Number datatype showing exponential value...

i hav a column phone_no (datatype number) in some database. why it showing the phone no in this format
plz give me solution.

It looks like the default width for number columns on your system is 9.
Are you using SQL*Plus?
If so, you can change the default to 10 (or more) for your session:
SET  NUMWIDTH 10or you can specifically format that column:
COLUMN  phone_no  9999999999

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    Hello SAM,
    How r u ?
    I believe there is no easy solution for this. We have some loads from Oracle DataBase with the Exponential values, both in the Oracle and in BW it shows Exponential Values. Only If we transfer the data to Excel we could see the proper values, otherwise not. In ur case that is not possible as u said earlier.
    May be this could be made possible with some ABAP Code, lets wait for some Inputs !
    Best Regards....
    Sankar Kumar
    +91 98403 47141
    CongraZzzzzz Dinesh ! on 10000 points. Great Job.

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    Reorganizing content, or creating more specific views. sharepoint is warning you that the content is structured in such a way that it can cause performance issues, which should be addressed in some way.
    Kind regards,
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    Lois & Clark IT Services
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    The number of columsn has nothing to do with it. The number of rows has nothing to do with it.
    Here is a step-by-step example to address your problem. I will change DATA_OBJECT_ID from NUMBER to NUMBER(10,2) even though there are thousands of rows in the table, the column is "in the middle " of the table, and there are many rows with non-null values in that column.
    07:02:43 > create table t3 as select * from all_objects;
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:06.22
    07:04:08 > desc t3
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    OBJECT_NAME                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    SUBOBJECT_NAME                                     VARCHAR2(30)
    OBJECT_ID                                 NOT NULL NUMBER
    DATA_OBJECT_ID                                     NUMBER
    OBJECT_TYPE                                        VARCHAR2(19)
    CREATED                                   NOT NULL DATE
    LAST_DDL_TIME                             NOT NULL DATE
    TIMESTAMP                                          VARCHAR2(19)
    STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(7)
    TEMPORARY                                          VARCHAR2(1)
    GENERATED                                          VARCHAR2(1)
    SECONDARY                                          VARCHAR2(1)
    NAMESPACE                                 NOT NULL NUMBER
    EDITION_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(30)
    07:04:12 > alter table t3 modify (data_object_id number(10));
    alter table t3 modify (data_object_id number(10))
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01440: column to be modified must be empty to decrease precision or scale
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.98
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    07:09:06   2  from t3;
        184456                   0             1526320                         12225                 70092
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.11
    07:09:41 > alter table t3 add (temp_data_object_id number(10,2));
    Table altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
    07:10:27 > update t3 set temp_data_object_id = data_object_id, data_object_id = null;
    184456 rows updated.
    Elapsed: 00:00:04.49Notice that our column of interest is now entirely null, so the restriction against reducing its scale or precision will not longer impact us.
    07:11:00 >
    07:11:17 > select count(*), min(data_object_id), max(data_object_id), count(distinct data_object_id), count(data_object_id) from t3;
        184456                                                                     0                     0
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    07:11:51 > alter table t3 modify (data_object_id number(10,2))
    07:12:33 > /
    Table altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
    07:12:35 > update t3 set data_object_id=temp_data_object_id;
    184456 rows updated.
    Elapsed: 00:00:04.01
    07:14:40 > select count(*), min(data_object_id), max(data_object_id), count(distinct data_object_id), count(data_object_id) from t3;
        184456                   0             1526320                         12225                 70092
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
    07:14:49 > alter table t3 drop column temp_data_object_id;
    Table altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.40
    07:15:11 > desc t3
    Name                                                              Null?    Type
    OWNER                                                             NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    OBJECT_NAME                                                       NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    SUBOBJECT_NAME                                                             VARCHAR2(30)
    OBJECT_ID                                                         NOT NULL NUMBER
    DATA_OBJECT_ID                                                             NUMBER(10,2)
    OBJECT_TYPE                                                                VARCHAR2(19)
    CREATED                                                           NOT NULL DATE
    LAST_DDL_TIME                                                     NOT NULL DATE
    TIMESTAMP                                                                  VARCHAR2(19)
    STATUS                                                                     VARCHAR2(7)
    TEMPORARY                                                                  VARCHAR2(1)
    GENERATED                                                                  VARCHAR2(1)
    SECONDARY                                                                  VARCHAR2(1)
    NAMESPACE                                                         NOT NULL NUMBER
    EDITION_NAME                                                               VARCHAR2(30)
    07:15:15 >

  • ME23n , Does not shows the values correctly in print preview

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    When displaying the print preview, it shows only some parts of the above address
    Shows only; (check attached image img2.jpg)
    These values are getting from a table called LFA1. I have checked that table & in that table all the values exists correctly.
    I have noted issue is with, having only a single word. (If address or name having only a single word, that is without spaces, it will not going to show in the print preview) -
    In the above example, it is not showing Number-122/A and  COLOMBO-04 (Its a single word. No spaces there)
    If its like --> Number - 122/A   &  COLOMBO - 04 ,  then it will display in the print preview correctly (where there are spaces after - mark)
    check img3.jpg
    If its having more than one word, then it will display correctly in the print preview.  As below;
    Number - 122/A
    COLOMBO - 04
    If its 2 or more words, it shows correctly.
    If its 1 word, then its not showing!
    Why it is happening like that? Any ideas how to resolve this issue?

