Monitoring OVM - OVS Agent/ILO Agent etc

Got three Oracle T3-2 (4170) servers acting as OV Servers (running 3.2.8).
I understand that, for monitoring, an ovs agent is installed as part of the OV Server installation.
However, going into ilo for these servers, its telling me :-
"Comprehensive System monitoring is not available. Ensure the host is running with the Hardware Management Pack. For download details go to"
So do  I need this as well?
Bit unclear on best way to monitor these servers...

Well… there are a number of options. The first and - from Oracle's perspective - obvious one would be to go with OEM and monitor your OVM in there. However, OEM is a monster and we decided not to use it.
Instead, we are monitoring our OVS using the check_mk_agent and a number of self-crafted montoring addons, which gives a a really nice overview, plus notifications for our OVM setup. Note though, that this is also  nothing that you can get straight out of the box.

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    11:14:39.599 |//SIP/SIPUdp/wait_UdpDataInd: Incoming SIP UDP message size 1169 from[32796]:
    INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKqnnqtSWNcTnnlzrIB30p3g~~18925612
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Z5FCyzJYgyGTcQKk150og~~182259
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    To: <sip:[email protected];transport=udp>
    From: 2960 <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=ds620942f7
    Contact: <sip:[email protected]:5060;transport=udp>
    Expires: 60
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    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Content-Length: 0
    User-Agent: CVP 8.0 (1) Build=1440
    App-Info: <>;ringtone=ringback.wav
    Call-Info: <sip:>;purpose=x-cisco-origIP
    Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 19:14:37 GMT
    Supported: timer
    Supported: resource-priority
    Supported: replaces
    Supported: X-cisco-srtp-fallback
    Supported: Geolocation
    Min-SE: 1800
    Allow-Events: presence
    Cisco-Guid: 2164036096-0000065536-0009543076-3289017866
    Session-Expires: 1800
    Cisco-Gucid: AF4B8C1E100001346787D3E60A6E0A11
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    SIP/2.0 100 Trying
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKqnnqtSWNcTnnlzrIB30p3g~~18925612,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Z5FCyzJYgyGTcQKk150og~~182259
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    To: <sip:[email protected];transport=udp>
    Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 19:14:39 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Allow-Events: presence
    Content-Length: 0
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    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKqnnqtSWNcTnnlzrIB30p3g~~18925612,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.Z5FCyzJYgyGTcQKk150og~~182259
    From: 2960 <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=ds620942f7
    To: <sip:[email protected];transport=udp>;tag=887062457
    Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 19:14:39 GMT
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Allow-Events: presence
    Warning: 399 us-a-vc-sub3 "Unable to find a device handler for the request received on port 5060 from"
    Content-Length: 0
    11:14:39.605 |EnvProcessUdpHandler::handle_input - handle = 280|*^*^*
    11:14:39.605 |EnvProcessUdpHandler::handle_input   Status: 0, Id: 0|*^*^*
    11:14:39.605 |//SIP/SIPUdp/wait_UdpDataInd: Incoming SIP UDP message size 378 from[32796]:
    ACK sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKqnnqtSWNcTnnlzrIB30p3g~~18925612
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: <sip:[email protected];transport=udp>;tag=887062457
    From: 2960 <sip:[email protected]:5060>;tag=ds620942f7
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 1 ACK
    Content-Length: 0
    attached is the file of ccm logs

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    The F type Workitem cannot be forwarded because it represents Workflow (Also Subworkflow) workitem Id.
    You have to find out with workitem which has status W(Dialog Work Item; Represents a Single-Step Task) from SWWWIHEAD table and status should be in process and the TOP_WI_ID should be the value that you are trying to forward.

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    if you want just to reinstall the agent you could delete the $AGENT_HOME directory and cleanup the file "inventory.xml" ($ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/ContentsXML).
    But you could use the GUI of the installer as well and delete the agent the "official" way...
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    Hi Anil,
    we have developed the same kind of scenario in .
    we develop a custom module ATR(Air Ticket Reservation),all are self service pages(OAF) we linked this module with i-Expense.
    in ATR process employee raises a request for ATR booking and by the approval methods when it's approved then a automated notification goes to the respective booking agent. and the ticket details everything comes to employee by the ATR Agent.
    When all the process over then employee submit the expense report ,as we have intigrated ATR process with i-Expenses so all ATR data comes in transaction window (e.g such as the CC data).
    We can integrate any 3rd party application also with Oracle Apps .
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    [email protected]

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    Since there has been no response to your post, it appears to be either too complex or too rare an issue for other forum members to assist you, or there is no public information available at this time. If you don't get a suitable response to your post, you may wish to review our resources online at You may also contact our product information line at 1-800-553-NETS or a Cisco Systems Engineer at your local Cisco office or reseller. To locate your local Cisco representative, visit
    If anyone else in the forum has some advice, please reply to this thread.
    Thank you for posting.

