MWA service should run on which server ??

MWA service should run on which server ??
server 1--> admin/internal apache/forms tier
server2--> CM/report server
server3--> external apache tier ( this is configured in DMZ using reverse proxy )

If it is prod config than I suggest first rise SR and confirm this structure wiht support.
Please also see MWA Troubleshooting Tips for Release 11i [ID 269991.1] --Section 9 MWA Advanced Configurations
Hope it helps

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  • Windows Vista Home Premium (64-bit) is slow. Which start-up services should run?

    I recently had to use system restore and make a few changes to get my system running again.  Ooops. I now have a very slow computer whereas it was working fine before.  I haven't recently installed any new software or hardware and suspect that some essential start-up services may have been disabled, stopped or set to manual while some other unused services may have been set to start, automatic or automatic (delayed).
    Can someone please direct me to another thread (if available) or list which start-up services should be in which state?
    Thank you!
    System details:
     ~ HP IQ818A 
     ~ Windows Vista Home Premium
      ~ Service Pack 1 
     ~ 4GB RAM 
     ~ 64-bit 
     ~ avast! Anti-virus is active 

    I don't have an IQ818 at the moment, all I have is an IQ506T - from last fall.  I had just done a recovery of it.
    Note:  1) I did choose to NOT perform automatic updates, 2) I haven't yet configured Norton, and 3) I haven't turned off TouchSmart from running in the background.
    This isn't exactly your system, but it would be somewhat close.  Your safest bet would be to recover and start over, but here goes with the services listings.  Please note its comma delimited - you can look at it better with something like Excel, Works or Open Office.
    Good luck on this.
    -dm (an HP employee, but the comments/etc, are mine, not HP's)
    Name,Status  ,Startup Type,,
    Andrea ADI Filters Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Application Experience,Started,Automatic,,
    Application Information,Started,Manual,,
    Application Layer Gateway Service,,Manual,,
    Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler,,Disabled,,
    Background Intelligent Transfer Service,Started,Automatic (Delayed Start),,
    Base Filtering Engine,Started,Automatic,,
    Bluetooth Support Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Certificate Propagation,,Manual,,
    CNG Key Isolation,Started,Manual,,
    COM Host,,Manual,,
    COM+ Event System,Started,Automatic,,
    COM+ System Application,,Manual,,
    Computer Browser,,Automatic,,
    Cryptographic Services,Started,Automatic,,
    DCOM Server Process Launcher,Started,Automatic,,
    Desktop Window Manager Session Manager,Started,Automatic,,
    DFS Replication,,Manual,,
    DHCP Client,Started,Automatic,,
    Diagnostic Policy Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Diagnostic Service Host,,Manual,,
    Diagnostic System Host,Started,Manual,,
    Distributed Link Tracking Client,Started,Automatic,,
    Distributed Transaction Coordinator,,Manual,,
    DNS Client,Started,Automatic,,
    Extensible Authentication Protocol,Started,Manual,,
    Function Discovery Provider Host,Started,Manual,,
    Function Discovery Resource Publication,Started,Automatic,,
    Group Policy Client,Started,Automatic,,
    Health Key and Certificate Management,,Manual,,
    HP Health Check Service,Started,Automatic (Delayed Start),,
    HP Touch Screen Enhance,Started,Automatic,,
    Human Interface Device Access,Started,Automatic,,
    IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules,Started,Automatic,,
    Interactive Services Detection,,Manual,,
    Internet Connection Sharing (ICS),,Disabled,,
    IP Helper,Started,Automatic,,
    IPsec Policy Agent,Started,Automatic,,
    KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator,Started,Automatic (Delayed Start),,
    Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper,,Manual,,
    LiveUpdate Notice,Started,Automatic,,
    Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X64,,Manual,,
    Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86,,Manual,,
    Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service,,Manual,,
    Microsoft Office Diagnostics Service,,Manual
    Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider,,Manual
    Multimedia Class Scheduler,Started,Automatic
    Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service,,Disabled
    Network Access Protection Agent,,Manual
