Next / Previous Setting

Hi, I've assigned "Next/Previous Plug In Setting Or EXS Instrument" to the +/- keys of my computer kybd. This works fine for scrolling from patch to patch at first, but the moment I edit a patch (say, change the attack envelope of my ES-1) all of a sudden the +/- keys change the attack setting and not the program. What's worse is that even if I change the patch manually once, the +/- keys still only change the attack. My only recourse is to completely remove the plug-in, and then open it up again.
Any ideas why this happens or how to get around it? Why can't I just use the +/- keys to change patch and nothing else?

The +/- keys have a special function in Logic - they increment and decrement the last parameter you changed with the mouse (at least, it always used to work like this, doesn't seem to work for me in 7.1 anymore - must investigate that...).
Set the next/previous setting to some other key, like function keys or similar, and it will work as described.

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    I have a CF form with a select that posts to a CF "action" page.
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    I CFOUTPUT the 'ItemNumber' into the CFQUERY (which is an Inner Join dependant on the '#ItemNumber#')...
    All of the above works just fine and displays the database fields in color alternating rows, per the rest of the code.
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    The problem happens when you click the "Next 40 Rows" link to display the 2nd page of rows. Since (I'm assuming) this NextN code is 're-reading' the same page from top to bottom, an error is thrown when the code tries to read the CFSET ItemNumber=#form.ItemNumber# at the top of the page.
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    Thanks to anyone in advance for shedding light on this.
    - e

    Thank you for the reply, Owain.
    Yes - The Next/Previous at the bottom of the page are hyperlinks.
    <a href="ThisPage.cfm?start=#Evaluate("start + disp")#">
    The following is at the top of the page (and is the variable from the form that I CFOUTPUT in the query):
    <cfparam name="ItemNumberDropdown01" default="">
    <cfset ItemNumber = #form.ItemNumberDropdown01#>
    The error report showed that the "Next Page" hyperlink was reading an undefined variable... although when the "action page" first opens from the form posting to it, it populates the CFSET just fine (per the cfparam and cfset above)... As you mention, the hyperlink clearing the form scope is what causes the error in trying to display the next set of records...
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    Thanks again for the 'education' on this...
    - ed

  • Next / Previous button throwing an error. Please help

    I wrote this next previous button code and it is throwing an
    error. I don't understand why or what I am missing.
    I want it to show 4 records for a page. Here is my code and
    the error.
    <cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetTemplatePath())>
    <cfquery name="feat" datasource="#sitedatasource#"
    username="#siteUserID#" password="#sitePassword#" maxRows=4>
    SELECT feature.title AS ViewField1, feature.MYFile AS
    ViewField2, feature.ID AS ID
    FROM feature
    <cflock timeout="2" scope="application"
    <cfset application.feat=feat>
    <cfset MaxRows_feat=4>
    <cfset QueryString_feat=Iif(CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ
    <cfif tempPos NEQ 0>
    <cflock timeout="2" scope="application"
    type="READONLY"><cfoutput query="feat"
    <cfif PageNum_feat GT 1>
    src="../img/previous.gif" alt="Previous Records" name="Previous"
    width="96" height="27" border="0" id="Previous" /></a>
    <cfif PageNum_feat LT TotalPages_feat>
    href="#CurrentPage#?PageNum_feat=#Min(IncrementValue(PageNum_feat),TotalPages_feat)##Quer yString_feat#"
    src="../img/next.gif" alt="Next Record" name="next" width="96"
    height="27" border="0" id="next" /></a>
    The Error:
    Variable PAGENUM_FEAT is undefined.
    The error occurred in
    C:\Websites\x9vdzd\feature\featured.cfm: line 8
    6 : </cfquery>
    7 : <cfset MaxRows_feat=4>
    8 : <cfset
    9 : <cfset
    10 : <cfset
    I thought I had it defined! What am I missing?

