Monitoring IX4-300 with Nagios

Hello, Everyone
I have bought 3 new ix4, 300 to replace my old ix4-200d, and I have just discovered that I just cant get memory usage, total disk space and disk used space to calculate free space anymore,
mibs have changed,
someone has the new mibs for this ix4-300d?
thnks in advance
Go to Solution.

Found this in my own..
if somene need help, drop me a line..
I just might help

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    I've been researching the same thing. I don't know your primary purpose for a monitor, but I'm looking for one I can use for photo editing and print design--and the high end monitors are far out of my unemployed budget...So if you're looking for a monitor for primarily photo editing vs. gaming, here's what I've figured out so far: basically, be very leary of monitors with super-low response times (which are better for gaming (and possibly movie editing?). From my understanding they achieve this at the expense of color reproduction. The ones to look for for photo editing use S-IPS panels. A few websites warn that some brands (like Dell) might vary the type based on production run. I'll also get either huey, colormunki, or spyder. Haven't had a chance to research those yet.
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    pkgdesc="host and service monitor designed to inform of network problems"
    build() {
    mkdir $startdir/pkg/usr
    mkdir $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin
    mkdir $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin/nagios
    mkdir $startdir/pkg/etc
    mkdir $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr/sbin/nagios --with-cgiurl=/nagios/cgi-bin --with-html=/nagios/ --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-grp=nagios --with-init-dir=$startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d
    make all
    make install
    make install-init
    make install-config
    Thanks much

    manica wrote:
    When you have a Nagios PKGBUILD ready, could you please make it available to others?  That would be great.
    Thank you,
    Definitely, if I ever get it working properly.  However, since I have it working it working well enough for our purposes, I won't be putting a whole lot of time in the PKGBUILD.
    Thanks to Cactus for the advice above, but the build failed (don't have the error message handy.)
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    Go to Solution.

    It could be the device itself. Is it covered by the warranty?
    Are you concerned about retrieving the data or do you just want the device back up and running properly?
    If you are not concerned about data, you can try the following procedure at your own risk:
    Power down the device and reseat all the drives in the device. Power the device back on.
    If this doesn’t allow unit to boot, continue with below process.
       1. Turn off the device and pull out all the drives.
       2. Place any other drive 2, 3 or 4 in the first slot and boot up the device.
       3. Wait for sometime as the boot-up process can be slow.
             a. If it doesn’t boot, try another disk in slot 1.
       4. If it boots up correctly, insert another disk in slot 2.
            - Check UI for disk detection.
            a. If second disk is detected, turn it off, place disk 3 and 4 in unit and boot up.
            b. If it doesn’t boot-up correctly, remove 3 or 4 and retry. You may need to try to determine if 3 or 4 is bad in this case.
       5. Recreate the volume if it doesn’t start regenerating automatically
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  • I have 12 core with Quatro 4000 and 5770, I want to use dual monitor setup, monitors are NEC with Spectraview-II.  How do I connect?  4000 only has 1 Display Port and 1 DVI.  5770 has 2 of each, if I use both 5770 Display Ports, does the 4000 contribute?

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    How to proceed??? 
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    As a last resort I could sell both and get a 5870.  That would work, I'm sure of that, it's just that I wanted the better graphics card.

    The Hatter,
    I am a novice at Mac so I read all I can.  From what I understand the NEC monitors I bought require Display Port for their maximum performance.  The GTX 680 only has DVI outputs.  Difference from what I understand is larger bandwidth with the DP.
    You said I have the 4000 for CUDA.  I am not all that familiar with CUDA and when I do read about it I do not understand it. 
    A concern I have is, that if I connect the 2 high end NEC monitors via the 5770, using it's 2 Display Ports I would have nothing connected to the 4000.  Is the 4000 doing anything with nothing connected?  I read where in a PC system the 2 cards would interact but in a Mac system they do not.
    Bottom line, as I see it, the 4000 will not be useful at all to me, since I want a dual monitor set-up.
    So far the 5870 seems the best choice, higher band width than the 5770, and it has 2 Display Ports to optimize the NEC monitors.
    I'm not sure how fine I am splitting hairs, nor do I know how important those hairs are.  I am just trying to set up a really fast reliable system that will mainly be used for CS6 and LR4.  Those NEC monitors are supposed to be top notch.

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    How do I fix it so my monitor's calibrations match the original? Or, whatever I need to do to fix it.
    I print a lot of pictures and I need this to work correctly.

    Snoot, welcome, your new monitor just needs to be calibrated. From the finder under the Apple scroll down to System Preferences, Click the Desktop & Screen Saver icon and set the desktop picture to a Medium Gray.. You can change this back when you are done. Now go back by clicking Show All and click the Displays icon, then choose Display in the upper tabs and set your preferred resolution. Set your monitor brightness at about medium (if there is one) and at Colors choose Millions. Now choose Color from the upper tab and select Calibrate. Choose Expert Mode at the introduction and follow the on screen instructions. After making all of the Hue,Value and Saturation adjustments your must save the setting back to the Display profile.
    Also some applications have monitor selection in there preferences, so just make sure that you choose your present Display Profile for that particular application.
    Mac Pro 2.66 Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   Users (RAID 0), PM G4 (10.3.9, PM 6500 (10.2.8)

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    Hi Hbrandado,
    hbrandado wrote:
    No matter what settings I choose, the fonts on the display are impossibly tiny.  The menu fonts at top are readable, but everything else feels like I am taking an eye exam. 
    Is this fixable, or do I need to return the 4K monitor and fuhgedaboutit? 
    Since I am doing some shooting in 4K, I thought this monitor would make sense.
    I understand your issue and I don't have a solution for you. Sorry. In Premiere Pro CC 2014, you can increase the size of the fonts in the Project panel, but not in CS6.
    hbrandado wrote:
    If in fact it can't work with PP CS6 on WIn 8.1, what is the best recommended monitor to use with PP CS6?
    You may want to ask this in ourHardware Forum.
    Lots of gear heads that can help you there.

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    Are you using the method in this Apple article? If you do, it should work.
    Mac notebooks: How to use your computer in closed clamshell (display closed) mode with an external display

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    You can use USB for the Apple trackpad.

  • What monitors are compatible with the Mac mini?

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    Is this the new Mini?
    Most any Thunderbolt, HDMI, DVI, or VGA monitor will work with the new Mini, though many problems exist with the HDMI port it seems.
    Video Card:
    HD Graphics 4000
    VRAM Type:
    This model has an Intel HD Graphics 4000 graphics processor that shares memory with the system.
    Standard VRAM:
    512 MB*
    Maximum VRAM:
    512 MB*
    Display Support:
    Dual Displays
    Resolution Support:
    2nd Display Support:
    2nd Max. Resolution:
    *This model simultaneously supports 1920x1200 on an HDMI or a DVI display (using the included HDMI-to-DVI adapter) and 2560x1600 on a Thunderbolt or Mini DisplayPort display or even a VGA display (with an optional Mini DisplayPort-to-VGA adapter, which is compatible with the Thunderbolt port). 012-specs.html

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