    Network Connections,Started,Manual
    Network List Service,Started,Automatic
    Network Location Awareness,Started,Automatic
    Network Store Interface Service,Started,Automatic
    NVIDIA Display Driver Service,Started,Automatic
    Office Source Engine,,Manual
    Parental Controls,,Manual
    Peer Name Resolution Protocol,,Manual
    Peer Networking Grouping,,Manual
    Peer Networking Identity Manager,,Manual
    Performance Counter DLL Host,,Manual,,
    Performance Logs & Alerts,,Manual,,
    Plug and Play,Started,Automatic,,
    PnP-X IP Bus Enumerator,,Manual,,
    PNRP Machine Name Publication Service,,Manual,,
    Portable Device Enumerator Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Print Spooler,Started,Automatic,,
    Problem Reports and Solutions Control Panel Support,,Manual,,
    Program Compatibility Assistant Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Protected Storage,,Manual,,
    Quality Windows Audio Video Experience,,Manual,,
    Remote Access Auto Connection Manager,,Manual,,
    Remote Access Connection Manager,Started,Manual,,
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC),Started,Automatic,,
    Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator,,Manual,,
    Remote Registry,,Manual
    Routing and Remote Access,,Disabled
    Secondary Logon,Started,Automatic
    Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service,Started,Manual
    Security Accounts Manager,Started,Automatic
    Security Center,Started,Automatic (Delayed Start)
    Shell Hardware Detection,Started,Automatic
    SL UI Notification Service,,Manual
    Smart Card,,Manual
    Smart Card Removal Policy,,Manual
    SNMP Trap,,Manual
    Software Licensing,Started,Automatic
    SSDP Discovery,Started,Manual
    Symantec Core LC,,Manual
    Symantec Event Manager,Started,Automatic
    Symantec Lic NetConnect service,Started,Automatic
    Symantec Settings Manager,Started,Automatic
    System Event Notification Service,Started,Automatic
    Tablet PC Input Service,Started,Automatic
    Task Scheduler,Started,Automatic
    TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper,Started,Automatic
    Terminal Services,Started,Automatic
    Terminal Services Configuration,,Manual
    Thread Ordering Server,,Manual
    TPM Base Services,,Automatic (Delayed Start)
    UPnP Device Host,Started,Automatic
    User Profile Service,Started,Automatic
    Virtual Disk,,Manual
    Volume Shadow Copy,,Manual,,
    Windows Audio,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Audio Endpoint Builder,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Backup,,Manual,,
    Windows CardSpace,,Manual,,
    Windows Color System,,Manual,,
    Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar,,Manual,,
    Windows Defender,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Error Reporting Service,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Event Collector,,Manual,,
    Windows Event Log,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Firewall,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Image Acquisition (WIA),Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Installer,,Manual,,
    Windows Management Instrumentation,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Media Center Extender Service,,Disabled,,
    Windows Media Center Receiver Service,,Manual,,
    Windows Media Center Scheduler Service,,Manual,,
    Windows Media Center Service Launcher,,Automatic (Delayed Start),,
    Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service,,Manual,,
    Windows Modules Installer,,Manual,,
    Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache,Started,Manual,,
    Windows Remote Management (WS-Management),,Manual,,
    Windows Search,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Time,Started,Automatic,,
    Windows Update,Started,Automatic (Delayed Start),,
    WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service,Started,Manual,,
    Wired AutoConfig,,Manual,,
    WLAN AutoConfig,Started,Automatic,,
    WMI Performance Adapter,,Manual,,
    -DM (HP Retiree)
    NOTE: If this helps you or solved your problem - please say thanks by clicking the white kudos star on the left.
    If you think this would also help others, please mark 'Accept as Solution' to help them find it easier.

  • Sharepoint 2013 search error - The search application 'Search Service Application 1' on server is not provisioned.Confirm that the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer service and Central Administration service are running on the server.

