Multitrack editing

I record multiple tracks of a piece simultaneously. It could be a chamber orchestra + solo singer + organ or a big band or whatever. First one take, then another, and another. Then the perhaps intro separately etc. Obviously there is no click track so timing varies slightly from take to take. I now have loads of regions on multiple tracks that should be reduced to one version of a piece, still multi track.
The comping feature is far to primitive since it operates on one track rather than multiple and the takes on that track must be exactly aligned at all points.
What is the preferred way to do this i Logic?

You could also not use the folders, and simply create multiple tracks each referencing
the same channel strips. This, way,all takes will be visible in front of you at all times.
I've tried to do that and found rather crude ways to achieve the task. One region at the time... There must be better ways. There are couple of initial hurdles. In order to replace the middle section of one take with the middle section of another take I need to find the proper "out" point of take 1 and the matching "in" point of take 2. I'd like to slide the regions of take 2 over those of take 1 looking at both until the waveforms match. Then cut and remove the unwanted extra from each, crossfade. Then perhaps slide the splicepoint with continuously adjusted crossfades back and forth a bit to find the optimal point. Then move on to next splice.
When I slide a region over another it becomes 100% translucent. Is there a way to make it semitranslucent so that I can see both waveforms simultaneously?
Is there a better way?

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    Additional Info:  I just tried moving about a dozen clips at once and it took about 10 seconds for Audition to complete the operation.

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    Yeah, your system is definitely underspecc'd... this thread actually belongs over in the hardware forum, and one of the mods may move it, so don't be surprised if it gets moved.
    Most of us have found that processors in the i7-9xx line have done a very good job for us, and are pretty much the fastest things out there, definitely best bang for your buck. Also, while 8GB of memory is the minimum requirement from Adobe, 12GB+ is required to really USE the software effectively. I routinely run multicam tracks with mixed HD and 4k footage, and I'm running a relatively "slow" i7-920 with 12GB of Ram and a GTX-285 graphics card, with stuff spread across four logical disks, two of which are RAID arrays (one for OS/Programs, RAID array for projects and scratch, RAID array for data, and single drive for exports).
    I think the reason you're having trouble with the DVCPro HD codec is that, because it is compressed, it requires the CPU to "unpack" the footage, frame by frame, where uncompressed doesn't require that unpacking process.
    I'm sure one of the hardware gurus like Harm will post back with ideas on a better specc'd system, but just throwing numbers around, I'd say you should be able to build a well-powered system for under $2k. Also, don't forget that hard drives are important in this equation as well. I notice you said you were running a RAID, which is good because that probably means you've got your stuff on a different set of drives than your OS and Programs. But as you research a more powerful system, make sure to keep hard drives in mind as you go. Generally a minimum of three logical drives are recommended: one for OS/Programs, one for Project Files and Scratch disk, and one for your actual data.

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    ProTools uses WAV, in fact it uses the Broadcast Wav standard. The problem is the way it handles files. It still splits stereo files into separate L & R files. It's just that it hides this from the user. When you drag a stereo file in from PT's region list (the equivalent of STP's bin) to the playlist, the two files appear as one as they should do. The downside is that OMF/AAF export still treats them as individual files.
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    latest everything.
    This hasn't happened before.
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    Screencast of session

    The screen capture wasn't a high enough resolution where I could read the crash report.  Any chance you can send that to me?  You can find it again by opening Applications > Utilities >  then expose User Diagnostic Reports.  You should see entries for each time Audition crashed - drag one of them into an email as an attachment and send it to [email protected] and I'll take a look.
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    Hi there,
    See if the posts on this thread help you at all:
    If you have any further question's I'd be happy to help.