    that is strange... it should work fine - it does in my tests.
    here is somewhat updated & modified code to try. i have
    comments to try and explain what is being done.
    basic logic is as follows:
    -form is submitted
    -check if file has been selected
    -try uploading new file
    -if new file upload succeeds, delete old file if it exists
    (as part of
    updating existing record, as new records obviously would not
    have any
    old image)
    -update/insert record data as necessary
    here's the code:
    <cfif isdefined("form.feat_OK")><!--- form submitted
    <!--- set file uploading vars --->
    <cfparam name="fileuploaded" type="boolean"
    <cfparam name="uploadedfile" default="">
    <cfset pathToFile = "c:\websites\x9vdzd\img\feature\">
    <!--- --->
    <cfif len(trim(form.MYFile))><!--- if a file has
    been selected --->
    <!--- try uploading new file --->
    <cffile Action="upload" filefield="MYFile"
    image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg"
    destination="#pathToFile" nameconflict="MAKEUNIQUE">
    <cfset fileuploaded = true>
    <cfset uploadedfile = cffile.serverfile>
    <cfcatch type="any">
    <!--- if upload did not suceed, reset file uploading vars
    <cfset fileuploaded = false>
    <cfset uploadedfile = "">
    <!--- this can be further enhanced by setting some var to
    hold error
    message and return it to user --->
    <cfif gt 0><!--- we are updating an
    existing record --->
    <!--- if new file upload was successful and the feature
    has an image
    associated with it - delete old image --->
    <cfif fileuploaded is true AND
    <cfif FileExists(pathToFile & form.oldimage)>
    <cffile action="delete" file="#pathToFile &
    <cfquery datasource="#sitedatasource#"
    UPDATE feature
    feature.title=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
    feature.Body=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar"
    feature.MYFile=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
    value="#uploadedfile#" null="#NOT fileuploaded#">
    WHERE ID = <cfqueryparam value="#form.ID#"
    <cfelse><!--- we are inserting a new record --->
    <cfquery datasource="#sitedatasource#"
    INSERT INTO feature
    (title, body, MYFile)
    (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar"
    <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
    null="#NOT fileuploaded#">)
    <!--- relocate user to previous page after insert/update
    <cflocation url="feature-manager.cfm">
    Azadi Saryev

