Microsoft azure

How to get Microsoft Azure commercial license can you help to get the license

Do you want to subscribe an azure account? If so, please access azure official site: , if you have any confuse, please contact with azure account support:, if I misunderstanding, please feel free to let me know.
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    Trying to create a new website, I get this error:
    Creating Microsoft Azure Website
    Creation of Microsoft Azure Website failed. The application already exists. The remote server returned an unexpected response: (409) Conflict.
    I succeeded to create this website earlier on and then I deleted it as I didn't need it anymore.
    Now I want to create it again but I get this error even though I've deleted all websites, hosting plans, cloud service, etc from my Azure account.
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    At this point, I don't know how it happened, but we'll need to dig deeper. I believe there is a sequence that can cause problems if you create a site via Current portal and delete it via Preview, but I'm not sure.
    BTW, it seems you have 2 other sites that may be in the same situation (deleted in a way that you couldn't recreated them). They're '' and 't..d' (not giving full name to avoid squatters!). Do you think you'll want to recreate them later? If
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    Creation of Microsoft Azure Website failed. Cannot move or create server. Subscription '<id>' will exceed server quota.
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    Thanks for your time,

    It might be due to various other resources (sql DB, application insight, etc) that you may have created while deploying earlier websites, and filled up your Quota. Due to which, creating new resources would exceed the quota limit.
    Check for the unused resources and clear them. It may clear the error and allow you to create new websites.
    Otherwise, It should be an Account related issue than Technical issue. I suggest you contact Azure support, it is a best choice for you, Please contact support team by creating a support ticket at
    Manu Rekhar

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    Hi Bahree,
    Microsoft does not suggest  a specific third-party product. However, we do use them, and see lots of other customers use them.
    Paraleap: Monitoring tool - , You may browse to these site and few others to learn more, and chat with their folks directly on how they support Windows Azure.
    I see that Microsoft has published a self-help diagnostic package for running Windows-based virtual machines (VMs) in Azure IaaS and this this diagnostic package does not require opening a Support Request with
    This package helps to diagnose and resolve common issues on running Windows-based VMs in Azure IaaS
    We may download the diagnostic package from Microsoft's Support Diagnostics Self-Help Portal:
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    Shirisha Paderu

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    Please try to setting Folder Permissions on Web Publish, and then deploy it with Web Deploy, as far as I know, if we do that, Web Deploy will use the SetAcl operation to change permissions. Please have a look at the article below.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Error: 'The File exists 0x80070050' when updating a MVC5 app to Microsoft Azure Tools 2.5

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    Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
    The file exists. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070050)
    How can I upgrade my project to Azure Tools 2.5?

     Thanks for Posting.
     Refer to the following article on how to upgrade your VS project to SDK 2.5, and let us know if this helps
     Also check if you have installed the latest update form VS, you can download it from here :

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    I have only a trial at the moment as I wanted to test the product first but have been unable to do so as i can't install the agent.

    I searched and it seems that Windows SBS 2011 is not in the support list. Only Windows Server 2012 Essentials (and later versions) are available.
    Windows Server Essentials Integration Module for Windows Azure Backup is Now Available
    Edit on May.2: I've heard that it was supported in trial version so I'm now trying to contact related team about whether or not it is supported. Will update when getting any response.

  • My post was moved to Microsoft Azure Azure Backup forum but that forum is not accessable or doesn't exist and I need help!

    I had the post below moved to
    Microsoft Azure
    Azure Backup
    Moved by
    Jambor yao<abbr class="affil">Microsoft contingent staff</abbr>
    Tuesday, February 24, 2015 5:22 AM
    But that forum does not exist in any drop down list to ask a question or add to my forums list and no way to access that forum directly.
    I originally post it to Azure Storage forum.
    Can anyone help with the following azure backup service failure without just moving the post to a non-existing forum?
    "cbengine.exe Application Error"
    I have a windows 2012 Standard server running with the Azure Recovery services and Azure Backup agent installed on the server. About once a week the backup fails with no error msg. Other times I get the following errors below. How can I track down and fix
    this problem.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          2/18/2015 3:01:20 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      HLA2012
    Faulting application name: cbengine.exe, version: 1.0.8236.0, time stamp: 0x52442be2
    Faulting module name: HypervVhdHelper.DLL, version: 1.0.8236.0, time stamp: 0x52442dac
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0000000000006ae7
    Faulting process id: 0x2584
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d04b4f1490c66e
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Backup Agent\bin\cbengine.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Backup Agent\bin\HypervVhdHelper.DLL
    Report Id: 525dfd3b-b744-11e4-9433-00505601051a
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:
    Event Xml:
    Thank you Morris

    Here's a link to your post.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Publish cloud service fails from Visual Studio 2013 Update 4: Published Asset Entry for Image Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.

