My retention deal is going to expire

Hey my retention internet deal is going to expire soon. Last time I came here when I was having billing issues and it was resolved without any problems. So I am coming here again.If someone can help me and get me the same deal that I currently have I will gladly renew for another year.  Thank you.

If your last post on this customer community forum was resolved, you probably sent a private message to someone. Look up your posting history or your messages and contact that same entity.

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    Perhaps u have missed this blog in my previous rply.
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    If u have any querry pls revert back.

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    You're going to have to start over again.
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    thanksNo. I woud not expect them to retire very soon.
    I know oracle 9i exam will expire very soon, Do you have a credible source for this statement?
    From my viewpoint:
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    6: I am fairly sure (through my possibly faulty memory) a while ago the was an authorative to the effect statement there are no plans to retire 9i exams as present. (Plans will have changd with time though).
    7: Currently the following page lists exam retirements: []
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    Based on the experience of other members using RD gateway certificate, renewing a certificate via IIS may cause  issues. It would be better to create a new one which is more predictable. In addition, a self-signed or expired certificate
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    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    Message was edited by: the loc-man

    Amigo, the bottom line is that you are asking the wrong folks. Obviously no one here has experience buying from Apple with the jockeying around that you need to afford the purchase. In the end it is up to Apple. If the sale doesn't go through on the Apple Store website in her name on your bank card, then you may need other arrangements.
    My experience with Apple is that if you are honest with them, they are honest with you. The education discount is to help students and teachers afford computers. It isn't so someone who qualifies can buy computers for all their relatives. Which is why there is an annual limit on how much is allowed for purchase to each person who qualifies for the discount
    Good luck.

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    Hi John,
    First of all please make sure to click on "Lisence this software" when you have prompt for the same. then provide the email address on which you have purchased the subscription.if you have it already captured to the trial one you can click on "Not my Adobe ID" and change it.
    Also check ssues.html for any network issues if you are using right Adobe ID.
    Kapil Malik

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