  • Next previous button in gallery

    Hi guys, been a while, hope everyone is well.  I am having a problem implementing a next/previous button on an image once it has been enlarged in my gallery.  I have done it in pure as3 but all tutorials seem to use the timeline.  I will post my code underneath so you can see what I am up too.  The next/previous button should I think be added to the modelClicked function.
    From what I understand, I will get a next/previous button and turn them into a button object.  I will then delete them from my stage and instantiate them within the class below.  I would then add them to the modelClicked function with events tied to them.  What should I then do in these events to make it fit in with the code below?
    Any advise appreciated,
    package classes.models
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.geom.Rectangle;
        import eu.flashlabs.ui.BasicButton;
        import classes.ui.StateClip;
        import classes.ui.Placeholder;
        import classes.utils.URLUtil;
        import classes.vo.ModelsStates;
        import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
        import fl.controls.ProgressBar;
        import com.greensock.TweenLite;
        public class IndividualModel extends StateClip
            // CONSTANTS
            private static const PADDING_TOP:Number= 28;
            private static const PADDING_LEFT:Number= 50;
            private static const COLS:int= 4;
            private static const ROWS:int= 8;
            private static const GAP_HORIZONTAL:Number= 5;
            private static const GAP_VERTICAL:Number= 5;
            // MEMBER VARIABLES
            private var _data:XML;
            public function get data():XML
                return _data;
            public function set data(value:XML):void
            private var items:Array;
            private var backBtn:BasicButton;
            private var itemsHolder:MovieClip;
            private var loadIndex:int;
            private var sp:ScrollPane;
            private var clonedBitmap:Bitmap;
            private var originalBitmap:Bitmap;
            private var rect:Rectangle;
            private var screen:Sprite = new Sprite();
            public function IndividualModel()
                items = [];
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);
            private function addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
            private function initChildren():void
                itemsHolder = new MovieClip();
                sp = getChildByName("mc_pane") as ScrollPane;
                backBtn = getChildByName("btn_back") as BasicButton;
                backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backBtn_clickHandler);
      , .75);
      , 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
            public function destroy():void
            // PUBLIC INTERFACE
            // LAYOUT
            private function clearItems():void
                while (items.length > 0)
                    var item:ModelsItem = items.pop() as ModelsItem;
            private function populateItems():void
                for (var i:int = 0; i < Math.min(COLS * ROWS, data.picture.length()); i++)
                    var item:ModelsItem = new ModelsItem();
           = data.picture[i];
                    item.x = PADDING_LEFT + (i % COLS) * (ModelsItem.ITEM_WIDTH + GAP_HORIZONTAL);
                    item.y = PADDING_TOP + Math.floor(i / COLS) * (ModelsItem.ITEM_HEIGHT + GAP_VERTICAL);
                    /*item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, modelClicked);*/
                    /*item.mouseEnabled = false;*/
                    sp.source = itemsHolder;
                sp.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                sp.horizontalScrollPolicy = "off";
            // PICTURE LOADING
            private function loadNextPicture():void
                if (loadIndex < items.length)
                    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
                    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadNextPicture_completeHandler);
                    var item:ModelsItem = items[loadIndex] as ModelsItem;
                    loader.load(new URLRequest(URLUtil.getURL([email protected]())));
                    /*item.mouseEnabled = true;*/
            private function loadNextPicture_completeHandler(event:Event):void
      , loadNextPicture_completeHandler);
                ModelsItem(items[loadIndex]).bitmap = as Bitmap;
                ModelsItem(items[loadIndex]).addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, modelClicked);
            // EVENT HANDLERS
            private function backBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                state = ModelsStates.HIDDEN;
            private function modelClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
                var item:ModelsItem = e.currentTarget as ModelsItem;
                originalBitmap = item.bitmap;
                clonedBitmap = new Bitmap(originalBitmap.bitmapData.clone());
                rect = originalBitmap.getBounds(stage);
                clonedBitmap.x = rect.x;
                clonedBitmap.y = rect.y;
                clonedBitmap.width = rect.width;
                clonedBitmap.height = rect.height;
                clonedBitmap.smoothing = true;
      , 1, { x: (stage.stageWidth - originalBitmap.width) / 4, y: (stage.stageHeight - originalBitmap.height) / 6, onComplete:zoomInFinished, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 });
            private function zoomInFinished():void
                trace("Zoom In Finished");
                stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClicked);
            private function mouseClicked(e:MouseEvent):void
      , 1, { x: rect.x, y: rect.y, onComplete:zoomOutFinished, width: rect.width, height: rect.height});
                stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClicked);
            private function zoomOutFinished():void
                trace("Mouse Clicked");
            // GETTERS & SETTERS
            private function setData(value:XML):void
                _data = value;
                loadIndex = 0;
                state = ModelsStates.SHOWN;
            // UTILS
            override protected function animateInComplete():void
                switch (state)
                    case ModelsStates.SHOWN :
                    case ModelsStates.HIDDEN :

    I don't actually know how you're loading your data.  It's also very difficult to figure out what's happening in your code, since you're extending Classes you don't show. What I can tell you is that you need to store the data about iterating each collection at the level where it's needed. You may want to look at the composite pattern .
    In my opinion, the biggest problem you have is poor separation of concerns--you call things Models that are clearly Views, and because you are storing relevant data in Views rather than simply using your Views to represent data, you're making the task of representing and iterating through your data much harder than it needs to be.
    The ideal structure would be a data structure that has data for each thumbnail in some sort of collection, like an Array or Vector. This data structure would only be responsible for storing the data and maintaining a pointer to the currently selected thumbnail.  When the pointer changes, the data object dispatches a change event, so Views that care about this pointer can update. Each piece of data could then have a member variable that is one of these collections that manages the correct pointer.  That's where the composite pattern comes in.
    Now, the task of building your Views becomes much easier. You have one View that gets a collection and shows all the thumbnails and one View that gets a specific thumbnail, mix and match as needed. The Views, again watch the change event and do whatever they need to do when the pointer changes.
    At this point, who sets the pointer ceases to matter. It can be inside one of your Views or outside any of your Views--when the pointer changes, the View that is watching that particular collection will update, and if the result of that update is that a nested View then watches a different collection, that's ok--it still follows the same principles.