    Hi All,
    I'm getting the below error in My SHarepoint 2013 search Administration page.
    Crawler background activity - The search application 'Search Service Application 1' on server ""  is not provisioned. Confirm that the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer service and Central Administration service are running
    on the server.
    and when i click on Crawl Log and content source
    it throws the below error
    The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on Server page in SharePoint Central Administration to verify whether
    the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in progress
    When i check the search status
    Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance, it shows all the components are online.
    As of now search service application is online and search is working.But not sure why it throws the above error.
    I have restarted timer service,search service in services.msc and cleared the sharepoint cache as well.
    But no luck,This is happening in my prodcution environment.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    There are the logs i have found
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.71 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET:http://dca-app-617:90/_admin/search/listcontentsources.aspx?appid=e830c1b3%2Dc3e4%2D4097%2D85fd%2Daa5248346d2e) d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.71 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation Authentication Authorization agb9s Medium Non-OAuth request. IsAuthenticated=True, UserIdentityName=, ClaimsCount=0 d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.73 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.79 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Server Search Administration djs2 High [Forced due to logging gap, cached @ 05/23/2014 13:03:22.76, Original Level: VerboseEx] {0} d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.79 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Server Database 8acb High [Forced due to logging gap, Original Level: VerboseEx] Reverting to process identity d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.80 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Server Search Administration djj1 High Unable to find application 'b9c8106c-c7ed-4eb3-96c9-ae1881ffb695' d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Server Search Administration djj1 High Unable to find application 'b9c8106c-c7ed-4eb3-96c9-ae1881ffb695' d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation General 8nca Medium Application error when access /_admin/search/listcontentsources.aspx, Error=The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services
    on Server page in SharePoint Central Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in progress.   at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object
    sender, EventArgs e)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.OnError(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
    includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()    
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)     at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()     at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep
    step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on Server page in SharePoint Central
    Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in progress.    at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)    
    at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.OnError(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint,
    Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()    
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)     at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()     at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep
    step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation General ajlz0 High Getting Error Message for Exception Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: The search service is currently offline. Visit the Services on
    Server page in SharePoint Central Administration to verify whether the service is enabled. This might also be because an indexer move is in progress.     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object
    sender, EventArgs e)     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Internal.UI.SearchCentralAdminPageBase.OnError(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.HandleError(Exception e)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean
    includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)     at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest()    
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)     at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()     at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep
    step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation General aat87 Monitorable  d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation DistributedCache ah24q Unexpected SPDistributedCachePointerWrapper::InitializeDataCacheFactory - No cache hosts are present in the farm. d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation DistributedCache ah24w Unexpected Unexpected Exception in SPDistributedCachePointerWrapper::InitializeDataCacheFactory for usage 'DistributedViewStateCache'
    - Exception 'System.InvalidOperationException: SPDistributedCachePointerWrapper::InitializeDataCacheFactory - No cache hosts present in the farm.     at Microsoft.SharePoint.DistributedCaching.SPDistributedCachePointerWrapper.InitializeDataCacheFactory()'. d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation General ajb4s Monitorable ViewStateLog: Failed to write to the velocity cache:
    http://dca-app-617:90/_admin/search/listcontentsources.aspx?appid=e830c1b3-c3e4-4097-85fd-aa5248346d2e d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    05/23/2014 13:03:22.82 w3wp.exe (0x46E70) 0x4CBA4 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://dca-app-617:90/_admin/search/listcontentsources.aspx?appid=e830c1b3%2Dc3e4%2D4097%2D85fd%2Daa5248346d2e)).
    Execution Time=109.695855199474 d4c6939c-b10d-4000-6d95-14caeefe67df
    Anil Loka

    Please try below mentioned steps:
    1. Central Administration > Monitoring > Review job definitions > Look for following timer job "Application Server Administration Service Timer Job" > Disable
    2. Then open windows administrative services (services.msc), stop SharePoint Timer Service
    3. Clear SharePoint Timer configuration cache by following steps mentioned in below blog:
    4. Start SharePoint Timer Service and give it a few seconds so that the new XML files from the location you deleted then are re-populated.
    5.Central Administration > Monitoring > Review job definitions > Look for following timer job "Application Server Administration Service" Timer Job > Enable
    Please ensure that you mark a question as Answered once you receive a satisfactory response.

  • Sharepoint 2013 - Which Server Should Run Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service

    We have just deployed Sharepoint 2013 and also CRM 2011..
    Our Sharepoint 2013 Environment has a WFE and an APP server and we have a CRM 2011 box.
    We have been getting the following error in IE when Users in CRM are clicking on the Document Link under accounts which links to Sharepoint 2013
    "This Content cannot be displayed in a frame
    To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame."
    It seems like it is a IE Security Issue, but I am suspecting it could be the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service.
    Which server should be running the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service| WFE or APP.
    Also which server should run the Windows Service: SharePoint User Code Host
    Thank you in advance.

