You can change the size of the partition(s) in the \Scripts\WinRE\DiskConfig.txt file. Make sure your partition is large enough to hold the recovery image if you install alot of software. Current configuration is 160GB
for recovery, 60 for OS, 10 for scratch" name="Format and Partition Disk [Custom]" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable
name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010 BETA\Configure-HDD.cmd"</action> </step> -<step
description="" name="Copy scripts" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTICopyScripts.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> </group> -<step description="" name="Configure" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIConfigure.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Inject Drivers" continueOnError="false" disable="false" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_InjectDrivers"
runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="DriverSelectionProfile" property="DriverSelectionProfile">Dell OptiPlex 790</variable> <variable name="DriverInjectionMode" property="DriverInjectionMode">ALL</variable>
</defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIDrivers.wsf"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Apply Patches" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_InstallUpdatesOffline">
<action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIPatches.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageSelectionProfile" property="PackageSelectionProfile">All Packages</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description=""
name="Next Phase" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTINextPhase.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> </group> -<group description="" name="Install" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable
name="Variable">PHASE</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">INSTALL</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="[Custom] Apply D Wim " continueOnError="false"
disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010\DWim.exe"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Install Operating System" continueOnError="false" disable="false" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_InstallOS" runIn="WinPEandFullOS">
-<defaultVarList> <variable name="OSGUID" property="OSGUID">{52bb4035-96e5-46f3-9d17-3d2a363895c3}</variable> <variable name="DestinationDisk" property="DestinationDisk">0</variable> <variable name="DestinationPartition" property="DestinationPartition">2</variable>
<variable name="DestinationOSDriveLetter" property="DestinationOSDriveLetter"/> <variable name="DestinationOSVariable" property="DestinationOSVariable">OSDisk</variable> <variable name="DestinationOSRefresh" property="DestinationOSRefresh"/>
<variable name="DestinationOSInstallType" property="DestinationOSInstallType">ByDiskPartition</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTIApply.wsf"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Restart
computer" continueOnError="false" disable="false" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RebootAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="SMSRebootMessage" property="Message"/> <variable name="SMSRebootTimeout"
property="MessageTimeout">60</variable> <variable name="SMSRebootTarget" property="Target"/> </defaultVarList> <action>smsboot.exe /target:WinPE</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Next Phase" continueOnError="false"
disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTINextPhase.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step>
</group> -<group description="" name="Postinstall" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">PHASE</variable>
<variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">POSTINSTALL</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Copy Scripts" continueOnError="false" disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTICopyScripts.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Configure"
continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIConfigure.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable
name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="Applies the D: wim to System " name="Apply Scratch Drive" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS">
-<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable
name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>"\\thinix-dev1\navyImage$\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /apply
"\\thinix-dev1\navyImage$\Operating Systems\navycnic-gen_20131226100000\navycnic-gen_20131226100000_ddrive.wim" 1 D:\</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Inject Drivers" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIdrivers.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<group description="" name="Custom
Tasks" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<step description="Makes sure there is no Boot Config files on C drive and changes them to R drive:" name="Recovery Partition" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0
3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010\Re-assign
DriveLetter.cmd"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="[Custom] Apply D Wim " continueOnError="false" disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010\DWim.exe"</action> </step> -<step description=""
name="[Custom] TDRBCD" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable
name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010\TDRBCD.exe"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="[Custom] Apply D Wim " continueOnError="false"
disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RunCommandLineAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="PackageID" property="PackageID"/> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> <action>"%SCRIPTROOT%\Dell_Optiplex_7010\DWim.exe"</action> </step> </group> -<step description="" name="Next Phase" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe
"%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTINextPhase.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Set Phase" continueOnError="false" disable="false" successCodeList="0
3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_SetVariableAction"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="VariableName" property="VariableName">PHASE</variable> <variable name="VariableValue" property="VariableValue">STATERESTORE</variable> </defaultVarList>
<action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTISetVariable.wsf"</action> </step> </group> -<group description="" name="State Restore" expand="false" continueOnError="false" disable="true"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression">
<variable name="Variable">PHASE</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">STATERESTORE</variable> </expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Gather local only"
continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_Gather"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="GatherLocalOnly" property="GatherLocalOnly">true</variable> <variable name="RulesFile" property="RulesFile"/>
</defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGather.wsf"</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Post-Apply Cleanup" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe
"%SCRIPTROOT%\LTIApply.wsf" /post</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Recover From Domain " continueOnError="false" disable="false"
successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_RecoverDomainJoin" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="DomainErrorRecovery" property="DomainErrorRecovery">Auto</variable> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIDomainJoin.wsf"
</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Tattoo" continueOnError="true" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTITatoo.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser"
property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile"
property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Opt In to CEIP and WER" continueOnError="true" disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIOptIn.wsf"
/CEIP:YES /WER:YES</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Windows Update (Pre-Application Installation)" continueOnError="true"
disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step>
-<step description="" name="Install Applications" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="BDD_InstallApplication"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIApplications.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="ApplicationGUID" property="ApplicationGUID"/> <variable name="ApplicationSuccessCodes" property="ApplicationSuccessCodes">0 3010</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Windows Update
(Post-Application Installation)" continueOnError="true" disable="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIWindowsUpdate.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> <group description="" name="Custom Tasks" expand="true" continueOnError="false" disable="false"/> -<step description="" name="Enable BitLocker" continueOnError="true" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_EnableBitLockerAction">
<action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIBde.wsf"</action> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">BdeInstallSuppress</variable> <variable name="Operator">notEquals</variable>
<variable name="Value">YES</variable> </expression> </condition> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="OSDBitLockerTargetDrive" property="BdeTargetDriveLetter"/> <variable name="OSDBitLockerMode" property="BdeInstall">TPM</variable>
<variable name="OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive" property="BdeKeyLocation"/> <variable name="OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword" property="BdeRecoveryPassword">AD</variable> <variable name="OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption" property="WaitForEncryption">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Restore User State" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIUserState.wsf" /restore</action> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Restore Groups" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe
"%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGroups.wsf" /restore</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable
name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Apply Local GPO Package"
continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf"</action> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable
name="Variable">ApplyGPOPack</variable> <variable name="Operator">notEquals</variable> <variable name="Value">NO</variable> </expression> </condition> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> -<group description="" name="Imaging" expand="false" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> <action/> -<group description="" name="Prepare Only" expand="false" continueOnError="false" disable="false">
-<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">DoCapture</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">PREPARE</variable>
</expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Copy Sysprep files" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISysprep.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> </group> -<group description="" name="Sysprep Only" expand="false" continueOnError="false" disable="false"> -<condition>
-<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">DoCapture</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">SYSPREP</variable> </expression>
</condition> -<step description="" name="Add mass storage drivers to sysprep.inf for XP and 2003" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIDrivers.wsf"</action>
-<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Execute Sysprep" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe
"%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISysprep.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> </group> -<group description="" name="Capture Image" expand="false" continueOnError="false"
disable="false"> -<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">DoCapture</variable> <variable name="Operator">equals</variable> <variable name="Value">YES</variable>
</expression> </condition> -<step description="" name="Apply Windows PE" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTIApply.wsf" /PE /STAGE</action> -<defaultVarList>
<variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/>
<variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Add mass storage drivers to sysprep.inf for XP and 2003" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn=""
successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIDrivers.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Execute
Sysprep" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISysprep.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable>
<variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable>
</defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Apply Windows PE (BCD)" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%_SMSTSMDataPath%\Scripts\LTIApply.wsf" /PE /BCD</action>
-<condition> -<expression type="SMS_TaskSequence_VariableConditionExpression"> <variable name="Variable">ImageBuild</variable> <variable name="Operator">greaterEqual</variable> <variable name="Value">6</variable>
</expression> </condition> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser" property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"
property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile" property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> -<step description="" name="Restart computer" continueOnError="false" disable="false"
successCodeList="0 3010" type="SMS_TaskSequence_RebootAction" runIn="WinPEandFullOS"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="Message" property="Message"/> <variable name="MessageTimeout" property="MessageTimeout">60</variable> <variable
name="Target" property="Target"/> </defaultVarList> <action>smsboot.exe /target:WinPE</action> </step> -<step description="" name="Gather local only" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"
type="BDD_Gather"> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="GatherLocalOnly" property="GatherLocalOnly">true</variable> <variable name="RulesFile" property="RulesFile"/> </defaultVarList> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIGather.wsf"</action>
</step> -<step description="" name="Create WIM" continueOnError="false" disable="false" startIn="" successCodeList="0 3010"> <action>cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\ZTIBackup.wsf"</action> -<defaultVarList> <variable name="RunAsUser"
property="RunAsUser">false</variable> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserName"/> <variable name="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword" property="SMSTSRunCommandLineUserPassword"/> <variable name="LoadProfile"
property="LoadProfile">false</variable> </defaultVarList> </step> </group> </group> </group> </sequence>