  • Xml gallery with thumbnails & next/previous buttons.

    hallo all the wise people,
    sorry to bother you, but i'm kind of desperate, and nobody around to ask, so....
    i've spend now three full days editing an xml gallery... to my needs, and always goes messy, so maybe it's time give up and make my own from the scratch, or looking from a one closer to my needs =/ (helpless).
    could anyone help - maybe any of you by some chance knows a link as close as possible to tutorial/source as3 fla to sthg as close as possible to this:
    a) xml gallery
    b) thumbnails
    c) when thumbnail clicked a big picture shows
    d) next/previous buttons possible
    otherwise, i can also post the code of my gallery where i absolutely can't add next/previous buttons without making a big mess =/
    i will be totally youbie doubie grateful for any help... any, if you only know any good link, 'll try to fugure out a tutorial or edit the source myself....
    thanks in advance

    heyyyo wise one,
    at least this is really  nice of you to ask -  this gallery really makes me by now feel twice as blond as i am 8-0. but this is kinda really nested.
    the xml structure goes like this (this is easy and more or, less standard)(Caption is neglectable, probabaly i will not even display it, unless i have some extra time):
       <Caption>Fist Title</Caption> 
    uaaha, then the as goes. there is the URLloader, but also two different loaders inside (one for the thumbnails, one for the big picture). and this is all inside a for each loop -eh... i was always trying to change the pictLdr behavior - the loader, that loads the big picture.
    anyway the URL loader, and the main function, which is attached to it go like this:
    var myXML:XML = new XML();
    var XML_URL:String = "gallery_config.xml";
    var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
    var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(myXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
    // Create the xmlLoaded function
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void
    // Place the xml data into the myXML object
        myXML = XML(;
        // Initialize and give var name to the new external XMLDocument
    var xmlDoc:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
    // Ignore spacing around nodes
        xmlDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
    // Define a new name for the loaded XML that is the data in myLoader
        var menuXML:XML = XML(;
    // Parse the XML data into a readable format
        // Access the value of the "galleryFolder" node in our external XML file
    for each (var galleryFolder:XML in myXML..galleryFolder)
       // Access the value of the "pagenum" node in our external XML file
               var galleryDir:String = galleryFolder.toString();
    //trace (galleryDir);
    //trace (galleryFolder);//output taki sam jak powyżej
    // inicjuję variable flag, która bedzie trzsymac nazwę klikniętego thumbnail
    var flag2:String = null;
    // Set the index number of our loop, increments automatically
    var i:Number = 0;
    // Run the "for each" loop to iterate through all of the menu items listed in the external XML file
    for each (var MenuItem:XML in myXML..MenuItem)
    // Access the value of the "picnum" node in our external XML file
        var picnum:String = MenuItem.picnum.toString();
    // Access the value of the "pagetext" node in our external XML file
        var Caption:String = MenuItem.Caption.toString();
    // Access the value of the "thumb" node in our external XML file
        var thumb:String = MenuItem.thumb.toString();
    // Access the value of the "pagepicture" node in our external XML file
        var picture:String = MenuItem.picture.toString();
    // Just some trace I used for testing, tracing helps debug and fix errors
    var thumbLdr:Loader = new Loader();
        var thumbURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(galleryDir + thumb);
    // Create MovieClip holder for each thumb
    var thumb_mc = new MovieClip();
    addChildAt(thumb_mc, 1);
      // Create the rectangle used for the clickable button we will place over each thumb
      var rect:Shape = new Shape;;, 0x999999);, 0, 80, 80);      
      // Create MovieClip holder for each button, and put that rectangle in it,
      // make button mode true and set it to invisible
      var clip_mc = new MovieClip();
      clip_mc.buttonMode = true;
      clip_mc.alpha = .0;
         // The following four conditionals create the images where the images will live on stage
      // by adjusting math through each row we make sure they are laid out good and not stacked
      // all on top of one another, or spread out in one long row, we need 4 rows, so the math follows
      if (picnum < "05")
           line1xpos = line1xpos + distance; // These lines place row 1 on stage
        clip_mc.x = line1xpos;
        clip_mc.y = yPlacement;
        thumb_mc.x = line1xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = yPlacement;
       else  if (picnum > "04" && picnum < "11")
        line2xpos = line2xpos + distance; // These lines place row 2 on stage  
        clip_mc.x = line2xpos;
        clip_mc.y = 86;
        thumb_mc.x = line2xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = 86;
       else  if (picnum > "10" && picnum < "14")
        line3xpos = line3xpos + distance; // These lines place row 3 on stage
        clip_mc.x = line3xpos;
        clip_mc.y = 172;
        thumb_mc.x = line3xpos;
        thumb_mc.y = 172;
       else  if (picnum > "13" && picnum < "21")
       line4xpos = line4xpos + distance; // These lines place row 4 on stage
       clip_mc.x = line4xpos;
       clip_mc.y = 258;
       thumb_mc.x = line4xpos;
       thumb_mc.y = 258;
       // And now we create the pic loader for the larger images, and load it into "pictLdr"
       var pictLdr:Loader = new Loader();
       var pictURL:String = picture;
          var pictURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(galleryDir + picture);
       //var pictURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery/Image00004.jpg");sprawia,ze zawsze wyswitla sie jeden obrazek
       // Access the pic value and ready it for setting up the Click listener, and function
          clip_mc.clickToPic = pictLdr;
       // Access the text value and ready it for setting up the Click listener, and function
       clip_mc.clickToText = Caption;
       //var instName:String = flag();
       // Add the mouse event listener to the moviClip button for clicking
          clip_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clipClick);
          // Set the function for what happens when that button gets clicked
       function clipClick(e:Event):void
         // Populate the parent clip named frameSlide with all of the necessary data
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.gotoAndPlay("show"); // Makes it appear(slide down)
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.caption_txt.text =; // Adds the caption
         MovieClip(parent).frameSlide.frame_mc.addChild(; // Adds the big pic
       } // This closes the "for each" loop
    } // And this closes the xmlLoaded function
    and the effect looks like this (it's a sketch, so big pictures are loaded randomly, don;t put too much attention to it):
    but i guess it's a terrible stuff to go through all this. i would be totallly satisfied with a likng to a good tutorial to do it from scratch, or just a hint where to start rebuilding this.
    + in any case i send greetinngs to whereever you are =]

