Not good to be an existing customer

I understand the need to attract new customers, but come on Verizon, give your long-term customers a break!
I've had fios since it was available in the neighborhood (about 4 yrs now) and have really loved the product.    The issue now is that it's time to renew again, but to keep the similiar level of service my price is going up $10/mon!    With my DVRs and STB my bill is already $175/month for the triple play.    Back when they first started the service I think I was awarded a slightly lower monthly fee - nothing like the deals now!
It kills me to see new customers getting much lower monthly rates, plus free multi-room dvrs and stb boxes for life - that's a massive savings!   Geez verizion, at least give the existing customers the dvr/stb deal or something.   I'm almost willing pay switch back to cable with less service just for the principle of it!  Maybe i'll come back in a year to get back in good graces of verizon as a new customer again!

 I do not understand why Verizon does not think it is important to keep existing customers. I have been with Verizon for almost 3yrs. I want to stay now that my contract is up but all they offer me is the same bundle with a higher price than I currently pay. When I ask about the bundles I see I get the usual new customer only talk. Can someone in Verizon answer me as to why you do not care about your existing customers? Why not offer existing customers who are out of contract that same bundles as new customers? You should consider them new customers since they have the choice to leave so why not try to keep them? Isn't it cheaper for me to keep my boxes and setup instead of sending a service person to a new customer? Again I do not want to switch services but why would I pay more to stay? Why should I feel second rate in Verizon's eyes? My money is just as good as a new customer. If Verizon does not want it than I know many other providers that would jump at it. I guess it is just time to start calling the other providers and say goodbye Verizon.

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    Step 1:
    Step 2.
    Step 3.
    Step 4.
    Step 5.
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    Muralikrishna Peravali

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    The objectclasses attribute is multi-valued, so you can add several values to it as long as they are unique.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions! 's Textwrangler. Use as a guide for good HTML composition.
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    Thank and Regards,
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    What about reading some documentation ?
    System user is a DBA, and can possibly read any tables, but most probably is not the owner of emp table. To know it you can do
    SQL> select owner from dba_tables where table_name='EMP';
    then connect to that user, or, as system user, do
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    I phoned twice speaking to different people and the both said the same
    I'll try the options team tonight.
    What is option3?
    Thanks for your advice

  • That logic not to pay the money To customer once he returned the stock

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    I Dont want to disturb This link Flow, so that is the reason i am asking my doubt here
    Return Sales order - update of Item category change
    I Am very interestingly to know what is That logic not to pay the money To customer once he returned the stock , then changing The item category in returns ....Please  explain

    Is the return authorized by the company?  If yes, what are the terms of return. If the company has a explicit policy like:  "Only replacement, but no credit", your logic can stand.  The reason could be that the item once opened, cannot be or should not be reused.  Like onetime-use plastic molds. Once molded, it has no value. Or opened onetime-use sanitized surgical instruments. 
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    Any any of the case, like Moazza said the policy should be very explicit.

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