Media locks up desktop

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Help, now the whole Palm desktop is locked up, and I can't get into anything.

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    I accidentally locked my desktop folders , unable to open them Ho two unlock the folders

    You have done something which change the permissions and your user is not able to access anymore. You can play around and try to correct permissions manually by going to your home folder, right click on the Desktop folder and choose get info and when new window will be open, at the bottom of it, check if your username is listed and if has Read & Write permissions.
    Other option is to boot to recovery mode (after starting up your computer press and hold CMD+R), then from top panel click on Utilities and choose Terminal. Once terminal is open, type in it resetpassword and when new window will be open, select Macintosh HD as your system drive, select your password and click on the RESET button which is next to "Reset home folder permissions and ACL". NOTE: do not reset your password, you don't have to.
    Second options would be better in case if permissions on other folders been changed too.

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    Last edited by ayr0 (2012-08-16 15:47:21)

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi chavinda546,
    No you can't put an Intel i7-960 chip into the motherboard in your PC. You would end up replacing the motherboard, memory, power supply and processor.  And,  your HP recovery disks would not work so you would probably need to buy a copy of Windows 7.
    HP DV9700, t9300, Nvidia 8600, 4GB, Crucial C300 128GB SSD
    HP Photosmart Premium C309G, HP Photosmart 6520
    HP Touchpad, HP Chromebook 11
    Custom i7-4770k,Z-87, 8GB, Vertex 3 SSD, Samsung EVO SSD, Corsair HX650,GTX 760
    Custom i7-4790k,Z-97, 16GB, Vertex 3 SSD, Plextor M.2 SSD, Samsung EVO SSD, Corsair HX650, GTX 660TI
    Windows 7/8 UEFI/Legacy mode, MBR/GPT

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    So i have half the images i want to back up but most were sent to me via whatsapp
    Really stuck, any help is much appreciated

    Read this to enable the media transfer:
    Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) and BlackBerry smartphones 
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
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  • Media Manager on Desktop Manager

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    It is possible the Media manager did not get installed for whatever reason. Do you see Roxio Media manager listed in the start or Add/Remove programs menu?

  • Lock th desktop for users: enable kiosk mode in xfce4*SOLVED

    [In short]
    How to activate kiosk mode in xfce4, so end-user won't break the wm/desktop configuration we configured for many to use it ?
    I've decided my association's mates to choose Arch as our desktop PCs OS (we do this to provide basic Internet / office / image manipulations capabilities to the ~50 young workers we voluntary work for).
    PCs are PIII 800MHz with 256MB RAM & 7-10GB HD.
    On top of easy to configure & fast Arch Linux, I opted for xfce4 wm for the same reasons
    Now we configured grub bootscreen & xfce, with images made by our president (beeing a wonderfull graphist). Quite everybody find the beta PC fast, accurate, good looking and easy to use and so far enjoying the shift from previous win98 PentiumII PCs very much
    A few screenshots : the desktop ; Firefox & Gaim ; Gimp & gQview
    Now we couldn't solve 2 configuration's issues :
    - How to activate kiosk mode in xfce4, so end-user won't break the wm/desktop configuration we configured for many to use it ?
    Neither intensive reading of xfce4's doc nor googling for a couple of hours helped us activate it
    - auto(un)mount users usb stick : tried autofs that could do the job if we find how to show icons on xfce4's desktop (didn't search hard yet) ; tried ivman but actually didn't work.
    Do you have some tips to help us solve those 2 last issues ?
    link to the public new Arch Linux PC's thread (in French)

    kioskrc is to be located in /opt/xfce4/etc/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc not into /etc/xdg/xfce4.
    Here our kioskrc which locks effectively any changes to xfce4 panel & desktop.
    As we customized them, I had to place our customized config files into /opt/xfce4/etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/ & ~/desktop/.
    # /opt/xfce4/etc/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc

  • Media manager in Desktop manager not working

    for some reason my Media Manager is not highlighted so I can't select it in my Blackberry Desktop Manager.
    Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.