  • Why doesn't Firefox run an adobe flash player slide show (no arrows to move to next/previous slide), but internet explore does?

    When I try to run a slide show in Firefox, the first slide displays but the arrows to move to next/previous slide do not appear. When I try in Internet Explorer, the arrows appear. Flash Player is enabled in Firefox. There must be another setting I need to adjust. I am running Windows 7. I don't see how to access Tools menu item in Firefox. I don't see where I can check my Firefox version. It is the current version as is Flash Player.

    When I try to run a slide show in Firefox, the first slide displays but the arrows to move to next/previous slide do not appear. When I try in Internet Explorer, the arrows appear. Flash Player is enabled in Firefox. There must be another setting I need to adjust. I am running Windows 7. I don't see how to access Tools menu item in Firefox. I don't see where I can check my Firefox version. It is the current version as is Flash Player.

  • How do I change default Next/Previous buttons?

    When I automatically create multiple Submenus using the 'Create Chapter Index' command, Encore generates Next and Previous buttons.
    These are rather plain - they seem to be the same style regardless of the style of menu selected - and I'd like to set another default style.
    Can someone tell me how to do this, please?
    Many thanks

    You can build the next/previous buttons any way you like. Just put them on the menu and then specify them as "Next" or "Previous" under the type field in the properties box. There's more information about this in the help files under chapter menu automation.

  • Add a help bubble at Home, Next & Previous buttons

    Can we add balloon help on 'Home', 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons?
    Thanks in advance.

