Mic too sensitive

I'm using a CAD u3 usb mic to do some radio drops and I can't this thing to act right. The mic is too sensitive. I've tried all that I know but can't get it to sound right. Please help.

What do you mean by "sound right"? Are you getting loud pops, white noise, feedback, or something else?  What have you tried so far? Also, do you think it's a problem with your mic or with Garageband? Try recording thru Quicktime or Audacity or some other audio program to figure that out.
If it's a mic problem, you might want to post over at a pro audio forum like Gearslutz or Recording.org where there are tons of experienced folks who can help you troubleshoot your specific mic.

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    I've never had that problem with my first iPhone which was the 4 then the 4s then the 5 and now the 5s, but no offense to apple (my friends tell me that I'm a fanboy) I use the Bose MIE2 and I've beeen using it for 3 years now and love it.
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    I apologize if this doesn't help you?  Have you tried going to an apple store to let them know about your complaint?

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    Thanks a bunch,

    Woah, that was fast!
    Yes, I've tried that download. It seems to be looking for a USB connection, such as one of those mice with a USB transmitter. It says "No Logitech Device Found"
    That's the problem.
    Both Macupdate and the logitech site link to the same program, BTW.
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    Thanks for the fast response,
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    Wow.  I did not even know that there was a shake to undo.  Learn soething every day.  But i notice your profile says  you are on 4.3.   It may be that they tweaked that with the more recent software upgrades. 

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    If the machine is on windows 8,
    under the Windows 8 settings app (-> PC and devices -> Mouse and touchpad). This is apparently configurable only in the settings app, and not anywhere under the Control Panel.

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    Could you please share your pdf file with us at [email protected] so that we can investigate this issue?
    Adobe Reader Team

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    Try setting the scroll wheel scaling manually, by running the following command in the Terminal and then logging out and then back in to re-load the settings:
    defaults write -g com.apple.scrollwheel.scaling -float VALUE
    In this case, try values of 1, 0.5, 0.25, etc, decreasing in half each time to see how the scroll wheel sensitivity responds, and then use the one that works best. Alternatively, you can use the system preferences to set the sensitivity to the two values you have used so far, followed by running the following command between each to see what the value is for each:
    defaults read -g com.apple.scrollwheel.scaling
    Then you can determine some intermediate value to use, and use the first command above to set it to that value (again followed by logging out and then back in so the value will load).

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    Hello there Dr. Dave,
    It sounds like your proximity sensor is not turning the screen black to prevent buttons from being pressed. I recommend the troubleshooting from the article named:
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Screen won't lock or go black when answering calls
    Verify mute or speaker have not been activated, just prior to placing your ear over the receiver.
    While on a call hold your hand over the top third of the display, and verify that the screen is locked or goes to sleep.
    Try turning iPhone off and then on again.
    If the issue persists, I would next close all the running apps on the phone:
    iOS: Force an app to close
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    When you have done that and restart the phone and test the issue again:
    iOS: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Has anyone else noticed this? How do I fix this? Thanks!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    I have the same problem on my MacBook Pro. The zoom feature is way too sensitive for my liking, however, there is no way at the moment to control it. As this is a Beta version, these oddities will occur. Hopefully, when Safari 4 is released in final version (no date yet announced) this problem will be fixed.
    As I previously did, let Apple know what you are experiencing with the trackpad via the Safari Menu>Report Bugs to Apple. If you want to go back to Safari 3, use the Uninstaller that's included in the Safari 4 Downloads package. This is the only safe way to go back to Safari 3.

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    Hi Calle2014,     
    Welcome to the Lenovo Community.                                 
    As per the query we understood that you are facing issue with touchpad very sensitive in your Lenovo G580 laptop.
    As you have mentioned that the touchpad is very sensitive please go to control panel select mouse.
    Select pointer option tab, under pointer option tab tick on enhance pointer precision and also set pointer speed to minimum or to the neutral and click on apply and ok. Now check for the issue.
    Hope this helps! Do post us back for further queries.                 
    Best regards,                       
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    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Some keys becoming way too sensitive

    Hello - 9105 pearl user here
    Have had my bb several months now but these past few weeks have noticed that a couple of keys have become way too sensitive - the 0 and the 2 keys which are adjacent to each other down the middle of the phone if that helps.
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    The phone been fine for 6 months or so but I can't seem to stop this happening. Have removed battery and altered key rate but has no effect
    anyone else had this or got any ideas ?!?

    the 0 key and the 2 key are not adjacent to each other. Please check:
    that being said, I suggest you go to your carrier helpdesk and have your device changed while you still have a warranty.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    I just downloaded Lion. I noticed on the mail app that there is no down arrow on the righthand slider? The slider bar is way too sensitive.

    Hi Anne,
    Sad but true, no more scroll arrows anywhere... why? Because if you can't use something easily on an iPhone it's gone from iOS7

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    Is it really that hard to add it's own drop down to select the selection size.
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