    Few things
    1. What OS are you running
    2. Check to make sure that you do not have any anti spyware software blocking the app
    3. make sure the firewall is not blocking it like Zonealarm.
    4 did you get any errors when you installed it
    5. uninstall the app and make sure you delete the folder as well
         "C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry and reinstall it

  • Leopard FAT32 Issue, Can't delete Panasonic P2 media locked files

    For all final cut users now using a P2 workflow - I ran into an issue with leopard and have to downgrade to tiger.
    Leopard is now honoring the "read only" setting on all the media files created by a panasonic P2 camera. My workflow was to dump a card onto my macbook pro while shooting on another card. When the transfer was complete, I would erase the media on the P2 card and put it back in the camera to continue shooting.
    Unfortunately in Leopard, I cannot do anything to delete the files on the P2 card. I cannot unlock them in the get info window, I cannot unlock them in the terminal, I cannot drag them to the trash and force empty the trash, and I cannot even delete them via "sudo rm -Rf". I have tried numerous ways of formatting the card via the terminal, but something about its formatting is very specific, and the camera will not shoot on the card if I format it in OS X.
    It seems the Leopard Fat32 implementation here is too strict - as I can't remove locked files. Even when running as sudo - Has anyone been able to do this?
    Unfortunately I have to downgrade if I can't solve this, because formatting the card in the camera is not an option, as I need to run a continuous shoot.

    Yes, this is true - In Tiger, a flawless way of erasing the card without messing up the formatting on the mac was to use the panasonic software. But now in Leopard, you cannot even use the panasonic software to erase the card, because something in the system is not allowing anything locked on a fat32 partition to be modified.
    It seems someone tech savvy out there could figure out the proper terminal command on how to format those cards - Which brings me back to the question - why does "sudo rm -Rf" get a permission denied.

  • Having trouble updating Website Media Query as desktop version across all platforms/devices in .css

    Hi all,
    thank you for taking the time to read this.
    I've been wondering how to update my website to view as a desktop version across al platforms... I am super new at this but have been having great success thanks to everyone in this forum.  I've been making updates to the site and want to keep a desktop version across all platforms...below is what i get when i view it from my phone and would like to see it as a regular pc. Thanks all!
    here is the current .css and link to my site
    /*  Boxed Layout
        .bg-cover {
            background-attachment: fixed;
            background-position: 50% 50%;
            background-size: cover;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
        body {
      background: url(../images/content/bg_img01.jpg);
      font-family: "Century Gothic", "Arial Narrow", Century, Cambria;
      color: #000000;
      font-size: 12pt;
      font-weight: 100;
      line-height: 1.4;
        #body-wrapper {
      left: 50%;
      margin-left: -500px;
      padding-top: 0;
      padding-bottom: 0;
      width: 980px;
      -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
      box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,.3);
      overflow-x: hidden;
      padding-left: 25px;
      padding-right: 25px;
    /*  Media Queries
    /* Standard 960 or larger (browsers) */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) {
    /* Smaller than standard 960 (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 979px) {
        #body-wrapper {
            margin-left: -404px;
            width: 960px;
            padding: 0 50px;
        .fullwidth {
            margin-right: -50px !important;
            margin-left: 0px !important;
        .fullwidth-padding {
            margin-right: -50px !important;
            margin-left: -50px !important;
            padding-right: 50px !important;
            padding-left: 50px !important;
    /* Tablet Portrait size to standard 960 (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) {
    /* All Mobile Sizes (devices and browser) */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #body-wrapper {
            margin-left: -250px;
            width: 440px;
            padding: 0 30px;
        .fullwidth {
            margin-right: -30px !important;
            margin-left: -30px !important;
        .fullwidth-padding {
            margin-right: -30px !important;
            margin-left: -30px !important;
            padding-right: 30px !important;
            padding-left: 30px !important;
    /* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
    /* Mobile Portrait Size to Mobile Landscape Size (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
        #body-wrapper {
            margin-left: -165px;
            width: 280px;
            padding: 0 25px;
        .fullwidth {
            margin-right: -25px !important;
            margin-left: -25px !important;
        .fullwidth-padding {
            margin-right: -25px !important;
            margin-left: -25px !important;
            padding-right: 25px !important;
            padding-left: 25px !important;