    So are you showing only one record at a time? If so, this can be very simple.
    1. Create a variable to hold the next record you want to display. Create another for the previous record (you already have the current record).
    2. Create a custom procedure and set the value of the next and previous record ID's using an SQL query of your choice.
    3. On the NEXT button, set it to Submit and set the target page to be the same page. Set the value of the current record ID to be that of the next record ID. When the page refreshes, it should grab the appropriate record.
    4. Following that idea, on the PREVIOUS button, set it also to Submit to the same target (the page you are on now). Set the value of the current record ID to be that of the previous record ID.
    Try that and see how it goes.

  • Cursor keys do not properly change to next/previous image

    Since a few days, one of my two Lightroom-computers shows a permanent, quite annoying bug, regarding the curser left/right key:
    It happens in loupe view:
    When I press the cursor-right key, Lightroom doesn't change to the next image
    Instead, it doesn't stop changing to the next image before it reaches the end of the folder .
    Correspondingly with cursor-left, which takes me always to the first image in of the folder...
    Browsing in loupe view is nearly impossible, just the mousewheel still allows to change to the next/previous image.
    This happens for all sets, catalogues, folders, etc. If I have selection, then it takes me to the first/last image of the selection, nothing in between possible.
    Any advice, what went wrong with my system? Everything was smooth a few weeks ago, and everything works fine on my other computer, which should just behave the same...
    Thanks for any hints!

    After hours of testing, I identified the reason:
    The problem was raised by the service "skdaemon.exe".
    It's meant to be a keyboard enhancing utility, which was preinstalled (und later updated) on this computer.
    After deactivation (from autostart), LR works fine again, and I didn't notice any missing keyboard functions yet.
    Maybe, this helps someone else in getting around that problem, and thanks for the support.

  • Next/Previous Track multimedia buttons stopped working in 2.18

    After upgrading to 2.18, when I use Banshee the keys that are mapped to next/previous track have stopped working. However, volume change and mute buttons still work.
    I checked the Gnome configuration (preferences -> keyboard shortcuts) and those keys are mapped properly. Who knows how to explain this?

    Here is my .xbindkeysrc.  It works for me with exaile.  Note that I am using mouse buttons.  You'll want to replace them with keycodes from your keyboard.
    #Mouse: Volume Up
    "/usr/bin/amixer -q -c 0 set PCM 2dB+ unmute"
    m:0x0 + b:13
    #Mouse: Volume Up
    "/usr/bin/amixer -q -c 0 set PCM 2dB- unmute"
    m:0x0 + b:14
    #Mouse: Next Track
    "/usr/bin/exaile --next"
    m:0x0 + b:15
    #Mouse: Prev Track
    "/usr/bin/exaile --prev"
    m:0x0 + b:16
    #Mouse: Media Button
    "/usr/bin/exaile --cleanversion"
    m:0x0 + b:10
    #Mouse: Play/Pause Button
    "/usr/bin/exaile -t"
    m:0x0 + b:17

  • Creating Next ,Previous ...............Buttons

    How Can I create the following buttons
    1-Next Button.
    2-Previous Button.
    3-First record button
    4-Last record button
    5-Display Button (to display all information in the form)
    Can anybody help me,please?

    Including those buttons separately is not an easy task.
    HTML DB will create automatically those buttons when you use "Master/Detail Form"
    Pick two tables connected by FK in One to Many modes and try to create such a form. In fact there will be two or three pages. Follow the wizard instructions.
    In some stage you should set "Yes" for "Include master row navigation" and select the column for "Master Row Navigation Order".
    You can use those pages as an example for "Next, Previous, etc." buttons or you can do the entire task by HTML DB wizards.