    It turns out that this problem went away after the program crashed.  Everything seems to be working well now.

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    Hello everybody,
    in WebI I have a quite simple chart.
    In Y-Axis I show the values. How can I divide these values divided by 1000?
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    So for Example my value shown now is: 15.900.000 but it should be 15.900,00
    Any workaround is welcome. But I would prefer not to touch the Universe and stay in WebI.
    best regards Harry

    Hi Harry,
    There is no functionality to create a Custom Format Number and 
    Enhancement Request ADAPT01130144 has been created.
    Sarbhjeet Kaur

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    I need the null values to display as small as possible so there is an image in my image repository, 1x1px, transparent, that I wanted to display in these null places, but when I inserted something like <img src="&COMPANY_IMAGES.null.gif"> or <img src="#COMPANY_IMAGES#null.gif">, the COMPANY_IMAGES was not replaced with the usual long call, it was just like inserted in the 'Show Null Values as' field.
    I have workarounds
    1) use a static image, that is publicly available - making the app's appearance dependant on that publicly available image.
    2) select columns with nvl(NULLABLE_COL, '<img src="#COMPANY_IMAGES#null.gif">'), which is just a thing, that could be easily forgotten in some place and makes the query even more obscure than it already is.
    I really like neither of them. Is there some other way to call COMPANY_IMAGES in that field or is it just a place where isn't the substitution string available?

    wow. you're right about that substitution not being made in that "Show Null Values as" field. i'll log that issue in a sec. you can work around the issue for now by simply doing that substitution yourself. so if you run this...
    ...from your sqlWorkshop, you'll see that WORKSPACE_IMAGES is substituted with a call like...
    ...(where 123456 is my :WORKSPACE_ID). if you wanted to call an image called my_image.jpg in that "Show Null Values as" field, you could just enter the string...
    ...right in there, and you'd find your images rendered correctly. the only thing to watch out for is the hard-coded :WORKSPACE_ID in your field. you'd have to mind at number if you deployed your app in a different workspace.
    hope this helps,

  • Limits for data exponential values in Essbase

    Hi Gurus,
    Can some one let me know the limits for exponential values for the data in essbase. I know how to set it at the time of export. But and the time of data load what is the min and max(range) limit for the Exponent value. like a number 6.75285 E+008 exponent is 8. But what is the min and max like -100 to +100.

    If I understand correctly, you want to display report id with its corresponding report name in different pages. If in that case, we can use list control to achieve your requirement. For more details, please refer to the following steps:
    Drag a list control from Toolbox to design surface.
    Drag a tablix with those two fields to the list.
    Right-click the List to use the same dataset as the tablix.
    Click the list, right-click the Details group to open the Group Properties dialog box in the Row Groups pane.
    Add a group grouped on [Report_Id].
    Select Page Breaks in the left pane, enable “Between each instance of a group”.
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Auto-index only shows 9 values instead of 91

    I'm pretty new to LabVIEW and am trying to show a cluster of 91 values pulled from a text file.  Just for a test run without using actual values passed, I created a text file with the numbers ranging from 1-91 (1 number per line up to 91).  When I let it auto index and try to unbundle it after transforming it from an array to a cluster, it only shows 9 values instead of 91.  Do you happen to know how I can overcome this issue?
    I have attached the basic files.
    Go to Solution.
    For Loop ‏7 KB
    SMA.txt ‏1 KB

    STigmata08 wrote:
    Thank you very much, I had no idea that you could select a cluster size from the transformation.  I am converting it to a cluster because I thought that it would be the best form to insert the data into different parts of a word template.  I am trying to build an auto reporting tool for a test sequence.
    You need to set thee cluster size, because clusters are static structures and the size needs to be known at compile time. This also makes them useless for your problem.
    To extract all lines from a file, you could use Spreadsheed string to array with a 1D string array as type and linefeet as delimiter. No need for FOR loops and complicated code. Also your sequence structure has no purpose because execution order is fully determined by dataflow anyway. Why is it there? Don't clutter the diagram with useless constructs!
    Here's what you could do. You can get any element, array subsets, etc. using array tools. These are scalable and you don't need to know beforehand how many line are in the file.
    Here's a quick draft (LV8.6)... 
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    For Loop ‏8 KB
    ArrayNoCluster.PNG ‏9 KB

  • Convert Exponential value to Float

    Hi all,
    I need to convert Exponential value to a numeric value as shown in the following example.
    My input is
    INPUT = 9.9999999E7
    The output should be
    OUTPUT = 99999999
    Is there any Function module?
    Can anyone help me out in this?

