My Zen Micro Wish l

I?ve had my Micro for a month now, and while I love it, I have a few things I would like to see improved.
Note: I am running the Beta 2..02 firmware, and use Napster-to-go and auto-sync to keep the player filled.
- Add ?Play Mode? to the popup menu. I use the DJ on the main menu to ?Random Play All?, but then when I want to just play an album I have to go to the main menu, pick play mode, switch to normal, browse to the Library, then Artists, and so on to find the album, which is lots of clicks. Being able to switch play modes from the popup would be more convenient.
2 Play Next? on Popup. Similar to ?Add to Selected?, but would insert the selected track or album immediately following the current track, while keeping the rest of the selected items as is.
3 ? Gaps between WMA Janus tracks. Usually, when playing track to track, it jumps quickly between songs. But if you use the next button, it takes many seconds before it updates the screen, and starts playing the song. If you cannot reduce the time required to start the song, can you get the screen to advance right away? That way we could quickly see what?s next, and then jump ahead again if it is not what we want.
4 ? Smart Volume improvement. Smart Volume seems to have minimal impact on the track loudness. Even with it on I still have to bump the volume up and down between different tracks, and usually it is worse when switching between WMA and MP3.
Things I do like (so don?t take them away)
Customizable Main Menu ? SO useful!

Perhaps you could add these here.

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    Or just get a US$0 clock radio
    You can still use the Micro as an alarm clock. Just hook it up to speakers. You'll have to get out of bed though, or move at least, to check the time.

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    Best Regards.

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  • My Zen Micro firmware wish li

    Hey folks. Sorry if this has been posted somewhere already. Just wanted to see everyone' thoughts on what they'd like to see implemented in the next firmware release of the Zen Micro. I just got my new Zen Micro the other day. I am I am switching from my Iri'ver H20. I am very impressed with this little player and feel like I made a good investment. So, with this being my 3rd mp3 player, I would like to suggest the following be added to the next firmware update. To the folks over at Creative, thanks for listening, unlike the Iri'ver people.
    # Where is the bass boost? I listen to a lot of RnB and rap music. The EQ does a fine job, but a bass boost would be preferable. My Iri'ver had this feature and it sounded great. Through in BBE while you're at it.
    #2 I have all my music organized by genre and title. It would be nice to be able to browse my my collection simply by genre/title, rather than genre/artist/title. I understand that other users have different preferences, so why not make the music browsing system customizable?
    #3 I have a problem with my vertical touch pad. When I try to scroll though all of my tracks by pressing and holding down the top or bottom of he touch pad, it doesn't work half the time. This should be fixed where you could scroll down by simply pressing and holding the vertical touch pad anywhere below he mid-section and vice versa for scrolling up.
    #4 Crashing is a major problem with this player. This bug needs to be hunted down and fixed. The touch pad is too sensiti've (And no, I don't like leaving the hold switch "on" all of the time because I like to access a button, like song skip or volume immediately without having to adjust the hold switch first. ) and when accidently pressed, and too many thinggs are pressed at the same time, the player crashes. Maybe a rubber case that makes accidental touch of the touch pad less likely (like the ipod rubber cases) would be useful.
    #5 Having the player display the time at the top of the screen next to "now playing" in the Now Playing screen would be neat. The player knows the time. Why shouldn't we? Especially when we get so caught up in the player, we forget the time and is late for that staff meeting Smile
    #6 A queue function for setting a specific song to play next when listening to your entire library at random is a good idea. My Iri'ver had this function. It lacked the On the Go playlist thingy, which I prefer, but queuing a song to play next would be niftier than creating a specific list to accomplish the task.
    #7 Ok, I'll jump on the battery bandwagon too. Please fix the battery drain issue.
    #8 In the now playing screen, between the elapsed time and remaing time, include file type (wma, mp3, wav) and the bitrate info.
    #9 While I'm talking about file types, and even though I don't have a single Ogg file, support for this format would be a good idea. while AAC is only available in Ipods (I think) Ogg is being included in a wide range of players and is seemingly the next big thing. I might decide to ogg some of my music one day.
    #0 Please give this player the ability to record in mp3 format. I know it may be harder on the players processor, but the file types would be smaller and allow for more recording and recording time.
    # I know this is a problem for mp3's but gapless playbacl and a crossfade feature for WMA's would be a good idea. I would love this when I listening to genre music, like dance. That would truly make this player remarkable. I think i would prefer this feature more than anything else. Wink
    In conclusion, I want to reiterate that you guys have built a top notch player and is one of the best on the market. I retired my still more expensi've Iri'ver h20 player in favor of this one. Thanks once again for listening.