    I have a cloud service project with two roles (service and worker). In Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 when I choose "Publish..." from the "Solution Explorer",  it opens "Microsoft Azure Activity Log" and quickly terminates.
    Here the log:
    9:43:47 AM - Applying Diagnostics extension.
    9:44:09 AM - Published Asset Entry for Image Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.
    All works fine when uploading the package and updating from It only fails from within Visual Studio.
    What can I do to get it working?

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    move to the new diagnostics version.
    Now, I get the same error message in Visual Studio:
    11:45:24 - Checking for Remote Desktop certificate...
    11:45:25 - Applying Diagnostics extension.
    11:45:45 - Published Asset Entry for Image Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.
    With my small testing project - also two roles (service and worker) - everything is fine. However, I'm looking for a solution to make by existing production service working.
    Also the test project shows no Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml,
    but this is no problem - so what's the meaning of or solution to this error messages?
    What I found so far:
    I deployed the Azure project from the same development environment to another Azure test service: Deployment
    showed no errors and the service is running fine! So the problem is not with the source, the development environment, library dependencies etc.
    Trying Azure cmdlets for PowerShell also work fine for the new service and fails for the production service with almost the same error message:
    I tried:
    PS C:\> Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension -StorageContext $storageContext -DiagnosticsConfigurationPath $public_config -ServiceName $service_name -Slot 'Staging' -Role $role_name
    VERBOSE: Setting PaaSDiagnostics configuration for MyWebRole.
    Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension : BadRequest : Published Asset Entry for Image
    Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics_PaaSDiagnostics_europeall_manifest.xml not found.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension -StorageContext $storageContext -Diagnostic ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-AzureServiceDiagnosticsExtension], CloudException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudException,Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceManagement.
    The problem seems to be related to those service configuration parts in the cloud which are not replaced
    by a new deployment... So what are possible reasons or fixes for this behaviour?
    Best regards,

  • Microsoft Azure for machine learning on data collected from microsoft spectrum observatory

    Dear Sir,
    Can any one please suggest how shall I apply Microsoft Azure for applying machine learning techniques on spectrum data available from Microsoft spectrum observatory . Please send a mail.

    Hi Pavan!
    Apologies, I'm not familiar with MSO - how are you collecting the data provided there? Is there an API? Do you have access to the raw data?

  • No Cloud Services when signing into Microsoft Azure Publish

    When signing into Microsoft Azure Publish in Visual Studio 2013 (right click Cloud Project -> "Publish..."), none of my cloud services are appearing.
    This has previously always been working for me.
    Signing in using my Windows Live account (I am a "co-administrator"):
    When opening the publish window, I get this popup asking me to create a new service!
    Because as you can see, I now have no services:
    I have no idea what has happened. Can anyone help?
    I also tried signing in with the portal Administrator credentials - same problem!
    I posted this same question on stackoverflow:

    I have tested the same in my lab environment and I am able to find the list of cloud services.
    Suggest you to try the below
    Sign Out of your subscription by going to Publish > Manage > Sign Out
    Re open Visual Studio by choosing Run as an Administrator and Sign In with your subscription and check if you are now able to find all the cloud services in your subscription
    Looking forward for your reply.

  • VM in Running (Installing Extensions) state - it seems it's failing to enable the Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.IaasDiagnostics plugin

    My VM is in the follow state "Running (installing extensions) state. In the dashboard it appears that the IaasDiagnostics extension is not enabled. The message displayed in the dashboard is:
    Enable failed for plugin (name: Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.IaaSDiagnostics, version with exception Command C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.IaaSDiagnostics\\DiagnosticsPluginLauncher12.exe of Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics.IaaSDiagnostics has exited with Exit code: -3
    How can I get this working?

