NF-e Serviços - São Paulo / Cotia

Por favor, já implementamos a nota 981687, mas não encontramos as orientações de como configurar esta solução. Onde posso encontrar? Já é do nosso conhecimento que a nota é referente a Nota Fiscal Eletronica de Serviços - São Paulo. Estamos implementando para Cotia e já estamos cientes que teremos que realizar alguns ajustes e complementos da solução.
Desde já, grato.
Alexandre T. Almeida
TCS Brazil

Troquei a seguinte mensagem com o suporte SAP:
Based on law of the Cotia City in São Paulo. We need apply the
SAP Note 981687 to get a kick-off of the solution, because we must that
start the process on january 1º 2011. In the first
analisys, we have saw that the informations below are not compliance:
J_1BPREFNO NUMC 8 Service NF-e Number Provided by Prefecture
J_1BCHECOD CHAR 8 Checking Code of Service NF-e
The correct information must be:
J_1BPREFNO NUMC 15 Service NF-e Number Provided by Prefecture
J_1BCHECOD CHAR 9 Checking Code of Service NF-e
We need know if we can change the size of the fields to be in
compliance the law.
Thanks in advance,
Alexandre Tadeu de Almeida
TCS Brazil FI Consultant
You can adjust according your needs, just remember this is under
customer responsability and SAP will not support this changes, in the
future as your Z programs.
O que você acha? Devo alterar os campos ou criar uma tabela z para manter um relacionamento para fazer um controle paralelo?
Sua sugestão será bem vinda...

Similar Messages

  • Projeto de Implementação Nota Fiscal Eletrônica de Serviços NFS-e

    Alguém possui informações se há algum projeto ativo na SAP ou planos de projeto para implementação da nota fiscal de serviços eletrônica via web services?
    Caso negativo alguém está trabalhando em uma iniciativa própria?
    Fabio Purcino

    SAP disponibiliza a NF-e serviços sómente para a cidade de São Paulo. Por favor, verifique a nota 981687 e os pre-requisitos que estão descrito nesta nota.

  • I am trying to have access tables of the Sql Server through the Oracle

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    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: [Generic Connectivity using ODBC][H006] The init parameter <HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO> is not set.
    Please set it in init <orasid>.ora file.
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from HSMSQL
    I created the ODBC with name HSMSQL.
    I made all the configurations in the archives
    (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = wsus)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = HSMSQL)
    (HS = OK)
    (ORACLE_HOME= C:\oracle\ora92)
    (PROGRAM =hsodbc)
    -- Create database link
    create database link HSMSQL.US.ORACLE.COM
    connect to TESTE identified by TESTE2
    using 'HSMSQL';
    But when I execute query the error occurs:
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    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message: [Generic Connectivity using ODBC][H006] The init parameter <HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO> is not set.
    Please set it in init <orasid>.ora file.
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from HSMSQL
    Please they help me, thanks, Paulo.

    It seems that your configuration is Ok. By the way, the workaround for this error is:
    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
    [Transparent gateway for ODBC][H001] The environment variable <HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO> is not set.
    * Set HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO in the hs{sid}init.ora file to the data source name.
    Example: HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = <ODBC DataSource Name>
    * Make sure the hs{sid}init.ora file exists in the ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin directory and has the same name as the SID in the LISTENER.ORA.
    Example: If SID=hsodbc in the listener.ora file, then the hs{sid}init.ora file would be named ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin/inithsodbc.ora
    For more information see if this [url]thread can help you.

  • NF-e Serviços - Duvidas..

    Pessoal preciso da ajuda de vocês..Estou meia perdida..
    Existe algum modelo especifico de nota fiscal para NFS-e? Até onde eu sei os modelo NFS-e são de responsabilidade do municipio e sua validação não é feita pelo SEFAZ (Mod 55). O onus da validação sempre será no fornecedor de serviços e não de quem recebe o serviço.
    Eu preciso dar entradas de notas de serviço sem que alimentem o SPED, eu estava utilizando uma categoria de NF-E que qesta associada ao modelo 55(SEFAZ), porém tenho receio que seja feita a validação desta Nf-e mesmo ela estando marcada como NF-e Serviço.
    Procurei se existia alguma nota especifica para o municipio e encontrei somente 981687 - NFe: For Services in Muncipio Sao Paulo refenciando SP, não achei nada relacionado a cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
    Existe algum problema em utilizar a categoria de NF associada ao modelo 55? Ou será necessário criar um nova categoria para serviços sem associar a qualquer modelo?
    Muito Obrigada,