  • Next/previous records

    I am new to Forms 6i and any pointers would be appreciated.
    I have set up a form using a master/child relationship. The
    master block (mfg_date) has only one field (id). I created
    toolbar buttons to step through the master records using the
    following code.
    (Toolbar Button code for previous record)
    (Toolbar Button code for next record)
    These buttons work fine by themselves.
    I also created an LOV allowing the user to select any master
    record using the following code.
    (WHEN BUTTON PRESSED Trigger Code for LOV)
    v_choose BOOLEAN;
    v_choose := SHOW_LOV('new_mfg_date');
    IF NOT v_choose THEN
    MESSAGE('You have not selected a value.');
    END IF;
    END IF;
    This code also works fine by itself.
    My problem occurs if I use the LOV and then use the
    previous/next record buttons. If I select a record using the LOV
    and then use the buttons, the next/previous records displayed
    are in relation to what was selected with the buttons, not with
    the LOV. For instance: If I use the buttons to step through the
    records up to record 5, and then select record 18 with the LOV
    and then use the buttons again, the record navigation is in
    relation to record 5, not 18.I start through the records with
    the next-record button, the next record displayed is 6 instead
    of 19. Record 18 also seems to become record 5 at this point.
    What I would like is to have the next/previous buttons work in
    relation to the record that is displayed. I have also tried
    up/down, scroll_up/scroll_down, and next_record/previous record
    with the same results. Obviously there is some logic that I&#8217;m
    not grasping yet. Hopefully someone maybe able to point me in
    the right direction.
    Paul Howard
    [email protected]

    Yeahh and don't forget that even google doesn't show you more than 1000 records ;)
    Gints Plivna
    Message was edited by:

  • Is there an easy way to fetch next/previous record in Apex?

    I am new to APEX/Oracle, but have a lot of expierence as a mainframe programmer and some experience with SQL.
    I have been tasked by my boss to create a set of pages in an application as follows.
    Page 1: Select an Employees Name and go to Page 2.
    Page 2: Display Employee's Biography Information.
    Add a "Next Employee" button and a "Previous Employee" button that will fetch the next/previous Employees Biography info respectively.
    In essence, he wants a query with every employee's biography information with the employee selected on page 1 used as the starting pointer.
    I have successfully built "select an Employee's name on page 1" and "display his/her info on page 2" with a query that returns a single record.
    What I can not figure out is how to get a next and previous button to get the next or previous record in a multi record query, using the intially selcted employee as the intial pointer.
    Is their an easy way to build this using built-in APEX functionailty, or will it require programming to achieve this requirement?

    I installed the Aria application, but now I wish I'd run the preview first. It's a cool application, but I don't see anything like what greich requested. I'm looking for the same thing.
    <li>     and clicked the Edit or View Details button for an individual. </li>
    <li>That takes me to a custom Form page that shows one person. </li>
    I'm trying to imagine how I'd code buttons for that Form page to let me click to see the next or previous person on that same form. My mind gets totally boggled when I consider that the user might have filtered the report to only show a few records. How do I have any idea what those IDs were and what order they were showing in, to know which is the next individual.
    My only thought it to create a process on the report that could save primary key (e.g. employee ID) to a table or Apex collection? Then the form button runs a process that finds the current ID then uses next or previous?
    I'm not sure how I could capture the PK in the report in order to save it.
    Does this make sense? Anyone got a better idea?

  • Defaulting to previously set styles

    Hi there. Silly but annoying problem....
    I open a file that is full of all sorts of styles. I love styles and use them all the time but when I add a new text box of object to a page, I want it to be UNSTYLED but instead, it automatically defaults to a previously set style. I have to go into styles and and click "None". How can I set it up so a new element does NOT default to a previosuly set style?
    I am on Mac OS 10.4.11 - InDesign CS3

    Open the Object Styles panel.
    You have two choices, at this point, either create a new style and set it as the default, or edit [Basic Text Frame] and continue to use it, whcih is probably easier. To do that, double-click the name to open the style definition dialog and then click the Paragraph Styles line in the top list in the left section. In the dropdown change the style to [No Paragraph Style], make sure the box next to Paragraph Styles in the list is checked, and say OK.

  • Mac iPhoto:  3-Finger Swipe to Next/Previous Photo?

    I seem to recall that there's a way to get a three-finger swipe to move to the next/previous photo, but I can't seem to find it if so...  (I mean specifically while viewing all photos or in an album.  This, especially while reviewing photos from a shoot, picking out the best ones.)

    In other words, it was set to a three-finger swipe and it didn't work, but I re-selected that in the pop-up and now it seems to be working.  Wild...
    OK, problem (apparently!) solved.
    Thanks, folks!

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