My Speed STILL restricted

First off "Hi everyone."
Couple of questions so If I should post them seperatly I do apologise.
My Speed is still being restricted for being a "heavy user" back in July between 4Pm and 24:00 ( well 24:05 usually)
Any ideas when its going to stop being restricted. jumped on the forum and had a look around and apparently as I'm on Option 3 my usage 'allowance" has gone up to 300gig a month now, so guessing i'm not still being penalised for 'going over'.
Just watched my download speed jump at 00:05 so know its still restricted
Do I need to call someone or some specific department to get it sorted out ? 
And Question 2. I read mention here on the forum of a "BT Usage Monitor" can someone tell me where it is please.
Thanks in anticipation
B.T. I'm sure plenty of others have said it already but it would have been cool if you could have let everyone know about the new allowance and BT usage monitor without having to find out from the forum   
Go to Solution.

Happygoblin wrote:
First off "Hi everyone."
Couple of questions so If I should post them seperatly I do apologise.
My Speed is still being restricted for being a "heavy user" back in July between 4Pm and 24:00 ( well 24:05 usually)
Any ideas when its going to stop being restricted. jumped on the forum and had a look around and apparently as I'm on Option 3 my usage 'allowance" has gone up to 300gig a month now, so guessing i'm not still being penalised for 'going over'.
Just watched my download speed jump at 00:05 so know its still restricted
Do I need to call someone or some specific department to get it sorted out ? 
email the mods with your account and phone number and a link back to this thread  [email protected]
And Question 2. I read mention here on the forum of a "BT Usage Monitor" can someone tell me where it is please.
log into and my account and go to home account and you should see option of usage monitor
Thanks in anticipation
B.T. I'm sure plenty of others have said it already but it would have been cool if you could have let everyone know about the new allowance and BT usage monitor without having to find out from the forum   
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    Hey tbird,
    I was wondering what happened to you - now I know. Welcome back.
    I know what you mean about this point. I actually think there have been improvements in this area since 7.0, but still... it is a drag (no pun intended).
    Starting with a new session it seems like response is 60 ms for and edit in the arrange... but those numbers aren't proven. Just a guess.
    High numbers of events, big plugins and high number of objects in the arrange really make this worse. You have mentioned it could be because of the contextual cursor's status. It very well could be. I think you know Logic well enough to know how the plugs and events impact editing.
    New features, new OS, new processor, new company, more plugs, it seems like the growing pains are still hitting users. 7.2 does seem like (aside from the UniBin) a good step towards higher number of events, more stable, reliable, less bugs in general. Has been very solid for me, less problems. Also just keeping everything up to date, Templates, objects really helps. Yes, I have had to adapt my workflow several ways to accomodate Logic. Not just with editing... I think most of us know how to make a ducker... And as far as development for Logic I am really more interested in reliability, responsiveness, handling of plugs - while making Logic work optimally on OS X... 7.2 is, for me, a big improvement in that regard. I spend way too much time moving things around, maintaining (insert G4 joke) - I am not convinced it is my computer.
    So tbird - here's another yea vote as this is a step back.

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    Well, I am in the same boat! Two years ago when I took infinity I was achieving the BT suggested speed of 24 Mbps, it lasted for a few weeks then started dropping. Since I have complained and on two occasions when the speed haps dropped to less than 16 Mbps BT have sent and engineer to check the installation etc. In doing so he connects a device to my modem and Hey Presto! the speed increases back to 24 Mbps. Longest it stays there for is a month and almost as though it is calander triggered, it starts to drop.
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    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) set up on your account then you can try going to and click 'Manage your Apple ID' on the right-hand side of that page and log into your account. Then click on 'Password and Security' on the left-hand side of that page and on the right-hand side you might see an option to send security question reset info to your rescue email address.
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    Is this okay?
    ADSL Line Status
    Connection Information
    Line state:
    Connection time:
    0 days, 01:24:39
    5.844 Mbps
    448 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    G.992.1 Annex A
    Latency type:
    Noise margin (Down/Up):
    15.7 dB / 23.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up):
    32.2 dB / 18.0 dB
    Output power (Down/Up):
    19.7 dBm / 11.9 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up):
    80 / 0
    CRC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    HEC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    If there is no problem with the stats could there be something wrong with my line or do I need a new microfilter? Tech support at BT suggested that I should get a new master socket installed and it could be causing porblems with my connection. However I have had BT Broadband for almost 2 years now and my download and steaming speeds have usually remained high and consistent throughout that time period.