    Please have a look at the following post:
    As it describes, the recommendation is for both services to start it on the Web Front End servers.

  • Which services should be moved to a new SharePoint Enterprise Application server?

    Our farm is currently a WFE and a SQL server. I've been tasked with creating a new SP Enterprise Application/Search server.
    Which services should be moved? This is what's currently listed in Services on Server:
    Access Database Service  Started  Stop 
    Application Registry Service  Started  Stop 
    Business Data Connectivity Service  Started  Stop 
    Central Administration  Started  Stop 
    Claims to Windows Token Service  Started  Stop 
    Document Conversions Launcher Service  Stopped  Start 
    Document Conversions Load Balancer Service  Stopped  Start 
    Excel Calculation Services  Started  Stop 
    Lotus Notes Connector  Stopped  Start 
    Managed Metadata Web Service  Started  Stop 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail  Started  Stop 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service  Stopped  Start 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service  Stopped  Start 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application  Started  Stop 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service  Started  Stop 
    PerformancePoint Service  Started  Stop 
    Search Query and Site Settings Service  Started  Stop 
    Secure Store Service  Started  Stop 
    SharePoint Foundation Search  Stopped  Start 
    SharePoint Server Search  Started  Stop 
    User Profile Service  Started  Stop 
    User Profile Synchronization Service  Started  Stop 
    Visio Graphics Service  Started  Stop 
    Web Analytics Data Processing Service  Started  Stop 
    Web Analytics Web Service  Started  Stop 
    Word Automation Services  Started  Stop 

    Take a look at It should help you decide where it is most appropriate to locate services.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • How to select server in which background job should run

    I want to run my program as background job. I want the user to select the server, in which background job should be run, in the selection screen of my program. When it is sheduled in background the job should run in the selected server.
    How to do this?

    please write the code like as below.
    use the function moulde JOB_OPEN.
      D_GROUP- BTCSYSREAX =  " pass the target server name Here
                 JOBNAME          = D_JOBNAME
                 JOBGROUP       =  D_GROUP
                 JOBCOUNT         = D_JOBNO
                 CANT_CREATE_JOB  = 1
                 INVALID_JOB_DATA = 2
                 JOBNAME_MISSING  = 3
                 OTHERS           = 4.
    submit   <Program name>
                  USING SELECTION-SET '  var1 '   " Give varient name
                  AND RETURN.
                    JOBCOUNT             = D_JOBNO
                    JOBNAME              = D_JOBNAME
                    STRTIMMED            = 'X'
                   JOB_WAS_RELEASED     = D_REL
                   CANT_START_IMMEDIATE = 1
                   INVALID_STARTDATE    = 2
                   JOBNAME_MISSING      = 3
                   JOB_CLOSE_FAILED     = 4
                   JOB_NOSTEPS          = 5
                   JOB_NOTEX            = 6
                   LOCK_FAILED          = 7
                   OTHERS               = 8.
    Hope this will helps you

  • ADS+Terminal Services on a Single Physical Server running Windows Server 2008 R2

    We have a Dual Processor Server (2 x Intel Xeon E5-2620v2 + 32GB RAM) running on Windows Server 2008 R2. This has ADS configured. We now wish to add a VDI Setup with NComputing Zero-Clients. We have to run Terminal Services with User RDS CAL + User
    CAL for all VDI Clients.
    Please confirm if we can have both the ADS & Terminal Services running on the same physical server ? Are there known issues or crashes due to this ? Or should both these run on two different servers ? Customer does not want to invest in one more server
    & OS. Hence, we have to run both the services on a single physical server. Customer has just upgraded his server to a Dual Processor with 32GB RAM to accommodate both the services.
    Please advice, if we can run both the ADS & TS on the same server. What is the best practice for this Solution ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    ([email protected])

    After referring your comment I can say that, you can able to use ADS and Terminal service on same physical server with server 2008 R2. But installing a terminal server on an Active Directory domain controller is not recommended. I suggest that it’s not a good
    practice to manage the environment in that way. If possible, then try to run on two different machines for better result and to avoid any problem. Allowing users to run programs on a domain controller could create security risks and performance issues.
    If the Terminal Server role service is installed on a domain controller, the security settings of the domain controller will need to be adjusted to allow user’s remote access to the server. This remote access is controlled by the "Allow log on through Terminal
    Services" user rights assignment, which can be configured by using the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC).
    You can refer below link for more information.
    1.  Installing RD Session Host on a Domain Controller
    2.  Best practices for setting up Remote Desktop Licensing (Terminal Server Licensing) across Active Directory Domains/Forests or Workgroup
    Hope it helps!