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    Can you give a few more details on what you have tried, and what didn't work for you? Were you stepping through the wizard to monitor a Linux/UNIX service and something went wrong? Or did you successfully create the service monitor in the wizard, but it
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    Michael Kelley, Lead Program Manager, Open Source Technology Center

  • OVM 3.0.1 agent bug, fixes and workaround

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    Hope it helps.
    Christophe Varoqui

    user9336528 wrote:
    In OVM 3.0.1, the yaml configuration file in /etc/monitor/ disappears upon serveur add in a pool if /tmp is a different filesystem than /etc/monitor. The addition to the pool fails. This is due to the agent preparing the new configuration file in /tmp then calling python os.rename() to move it to /etc/monitor/. Possible fixes for OVM developpers ; don't use os.rename(), or create the new configuration file in os.path.dirname(MONITOR_CFG). For users, just umount /tmp before adding the server to a pool.Can you log this bug at, please?

  • CCMS: Monitoring data through RFC or Agent?

    I have a  question of understanding:
    When I open a monitor on my CEN system (ta RZ20), it starts collecting data from the remote systems.
    To do this, the CEN system uses a RFC connection, which has an account and a password from the remote system.
    From time to time I have the situation, that this account has been expired.
    Then, when opening the monitor in RZ20, I get a Login dialog for that system. I always skip this dialog.
    When the monitor finally shows up, in some cases the MTE of the system with the expired account shows up and in some other cases the MTE does not show.
    How can the CEN collect monitoring information of the remote system, even if the account that it has to use is locked out? I have systems, where that account has been locked out for  several weeks ...(Is the agent sapccm4x used instead?)

    Hi Yoganand,
    thanks a lot for your helpful answer!
    I did not know that CEN first calls the sapccm4x agent and only in case of inactivity it uses the RFC based data collection method.
    I never could find that info anywhere in the SAP help.
    From time to time I have the following situations with a system, who's built-in RFC account has been locked out:
    When I open the monitor in RZ20, the login account shows up. I cancel and finally the monitor comes up and the data of this system is included!!
    That could be something like a timeout effect: after a certain number of seconds, CEN tries to get data over the RFC in addition to still trying the agent ... and then the agents finally answers and delivers the MTE data (the RFC cannot authenticate and therefore will never deliver anything ... )

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    I've not been successful getting GW Monitor (7 sp3) to recognize a PO as "known". Regardless of the setting I put in monitor.xml for the port assignment (1677), the thing reverts to port "0". This server is running a MTA only post office agent and a client post office agent. These may be related. Interestingly, the MTA IP configurations are:
    MTA only post office agent:
    Inbound - (My Note on this - this is from agmail MTA to agents POA which is IP ...28 and listens on 7100)
    Outbound - (My Note on this - this is agents POA to agmail MTA which is ip ...93 and listens on 7101)
    Client only post office agent:
    Inbound - (My Note on this - this is from agents POA/MTA to agents POA only which is IP ...28 and listens on 7102)
    Outbound - (My Note on this - this is agents POA only to agmail MTA which is ip ...93 and listens on 7101)
    Maybe I should make the outbound for the client only post office agent to be:
    Outbound -
    In any event, we need GW Monitor to report on the status of the POA at 1677 on the Agents server. Any ideas?
    Thanks Mike

    Mike Gerst wrote:
    > In any event, we need GW Monitor to report on the status of the POA at
    > 1677 on the Agents server. Any ideas?
    Well, first of all the Monitor should be looking for 7101 for the MTA, 7100
    for the first POA and 7102 for the second POA if indeed this is how you have
    it set up. Are you sure you purposefully change the POA to listen on 7100
    and put the MTA on 7101? That is confusing :) - most sites have the MTA at
    the default of 7100, and the first POA at 7101, so it just looks weird to me
    - but it's perfectly "okay" to change them if you want to - but just
    confusing for long-time GW admins/consultants.
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    Time to upgrade to GW8!

  • I am having trouble downloading the new outlook mail.It returns error message about a sync services agent, database daemon etc. Also, I Can send an email but it returns with message: "message could not be sent." Any suggestions for this Apple novice?

    I try and download the new Outlook update and it says I have to close sync services agent and others.I do that,or 'think' I do but it doesn't close.