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    In Pages 5 .plists are now stored within the application bundle.
    I will resist telling you to trash any because I am not sure if there are consequences doing so. With Pages '09 it was fine, but they weren't part of the application.
    You can validate fonts in Font Book:
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    Also try starting PAges holding down the shift key in case it is simply a damaged Pages file.

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    I have successfully resolved this issue on my PC by allowing updater.exe through the firewall. This updater.exe is located in the folder where your Mozilla Firefox was installed. The default folder is "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\updater.exe"
    Happy Browsing.....

  • VPN not working after Update from SLS to MLS

    Hi folks,
    last weekend I updated my Snow Leopard Server following the suggested procedure, installed first Mountain Lion and then OS X Server. Now I have a problem.
    - Macmini Server located  in my private LAN, running SLS as a virtual machine (VMware)
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    For HTTP (80) and VPN (500, 1701 and 4500) the ports are forwarded to the virtual machine - everything was working well before the update (access to Website & VPN from both internal and external). The VPN connection is used either with an iPhoen or with my Macbook pro.
    The website is still working like expected. VPN service is not working properly anymore. I can access it from internal, but not from external.
    So, to make it clear, nothing but the server OS changed in the setup.
    Any ideas? Changed ports from 10.6 to 10.8?
    Thanks in advance,
    (err, and YES, I have a snapshot of 10.6. - if I revert it's working again, but this can't be the solution)