    Check this link..exponential to number conversion

  • After casting double to float debugger shows wrong value

    My colleaque found an interesting behaviour with Java debugger. I have made some tests and here are the results:
    Test code:
    double dNum = 43.680659;
    float fNum = (float) dNum;
    System.out.println("double number = " + dNum);
    System.out.println("float number = " + fNum);This is tested in Eclipse IDE 3.4.2 with following Java JRE versions:
    - 1.4.2_19
    - 1.5.0_14
    - 1.6.0_10
    And following JDK:
    - jdk1.5.0_16
    Eclipse IDE will show following values for variables in all platforms:
    dNum = 43.680659
    fNum = 43.74316Console will print:
    double number = 43.680659
    float number = 43.68066Testing also with command line debugger jdb. Java JRE version:
    - 1.4.2_19
    And following JDK:
    - jdk1.5.0_16
    Results are the same as in Eclipse IDE. Is there a bug in debugger environment?

    I managed to find bug report of this issue:
    Bug ID : 6807341
    Synopsis : JDWP: float value reported incorrectly
    Category : java:debugger
    State : 3-Accepted, bug
    Priority : 4-Low
    Submit Date: 19-FEB-2009

  • Issue: - FBL1N - is showing wrong values

    Issue: - FBL1N - is showing wrong values    
    Hi SAP experts,
    We are executing T Code FBL1N and selecting all open enteries, and select all items like special normal items, G/L Transaction, noted items, parked items and customer items, we found that the balance is showing wrong for intercompany vendors.
    For Ex, if vendor is not created in company Code A and customer items are available in Company Code A then that items are coming for some line items and for some line items it is not?
    I have attached one example for the same. for all vendors data is coming properly but for indivisual vendor is it not.
    Please suggest why?

    Example :
    Vendor number 99 ans for the same  customer nO is C12 is created in company code ABC but vendor is not created and customer C12 is in PQR, now i am executing fbl1n for Company Code PQR for open item selecting all options like normal items, special G/L transaction, customer items  noted items and parked items, the line items related to Vendor number 99 for company Code PQR should not display, as vendor is not created but customer items are there, please let me know for some cases it is showing result and in same cases it is not why?

  • How can i show a value into a MessageStyledText

    Dear all,
    Suppose i have a value in a variable i.e. number=10;
    how can i show this value into a MessageStyleText when page loads.
    please suggest.

    Gyan wrote:
    Get the value from the variable & Use the below code in PR.
    OAMessageStyledTextBean processCodeBean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("<Replace with Bean Id>");
    GyanString employeeNumber = "10";

  • Query is not showing the values - authentication error

    After running a query it is not showing the values and showing <b>"You do not have the authorization for the selected component."</b>
    You do not have the authorization for the selected component.
    System response
    The selected component cannot be edited.
    lease speak to the person responsible for authorization, if you require authorization for the editing of this component. The function is protected by the object "Business Explorer - components" with the following fields:
    InfoCube ZPLAYOPPT
    Type of a component REP
    Component PLAYBOOK_OPPT_1
    Activity 16
      Notification Number BRAIN 800 
    <b>Can u pls tell me the solution.</b>Thanks and Regards,

    Go to SU01, look at your authorization profile for which roles you are given. Then, go to PFCG and check out the roles and how they are defined. It is possible that you are not authorized to view application area, infocube, certain characteritics etc.
    Hope this helps,

  • Is any number restriction on Parameter values

    defined below statements in header section.when i use 30daycredit giving error as "Unknown expression at EOF: 30dayCredit"
    But when i use "thirtydaycredit" it's working fine.just want to check is any problem by using number in parameter values. how to declare parameter value with combination of numbers,spaces with special characters(%) or is any limitation to define values.
    error for below combinations:
    <?param@begin:PaymentTerms;’30dayCredit’;’string’;’30daycredit, PaymentAtSight ,100AdvancePayment, 60daycredit’?>
    <?param@begin:PaymentTerms;’30 day Credit’;’string’;’30 day credit, Payment At Sight ,100% AdvancePayment, 60 day credit’?>
    (working fine)
    <?param@begin:PaymentTerms;’thirtydayCredit’;’string’;’thirtydaycredit, PaymentAtSight ,100AdvancePayment, 60daycredit’?>
    Actually requirement is want to show below parameter with values:
    Parameter Name: PaymentTerms
    Values are :
    100%  Advance Payment
    100% irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight
    100% payment at sight – Docs through bank
    30 day credit
    60 day credit
    Payment against delivery
    Please give me informaiton how to proceed this.

    Hi BIpuser,
    Thanks for information.
    tried this "<?param@begin:PaymentTerms;string(’30 Day Credit’)?>". It's working for signal value. But more then one value giving error..
    <?param@begin:PaymentTerms;string(’30 Day Credit,60 day Credit’)?>
    I want to show multiple values for PaymentTerms . user has to choose values in Parameter applet.
    I have another parameter which is working fine with below syntax in that case no spaces and numbers.

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