    Os campos "Ser. NF-e No." e "Checking Code" devem ser preenchidos manualmente, o conteúdo destes campos serão determinados pela prefeitura na resposta (em arquivo) de seu arquivo enviado.
    A construção de um programa Z para efetuar isto pode eventualmente ser avaliada por você.
    A SAP não liberou nenhuma forma automática para atualização dos mesmos no sistema.
    Felipe Silveira

  • NFS-e município de São Paulo

    Alguém saberia me dizer se a solução standard da SAP para Nota Fiscal Eletrônica de Serviços do município de São Paulo se resume a nota "SAP Note 981687 - NFe: For Services in Muncipio Sao Paulo"?
    Pergunto porque esta nota apenas gera um arquivo TXT que deve ser enviado manualmente para a prefeitura.
    Como hoje a prefeitura de São Paulo já disponibiliza Web Services para comunicação direta com os sistemas dos contribuintes, gostaria de saber se a SAP tem alguma solução mais atualizada.
    Abraços e Obrigado!

    Bom dia André,
    Atualmente sim o report é a única solução.. Está em discussão entre os municípios de adotar um padrão único (SP ainda não está neste padrão) para emissão online de NFS-e. A SAP não tem pretensão de desenvolver a solução caso os municípios não cheguem a um acordo.
    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

  • Venda de Serviços com valor de ISS no Gross Up

    Olá pessoal, uma dúvida.
    O cliente vende exclusivamente serviços, apliquei as notas 1706309, 664855, 747670, 852302, 916003 e 815720.
    Efetuei testes para Cofins e Pis e está calculando muito bem. Porém o erro está no cálculo do ISS quando utilizado o modo Gross Up (Imposto fora do preço) pois ele altera o valor da ICMI.
    Estamos usando a TAXBRA e a RVABRA padrão.
    Criei o Tax Group 50 e todas as sequencias de acesso de ISS para provedor foram atualizaras como este grupo que foi configurado da seguinte forma:
    Jurisdict.Code: SP
    Valid from/to: 01.01.2014 até 12.31.2999
    Company Code: ZXXX
    Tax Rate: 5
    Tax Base: 100
    Iss Law: IS0
    Tax-Rel.Loc.: 1 Provider
    Iss WT: X
    Min. Value: 5.000,00
    Currency: BRL
    Veja o detalhe das condições para o cenário abaixo:
    Se eu coloco um preço líquido de 1000,00, com Tax Code I9 (ISS+COFINS+PIS+WHT) e Cofins sendo 7,65%; PIS sendo 1,65% e ISS sendo 5% (Empresa de Lucro Real na cidade de São Paulo) as condições ficariam assim quando utilizo cálculo dos impostos por dentro do preço líquido (Tabela J_1BKON1V)
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.000,00
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 76,00
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.000,00
    BX82 PIS Amount: 16,50
    BX50 ISS Base: 1.000,00
    BX51 ISS Amount: 50,00
    IBRX: 1.000,00
    ICMI: 1.000,00
    Net Price: 857,50
    Tax: 142,50
    Entendo que o cálculo acima está perfeito para imposto por dentro, porém vejam como fica quando altero para calcular por fora:
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.157,03
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 87,93
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.157,03
    BX82 PIS Amount: 19,09
    BX60 ISS Base Provider: 1.157,03
    BX62 ISS Amount Provider: 57,85
    ICMI: 1.157,03
    IBRX: 1.157,03
    Net Price: 992,16
    Tax: 164,87
    Neste caso, a ICMI assumiu o valor de 1.157,03. Entendo que o Net Price deveria ser 1.000,00 (Já que é o preço líquido sem impostos) e o Tax deveria ser 166,18. Veja como cheguei neste valor de Tax:
    Fiz a fórmula de Gross Up sendo: 1-([ISS+COFINS+PIS]/100) ou seja 1-([5+7,65+1,65]/100) daí evolui para o seguinte resultado: 1-(14,25/100) resultando em 0,8575. Logo peguei o preço líquido de 1.000,00 e dividi por 0,8575 que dá 1.166,18 logo, o total de impostos é 166,18 e o preço líquido é 1.000,00.
    Sendo assim, no meu entendimento as condições deveriam ficar assim quando o imposto é por fora:
    BX70 COFINS Base: 1.166,18
    BX72 COFINS Amount: 88,63
    BX80 PIS Base: 1.166,18
    BX82 PIS Amount: 19,24
    BX60 ISS Base Provider: 1.166,18
    BX62 ISS Amount Provider: 58,31
    ICMI: 1.166,18
    IBRX: 1.166,18
    Net Price: 1.000,00
    Tax: 166,18
    Alguém saberia como resolver este problema? ou seja, alterar a configuração para que ao invéz de calcular conforme o texto em vermelho fique igual ao texto azul?