    <SPAN class=postbody>this is a post i initially made on nomadness.. however, here it goes.
    <SPAN class=postbody>
    <SPAN class=postbody>hey, i really like the glow when it charges.. could we have it configured like, for example: charging|power suply|always (i hear you about the 4h on that 650mAh; btw why only 650mAh?!) somebody else thought that it might be nice for the glow to follow the 'beat' of the song currently playing and that would be very nice also.
    <SPAN class=postbody>then i also like to know what i'm listening to, so sometimes i look at the display but as the backlight is off and it's late and the lights aren't on yet, i need to make it react so i have to push a button or something.. so i thought it would be nice to have at least the option to have it 'on' always. btw, i use to have it connected to a powes suply almost all the time if i'm not on the road, moreover, i use it to put me to sleep, therefore, the glowing thingy would be a nice 'effect'. <SPAN class=postbody>a new thing: i have micro 5GB with fw ver 2..02e and while it is connected to my pc, it is on stand by docking mode, no explorer window (or wmp0) is accessing it, it charges the battery but since it is in docking mode i cannot access it (listen to music). i don't know if because it is a BETA version, but it would be nice to have the possibility to 'undock' it when in stand-by docking.. so i can listen to music while it is charging using USB but i'm not interested in transferring to music. i am using xp professional sp2 with no creative drivers/software installed. anybody else has this problem?

  • Creative Zen Micro - Is it Worth

    I am looking to get my first MP3 player. I basically have 3 choices - an iRi'ver, an Ipod Nano -_-, or a Creative Zen Micro (5gb). I am hearing all kinds of problems with freezing and the headphone jack problem. My friend has had his a year and says his is fine. Should I be worried? Is it worth the risk? I am the most unluckiest person out there, solI know somethign will happen the first week.

    NO NO NO NO!!!!
    I posted this in another thread :
    If time is on your side TAKE IT BACK ASAP. Like you, I did plenty of research before putting out the money on an Mp3 player. I was impressed with what I read about the Zen micro so I went ahead and purchased 3. WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! I purchased them in May 2005. I've already sent player back twice for repair - and am awaiting the RMA label to send THE SAME player back again for replacement. Now the other 2 players are starting to act up. One won't hold a charge at all and when it does start it goes to the clean up screen and the other has started freezing up quite a lot. As far as I am concerned this product is a joke. I was patient with customer service, even after I was LIED to. I let them replace the product not once but twice and am actually going to see if I can't cancel the advanced RMA on the third replacement and try and get my money back on all three of the players through the replacement plans I bought on them. If I have to wait until May 2006 for the year manufacturers warranty to be up I'll stick them in a drawer and wait.
    The funny (not ha ha funny, but strange funny) thing is that I bought the Zen Micro's because I didn't want to be like everyone else and buy iPods. Now I wish I had. I have a feeling I threw over $600.00 away. Not quite 7 months and almost $700.00 spent- $00.00 a month for nothing but problems - wow what a really bad investment!
    If I thought Creative would buck up and do the honorable thing and give me my money back, I probably wouldn't have bothered to register and post here. But I really don't think they give a crap about me or any other poor sucker that fell for their line and bought this junk. Buyer Beware....

  • Help with Zen Micro installat

    I bought a Zen Micro and came home extremely excited, having previously owned a Zen Xtra 30GB complimented by an Audigy 2 soundcard. I put in the installation cd; as the drivers for the Micro are being installed, it stops at 99% saying "Jukebox Driver" and an error message. It then says: "Do you wish to continue with installation?" I've tried yes and no. With both answers, my player does not get detected. I've tried uninstalling and installing several times. I went on the support site and downloaded the Driver update. When installing that, the installation stops at 87% and again gives me the same message.
    Please someone tell me how to fix this so I can enjoy my Micro.