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    Yeah, your system is definitely underspecc'd... this thread actually belongs over in the hardware forum, and one of the mods may move it, so don't be surprised if it gets moved.
    Most of us have found that processors in the i7-9xx line have done a very good job for us, and are pretty much the fastest things out there, definitely best bang for your buck. Also, while 8GB of memory is the minimum requirement from Adobe, 12GB+ is required to really USE the software effectively. I routinely run multicam tracks with mixed HD and 4k footage, and I'm running a relatively "slow" i7-920 with 12GB of Ram and a GTX-285 graphics card, with stuff spread across four logical disks, two of which are RAID arrays (one for OS/Programs, RAID array for projects and scratch, RAID array for data, and single drive for exports).
    I think the reason you're having trouble with the DVCPro HD codec is that, because it is compressed, it requires the CPU to "unpack" the footage, frame by frame, where uncompressed doesn't require that unpacking process.
    I'm sure one of the hardware gurus like Harm will post back with ideas on a better specc'd system, but just throwing numbers around, I'd say you should be able to build a well-powered system for under $2k. Also, don't forget that hard drives are important in this equation as well. I notice you said you were running a RAID, which is good because that probably means you've got your stuff on a different set of drives than your OS and Programs. But as you research a more powerful system, make sure to keep hard drives in mind as you go. Generally a minimum of three logical drives are recommended: one for OS/Programs, one for Project Files and Scratch disk, and one for your actual data.

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  • Is it possible to load saved audiofiles into a new multitrack project?

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    Warm regards

    Hi Jim
    Well, since as things stand I can't get 'conform' to work (but hopefully it will once I install Snow Leopard and the new FCS3) I'm trying to come up with a 'workaround' to my problem.
    Say, I have my multitrack project which had been sent from Final Cut 6.
    Nightmare of nightmares, I realise that I need to change some aspects of my picture edit.
    Conform doesn't work for me in STP2. So, as a workaround, instead I ensure that all of my audiofiles are saved (your 'save as...and collect media' suggestion).
    I make some changes to my picture edit to make the video shorter.
    I now need to resend my changed-picture-edit FCP6 sequence to STP2 afresh as a new multitrack project.
    Now in STP2 I will be looking at my new multitrack project, which matches my updated FCP6-changed sequence.
    Ahhh, as I write this I think I'm figuring it out...
    My idea is to open the previously saved 'longer' multitrack edit in addition to my current 'newer' multitrack project, and then manually copy over the matching-duration 'pre-saved' audiofiles (that already have effects applied such as reduce noise) into my new multitrack project.
    In other words, I will replace the exact-same clips in the new multitrack project with the clips from the old multitrack project which have effects applied on them.
    I think I may have answered my own question :o) Does this sound feasible do you think?
    Hopefully this will only be a stopgap workaround until I do a fresh install of Snow Leopard and FCS3, when hopefully the Conform feature of STP will be error-free for me.

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    Deciding whether or not to switch to the Mac by test-driving a six-year-old Mac with a four-generation-old processor is like deciding whether to buy a new car based on test-driving a six-year-old model. You won't get any useful information that way except an absolute certainty that you don't want to buy a six-year-old Mac. But it's more likely that, knowing nothing of how different your experience would be with a current Mac, you'll simply jump to the unwarranted conclusion that Macs aren't for you, and that would be a real shame. If you're interested enough to consider a Mac, give it a fair shake: try one that will give you an accurate idea of what you can expect from today's models.

  • 7 angles (cameras) edit - is it possible for iMac 3,06 Intel Core Duo?

    or i want too much?
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    Is it possible with my iMac 3,06 Intel Core Duo, 2 Gigs of RAM, + strip 1TB raid? I guess i'm in lack of memory If i increase the amount of RAM to, lets say, 8 Gigs - would it solve a problem?
    If not - is there a way of some low resolution editing? Thanks

    ProRes HQ, certainly not. Definitely not over Firewire and almost certainly not over even the internal drive (not that you'd want media on your system drive anyways). Yes for low-res editing, it's called offline editing. Someone else will probably have a lint for you to Kenstone or Creative Cow to easily tell you what to do, but when I did it for me, I went from DVCPro HD to DV NTSC. As long as you export the correct timecode, you should be set to then edit in that offline format's sequence then Media Manage back to the full-quality files.
    Hope this helps,

  • Unable to Open/Import Multiple Files in Audtion 3 - Old Bug?