  • What hardware should I run OS X server on now?

    I have asked with Apple Store and I get no clear answer on this. I have a few clients that use only Mac clients, and some of them would be suitable candidate to run OS X Server for their file sharing, and group ware needs. One client are around 10 employees running an aging Windows Server that they want to replace. One obvious choice would be some Cloud service, but they want to have a local solution that isn't subscription based. I was going to offer them an OS X Server solution but I'm hesitant to what hardware to run it on! Now that the Mac Mini Server option, which was my obvious choice is gone, what would you recommend to run server on? Maxed out new Mini might do, 1TB drive, 8GB ram and Ci7 dual core with external storage? Or maybe an iMac with Ci7Quad core and 8-16GB RAM? I just think an iMac would look silly as a server, and the now gone mini Server had dual internal drives, perfect for cloning/mirroring...
    Mc Pro is too expensive and you get very little storage and very much graphics performance that isn't needed for the money. Sigh. Apple really made this hard to figure out...

    Hi Hasse,
    A macmini should do fine for server purposes. Get one with 16GB memory (upgrading later on isn't an option) and a 256GB SSD. Depending on file sharing you should look into solutions presented by Promise Pegasus or LaCie 5BIG both with thunderbolt 2 connectivity. Connect that to a Gigabit Ethernet and you are good to go! An iMac will do as well, but performance wise there is no need to invest more than just for the screen. Unless you don't want it setup without any keyboard or a screen then a iMac will look lovely
    Get another external drive (twice the size of your current data at least) for backups and clone the SSD drive of the macmini on a daily basis towards the thunderbolt storage. And create a backup plan for the thunderbolt storage to another drive. That will work great! 
    Long story short: mac mini as fast as possible. And go for RAID storage for file sharing, you'll thank me later

  • PXI Platform Services version on the target appears to be older then 2.0.0 this host only supports targets running PXI Platform Servies 2.0.0 and later Upgarade your target in order to configure its PXI properties from this Host

    after formating  when tryed to install software to the target  this Error Shown
    NI PXi 8108
    The Selcted Target does not support this function 
    when I try to add PXi chassis this Error Shown
    PXI Platform Services version on the target appears to be older then 2.0.0 this host only supports targets running PXI Platform Servies 2.0.0 and later Upgarade your target in order to configure its PXI properties from this Host
    Help me!

    Hi Lukas,
    I think the problem is caused by differenet drivers for the CAN communication.
    NI provides two driver for CAN: NI-CAN and NI-XNET.
    NI-CAN is the outdated driver which is not longer used by new hardware. NI replaced the NI-CAN driver with NI-XNET some years ago, which supports CAN, LIN and the FLEXRAY communication protocol.
    You wrote:
    In order to fix this problem I have formatted my PXI and I have installed the following SW from the iPC:
    3. NI_CAN 2.7.3
    NI CAN is the outdated driver. I think that you should try to install NI-XNET instead of NI-CAN on your PXI-System, to get rid of the error message.
    Regards, stephan

  • How to find out which server is running on which port

    hi all,
    how to find out which server is running on which port, i want to know both
    from front end and backend?
    thanks and regards

    The best source to get all the ports you have is the Context Files.
    All ports are defined in the Context Files through "AutoConfig Variable". You can get the list of those variables by referring to the following note under "What is the port pool? What if I want to give a specific value to a Server Port?"
    Note: 216664.1 - FAQ: Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i
    You can also get that list via OAM.
    Referring to the installation log file should also be helpful (Unless you have changed any of the ports after the installation).

  • The user account in which the Oracle VSS Writer Service is running does not have the DBA privileges to log in to the Oracle instance.

