MKT Automation: Campain executed daily should contact ONLY new partners

I have an automated email campaing that is executed once a day, in this campaing there are one or more target groups,
after the first execution of the campaign should only contact the new partners added to the target groups iin te next day execution.
At the moment the email campaign its sent to everyone in the target groups daily.
Is there a way to prevent to contact a partner with a campaign that he has already received?
Any idea is very welcome and apreciated!
Thanks in advance!!!!

Welcome to SDN.
I think this can be achieved by putting a condition to filter the BP's already contacted using standard condition template in Decision rule.  This means you would seperate the BP's already contacted and execute only the non contacted TG.

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    You can control this by proper routine for copying control in VTFF for Header Source: Billing Doc & Target: Invoice List doc type.
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    I couldn't find the edit button on my original post so I am posting an update here.
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    Attachments: ‏10 KB

    saran1988 wrote:
                      I have coded a program that if i click a button ( switch untill released) . inside that structure should work only one times . 
                      and i have coded and its working fine .. but its looks compilcated..
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    Your code has very little to do with what you are describing.
    There is no button with "switch until released" mechanical action. (OK is switch when released, stop is latch when released)
    A case structure always "works". Are you saying that it should execute e.g. the true case only once whenever the outer case goes from false to true??
    Your inner case goes true more than once per run of the program (whenever the OK goes true). If it should really only work once overall, use the "first call?" primitive. You need to formulate the problem using less ambiguous words.
    There is no obvious starting state for the boolean that you read via local variables. How do you ensure that it start with a known value? Does it matter?
    You seem to entirely deal with integers, so why are you using floating point representation for the numerics?
    What is the purpose of the orange numeric indicator. Is it just a kludge for your logic or does its value mean anything?
    Why does your loop not contain any wait?
    At this point, you should learn about shift registers. It would eliminate all your local variables.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Can you post a sample document for the forum to have a look?

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    You might look at this program.
    TimeMachineEditor - Time Software - Free

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    CS2 is very old and reached its "end of life" a while back.  So probably won't run on modern operating systems.  If you can still run it, you'll need to uninstall what you have and re-install with the download link below to activate it.
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Nancy O.

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    To prevent your iPhone from automatically syncing when you plug it in, click on iTunes in the menu bar, then preferences, then "devices", then tick "prevent iPhones, iPad's and iPod's from syncing automatically".
    Plug it in, then on the iPhone sync summary screen, click "info" along the top.
    Make sure the "sync contacts" option is not ticked. as long as it's not ticked, then it won't sync with your mac's contacts but will still include them in backups.
    Also, if you use iCloud, make sure that the iPhone/mac are either not signed into the same account, or that "contacts" is not turned on for both of them

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