    As stupid as it might sound I can't seem to open more then single files from the Files Window in Audition 3.0.1. You can select them (shift+click or right click) but they don't open. However if you drop them from explorer or "open file with" they do open but then the next issue emerges.... They are not saved in the session file UNLESS you use them in the Multitrack View!! Now is this me or is it an old bug or something? (I've recently updated from Audition 1.5).
    The files I've tried are mainly wav-files and mp3. Same result though.

    Ooo? So UNSED files are NOT reloaded in the session file! Well, thanks for
    clearing that up (Still, I must say it makes it a bit frustrating though!).
    My impression was that, as I used Audition 1.5 before, I was quit sure it
    was possible there! But then again it's been a while since I used that
    program too in a major scale. (I've been working in much After Effects
    lately, wich of course has another handling of files).
    As for the Files (Edit) View, I still can not open more than ONE file at the
    time from that location - regardles of Multitrack or Edit View, really!
    ShiftClick, CtrlClick, Right Click - you name it. Yes, select them but
    open? No can do!! Now, as I mentioned before there is the workaround when I
    select the files in explorer (Windows) and then drops them in Auditions
    File View - they all then load accordingly (Or you can aslo use "open file
    with" then point to Audition). Otherwise, once the files are imported,
    there's no problem working with them in Multitrack/Edit and do all the rest.
    Yet, it is a bit absured though and hard to tell whether it's a bug or not
    (?). Virus?
    Anyway, thanks a bunch!
    2009/5/19 Eric Snodgrass <[email protected]>
    I'm not sure I'm understanding your problem with the Files window.  To try
    this, I opened eight files in the Files window in Edit View.  From there I
    could drag any one of them into the Edit window with no problems.  I also
    was able to drag them into different tracks in Multi Track View.  I also put
    files into the Files window, CTRL+clicked all of them and dragged all of
    them at once into the Multi Track View successfully.  I repeated this doing
    SHIFT+click.  I then put into the Files window tracks that have different
    sample rates.  They all went into the Multi Track without incident (after
    the program resampled the unmatching tracks to conform to the session's
    sample rate).
    Yes, you are correct that the files not used in the session are not
    reloaded into the Files window when the session is reopened.

  • Icloud calendar conversion for a family?

    For the past 8 or so years I've used a webdav server hosted on my own website for the 6-7 family calendars.  I've just upgraded to 4s's and I have 7 mac's in my house and I am hoping to use Icloud as a calendar server.  Each computer in the house sees all the calendars. 
    1st Issue: Is it better to each have icloud account for space or should we all use 1 icloud account for simplicity?
    2nd Issue: some of my Macs are unupgradable to Lion, either for hardware reasons (2 macs), or because I use multitrack editing on final cut pro and apple screwed up its launch of final cut (hereby named Imovie PLUS).  This mac (a mac pro) is stuck on snow leopard. When I've been playing with ical on Icloud I can't seem to connect to icloud with a snow leapard computer.
    These issues seem to be typical of Apple in the past few years, ignore the install base (oh, just upgrade everything to lion and it will run fine!), or design products which ignore family issues (with 7 computers which 5 are linked on a single apple id).  Icloud calendar appears to have no backward compatibility to snow leopard, AND why don't we have instructions for husband and wife and a few kids for how to use these products?