    VSS-00011: Connection to database instance <instance_name> failed.  
    Cause : The user account in which the Oracle VSS Writer Service is running  does not have the DBA privileges to log in to the Oracle instance.  
    Action : Run the Oracle VSS Writer Service in a user account that can connect to the Oracle instance with DBA privileges.  
    I have assigned ora_dba group to the user that runs the Oracle VSS Writer Service which is the only Oracle solution but still getting
    the above error. Was advised to raise the issue here that it is an OS issue. Pls help

    The user account cannot access Oracle Database instance. And also how do you temporarily disable security software on the server.
    Have you checked what I already asked for? "Try using the user account and access the Database Instance.
    That will let you see if the problem is with the user account permissions or not."
    If this does not help then you can contact Oracle as suggested by Dave.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
    My Website Link
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    My MVP Profile

  • Web service is running but Server Admin says "Not available"

    I cannot configure the web service using the Server Admin tool any more. The service is running and showing no error, but the "Web" icon in the "Computer & Services" panel of Server Admin is showing dark grey color. The Overview tab of the Web Service is stating: "Web Service is: Not available"
    Any ideas what I can do to get it work again?
    sudo apachectl configtest gave no errors or warnings.
      Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    You should not be logging in as root, despite what anyone has told you.
    And the entire mechanism of OS X Server (and most other *nix OS-en), is meant for you to not be logged in as root.
    Use sudo and/or authenticate in the GUI when/where needed.
    Please try Wesley's advise here:
    Try launching apache manually, and watch your logs
    in one terminal window, type:
    tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
    make a new Terminal window and type:
    sudo apachectl start

  • In Weblogic admin server,in monitoring status the services status is SHUTDOWN,but the corresponding services are running fine

    Hi All,
    In WebLogic server when we checked the health status through monitoring tab. Initially ,we find the Analytic provider services and Essbase Administrative services were UNKNOWN.
    we tried restarting the specific services (stopped and started the "Stop Analytic Provider services(Oracle Weblogic 10)" ,"Stop Essbase Administration services (Oracle Weblogic 10)" ).it has no effect still the status remains same as "UNKNOWN". But the services are running fine and the EAS console also working fine.After that,we restarted the weblogic  hosting server. Now the status changed as "SHUTDOWN". Now also the services are running fine and the EAS console also working fine. How to make the health status of both the services to be RUNNING and why it is showing like this eventhough the services are working fine.?
    We have gone through the Oracle Document ID:1563358 which we felt relevant to this. Please guide through whether to apply patches. Our weblogic server version is

    Patches in this document Doc ID 1563358.1 belongs to weblogic versions from 10.3.4 to 12.1.1  so is it your weblogic version is within this range?
    Kindly check your weblogic version using below commands.
    cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
    . ./
    $ java Weblogic.version
    Or for detail
    $ java Weblogic.version –verbose

  • JOB in Sql Server Agent should run multiple times.

    Hi Guys,
    I have a ETL SSIS job in Sql Server Agent, Which should run multiple times.
     1. For Example : I scheduled a job at 10:00 PM, If the job fails at 10:00 PM it should run automatically again at 10:10 PM, if the job fails again at 10:10 PM then the job should run at 10:40 PM.
    If the job gets success at first attempt i.e 10:00 PM, then it should not run at 10:10 PM.
    Note : The time difference between jobs is 10 minutes and 30 minutes. And i know that we can run the job at regular intervals.
    Thanks in advance

    Just add retry attempts to whatever number you want (2 as per your original explanation) in Job step properties as below
    Have a logic to include a delay of 10 mins . You can make use of WAITFOR function for that
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Azure and Unity Master Server What Service Should I Use?

    Hi all!
    This is a noob question. I never buy cloud service before. I want to know, if I want to host my own Unity Master Server (an exe file as server) what service should I use? (Virtual Server? Mobile Services? Cloud Services?)
    Really glad if someone can give a little explanation what they differ from each other in the simplest and practical way.
    Thank you before.

    Hi Sir,
    Thanks for your posting!
    Form your description, Would you want to deploy your exe file on Azure call it as a service on client? In your scenarios, I think VM and cloud service could meet your requirement.
    Please see this code sample about host exe file on azure cloud service :
    For hosting on VM, You could see this post:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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