    Before you touch one more thing in this site, you need to get up to speed on Responsive Web Design and all that it entails.  That is the bleeding edge trend right now.  Reverting to pixel layouts is not going to improve your site.  It will throw it back into the stone age.  So don't do it.
    Responsive Web Design
    Introduction to CSS Media Queries
    Responsive web sites need responsive menu systems.  Below are some links to follow:
    PVII's Pop-Menu Magic3 (commercial DW extension)
    Responsive Iconic
    Responsive Hybrid
    jQuery Superfish (desktop)
    jQuery MeanMenu (responsive on mobile)
    Good luck!
    Nancy O.

  • Media Manager & Digital Desktop Display

    I've captured HDV footage to ProRes and all that is ok. I wanted to use Media Manager to recompress to a lower bit rate format for mobile editing. All that is fine, too.
    The problem I'm having is when I'm editing with the new (recompressed footage) and using the digital cinema desktop display:
    When I use preset formats from the media manager list, the digital cinema desktop function works fine. When I create a custom setting in the media manager (recompressing) the digital cinema desktop display function stays still on the first frame and only changes when I stop it (and it changes to the frame where I stopped).
    Any solution or ideas are welcome.

    Thanks for the answer.
    Well, after much experimenting with workflow (some time ago) I had decided upon always capturing to ProRes from the camera. My system seems to work smoother (therefore I work faster) with the ProRes than with the HDV.
    In any case, it was near identical.
    In this case, what I really need is to create two sets of media. I need something very small and portable for this edit, while keeping the ProRes (or original HDV) on my main computer for when I'm there.
    I just get better results (higher quality with a lower bit rate) when I do custom settings in Media Manager, but then the digital cinema desktop display stops working.
    Thanks for the input, but this media manager issue is my real problem.

  • Media crashes palm desktop

    I recently installed palm desktop 6.2.2 on my new computer running 32bit Vista. When I click the media button, it asks to close the desktop in order to install it but then it never installs and crashes the desktop. I get the following messages:
    Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
      Application Name:    Palm.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    477d92d2
      Fault Module Name:    Media.ocx
      Fault Module Version:
      Fault Module Timestamp:    4760995f
      Exception Code:    c0000005
      Exception Offset:    00033a93
      OS Version:    6.0.6001.
      Locale ID:    1033
      Additional Information 1:    e7e9
      Additional Information 2:    388f744abda1b657414e3e98e8383734
      Additional Information 3:    88a2
      Additional Information 4:    13fadfbd01816860d48486d26ed01182
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Could be anything from a bad download to a bad installation. First lets try the easy uninstall. Just go into your control panel, remove Palm Desktop restart your PC. Be sure to restart and not sleep. Most Vista PC's are setup to sleep. Then download from the website and reinstall. Skip any sync options you get and restart again. Open Palm Desktop then and see if it works.
    Post relates to: Treo 800w (Sprint)

  • HELP!! i cannot Hotsync Media- newly downloaded desktop has no media conduit

    even in the "custom" screen there is no media option.
    everything else seems to be there.
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

    What is the OS of your computer?  If you are using win xp (pro or home version), you can go to this link <Removed link that is propitiatory information for Palm> ... that palm desktop version has a media conduit included on it since it is the same version that is on your installation disk.
    Post relates to: Treo 650 (Unlocked GSM)
    Message Edited by thepoeta15 on 09-23-2008 02:26 PM

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