    Hi all,
    to point out the difference, this is what the logs say....
    Connecting from internal, VPN success:
    21.06.13 18:12:13,880
    IPSec Phase1 started (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,882
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 1).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,883
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 2).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,921
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 3).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,942
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 4).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,969
    IKEv1 Phase1 AUTH: success. (Responder, Main-Mode Message 5).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,969
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 5).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,970
    IKEv1 Phase1 Responder: success. (Responder, Main-Mode).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,970
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 6).
    21.06.13 18:12:13,970
    IPSec Phase1 established (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,881
    IPSec Phase2 started (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,881
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 1).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,881
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 2).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,885
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 3).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,886
    IKEv1 Phase2 Responder: success. (Responder, Quick-Mode).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,886
    IPSec Phase2 established (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:12:14,890
    Incoming call... Address given to client =
    21.06.13 18:12:14,918
    pppd 2.4.2 (Apple version 596.13) started by root, uid 0
    21.06.13 18:12:14,923
    L2TP incoming call in progress from ''...
    21.06.13 18:12:14,931
    L2TP connection established.
    21.06.13 18:12:14,935
    Connect: ppp1 <--> socket[34:18]
    21.06.13 18:12:14,944
    Captive: [mySCCopyWiFiDevices:162] WiFi Device Name == NULL
    21.06.13 18:12:15,036
    CHAP peer authentication succeeded for <username>
    21.06.13 18:12:15,042
    DSAccessControl plugin: User '<username>' authorized for access
    21.06.13 18:12:15,052
    Unsupported protocol 0x8057 received
    21.06.13 18:12:15,058
    l2tp_wait_input: Address added. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, current interface setting (name: ppp1, family: PPP, address:, subnet:, destination:
    21.06.13 18:12:15,058
    local  IP address
    21.06.13 18:12:15,059
    remote IP address
    21.06.13 18:12:15,061
    l2tp_wait_input: Address added. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, current interface setting (name: ppp1, family: PPP, address:, subnet:, destination:
    21.06.13 18:12:15,068
    network changed: v4(en0:, ppp0, ppp1+: DNS* Proxy SMB
    21.06.13 18:12:17,102
    Certificate not yet generated
    21.06.13 18:12:18,103
    Certificate not yet generated
    21.06.13 18:12:19,004
    Couldn't find cert in response dict
    21.06.13 18:12:19,006
    Failed to get client cert on attempt 11, will retry in 900 seconds
    21.06.13 18:12:19,066
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Information message).
    21.06.13 18:12:19,067
    IKEv1 Information-Notice: transmit success. (Delete IPSEC-SA).
    21.06.13 18:12:19,120
    Certificate not yet generated
    21.06.13 18:12:21,802
    l2tp_wait_input: Address deleted. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, deleted interface setting (name: ppp1, family: PPP, address:, subnet:, destination:
    21.06.13 18:12:21,817
    l2tp_wait_input: Address deleted. previous interface setting (name: en0, address:, deleted interface setting (name: ppp1, family: PPP, address:, subnet:, destination:
    21.06.13 18:12:21,822
    network changed: v4(en0:, ppp0, ppp1-: DNS* Proxy SMB
    21.06.13 18:12:21,981
    Fatal signal 6
    21.06.13 18:12:21,982
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    21.06.13 18:12:22,011
       --> Client with address = has hungup
    21.06.13 18:12:22,022
    Captive: [mySCCopyWiFiDevices:162] WiFi Device Name == NULL
    21.06.13 18:12:23,837
    Certificate not yet generated
    21.06.13 18:12:23,839
    Certificate not yet generated
    21.06.13 18:12:25,148
    Couldn't find cert in response dict
    21.06.13 18:12:25,148
    Failed to get client cert on attempt 12, will retry in 900 seconds
    21.06.13 18:12:25,845
    Certificate not yet generated
    Connecting from external, VPN fail:
    21.06.13 18:10:52,533
    21.06.13 18:10:52,533
    IPSec Phase1 started (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,535
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 1).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,536
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 2).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,692
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 3).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,713
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 4).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,882
    IKEv1 Phase1 AUTH: success. (Responder, Main-Mode Message 5).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,882
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 5).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,882
    IKEv1 Phase1 Responder: success. (Responder, Main-Mode).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,883
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Main-Mode message 6).
    21.06.13 18:10:52,883
    IPSec Phase1 established (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,412
    21.06.13 18:10:53,413
    IPSec Phase2 started (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,413
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 1).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,414
    IKE Packet: transmit success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 2).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,531
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Responder, Quick-Mode message 3).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,532
    IKEv1 Phase2 Responder: success. (Responder, Quick-Mode).
    21.06.13 18:10:53,532
    IPSec Phase2 established (Initiated by peer).
    21.06.13 18:11:13,643
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    21.06.13 18:11:13,671
    IKE Packet: receive success. (Information message).
    Hope you see more than me and can help... :-(

  • IPad not activating after update from iOS 7

    After updating, It said that it cannot contact with the server and the same with iTunes. Help PLEASE!