    I apologize for semi-hijacking the topic of this thread from "Multiple iCould IDs with single AppleID. Possible?" 
    Perhaps my reasoning for doing this was flawed, but here it is.  That thread was started back in June when the real details of iCloud were somewhat conjecture.  It is now about 14 pages long.  There are some recent posts to the thread, but for the life of me I can't tease a solution to my question above out of them.  I just may not be reading carefully enough.  If so, I apologize.
    What I am looking for is more of a STEP BY STEP guide to setting up iOS 5 and OS 10.7.2 for a family in my situation with my needs.  I think I do represent a fair segment of users.
    If the monitors of this forum think my thread should be tack on to the end of the above mentioned all means do so.
    Honestly, If Steve were alive today I think he would not be happy with this situation faced by Apple customers.  Steve always said his guiding mantra for his products was..."It just works."  I honestly believe he meant that.  But, with regard to this iCould business...for normal pedestrian users like myself,  I would have to say, "It just doesn't work."

  • WHY? FCP wasn't broken. SO WHY?

    I just wish I could understand the why behind FCP X.
    FCP is (was) the industry standard and fit broadcasters to filmmakers to
    production houses. It has (had) over 50% of the market share.
    Apple was doing something very right and we liked it. Yes, there were some
    minor bugs, but for the most part, the platform was easy and the tools were intuitive.
    If the new FCP was very similar to the old, but with bumped up speed and
    some a different color interface and a few new filters, transitions, etc... it
    would have been a HUGE success with more people moving over to Apple
    and the FCP arena.
    Now, Apple is risking losing their professional base. Some true believers will
    stick it out and learn the new FCP X, get used to it and swear by it.
    But FCP wasn't broken, it just needed more speed.
    My emotions from this new release in order:
    1. SHOCK
    2. Disbelief
    3. Shock again
    4. Denial
    5. Extreme anger
    6. Sadness
    7. Resolve to move on to a new NLE program
    Please Apple - do something "magical" and "connected" with your professional
    base and make this right somehow. We all make mistakes, and I'm sure you can
    take a lot of the good in the new FCP X and use it to help built what Final Cut Pro X
    should have been.

    Andy - It's not an outburst, but the facts. FCPX is a prosumer version of the professional application that dominated the market and tons of edit houses, production facilities, tv shows, movies and news rooms for years.
    Now, it may have the feature set being added back piece by piece, but the program itself is not ready for Primetime. Doesn't it make you wonder why the Mac Pro hasn't been upgraded in almost 3 years? Apple is moving away from the pro sector and for some, it's not a big deal. For those who based their livlihood around editing using FCS, FCPX is not a viable option.
    To be specific, FCPX's "improved" organization is a nightmare for multi-bay editing environments. In our studio, we all edit the same footage and update the project file on the fly. We can email the saved project file and we're all on the same page. From what I've seen, and I could be wrong, you can't do this with FCPX. It's not meant for multiple editors, it seems it's geared toward one editor, making a really cool YouTube video for his buddies off of one hard drive.
    Also, I use all digital media (HD XDCAM) but there are still a ton of people out there who don't. Yeah, I get it, THEY need to all update their gear and get with the program. But until they do, there are still a lot of tapes out there, in every format. FCPX does not support tape input.
    And I know with some training it will make more sense, but the whole revamp of the timeline is comical to me. Again, I could be totally wrong, but is there multitrack editing? Not multicam, but stacking 10 layers of videos and moving them seemlessly whereever you want, leaving gaps if you want, etc. The new timeline (singular) wants us to make in/out points on all cuts and magnetic snaps things together when deleting. I want control of the timing of the clips and not constant suggestions. I want to be able to have 8 sequences within the project if I want with optional cuts on each, maybe one with all the footage, another with just interviews, another with B-Roll, etc.
    It's going to be interesting to see how long we can use Snow Leopard and maybe Lion with FCS. I tried it with Lion and it was riddled with crashes, bugs and incompatible plugins.
    I would be ok with all of this if Apple was at least going to continue the Mac Pro line, so down the road
    we could get 16-core machines and use Adobe CS Production suite which is already at 64 bits.

Maybe you are looking for