Hello, I have some trouble with my laptop ever since I bought it ...but because I love it so much I kinda hoped these problems would fix in time ...but that was just an silly mistake I made ...My first problem was the keyboard freeze issue that I solved thx to you by upgrading the BIOS, this second problem I have is very display gets all wired (you see just lines and black)when I make a sudden move or just when I open my notebook and try to power on, usually this problem was fixed by trying to power again or if that didn't work I try to change the laptop-s position and power again, (this happened to me a dozen times...)I tough I got ridden of this issue because it was perfect for three weeks, but four days ago showed up again but this time was even worse, for three hours I tried to power it on but with no result I Syd to let the notebook a little time maby it would come back, it didn't and for three days I hoped for my notebook to work again, I was so sad and was thinking that I have to give the notebook back for professional revision, I contacted the seller and gived me Somme MSI service telephone numbers, I had Somme work to do that day so I didn't call...the next day in the morning I try to power the notebook and aloha the MSI icon shows ...I was so happy!!!...and now ...I want to ask what should I do now, or what I should I NOT do,...still give the notebook to an MSI service,hope this problem doesn't occur again, or is there something I can do with my hand ...thx for reading and have an excellent day!

what u mean by "changing the laptop-s position"??
If anybody notice the cooling tube that attached to the GPU and CPU do have orientation preference, u can try to turn the GX620 90 degree and at the same time monitor ur GPU temperature it will fluctuated quite a bit (seem the cooling tube been detach from the GPU or something).
But most of the time when the laptop sitting flat it will be ok.
Hopefully what u're seen are cause by this and if you dare enough to open the casing the check on the cooling devices, if the laptop still under warranty just send it back for repair/check up.

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    Quote from: megalod0n on 25-May-09, 03:25:47
    I have xp, I installed the chipset and the system control manager but the eco funtion doesn't work although the turbo funtion works.
    In some notebook models, ECO is supported in Vista only.
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    Please note that Arctic Silver is slightly conductive. If you're going to use this, be VERY sure not to spill any or that you don't use too much.
    If it does spill and gets in contact with the small pins around the core you might create a short circuit.
    I recommend the following best tested thermal pastes:
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    -Tuniq TX-3
    -Arctic silver 5 (slightly conductive)
    -Arctic silver ceramique
    -Enermax (Dow Corning TC-5121)
    -Thermaltake thermal compound
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    Quote from: Rhadamanthis on 11-April-12, 01:56:26
    Of you unlocked all menu in 1.14 I Big donate you...bit the bios was workedd
    Quote from: Rhadamanthis on 12-April-12, 00:09:50
    I have donate 5€....of you unlock all and worked i donate you another €
    Thanks, but please don't as i dunno about this one.
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    Quote from: Sir Alex Ice on 15-October-08, 19:33:46
    Excuse me, but where did you get the drivers for this NB for the XP operating system?
    I am very interested in those, thank you.
    They will be available soon.
    You can look here as well:
    XP Chipset drivers:
    XP VGA Drivers:

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    This is a user-to-user forum, nobody here works for MSI (that includes moderators and administrators). 
    What exactly do you expect us to do?  We do not know in which region you live, we do not know the store you have ordered the GX620 in, we do not know where the store is getting the GX620 from (certainly not from MSI, but from another reseller or a distributor (which we don't know) and we do not know the origin and the author of the piece of paper you got in that store nor can we be sure that the info on it is trustworthy.  This is a long list of uncertainities for starters.  All the GX620 that I have seen here come with a P7350, however, that does not mean, that in your area, this has to be the case as well.  Consequently, the only save way (without speculation involved) is to check the notebook itself as soon as it gets to the store.  Without further information we cannot tell you anything else.
    I wonder who can???
    The store should be able to call its reseller/distributor to check the specs of the GX620 they ordered.  If they are unable or unwilling to do that even though the information on the piece of paper they(!) gave you raises valid questions, the problem you have is obviously with the store, not with us here.  The specifications sheet for a particular notebook model in a particular part of the world should include the exact model name of the processor.  If that is not that case, somebody (the store, the reseller or the distributor) forgot to do its homework and if that was the case, how can anyone in here make up for that?  You could call an MSI distributor in your country to find out what variants of the GX620 they are putting on the market in your region.  However, this is still not as informative as starting the notebook to check directly. 
    I don't really get what you are so mad about.  You ordered a notebook in a store that is unable to provide you with accurate information about the product it is trying to sell you.  That us not exactly a very understandable reason to get upset in here, just because we can't verify the info you got either.

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    Also, MSI does NOT give warranty on plastic covers since the notebook is still functioning without them.
    Any damage of covers or casing is without any doubt not within the responsibility of MSI, thus chargeable. It will only be repaired if the customer explicitly requests it, since that kind of damage does not affect system functionality or performance.

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    There is no whitelist for the MSI gx620. This model supports many many graphics card.
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