    Basketcase78 wrote:
    My Quicktime is completely up to date with all updates. As for downloading the latest drivers, I said I already tried that for Zen Media Explorer. Being I'm on dialup, I really do not have the patience to do the same for Mediasource as it's a 30MB+ file. I also had Mediasource previously from Audigy 2 and my Zen Xtra, so I don't see why that would be the problem.
    Apologies, I missed that last sentence.
    Aside from ZMME have you download the latest DRIVERS though? i.e. Creative Zen and Jukebox Driver Upgrade version .30.03
    Please, someone tell me what I should do. The very first time I installed, Windows detected it, but that has nothappened since. I've also tried going in through Add New Hardware in the control panel, but Windows cannot find the drivers on the CD or on the internet. So I'm truly lost in what I'm supposed to do.
    The drivers are located in C:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers, try pointing the driver update there (or at least check the directory exists and has files in it). Of course if the drivers have not extracted properly this might be your issue.
    Also try installing the drivers from Windows Safe Mode.

  • Autoplay error. Please help- my(Zen Micro) software won't lo

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    I'm running XP and have updated Quicktime (that did the trick last time).
    Can anyone help? I'm sorry, I did try to go through the FAQ but I didn't see anything and I'm trying to feed my kid and pack for a trip.

    I don't think so but I can't check right now-- I'm on a different computer.
    I had the software installed and had to delete it to make space for something. Now I wish I'd never touched it!

  • About ZEN Micro 5GB is

    To Whom It May Concern:
    ??Two weeks ago, I bought a Creative ZEN Micro (5GB) mp3 player from PChome online shop. After one week, the battery can not charge normally and I believe it was broken. I don?t know it cause by your company bad quality control or PChome?s selling bad product. I report PChome this issue, they said they will contact vendor and understand this issue. I also told Creative Taiwan branch. Your customer service tells me, maybe the battery is old and he want me mail mp3 player back. I am not happy about this shopping experience. I think Creative is such as a good brand in music machine area before, but I doubt it now. Your customer service is not good. I am working in office hours and I have no time to mail my mp3 player. It is not fair for me to take responsibility for none mp3 to used during the mailing process. In Taiwan, if you don?t provide a good service contact window, maybe you can provide some retail stores that customers send their Creative products to fix.
    ??This mail describes my bad feeling and I hope one day you can provide us a convenient customer service.
    Best Regards,

    Wow. I actually wish that happened to me (some tracks I would really like to have music only and no vocals). Lucky.
    BUT, did you try to load them without all those programs running? How about trying to go into recovery mode and doing a disk clean up? Let us know! Good luck!

  • ***Zen Micro Owners sign in! v. ineedadvice***

    hey guys...
    i've been on various forums searching for the right mp3 player for me.
    i am currently stuck between the m:robe, and the zen micro. however, in this thread i wish to have some things clarified about the zen micro (and if you know anything about the m:robe, please do share )
    just to make it easier to answer here are my questions:
    . headphone jack issues, is this a prominent problem on the zen players? i would like to have a solid player, and the m:robe seems to be build very well.
    2. firmware updating. i have windows 2000, and i read somewhere on the forums that the firmware needs to be updated on a computer with windows xp? can anybody clarify this?
    3. restore os / firmware problems, it seems like a lot of people on here have problems with their computer not recognizing their ZM which in turn, leads to an RMA or return to the factory. i do not want to deal w/ any hassles
    4. button problems, i also read a thread about the buttons only working well with the headphone plugged in / buttons only sometimes responding? is this a big issue with the players?
    5. batteries, do all the new units come with 2 batteries? i also read that some ZM's still eat batts even when the unit isnt in operation?
    and lastly
    6. anything else you think i should know before buying this unit's (buying mrobe instead?, or any common problems that i might wanna know)
    thanks very much for reading