    Achei o erro, o problema está na retenção. Dentro do grupo 50 eu exclui os campos:
    Iss WT: X
    Min. Value: 5.000,00
    Currency: BRL
    Então a pricing retornou corretamente.
    Vamos verificar todas as notas de retenção para corrigir o problema.

  • GRC NF-e 2.0 - Status de Serviço com Erro

    Boa noite Srs,
    Estamos recebendo um erro no cenário SRVSC_WebAS_Outbound_ServiceStatusCheck.
    No NF-e Monitor o Status de Erro é 70 (Error from the authorities). Verifiquei a MONI e encontrei a seguinte mensagem:
    CPA cache refresh (mode=full) successfully executed in 1607 milliseconds.*
    Estamos no SLLNFE 16 do XI Content e  SAP_APPL 604/07 do ERP; Nossa versão do PI é a 7.0.
    Alguém teria alguma dica que pudesse nos ajudar a resolver este erro.

    Marlo, obrigado por sua resposta!
    Refiz novamente todo o cenário de StatusServico, e todos os conditions estão perfeitamente setados, conforme exemplo de São Paulo abaixo:
    Condition Homologation: (/p1:nfeStatusServicoNF2/p1:cUF = 35 AND /p1:nfeStatusServicoNF2/p1:tpAmb = 2)
    Condition Production: (/p1:nfeStatusServicoNF2/p1:cUF = 35 AND /p1:nfeStatusServicoNF2/p1:tpAmb = 1)
    Para todos os outros estados utilizei a mesma regra citada, com exceção ao cenário BATCH, que segui conforme o PDF da nota 1465726 que utiliza o tpEmis (diferente de 3).
    Estou fazendo um refresh no sld e reiniciando o server para ver o que
    Mais alguma outra dica?

  • SAP Crystal Report using SQL Server Authentication and Windows Authenticati

    I'm a SAP Crystal Report, version for Visual Studio 2010 Beginner
    my ingredients are 7 ultimate service pack1
    2.sql server 2008 standard edition
    3.visual studio 2010 pro
    4.SAP Crystal Report, version for visual
    I was created a report named customersByCity.rpt using OLE DB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server -> I'm supply Server, User ID, Password and Database. I assume me using SQL Server Authentication for my report
    Then, my ASP.NET files as following
    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="viewCustomersByCity.aspx.cs" Inherits="viewCustomersByCity" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=13.0.2000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"
        Namespace="CrystalDecisions.Web" TagPrefix="CR" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <div><asp:Label ID="lblMsg" runat="server" BackColor="Yellow" ForeColor="Black"></asp:Label>
     <CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" AutoDataBind="true"></CR:CrystalReportViewer>
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.UI;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    using System.Collections;
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
    public partial class viewCustomersByCity : System.Web.UI.Page
        private const string PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME = "city";   
        private ReportDocument customersByCityReport;
        private void ConfigureCrystalReports()
            ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
            connectionInfo.ServerName = @"WKM1925-PCWKM1925";
            connectionInfo.DatabaseName = "Northwind";
            connectionInfo.UserID = "sa";
            connectionInfo.Password = "sysadmin25";
        private void SetDBLogonForReport(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
            TableLogOnInfos tableLogOnInfos = CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo;
            foreach (TableLogOnInfo tableLogOnInfo in tableLogOnInfos)
                tableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
        private void SetCurrentValuesForParameterField(ReportDocument reportDocument, ArrayList arrayList)
            ParameterValues currentParameterValues = new ParameterValues();
            foreach (object submittedValue in arrayList)
                ParameterDiscreteValue parameterDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
                parameterDiscreteValue.Value = submittedValue.ToString();
            ParameterFieldDefinitions parameterFieldDefinitions = reportDocument.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
            ParameterFieldDefinition parameterFieldDefinition = parameterFieldDefinitions[PARAMETER_FIELD_NAME];
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            customersByCityReport = new ReportDocument();
            string reportPath = Server.MapPath("customersByCity.rpt");
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
            arrayList.Add("Buenos Aires");
            arrayList.Add("Sao Paulo");
            ParameterFields parameterFields = CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo;
            SetCurrentValuesForParameterField(customersByCityReport, arrayList);
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = customersByCityReport;
    1st scenario
    When in a runtime, it's keep appear a dialog box. This dialog box ask me to suppy Server, User ID, Password and Database. Once all information is supplied, my report display the data as expected
    2nd scenario
    I change my report using OLE DB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server -> checked on Integrated Security. I just choose Server, and Database. I assume me using Windows Authentication
    When in a runtime, there's no dialog box as above. My report display the data as expected. really cool
    Look's like, when report using SQL Server Authentication there's some problem. but, when report using Windows Authentication, it's fine.
    I'm looking for comment. Please help me

    MS SQL Server 2008 requires you to install the MS Client Tools for 2008.
    Once install then update all of your reports to use the SQL Native 10 as the OLE DB driver.
    The try again, if it still fails search, lots of sample log on code in this forum.