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    ADSL Line Status
    Connection Information
    Line state:
    Connection time:
    0 days, 09:14:57
    6.938 Mbps
    448 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    G.992.1 Annex A
    Latency type:
    Noise margin (Down/Up):
    3.7 dB / 22.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up):
    32.6 dB / 18.0 dB
    Output power (Down/Up):
    19.9 dBm / 12.5 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up):
    158706205 / 1885
    CRC Events (Down/Up):
    684232 / 1779
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    HEC Events (Down/Up):
    3239001 / 1758
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
    15142 / 3224
    ill have to try it in the test socket but i doubt i can keep it in their but apart from test sockets i've already done everything else


    Hi Guys
    My Option 3 LIMITED! 8mb Broadband service speed gone down By BT to 0.7 -1.5 mbps...
    That happened 27-03-10 and today it's still same ....
    Do you guys have any idea how long does this punishment is going to Last?
    2nd of April and its still  Restricted to very Low speed for very High Price!
    If I had a chance to move to Cable I will do it first thing in the morning but I'm not in the Cable area
    I know It's Rude but I hate Bad Telecommunications and Their Call centres that located in India !
    Thanx in advance for any info...

    Did you not get a warning email from BT informing you when your usage hit 80gb and that if you hit 100gb in March you would have a speed restriction placed upon you? When you go over the 'fair usage' 100gb limit, BT restrict your speed between 5pm and 11pm to 1mbs. Its very very difficult for me to stay under under 100 gb having 4 teenagers and 5 pc's in the house. I was speed rescricted last month but as I remained under 100gb this last 30 days they have immediately lifted my restriction.
    If you have had no mails from BT about usage, I suggest you leave a note in this thread for the moderators who can have a look at your account for you to see if there isnt another problem. 
    Hope this helps

  • Bt deny obvious restriction.

    In the last 3 months, bt have begun to severely limit the download speed available on my phone line according to the fair use policy despite my package being unlimited. Going over the download limit really is unavoidable, and living in Scotland, I cannot receive a better package such as Infinity which I might add, offers greater speeds and a higher download limit for the same price I am paying now.
    Having this restriction, although a quite a hassle, taking up at least 2 hours of my own time on the phone, were all removed within 2 hours of my initial phone call. Easy enough.
    This month, last week, the same thing happened again, however, this time matters are a bit more complicated.
    My download speed and IP profile has been changed from my usual 5.5mbs to 0.25mbs- contrary to their own email which stated it would only be limited to 1mb at peak time, which happened to me on previous occasions.
    I phoned up and bt acknowledged the restriction but explained that an investigation needed to be carried out before they could restore my speed. This was to take 4 days. After 4 days, I phoned up and was told the restriction was removed, but I experienced no change.
    I phoned again, and an engineer was sent out to replace my master socket and test my general household internet wiring. He did so, but no difference could be seen.
    I was then told that it was an issue with the IP profile and that it would take 3 days, 72 hours to fix. It has been 80 hours and still I have experienced no change.
    I have phoned again, but bt just want to send out an engineer in 3 days to confirm the issue, and they despite all evidence taken from bt speedtester, deny they are still restricting the connection and insist that no action can be taken until the issue has been 'confirmed'. The problem is not at my end, nothing has been changed here, the problem completely lies with bt, even their own website, and o2 who take their information from bt say my line as it is can only support 256kb. That's all the confirmation needed.
    It has been well over a week and I have run out of ideas. I fear since my IP profile has been changed, changing my isp will not help.

    OliverHughes wrote:
    interference can be heard on the phone line during some evenings
    That'll be the Home Office wiretap.
    Sorry, couldn't resist
    The biggest problem with BT is that they don't seem to keep very good records, and aren't very good at sharing information between departments, so it may be that you are indeed still restricted, but it's just not showing up in the records of whomever you're talking to.
    I recently experienced something like that, when I booked an engineer to check my line, but when I called back the next day to confirm, I was told no appointment had been booked, so they booked it again for another day. However, the engineer did in fact turn up for the original appointment (luckily I wasn't out at the time). I'm not sure if this is a "human error" problem, or if BT's CRM is just garbage, but either way it's happened to me several times.
    Are you calling 0800 800 150 or 0800 111 4567? I always seem to get better results from the former, especially if I use the "* 0" trick to get straight through to a real person.

  • Home Hub 3 Speed Issue

    Some 6 weeks ago I had an issue with losing my internet connection completly, and eventually after a long session with the help desk I magaged to reconnect using the direct port on the main phone socket. However since then I have had a speed issue and Ive been only getting speeds in the order of 2.3Mb.
    However running the BT speed test tells me that the connection to my Home Hub 3 is running at 8.13Mb, but the connection to my computer is running at 2.18Mb.
    I have tried every thing  I can think of. Followed all the advice to improve the connection but nothing works. Reseting the Home Hub, reseting the factory defaults. I've closed down every program running in the background, disconnected the rest of the hardwired network, fitted a new shorter cat 6 cable. All to no avail. The speed still stays firmly at 2.18 to 2.15. down and 0.37 up.
    Could their be a fault with my Home Hub?
    Thaks for any advice.
    Go to Solution.