    mrobenoob wrote:. headphone jack issues, is this a prominent problem on the zen players? i would like to have a solid player, and the m:robe seems to be build very well. 2. firmware updating. i have windows 2000, and i read somewhere on the forums that the firmware needs to be updated on a computer with windows xp? can anybody clarify this? 3. restore os / firmware problems, it seems like a lot of people on here have problems with their computer not recognizing their ZM which in turn, leads to an RMA or return to the factory. i do not want to deal w/ any hassles 4. button problems, i also read a thread about the buttons only working well with the headphone plugged in / buttons only sometimes responding? is this a big issue with the players? 5. batteries, do all the new units come with 2 batteries? i also read that some ZM's still eat batts even when the unit isnt in operation? and lastly 6. anything else you think i should know before buying this unit's (buying mrobe instead?, or any common problems that i might wanna know) thanks very much for reading mrn
    Silver Zen Micro Limited Edition, bought in the US almost 2 months ago.
    . No headphone jack issue over here.2. I wouldn't know. I run WinXP.3. XP recognized it pretty well after installing the drivers. Then swiched to MTP (PlaysForSure) Firmware, now it's recognized on computers that don't have the drivers installed too.4. Buttons work great. Scrolling can be a bit difficult at first, you'll get used to it.5. If you're planning on getting a free 2nd batt, hurry. I bought mine almost 2 months ago and got a Limited Edition. If possible, check whether you'll be getting a LE or not before buying (Extra batt ~40$) The Zen Micro does eat batt power while turned off (about hour playtime for the first 24 hours it's off... if you leave it off longer, it'll eat less batt power), but if you can recharge it everyday, this won't affect you much. (If you take the batt out, you'll have no problems with this issue)6. Some people have had troubles with Napster2Go service. If you're planning on using that, check with other users of the service!

  • Organizing Zen Micro

    I purchased a Zen Micro (my first MP3 player) over the weekend. I've loaded quite a few files, and now I want to make sure I don't end up with a mess of thousands of tunes with no organization. Can someone give some guidance on how to manage playlists etc so that I can keep the Micro organized?
    For example, I just ripped a 20 track CD using the MediaSource Organizer. All MP3's ended up under the album "Recordings" even though it knew the album name. I thought that it would have kept the album name on the Micro. Am I doing something wrong?
    Is it a good idea to group each CD under its own playlist? Can I do this automatically as I rip my CDs?
    Etc, etc...
    In other words, I'm looking for advice on setting up a sensible structure on the Micro...
    I really struggled with the QuickTime 7 problem on install. I found the problem after about four hours with the debugger, but I sure wish I had found this forum and the sticky notification first

    The key thing with the Micro as far as organisation goes is making sure the tracks have tag data. See my Nomad Primer for more on this.
    An album shouldn't end up under recordings, so I'm not sure what happened there. Unless the album name got confused.
    There's no need to rip CDs to a playlist. You have album and artist categories in the player's music library.

  • Zen Micro Locks Up!

    My first Zen Micro was a 5gb model. This developed headphone jack problems and was replaced by Creative in Sydney Australia with a 6gb USA model. This unit has now developed it's own problems. Every now and then when I switch the unit on all I get is a loud buzzing coming from the headphones. This can only be stopped by removing the battery. It also refuses to shut down at times also only repairable by removing battery. Today I switched it on and it started to play but no writing or anything was on the LCD screen, it was blank. Ive gone into rescue mode about 4 times but the problem remains. Just about had enough of Creative and wishing I had bought an Ipod instead. The thing runs out of warranty in about 0 days. Im afraid I will get another one and it will do the same thing.

    I have contacted Creative Customer Support and as usual all you get back is an automated email telling you to reboot this and reload that. I then contacted Creative in Sydney and they have told me to bring it in and they will swap it for another unit. If the next one does it I will demand a refund. I will have to check out a few Ipod forums to see if these peole are having the troubles Creative customers seem to have. I was going to ask for an upgrade to the Zen Microphoto but I can see by this forum that they are full of bugs as well. Technology is a wonderful thing.

  • Zen Micro Defe

    . The headphone jack moves around inside the player making the sound distorted. I have to tap the plug of the headphones to get it back to normal, cannot put it in my pocket, or have the cord moved too much.
    2. I accidentally dropped the player, now when I try to turn it on, it gets to the logo screen, freezes, and makes a peculiar sound such as the hard dri've malfunctioning.
    3. When I reboot it thru the recovery menu, it doesn't do a thing.
    4. My computer doesn't recognize it anymore.
    Yeah, I've had a long string of terrible things happening today, and this was an addition. I can't listen to my music, and I cannot make a backup, because it doesn't get recognized by the computer.
    My first zen my mom accidentally left in my pants, and got washed, and she got another through the same website she used before. I'm not sure what it was, but behind the battery there is a warranty sticker still there, so I believe I could be covered.
    If I cannot access the organizer screen anymore, will my files be lost? Though they are still on my pc, I'll have to add them all back again?
    Also, my sister's zen micro has the same exact headphone problem, and doesn't get recognized on the computer anymore.
    I also have two other friends, one with a micro, and one with another model that has the headphone problem.
    It was purchased on March 3, 2006, from Edited by Drummadude2 on 09-29-2006 05:42 PM

    "I accidentally dropped the player, now when I try to turn it on, it gets to the logo screen, freezes, and makes a peculiar sound such as the hard dri've malfunctioning."
    I dont wish to rain on your parade but that sound IS the hard dri've malfunctioning. Theyre not really meant to be dropped. I wouldnt tell customer services you dropped if you want it to be fixed under warranty.