    Thanks for your feedback.
    Can you RDP into the VM? If yes, you can check the log in the path below to see if you can find any root reason for this issue:
    I also tried to use the Remove-AzureVMDiagnosticsExtension cmdlets to do that and got the same results as yours:
    I am sorry to say that I haven't found any ways to remove the DiagnosticsExtension in Azure PowerShell at present. I recommend you to feeback this on the Azure feedback
    link below:
    By the way, you can access the
    preview portal by going to Browse Virtual Machines, select the VM, select
    Extensions, select the extension to remove and click Delete. After it has been deleted, go back and select
    Add and add it back.
    In addition, if you restart the VM and still encounter this issue, please contact Azure support by requesting a support ticket in the link below:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Microsoft Azure Monitoring Services Management Library stable release date

    With the general availability of autoscale and the Microsoft Azure Management Libraries, what's the timeline on the general availability of Microsoft Azure Monitoring Services Management Library? Is there an estimated release date for v1.0?

    We have the preview release for the API/REST and a Nuget package
    Johnny Coleman [MSFT] Any code posted to this Forum is [As-Is] With No Warranties

  • Unable to connect to HANA Studio on CAL using Microsoft Azure

    I have created a new instance in CAL on Microsoft Azure. I have started and activated the instance. In Azure also its in started mode and I am being billed. But then when I login using SYSTEM as user name and the Password that I created while setting up my instance in CAL, I get a message saying, "Invalid username or password".
    I gave the Public IP address in putty, the port by default is 22. I clicked on open but I am getting a message, network error: Connection time out.
    I opened HANA Studio and gave the public IP address, instance 00, User Name as system and password is the one I created during setting up of my instance in CAL. But I am unable to login here aswell.
    Can any one please explain me what the issue is? Do I have to reset my password? How do I do that in CAL? Or is it any issue with the IP addresses?
    As a technology its a good feature to access HANA on cloud but from user friendliness I find it very tough to access. I had same problems with AWS also. Good old days was good when you opened SAP Logon pad and accessed the system straightaway with single sign on. Is it possible to have some thing like single sign on while accessing HANA Studio on Cloud. I don't want to be entering the IP address each and every time I connect. And half the time the IP address doesn't connect.
    Please assist.
    Thank you.

    Are you sure the proper ports are opened and that your network is allowing you to actually access those specific ports?
    Are you able to go to http://IP OF SYSTEM:8000 or http://IP OF SYSTEM:80 do either load up a page for you?

  • What is Microsoft Azure VM-Depot?

    VM DepotVM Depot is a community managed repository of pre-configured Linux and FreeBSD operating systems, applications, and development stacks that can easily be deployed on Microsoft Azure. Find your favourite software and deploy it in minutes, or join the community, build a virtual machine image, and share it with others.Content Management Systems (CMS) for Microsoft Azure
    Linux and FreeBSD Base Images for Microsoft Azure
    Education Sector Virtual Machine Images for Microsoft AzureVM Depot is of interest to those who wish to:Discover useful Virtual Machine Images to be deployed on Microsoft Azure (see below for an overview of the site and Searching VM Depot and Deploying Virtual Machines from VM Depot for more details)Distribute Virtual Machines for use by others (see Contributing to VM Depot)Using VM Depot to find the best Virtual...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    Managing Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for Android phones with IntuneAs previously announced on the Office blog, the Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint apps for Android phone are now available. These apps support Microsoft Intune mobile application management capabilities,which means that with aMicrosoft Intune subscription, you can now restrict actions such as copy, cut, paste, “save as”, and back up to help protect corporate data in these apps. Watch this video to learn more about managing mobile productivity with Intune and Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility Suite:Also, check out these additional resources that may be helpful:View technical documentation on controlling apps using mobile application management policies with IntuneFind additional technical resources for Intune in the TechNet libraryRead blog post on Intune mobile...

  • Can't register Microsoft Azure free

    I'm from Viet Nam. I try register Microsoft Azure free but error: "Sorry,
    we could not complete the operation. Please try again later or reload the web page [OMS_6118]." Please support me!

    I was having the same issue, tried about 20 times with no luck. But first time I checked the "Microsoft can contact me for marketing purposes" checkbox, I got my subscription created. 
    Not sure if this was the root cause, since this morning I created another one with this unchecked, but somebody can test when happening again. You can go to your LiveId profile later (
    and change your Marketing preference.
    David Rodríguez

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