Middleware CRM Serviceorder to CS Serviceorder?

is there a standard szenario to create from a CRM Serviceorder also in ERP a CS Serviceorder (IW31)?
Maybee a middleware szenario?
Or a remote function call?
Would be great if you could share me your experience.
Thank you
Best regards

Hi Manfred,
There is no standard scenario which will create a CS Serviceorder (IW31) in ERP refering a service order from CRM.
And CRM service order and ERP service order (IW31) are not related.
As per standard service scenario, whenever a service order is created with Service item and sales item in CRM, and the order is released, a corresponding Sales order will be created for the sales item and an internal order will be created for the service item. One can check the sales order using TCode VA02 (sales order number will be same as CRM service order) and the Internal order using the transaction KO03 (Here the internal order number will be different from Service order).
Please find more information about data exchange for Service Orders with ERP in the below link:
Hope this helps!

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    Hi Jayakrishnan
    please check below mention note and two attachment to it (BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_EXCHANGE_30.PDF)
    Note 490932 - Data exchange of sales transactions between CRM & R/3
    and before replication check this report as well
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    Hi San rao,
    As there are a couple of groupings in BP, the pointer would be the value 225, from there you can get to what grouping this refers to.
    update the group in ecc and then it should work fine.

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    Hi Oliver,
    Rajendra answer is correct.
    The SAP Standard integration Scenario creates a ERP sales order for all the salesitems in the serviceorder.
    Without items no salesorder is created in standard.
    Maybe you could realize your requirement with own coding when you save a new service order or by button - click.
    I realized something similar some weeks ago. One hind:  It is helpfull to maintain a ztable where you store which CRM serviceorder is linked to which sales orders.
    Kind regards.

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    HI Dan
    First decide amongst the following specilizations in CRM in which u want to expertise, then you can go ahead with individual topics..
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    Hi Rachel,
    Its always recommended to change the data in lead system - in your case CRM. So, if you could convince your users/business for that, its always recommended. But, if you really have to do changes to some field in R3 (due to any reason), its ideal to do it only in R3. Data integrity will be maintained even otherwise, but if some error occurs and users try to change it in both side and if the queues in both sides are cleared in wrong order, it can lead to un-desired results.
    So, if possible its better to allow editing for particular fields only in one system - so if you can hide that field in CRM , i would recommend it.

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    Hi Sreedhar,
    CRM is a altogether diffrent product by SAP to maintain the  customer relationship. It covers the complete cycle of the customer relationship i.e starting from the marketing, sales, service, analytics. In order to connect the CRM system with other systems we use CRM middleware which is integrated with the CRM itself. So no need of having seperate box for CRM MW.CRM PCUI is also one interface to access CRM and for this also you do not need seperate box. Mobile applications are installed in the laptops and they can be connected to the CRM servers to synchronize the data between laptops and CRM. For web application like internet sales we need a seperate box (we also call it as Netweaver box) which talks to the CRM. Hope this much details will clear your doubt.
    <b>Reward points if it helps!!</b>
    Best regards,

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    Thank you.
    Best regards

    Hello Amit,
    the requirement is the following:
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    Best regards

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    Edited by: Mario Bauer on Jun 22, 2010 9:24 AM
    Edited by: Mario Bauer on Jun 22, 2010 9:28 AM

    SAP PI itself is a middleware Product but very roboust and capable enough to integrate any system to any other system, either it is SAP or Non-SAP. And there are two ways to integrate other ERP System to SAP CRM using SAP PI.
    1. SAP PI will receive the message from back end ERP system & convert it to the XML format. SAP CRM receives the message using the Middleware XIF adaptor and convert the incoming XML Messages in the BDocs and the BDocs upload the data in the SAP-CRM Data base.
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    The data inside the SAP_CRM System always transported in the BDocs not in Idocs. It is the BDocs data containers which transport the data from CRM Middleware to CRM Database and CRM Database upto CRM Middleware.

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    I'm trying to replicate a simple R/3 table (list of countries in my example below. The replication must include both initial and delta downloads.
    My problem is the following:
    When doing an initial load using Transaction R3AS the BDOC is created correctly.  
    The traffic lights are green in transaction SMW01 with a status of Confirmed (fully processed). 
    The segments of the BDOC are populated with the correct value from R3 <b>BUT</b> <b>the table on CRM is not populated.</b>
    Here is what I have done so far:
    1-Created table on R3 ZCOUNTRY
    2-Created mapping Function on R3 Z_CRS_MAP_ZCOUNTRY_BAPIMCTS
    3-Created extract Function on R3 ZCOUNTRY_EXTRACT
    4-Created an entry in Table CRMSUBTAB for Function ZCOUNTRY_EXTRACT
    5-Created Receiving Module in R3 Z_CRM_COUNTRY_COLLECT_DATA triggered on SM30 for the Delta Load
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    9-Add an entry in SMW3BDOCIF for BDOC ZCOUNTR_MESG and Validation Function ZCRM_ZCOUNTR_MESG_VAL
    10-Created mapping Function on CRM ZMAP_COUNTRY_BAPIMTCS_TO_MBDOC
    11-Created MW Adapter Object in CRM ZCRMCOUNTRY
    12-Created a replication Object on CRM ZCOUNTR_MESG
    13-Created a publication on CRM ZCOUNTRY
    I'm not sure why the CRM does not get populated. Could it have anything to do with "GUID" keys?
    The 2 fields on my bespoke table are:
    In my Root Data Structure for the MBDOC do I need to add GUID as the first fields i.o.w.
    When I choose my segment fields do I choose (?):
    In my CRM Mapping function how do I populate the GUID field? (see the code below in the mapping function).  How do I get a value into lv_sfakey and does this have anything to do with the GUID mentioned above.
    MOVE lv_sfakey TO segment_line-guid.
    MOVE lv_sfakey TO ext_line-data-guid.
    Thanks for any help

