My homepage layout customization

I added a Global Web Applet to the Homepage of all my company's users, through the admin_My homepage layout, but I met the following issue : when a user didn't customized at all his personal homepage, through the Edit Layout link, the Global Web Applet that I added previously is properly displayed. But when a user has already customized his homepage, the Global Web Applet is not displayed directly on his homepage, but is just available on his Available Sections, after clicking the Edit Layout link.
I need to communicate something to all of the company's users, and I would like to displayed automaticaly the Global Web Applet on all users homepages, even if they previously changed their layout.
Could someone provide me a workaround ?
Thanks and regards
Edited by: user10291092 on 22 avr. 2009 06:56

Hi !
Unfortunately, if you gave your user the possibility to customize their layouts, you won't be able to reset them to the default one you defined. I'll suggest to use the Alert to cummunicate about your new available section, and to tell them to click on Edit layout, then on reset to default.
Hope this will help, feel free to ask more !

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    I've faced the same issue.
    I went throught document "Workspace Customization" steps, following page 30 recommendations. But nothing changed. Then issued a SR, and Support told me to export the layout from STUDIO workspace insted of doing it from ENTERPRISE workspace.
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    (remember not to add it at the end of file, place it somewhere betweend other properties)
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    Hello puterjunkie,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I see you are looking to adjust printing settings for the Deskjet 3510. What is the Operating System installed on the computer you are printing with, Windows or Mac?
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    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to the left of the reply button to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    The purpose of the forum is to help Firefox users, not for webpage design, nor how to use websites not related to Firefox itself.
    When you mention dropping items into that is strictly user oriented editing ([ WYSIWYG]). There are many ISP and news sites that allow you to compose your own page. Although they often reserve a column on the right for their own use -- most of it for advertising.
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    Thanks much in advance,

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    when you set up the reports did you select home page in the drop down or did some of them get set a detail page reports? that would be my only suggestion.

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    Difficult to add items of another delivery to the same HU.
    WorkCenter Screen:
    Above two issues are not there here but he needs mouse instead of scanner.
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    Does SAP provides any customizable layout or add-ons etc. for packing workcenter for easy scan&pack?
    Sasidhar Gupta

    Hi Sasidhar
    Yes EWM provides extra screen at header and item level.
    check WC layout customization in that you can find extra screen flags. if u flag extra screen will appear and with the help of technical consultant u can built same as per your requirement.
    for RF press ctr+shift+ F1 on the RF screen on dextop and find program and screen no and enhance as it require.

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    If you want expand all levels in hierarchy then you could choose the appropriate level in the 'Expand to Level' option in layout cutomization in Web Interface Builder.
    In our case i have set it to 5 so that when the layout opens all the cost elements appear.But it takes time if the layout is going to read lot of data.
    There is also another option for layout customization called 'Collapse Lead Columns'.If you want both these options in the form of button then you may have to write BSP codes for this task.

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    Reports 6i in c/s.
    I create a layout, customize it and save it.
    Then I crate an Additional Default Layout. OK so far.
    Now I want to re-enter in Additional Default Layout and modify it slightly thru wizard.
    It destroys my previous original default layout.
    Is there any way to avoid it?
    Pl. guide.

    Hi Tariq,
    The "Additional Default Layout" wizard isn't re-entrant. It is for adding various layouts to the layout painter but not modify an existing layout.
    In addition, the Reports Wizard removes any objects from the layout section that you are defaulting into. Therefore, if you have added an additional layout and then run the Reports Wizard it will overwrite the current layout in that section.
    The Reports Wizard gives you a starting point from which to develop your report. If you want to go beyond the options available in the wizard, you will need to use the live pre-viewer and layout painter.

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    I have been able to get this done,
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    when Clicked a new window opens  with "Users Details".
    The Users Details Window has the following options and we do not need/want this functionality.
    Send E-mail... Create Appointment...
    Show Availability Send Instant Message...
    How do I include the ModifiedBy field for display and sorting but deactivate the Link to the new window "Users Details"
    Thanks for any help,

    Hi BP,
    I just came accross the solution below given by you in another thread.Is this the one I need to do?
    And one more question.I see the "Send Instant message","Create Appointment" and "Show Availability" in the "UserDetailsGroup"
    So is it enough if I remove these 3 command properties from the "UserDetailsGroup"?
    I am using the DiscussionGroupsContributor layoutset.
    Business Card Pop Up Customization (Removing the standard collaboration options)
    Changing the default options available in the Business card Popup, We need to go to
    System Administration->System Configuration->Collaboration->Properties->Command Groups.
    Now edit the three groups which are:
    1. clpGroup
    2. UserDetailsGroup
    3. UserGroup
    The above actions require the server to be restarted to make the changes to be effected
    Edited by: Sudha A on Apr 1, 2008 6:28 PM
    Edited by: Sudha A on Apr 1, 2008 6:37 PM
    Edited by: Sudha A on Apr 1, 2008 6:38 PM

  • Issues editing Layouts using Dreamweaver CS4 (ShopOnline)

    Hi Everyone,
    I am having Issues editing Layouts using Dreamweaver CS4 (ShopOnline). May be someone has encounter this problem. When I open the large_product.html in dreamweaver (after installing the extension for BC) the file opens, but when I go to the property inspector, I can not modify any of the css rules currently defined and no css is linked to this file. I looked at all the available css's and I could not find any with the defined rules in this page.
    I need help. Thanks.

    It must be a module template layout that is being used.  If you're on the latest interface it's under
    Site Manager > Module Templates > Online Shop Layouts >  Individual Product (small or large)
    and if you're on the older interface it's
    Ecommerce > Products > Advanced Layout customization (under the “related” box at the bottom right)

  • About remainders section in homepage

    Hi all,
    IS it possible to put a message notification(remainders) on homepage,which says-when u don`t have new email-GMAIL,an message(which would display the count of messages) will be black and small on font.and when u get new Email,the same messagewill be in red and big in font???
    Ex:when an user logs in now(Today),she has 2 new emails messages that he/she has recieved yesterday night..tat count should be displayed there..
    Edited by: PP on Mar 10, 2011 9:33 PM

    I believe so! this is an "Alerts" way to have a message under homepage layout.

Maybe you are looking for

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