    Endless countless millions and millions of people are trying to authenticate AFTER downloading the new IOS.
    Download servers and Authentication / Activation servers are slammed right now.
    Give it some time.   
    download servers VS. authentication servers
    ITUNES is also being updated, youll have to wait a bit

  • Win 8.1 will not load after update from 8.0

    I have a M6-K010dx with win 8. Was fine for 2 years untill updated win 8.1. Now can not access nor recover or re-install win 8. Was purchased at Best Buy but was not given any software or keys. No keys on bottom. When trying to re-install system it says partistion is not there for use. I have tried to call Best Buy and they say I must buy new software and recovery disks. I have tried to boot from USB but will not do it. Have changed in bios for boot order. I do not have a USB DVD but cnan probably get one. If I DL ISO I will not have key to use.
    It would appear that as the screen flashes on and off that it may be a video driver problem but have no way of fixing if it is. Do not think I should have to buy new software as I paid for it at purchase and not sure if I did I could install from USB. Because of the lack of rercover partition not there I would think I was sold a defective system.
    Any help appreciated.

    Hi @guaranteed , 
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I have looked into your issue about your Windows 8.1 not loading correctly after an update. Windows 8.1 is just an update and would not remove your partition.
    You can reinstall Windows 8 with any Windows 8 disk as long as it is the same version as yours. Windows 8 Home or Windows 8 Professional. It will install and update with no issues.
    You might want to look at this document on some different options.
    Hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • App will not open after update from market.

    I have an android app that when I publish an update and the user downloads the update the app will not open.  It opens for a second and then closes.
    This happens even if I do not change anything in the update.
    The only thing I can find is that after downloading the update I clear the cache and it works fine.  My question is does anyone know why this might happen.  Also is there a way to clear the cache at time of update.

    ok i created a hello world app to try a nail down this issue.
    i created the app with version 1.0.0
    uploaded it to my server on the net.
    hit the web address from my phone, downloaded and installed
    then changed the version number to 1.0.1
    uploaded this apk
    downloaded and installed to phone
    app would then open for sec then close
    only fixable by clearing application cache.
    I can't believe the answer to this problem is not available by googling it.
    has no one else encountered this?
    please help, i am scared to release any updates to my programs - massive influx of email from mad users who can not open there apps.

  • Device not working after updating from 8 to 8.1: SMK Ehome Infrared Transceiver and remote control (usb)

    Hi all,
    An excellent 2015 to you all. 
    I wonder whether it's possible to get my (USB) SMK Ehome Infrared transceiver (which serves to connect my PC to a remote control)  to work again. It functioned okay under Windows 8, but when I upgraded my system to Windows 8.1 it didn't respond anymore.
    How's that possible? And do you have any ideas how I can resolve this?
    I use the remote control to start and stop videos and to adjust the sound volume.
    What I have done already:
    -disabled and enabled the consumer IR devices under 'HID devices' in device management.
    -disabled and enabled the USB controller for the Ehome Infrared Receiver.
    No luck so far. Anybody knows what to do?

    What is the driver status in device manager? Have you tried to manually download the right version driver for Windows 8.1 from the transceiver's manufacture website and install it in your system?
    Meanwhile, please run services.msc to launch services manager, then scroll down to "Human Interface Device Access service", make sure the service is "started" to "manual" or "automatic", test the issue again.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support
    Thanks, Yolanda Zhu. There is no driver on the manufacturer's website, but the driver is included from  Windows versions XP to 8 and the device responds as expected under these OS Versions. In Windows 8.1 it seems also to be included, and device manager
    indicates under Human Interface Devices that the 'Microsoft eHome infra transceiver' driver  functions correctly and under
    Universal Serial Bus controllers that 'eHome infrared receiver' (USBCIR) functions correctly as well.  But when I press the remote, the red LED blinks, but nothing else happens.
    The "Human Interface Device Service" is set to automatic and is being executed.
    Can it be that the mapping ('action on remote' to 'action on PC') is lost somehow?
    Peter AKA Django

  • My mail icon is not working after update ios 6.1.1 ????

    dear sir please give me soluction.
    my mail icon is not working after update of ios 6.1.1

    You can only purchase apps and other media for the county's sore in which yu are located. You account, included payment method, also must be associated with that country.
    Sam applies for updating apps. Note that not all apps are available in all country so y will not be able to update an app if you are in another country and that app is not available in that country or your account is not associated with that country.
    You can change the country and other things by:
    iOS: Changing the signed-in iTunes Store Apple ID account

  • My iphone 3gs is not active after update ios 6.1.2

    my iphone 3gs is not active after update ios 6.1.2
    plz ans. me....