  • How to install ADF Runtime libraries to an Oracle Application Server 10g?

    - JDev 10.1.3 (production) installed on my Win XP station.
    - OC4J 10.1.3 Standalone installed on my Win XP station.
    - OAS 10.1.3 (not OC4J Standalone) installed on a Linux SuSe server.
    - I have admin credentials for the OAS but don't for the server.
    Is it possible to install ADF Runtime from OAS Enterprise Manager? If yes, please, let me know. If not, I will have to bother server admin in order to copy those files. In this case, ca I rely on the log html file resulted from the install I made on my local OC4J instance in order to select the needed files?
    Thanks in advance.
    São Paulo - Brasil

    As far as i know the ADF libraries can be updated via the solution you gave :
    Tools -> ADF Runtime Installer -> Oracle Application Server
    but this only applies for an OAS installed on the same machine where jdev resides
    for OAS in UNIX like systems i'm not sure if this can be done
    as far as i know the libraries must be copied manually but i can't confirm this theory
    i would like to know if it's possible to update the libraries from the Wizard on jdev installed on a windows machine to an OAS installed in UNIX?

  • Using ?import:file? command in a linux Enterprise server

    I'm with a problem with a template. I never had a client that use linux as OS in enterprise server.
    I work with embedded bi publisher in JDEDWARDS and usually i use this command to call dinamic footers and never had a problem. For example
    <?import:file:///\\\BIP\R5543501\footerlastpage.rtf?>. This customer is in linux and dont know nothing about linux but i think that the problem is in this command because linux dont use " \\ " to perform this command \\\BIP\R5543501\footerlastpage.rtf.
    Someone know how i can solve this problem? i tried something like this ( <?import:file://///\BIP\R5543501\footerlastpage.rtf?>) but still not working and cant find much information in internet about this.
    Any help is appreciated
    Tks in Adavance
    Paulo Duarte

    Hi Paulo,
    You can import subtemplates this way:
    <?import:http://myservername/subtemplates.rtf?> (access over HTTP)
    <?import:file:///mydirectory/subtemplates.rtf?> (access over File System)
    (Notice: http uses two forward slashes // and file uses three /// )
    So in your case try this: <?import:file:///>
    Another thing to make sure is set is this:
    BI Publisher Subtemplates:
    ps. If this answers your question then please grant the points and close the thread

  • Problems to access files in Content Server

    We recently did a migration of our DMS.
    Initially our DMS was located in Sao Paulo and we changed our DMS server to Rio de Janeiro.
    We kept the same version of the DMS, the same operating system and the same server configuration.
    After this migration we are unable to view the original files (PDFs, DWGs,
    etc..) that have been filed in Content Server.
    We are receving the following error when we are trying to access file:
    c:  temp  Regal FISPQ.pdf can not be created.
    In transaction SLG1 we're getting the 404 Not Found error.
    We debugged the program 'SCMS_HTTP_GET_FILE' and received the error file not found.
    Can you help me?
    Sérgio Salomã

    Hi Sérgio
    I am also facing similar issue. Is your issue resolved? Can you please guide me how did you resolve this issue.
    In my case Content Server and Content Repository both are up and running but still I am not able to access the documents.

  • Deploying Forms 6i with Forms Server 6i

    Hi there.
    I am trying to deploy a application with Forms 6i using Forms Server 6i, with 8.1.7 DB.
    The forms are linked to a library, and when i try to run them over the browser, i get error messages saying that the pl/sql procedures in the library are not found.
    Can anyone help me, please?
    Paulo Duarte

    With Forms on the web, you should set environment variables in the default.env file (or create your own .env file). Don't use the Windows Registry.
    As Grant said, you need to follow the steps in the Listener Servlet deployment guide. (You didn't say which patchset you are using or which architecture you are using, so I will assume you are using the Forms Listener Servlet architecture.)
    The URL that Grant gave does work. So you either need to upgrade your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, or something is wrong with your machine.
    Robin Zimmermann
    Forms Product Management

