Modifying UUT display and report

i want to modify some elements in the UUT mode:
A. I would like the UUT test run only once without the dialog box message popping.
B. I want to pass the serial number directly from the sequence (and will be shown in the xml report)

hi yairn,
You will have to modify the Sequence "Test UUTs" in the actual process model "SequentialModel.seq" to achieve this.
There is a step in the main of "Test UUTs" that sends you back to where you enter the UUT serial number. You will need to skip this so that it carries on to PostUUTLoop step.
Depending if you want all your sequence file to perform in this manner for all project.  You can either
a) Modify the Default Test UUTs in SequentialModel.seq and place your modify version in TestStand\Components\User\Models\TestStandModels
or if you wish to retain the default process model
b) Create a New SequentialMadel.seq based the Default SequentialModel.seq, changing the filename to match your requirement. Modified the required sequences and place the new sequence file in TestStand\Components\User\Models\TestStandModels. Then set this new sequence file as your Process Model in the properties of your test SequenceFiles. (See chapter 10 of the TestStand Reference Manual - Specifying a Specific Process Model for a Sequence File).
You can get the serial number from the lookup string "RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber".
Hope is is of help
Ray Farmer
Ray Farmer

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    Message was edited by:

    Frst check in backend, which all cubes have got data for each of three..
    Corresponding you can go ahead with Multi/Infoset..
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    Hi Hungh,
    If your are using BPC 10 with EPM add in client, you can use the function:
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    Thank you for the answer.
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    This works fine for "powerusers", but for informational users you have to create your own naming conventions for all navigational attributes which are not unique. For example 0COUNTRY may be a navigational attribute of 0CUSTOMER, OSOLD-TO, 0SHIP-TO, 0BILLTOPRTY, 0PAYER. To make the text clear for your users in reports name it CS Country, SO Country, SH Country, BT country, ... as 0COUNTRY could also be a characteristic from the document.
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          LINE_COUNT             = 65
          LINE_SIZE              = 255
          OUT_PARAMETERS         = PRIPAR
          VALID                  = VAL.
                         PARAMETERS PRIPAR
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    Count of Assined=23
    Sr   name     summary        etc ......
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    2     sdada       sdsd          sdsds
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        GROUP BY DECODE(name,NULL,0,1)
        UNION SELECT 1,0 FROM dual
        UNION SELECT 0,0 FROM dual)
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           TO_CHAR(SUM(counter)) FROM x GROUP BY ind;Replace your_table with whatever your table is called.

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    Thank you for any suggestions or clarification you can provide.
    Marj Weir

    Thank you.  I'll try that approach. 
    I found, after much experimentation, on a similar problem involving a multiselect lookup field,  that if I make the field invisible, and add a  textbox that displays the fieldname plus .column(0), it displays all the selected entries. 
    E.g.: staff.Column(0)
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    Marj Weir

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    Does anybody encountered this and throw some light to troubleshoot.
    Warm Regards

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    Have tried those options.. its unstable behaviour.
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