    You can only purchase apps and other media for the county's sore in which yu are located. You account, included payment method, also must be associated with that country.
    Sam applies for updating apps. Note that not all apps are available in all country so y will not be able to update an app if you are in another country and that app is not available in that country or your account is not associated with that country.
    You can change the country and other things by:
    iOS: Changing the signed-in iTunes Store Apple ID account

  • Premier 9.0  Update failed.  Could not apply the updates

    I just did a reinstallation of Premier and made an update via Adobe update. I get this error.  Update failed. Could not apply the updates. The error log can contain informtion to help you identify the problem. Then try to update again. Contact Customer Support if the problem persists.
    The error log
    Update Software for Premiere Elements 9.0.1
    An error occurred while downloading this update. Cancel and try again later. Error: U43M1D207
    I have tried several times but i can't solve it.
    Does anyone know any tricks to love this

    This question has been asked several times recently.
    Do not bother with the issues of Premiere Elements 9.0 Help Menu/Update. Waste of energy. These updates involve only 9.0.1 and Camera Raw up to no more than 6.5. There is no more to be gotten after that.
    The remedy is quick and easy.
    Download and install the 9.0.1 Update from Adobe.  You can do the download and install with Premiere Elements 9 closed.
    If Windows
    Adobe - Premiere Elements : For Windows : Premiere Elements 9.0.1 update
    If Mac
    If you need Camera Raw 6.5 Windows (See instructions for manual install)
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Camera Raw 6.5 update
    If you need Camera Raw 6.5 Mac (See instructions for manual install)
    Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Macintosh : Camera Raw 6.5 update for Elements 9
    Please let us know if that worked for you. Any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • My new iPad sound is not working after updating to ios 6.1

    My new iPad sound not working after updating to ios 6.1. Headphones are working fine. I tried all the troubleshoot. can anyone know the answer, plz share with me

    I have exactly the same issue as everyone above. I only get sound through the slider on the ringtone in settings and through my headphones. I do not get any sound anywhere else at all.
    I Have tried:
    - Updating to iOS 6.1.3
    -re starting the device
    -checking that the device is not muted. My slider switch is set to mute rather than lock and is unmuted.
    -going into general settings and reset all settings
    -the device reset several times (waiting until I saw the all important apple logo)
    -removing the last few apps I installed.
    Nothing at all has worked, please help!
    New iPadiPad

  • Iphone 4 personal Hotspot not working after update to IOS 7.1 India BSNL cellular

    Iphone 4 personal Hotspot not working after update to IOS 7.1 India BSNL cellular

    BSNL is not a supported carrier. Personal Hotspot requires carrier support and provisioning of the account to enable it. iOS 7.1 disabled the ability to manually configure Personal Hotspot on unsupported carriers.

  • HELP ME! Nokia 5230 does not work after update

    My nokia
    5230 will not boot after update. I've also tried everything and red green camera button intedruken but nothing worked. Can someone help me I am so on vacation.
    Sorry for my English I am Dutch

    Have a look at this complete guide.. If nothing works, then the ONLY solution is to visit Nokia Care...

  • HT1688 My Hot Spot does not work after update to 6.0.1.  Service is with ATT.  Apple says problem is with ATT, ATT says problem is with Apple.  Anyone else having this problem?

    My Hot Spot does not work after update to 6.0.1.  Any suggestions?

    Ok, I had the same issue, my phone is unlocked(iphone 5 with 6.1.3). So I went to the apple store and had it replaced. it worked good for a day and started doing the same thing. When the apple tech replaced my phone, he transfered my screen protector to the new one.
    so I thought it was my sim card, I put in my sisters sim card from a different carrier and it did the same, so then I was like let me take off the screen protector, and that was it.
    so guys, if you have a screen protector on your phone and it's doing "low signal", "No Service", "Searching", "Full bars cycle" then take off the screen protector. so far my phone is working normal.

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