    23:38:00, 29 Jul.
    ( 5932.320000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:37:29, 29 Jul.
    ( 5901.890000) CWMP: session closed due to error: No response
    23:37:28, 29 Jul.
    ( 5900.920000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:37:28, 29 Jul.
    ( 5900.910000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:37:28, 29 Jul.
    ( 5900.480000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
    23:37:24, 29 Jul.
    ( 5896.840000) DSL is down after 2 minutes uptime
    23:37:24, 29 Jul.
    ( 5896.840000) ETHoA is down after 2 minutes uptime
    23:37:24, 29 Jul.
    ( 5896.200000) PPPoA is down after 2 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN DSL - Up)]
    23:37:20, 29 Jul.
    ( 5892.820000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
    23:36:35, 29 Jul.
    ( 5847.820000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:36:34, 29 Jul.
    ( 5846.940000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
    23:36:32, 29 Jul.
    IN: BLOCK [16] Remote administration (TCP []:6000->[]:22 on ppp0)
    23:36:32, 29 Jul.
    ( 5844.670000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:36:32, 29 Jul.
    ( 5844.660000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '6 CONNECTION REQUEST,4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:36:32, 29 Jul.
    ( 5844.050000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 6 CONNECTION REQUEST
    23:35:08, 29 Jul.
    ( 5760.150000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:35:07, 29 Jul.
    ( 5759.850000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
    23:34:55, 29 Jul.
    ( 5746.980000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:34:55, 29 Jul.
    ( 5746.970000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:34:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5740.780000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
    23:34:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5740.580000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
    23:34:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5740.580000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
    23:34:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5740.290000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
    23:34:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5740.290000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
    23:34:47, 29 Jul.
    ( 5739.870000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
    23:34:47, 29 Jul.
    ( 5739.870000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
    23:34:47, 29 Jul.
    ( 5738.990000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
    23:34:47, 29 Jul.
    ( 5738.990000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
    23:34:45, 29 Jul.
    ( 5737.420000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
    23:34:45, 29 Jul.
    ( 5737.410000) WAN operating mode is DSL
    23:34:45, 29 Jul.
    ( 5737.410000) Last WAN operating mode was DSL
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.310000) PPPoA is up - VPI: 0, VCI:38
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.290000) CHAP authentication successful
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.260000) CHAP Receive Challenge
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.250000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.250000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
    23:34:43, 29 Jul.
    ( 5735.240000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
    23:34:42, 29 Jul.
    ( 5734.110000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
    23:34:42, 29 Jul.
    ( 5734.110000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
    23:34:40, 29 Jul.
    ( 5732.210000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
    23:34:40, 29 Jul.
    ( 5732.210000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
    23:34:40, 29 Jul.
    ( 5732.090000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
    23:34:37, 29 Jul.
    ( 5729.230000) ETHoA is up - VPI: 0, VCI:35
    23:34:37, 29 Jul.
    ( 5729.230000) DSL is up
    23:34:36, 29 Jul.
    ( 5728.350000) DSL noise margin: 21.00 dB upstream, 10.90 dB downstream
    23:34:36, 29 Jul.
    ( 5728.280000) DSL line rate: 448 Kbps upstream, 8128 Kbps downstream
    23:34:12, 29 Jul.
    ( 5704.670000) CWMP: session closed due to error: No response
    23:34:12, 29 Jul.
    ( 5704.640000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:34:12, 29 Jul.
    ( 5704.630000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:33:42, 29 Jul.
    ( 5674.150000) CWMP: session closed due to error: No response
    23:33:41, 29 Jul.
    ( 5673.000000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:33:41, 29 Jul.
    ( 5672.990000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:33:40, 29 Jul.
    ( 5672.560000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
    23:33:36, 29 Jul.
    ( 5668.110000) DSL is down after 92 minutes uptime
    23:33:36, 29 Jul.
    ( 5668.100000) ETHoA is down after 92 minutes uptime
    23:33:35, 29 Jul.
    ( 5667.670000) PPPoA is down after 92 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN DSL - Up)]
    23:33:32, 29 Jul.
    ( 5664.200000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
    23:29:51, 29 Jul.
    OUT: BLOCK [7] ICMP replay (ICMP type 3 code 1> on ppp0)
    23:28:50, 29 Jul.
    ( 5382.020000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:28:48, 29 Jul.
    ( 5380.950000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
    23:28:46, 29 Jul.
    ( 5378.860000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:28:46, 29 Jul.
    ( 5378.850000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '6 CONNECTION REQUEST,4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:28:46, 29 Jul.
    ( 5378.230000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 6 CONNECTION REQUEST
    23:26:03, 29 Jul.
    ( 5215.090000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:26:02, 29 Jul.
    This is some of the event log.

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