  • Potential dynamic server list updating problem in cluster

    We are running a cluster of four Windows 2000 Server boxes under WLS
              6.1SP2. We have seen the following behavior in our cluster. We shutdown
              a cluster member and then bring it back up. When it comes back up, the
              IIS plug-in seems to start routing all requests to that new server.
              Out cluster seems to have some multicast connectivity problems, e.g. we
              often cannot see managed servers on the admin. console, etc. What I'm
              wondering is whether the server when it comes up could be telling IIS
              that it is the only cluster member because it isn't aware of any other
              members. This would explain the plug-ins sudden affinity for the new server.
              Is this possible? Has anyone seen this?
              Thanks in advance,
              P.S. The box that is being restarted and then hogging the requests is
              also the server where the admin. console is running. Could that be the
              issue? What exactly are the implications of running a managed server and
              the admin. console on one box?

    Is it that the admin server is also part of the cluster and is the server
              that is being restarted?
              Try to have the admin server for purely administrative tasks and not as part
              of a working cluster.
              If you have Debug set to ON in the plugin end, try checking the server list
              This should return the dynamic and static server list that the IIS proxy is
              supposed to forward.
              Check before restart and after restart.
              Also contact support to get the newest ISAPI plugin that contains latest
              "Coty Rosenblath" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > We are running a cluster of four Windows 2000 Server boxes under WLS
              > 6.1SP2. We have seen the following behavior in our cluster. We shutdown
              > a cluster member and then bring it back up. When it comes back up, the
              > IIS plug-in seems to start routing all requests to that new server.
              > Out cluster seems to have some multicast connectivity problems, e.g. we
              > often cannot see managed servers on the admin. console, etc. What I'm
              > wondering is whether the server when it comes up could be telling IIS
              > that it is the only cluster member because it isn't aware of any other
              > members. This would explain the plug-ins sudden affinity for the new
              > Is this possible? Has anyone seen this?
              > Thanks in advance,
              > Coty
              > P.S. The box that is being restarted and then hogging the requests is
              > also the server where the admin. console is running. Could that be the
              > issue? What exactly are the implications of running a managed server and
              > the admin. console on one box?

  • Oracle 8.0.3 in a Netware 5.0 Server!

    We have a netware 5.0 with 30 licenses.
    We have Oracle 8.0.3 that it cames with novell server.
    First of all where can i see information about oracle to netware servers?
    We are trying to develop a program in VB 6 (is ready) that it comunicates with oracle server trought odbc connection.
    We have the next problems:
    - The oracle database have 5 user licenses, with 3 users working, there are no problems, but when the 4º user login into the oracle database (load the program in vb6 and begin work on it), all the users begin to receive the ask to login into database oracle (user/password/ If in this situation 1 of 4 user goes out of the aplicattion all is fine!
    - If we have a 5 user prodution oracle database, why can we only work with 3 licenses?
    - The second problem is the program doing some search in database takes netware server almost to 100% of Utilization, and we wait a lot by the information, is this normal?
    - The third situation, is that, the program works very slowly at getting data from da oracle database. Is this because we use VB6 and ODBC? Are some away of we improve performance?
    Paulo J. Sousa

    David Janello (guest) wrote:
    : I need to download the server patches for Oracle 8.0.3, also
    : patches for Net8 and the TCP/IP adapter.
    : My Platform/OS is DEC Alpha NT v. 4.0.
    : Where are these located on the Oracle site, I did a number of
    : searches but did not find them.
    : Thanks,
    : -David Janello
    bad news ...
    oracle 8.0.3 went out of support in march , 1999.
    so no patches or downloads will normally be available after this
    On Windows NT platforms, you will need to upgrade to :
    8.0.5, or
    --- or ---
    wait for oracle 8i release 2 just announced at open world.

  • Where can I find the reports multitier server (reports 3.0)?

    Can anyone please tell me where can I find the reports multitier
    When I try to install the reports from the patch 0598
    (pat0598.exe) it tells me that I must have installed the reports
    multitier server But I can't find it anywhere, not
    even on the original installation CD.
    I have on disk the file r30mts32.exe. Is this the so-called
    reports multitier server? Is reports multitier server = reports
    server = r30mts32.exe? If so, why is that error occurring?
    Can someone please help me on this?
    Thank you.
    Paulo Ferreira

    I agree and find it odd, but then, there is only the most rudimentary and superficial 'notes' -
    iTunes 9 also includes many other improvements, such as HE-AAC encoding and playback, more flexibility with Smart Playlists rules, simpler organization of your media files inside an iTunes Media folder, and more.
    Nothing like "fixed bug with using..."

Maybe you are looking for