  • Zen Micro Recovery M

    I have had some unfortunate experience with ZEN MICRO recovery mode. I want to suggest to creative that they provide more user feed back on the device after each phase of recover mode, clean up should tell you when you've completed the task. Formatting should tell you when it's reformatted, but before that should tell you how long to expect with a full device so we can know how long the process should take. My experience was it hung..or did it's I don't know. If it hangs, what should we do? When they say make sure you have the firmware available to reload, they should be more specific. I find the website does not really fill you in all the way and expect everyone to know how to reload their software via USB connections. Also, there was a lot of confusion when to have the battery in the device and when not to. I had a hard time, when only conncected via USB and without battery in. The device would not go to recovery mode.
    This is the third Creative Zen Micro for me. The first one failed after 0 months, they sent me a refurbished one and it did not work. They finally sent me a new one 3 months ago and it just crashed on me a couple of weeks ago. Now I have to go through the laborous effort of getting a Return Authorization (if they'll even do that now). I am at wits end and clearly frustrated. If they device stunk, I would move on, but I really do like the hardware design and wished that Creative would get the software right and maybe ruggedize the software / hardware experience
    Zenpatient needs Zen Dr.

    I agree that a little more documentation would be helpful. I think I, or someone (I forget), started a petition to get reload OS renamed to delete OS (a better representation of what it does).
    I have tried in the FAQ though to detail how long each of these functions should take.

  • Zen Micro, WHAT A SH

    6 months in this thing randomly just gets a hardware problem, and i hadn't used it for a while, so its not like I dropped it. Just randomly this thing says it doesn't feel like working. I lost my recipt in a move, so now all is lost. I don't want to pay for a repair, when I can just buy something else that won't die like Creative's stupid stuff does. The worst part is that you guys make it so darn difficult to get it fixed. You guys owe me an Ipod. I'd rather not have the hassel of e-mailing you guys and all that jazz, paying for it to be sent, and then paying for the repair. So silly, this place is not customer geared at all. I wish I knew this before I spent my hard earned money on the player. Oh and Itunes is a way better program aswell.

    Could you send me a link because I just dont see it. And I have the 2x version of Zen Micro Media and so far the categories are
    Import to Music
    Rip Audio Tracks to Device
    Organize Music in Device
    Create a New Playlists in Device
    Sync Music and Outlook Data between PC and Device
    Manage Organizer Data in Device
    Transfer Data between PC and Device
    I don't know if anyone can help me, but so far I've went to "Import to Music". It docks up, but makes no transfer. I'm not sure if I should've went into any of the categories first before going straight to "Import to Music" or if I just clearly need that Mediasource thing. Because I feel like there's a way of importing music on the 2x version without downloading any Mediasource. Anyone with the 2x firmware help. Also I was told to only use the 2x firmware with WMP0, but if that's the case then whats the point of the Zen Micro Media Player and all the categories listed above that comes with it. None of the categories seem to work. Once again, If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Because I don't know if there's something I just didn't do.

  • Zen Micro badly screwed

    I have had this player for about 2 years or so. It is a 5gb Zen micro, the nonphoto kind. Well I imported some tracks into it yesterday and made a playlist. I did this with a game running and a TeamSpeak server and client. When i went to listen to it all I hear is the music no vocals. I can hear no words at all. I have set the volume up to 2 when I normally have it at 8-0. CI tried other headphones and the same thing. The tracks on my PC I imported are fine. Is this a problem with th eheadphone jack or will reimporting all the tracks fix it's
    I am quite concerned the player is dieing since I don't quite have money for a new one. Any input is appriciated.

    Wow. I actually wish that happened to me (some tracks I would really like to have music only and no vocals). Lucky.
    BUT, did you try to load them without all those programs running? How about trying to go into recovery mode and doing a disk clean up? Let us know! Good luck!

Maybe you are looking for