    Hi Manoj,
    I have a similar situation as you have described. However my problem is that when i start the initial load, the status in the RFC inbound queue of CRM (smq2) shows stop and the oject shows the status running. I dont know how to debug the
    Validation FM and Mapping FM written for the same. Can you please explain me the meaning of the status shown in the crm queue.

  • Middleware on CRM 7.0 for ERP and CRM sales integration

    Hi all,
    i am involved in a CRM upgrade project in order to repleace the client current release with CRM 7.0.
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    my question is: new release 7.0 covers all those included functionalities by default without implementing this scenario? If yes, how and what exactly.
    thank you in advance and i am looking forward your feed-back
    cheers, lucia

    Hi Christophe
    this can be done. You can call MDM web services for either doing a Free form search or even run a MDM matching strategy to find potential duplicates defined based on rules in MDM.
    In one of our projects we have used Web services call from CRM ecommerce portal to MDM for doing a Customer search.

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    Now for some reason the client wants to refresh the R/3 system. (Basically they are copying over the R/3 Dev system to refresh the R/3 Sandbox system. Our connection is currently between the 2 sand box systems) What impact will this have on the CRM system? Will it cause mass delta downloads? I have already referred to notes 588701 & 765018. Any additional information or watch outs will be appreciated.
    Secondly what's the best practice do a refresh in the future? Is there a SAP recomendation on how to go about with system refresh when CRM & R/3 are connected?

    Hello ARP,
    as always: It depends what to do:
    a) do you have a CRM DEV System available? If possible you should get the connection working over there and then do a Landscape Copy of the R/3 DEV + CRM DEV to the Sandbox Landscape.
    b) Let them copy the R/3 DEV to the R/3 Sandbox. Then use the Data Integrety Manager (Transaction SDIMA) to get the missing Customers, Transactions exchanged.
    In the future they normally have to do a Landscape Copy.

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    2) Do we have a product called u201CMessaging wareu201D used in SAP ?
    Kindly revert at the earliest .

    Hi Sreedhar,
    What you've mentioned is exactly the task of CRM Middleware, which sits on the CRM server and governs the data flow.
    By any chance are you trying to find out about DOE(Data Orchestration Engine) used by SAP NetWeaver Mobile ?
    maybe this link would help then:

  • Sales area Upload CRM to SAP R/3 Middleware

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    We are facing a Unique Isssue when replicating a Sales area data of a BP from CRM to SAP R/3 .
    The versions are SAP CRM 5.2 and SAP R/3 4.6c
    Problem : We have created a BP with Role "Prospect" initially in CRM and added a Sales area to same using CRM Web UI. Now we upgrade the Prospect to a Role "Sold to Party" and later deleted the old Prospect role .
    Through Middleware Delta events , the Business Partner in Role "sold to party" is successfully getting replicated to SAP R/3 system with General data .
    But the Sales area is missing . Why is this ??
    One more point is that , when we manually change the Sales area in CRM again and save the changes made , the Sales area is flowing into SAP R/3 system automatically . this is strange for us !!
    Why is the Sales area not getting replicated into SAP R/3 system automatically whereas the General data of the BP is getting replicated ??
    Please help us ..Point will be rewarded for the correct answer.

    Hi Manohar,
    Thanks for the Information .
    Please tell me which report i need run daily to update the Org structure ??
    Is it HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE report in CRM system ??
    If im wrong , please tell me the correct Report name ..
    Full points will be awarded if the answer is correct .

  • Version Compatibility of SAP R/3 4.6 C with SAP CRM 5.2 + CRM middleware

    Dear SDN team,
    We are trying to Integrate SAP R/3 4.6c with SAP CRM 5.2 using CRM middleware.
    We wanted to know the following :
    1.Technical and Functional feasibility in integration of CRM 5.2 and R/3 4.6c. What are problems for these versions ? ( In Brief )
    2.We are trying to move the Objects BP , Quotes and Products from R/3 to CRM 5.2. Has anyone done this and can someone give us a brief description of the problems while doing the same
    3.Any other useful suggestions would be very helpful regarding CRM middleware.
    Kindly reply on this post . Points would be awarded.
    Thanks and Regards
    Dinesh and Ritvij
    Email : [email protected]

    Hello Ritvij,
    Regarding middleware ,are you down loading plants? bacause down load object objects DNL_PLANT is obsolete.
    Unusable middleware objects :
    and the master data objects
    Find composite note for middleware at 872533..
    What is the leading system for Order creation?
    Please refer notes 490932 for more info about transactional doc replication between the two systems.
    Please assign points.
    Muralidhar Prasad Chatna

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