    PS - have found other posts indicating that clips smaller than 2s or sometimes 5s, or "short files" can cause this. Modern style editing often uses short takes ! Good grief I cannot believe Apple. Well I deleted a half a dozen short sections and can export, but now of course the video is a ruined piiece of junk and I need to re-do the whole thing, the sound etc. which is basically taking as much time as the original. And each time I re-do it I risk again this lovely error -50 and again trying to figure out what thing bugs it via trial and error instead of a REASONABLE ERROR MESSAGE POINTING TO THE CLIP IT CAN'T PROCESS. What a mess. I HATE this iMovie application - full of BUGS BUGS BUGS which Apple will not fix obviously, since I had this product for a few years and see just hundreds of hits on Google about this error with disappointed users. Such junk I cannot believe I paid money for it and Apple does not support it with fixes !!!
    If anyone knows of a GOOD reasonably priced video editing program NOT from APPLE I am still looking for suggestions. I want to do more video in future, but obviously NOT with iMovie !!!

  • ZLM Agent IR2 agent installation fails

    Hi all
    I have installed ZLM 7.3 IR2 Server in SLES 10 SP2. The ZLM Server setup is not able to complete on sles11 server, the system hangs. Also when trying to install the ZLM 7.3 IR2 agent on SLED 11 OS, the installation starts & hangs in the middle.
    Some of the error messages are
    1)Error no 111 Connection Refused
    2) when executed the zlm-config file it displays the "OS is not supported version"
    The SuSEfirewall is set to stop & iptables rules were not set.
    I have tried the ZLM 7.3 IR2 agent installation in a freshly installed SLED 10 machine, but the machine is not able to contact the server (host name not found). I have not configured DNS service in the server machine. Please provide suggestions in the ZLM 7.3 IR2 agent installation.

    a few questions for my understanding:
    I have installed ZLM 7.3 IR2 Server in SLES 10 SP2.
    This is a running ZLM server and you try to register the other devices to this server. Correct ?
    The ZLM Server setup is not able to complete on sles11 server, the system hangs.
    SLES 11 or SLES 11 SP1 ? For SLES 11 SP1 you would need to use ZLM 7.3 IR3.
    Do you want to install another ZLM server on this SLES 11 server or just the agent ?
    I have tried the ZLM 7.3 IR2 agent installation in a freshly installed SLED 10 machine, but the machine is not able to contact the server (host name not found). I have not configured DNS service in the server machine.
    The agent must be able to resolve the dns name of the zlm server.
    You can either configure DNS or you can add an entry to the /etc/hosts file of the managed device. But you must make sure the device can afterwards ping the ZLM server by its name. (ping <ZLM Server Name>).
    It is possible to register the zlm server by its ip address and not by it's name, but5 I would recommend to use the dns name.
    So if you have fixed the name resolution and retry the agent installation, verify the zlm-install.log file if a installation fails. That log file is available in /var/opt/novell/logs/zenworks. Go from the end back and look for errors or warnings.

  • Error while installing Agent using Agent Push Method

    Hi All,
    I have installed Oracle EM Grid on Linux 4 (Enterprise). I have moved my repository database to another host. Grid(oms,repo db,agent) is working fine. But i am trying to install one agent in remote host using Agent push method. I am getting the error
    Manual Fixes (1)
    The following corrective actions need to be taken before proceeding. For your convinience check mark each item when you have fixed that issue.
    There are some targets that cannot be monitered by the Agent.Hostname IP Address Details
    *<host> <ip-addr> PROBLEM : There are some targets on the host which agent can not monitor since they are installed by different group.*
    ERROR : Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    RECOMMENDATION : Your Oracle Home is incompatible.
    I verified SSH connectivity,TZ...
    In remote host, 2 oracle application instances are running and repository DB. I have created one directory in repository db location and installing in that directory. This error is coming in Install Stage. I checked the oracle inventory permission and other 2 instance installed directory permission. Inventory owner is oracle. Oracle EBS mount point owner is root. But it is having read, write permission.
    Is this a bug? Will this resolve after applying patch.
    Please let me know a solution for this.

    Hi Rob/Nazim,
    Thanks for the Replay.... I will try to update to patch

  • Monitoring OVM Servers and guests

    I have a couple questions - looking for good advice/direction:
    1)     Extending OVM OS – We’re considering some “light weight” monitor and management tools (i.e. Big Brother and Webmin), however it appears some of these tools require a compiler for compile/link on a specific OS. Can I install compiler packages on an OVM hosting server? Are there any risks/suggestions?
    2)     Same as 1) but the target would be the guest VMs
    3)     Can I setup notifications for certain OVM activities/events, such as machine reboots, resource limits reached, network/storage incidents/events, etc.
    Thanks !

    If these server doesn't host anything beside SQL, nothing will be discovered except Windows OS and SQL and thus nothing will be monitored except these 2 things.
    If these server are hosting other services like IIS, you will have to disable the services' discoveries for these servers (using a group).

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