Numeric method parameters & reflection

Hi everyone,
I have a rather interesting problem for you...
I'm writing a program that will allow a user to call bean methods declaratively (i.e. in an XML doc) for any arbitrary bean. My problem is determining how to treat numeric parameter values. If a user wants to call doSomething(5), how do I know what Class type I need to pass in so that 5 matches the formal parameter type of the method being called? The actual parameter could be considered a byte, int, long, float or double.
Here's an example:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class ReflectTest
   public ReflectTest()
         Class[] typeList = new Class[1];
         Object[] paramList = new Object[1];
         typeList[0] = Integer.TYPE;
         paramList[0] = new Integer(6);
         Method method = getClass().getMethod("doSomething",typeList);
         Object ret = method.invoke(this,paramList);
       catch(Exception ex)
   public String doSomething(int x)
      return "x="+x;
   public static void main(String[] args)
      ReflectTest reflectTest = new ReflectTest();
}This example works. But let's suppose the method signature was doSomething(long x). The getMethod() call would fail, because I had passed it a parameter of Integer.TYPE, and not Long.TYPE. Ironically, you could leave the call to invoke() as-is, it handles the widening automatically. Any ideas on how to go about this??

I'm writing a program that will allow a user tocall
bean methods declaratively (i.e. in an XML doc) for
any arbitrary bean. My problem is determining howto
treat numeric parameter values. If a user wants to
call doSomething(5), how do I know what Class typeI
need to pass in so that 5 matches the formalparameter
type of the method being called?When you say "call bean methods", I assume you mean
that you are setting properties on a JavaBean? If so,
then use the java.beans.Intospector
Also take a look at [url]the
Jakarta Commons BeanUtils libraryThanks, I think that the MethodUtils class might solve my problem.

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    If the class file was compiled without debug information included then it is impossible to get the original parameter names, as used in the source code.
    However, If the class file does include debug information, then the method names are hidden deep within the class file. You'd need to parse the class file yourself. Check out a copy of the Java VM Specification for a detailed format of the java class file format.
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    Maybe you could select the correct language development forum here:
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    You can use class CL_OO_CLASS (instance attribute METHOD_PARAMETERS ).

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                error = jvmti->GetLocalVariableTable(method, &entryCount, &localVariableEntry);
                if(error == JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
                    jvmtiLocalVariableEntry* entry = localVariableEntry;
                    for(int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++, entry++) {
                        cout << entry->signature << ":" << entry->name << endl;
                        jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(entry->signature));
                        jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(entry->name));
                        jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(entry->generic_signature));
                    } // for
                    jvmti->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(localVariableEntry));
                } else if(error = JVMTI_ERROR_ABSENT_INFORMATION) {
                    cout << "<NO LOCAL VARIABLE INFORMATION AVAILABLE>" << endl;
                } else {
                    cout << "<ERROR>" << endl;
                } // if...else if...elseNow I'm wondering how to find the method parameters in all this local variables...
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    Thank you very much and with kind regards
    Alexander Schell
    Edited by: EJP on 3/10/2011 20:24: added {noformat}{noformat} tags: please use them.
    Edit: Moved the first code-tag
    Edited by: user3948319 on 03.10.2011 08:02                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    Hello and thanks for the answer...
    That was my first assumption...but after running the code I got some puzzling's an example:
    callbackMethodEntry: methodName=reverse methodSignature=(Ljava/util/List;)V methodGenerigPtr=(Ljava/util/List<*>;)V classSignature=Ljava/util/Collections; thread=DestroyJavaVM
    The method entered takes surely one argument - a list...but the list is not the first entry in the array which is created by calling I'm a wee bit confused right now...
    I also don't understand under which circumstances the JVMTI_ERROR_ABSENT_INFORMATION error is raised...
    before I forget: Thanks for the tip with the code tags...I looked for something to mark the code but could not find it...
    With kind regards
    Alexander Schell

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    Best regards,
    Vasil Svetoslavov

    In wlw select...
    +-- IDE Properties
    Ensure that the following are Checked
    Use Method Completion
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  • Final Method Parameters

    I've discovered I don't understand final method parameters as I thought I did. The language spec says you can declare a parameter as final, which I would have thought meant the method can't change it. But it turns out the called method can change it. In the following code, the change() method modifies the Test parameter quite easily.
    What am I misunderstanding here? If final doesn't keep the parameter from being modified, what does it do?
    public class Test
    private int privateValue = 0;
    * Stores the private value.
    * @param privateValue The value to store.
    public void setPrivateValue(int value)
       privateValue = value;
    public static void change(final Test test)
    * Program entry point
    * @param args Command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
       Test test = new Test();

    "Ahh, I see," said the blind carpenter, as he picked up his hammer and
    saw. I was indeed misunderstanding the use of final. It doesn't protect the
    reference object from changes, only the reference variable itself. Sigh...Just to be sure, is this your way of saying "I don't understand those explanations"?
    Look closely now :-)
    public class Test
    private int privateValue = 0;
    public void setPrivateValue(int value)
       privateValue = value;
    public static void change(final Test test)
       test.setPrivateValue(3); //this line does not even attempt to change the variable's value
       test.setPrivateValue(4); //neither does this one
      //incidentally and irrelevantly, they do ultimately change the value of another variable; a private field of the object pointed to by "test"
       //the next line DOES attempt to change the variable's value
       test = new Test(); //this does not compile because test is declared final
       test = null; //and again!
    public static void main(String[] args)
       Test test = new Test();
    }Variables (and parameters) hold primitives or references (they do not hold objects). For reference variables, they are either null or they point to an object. "final" applies to variables, not to the objects they may point to.
    If final
    doesn't keep the parameter from being modified, what
    does it do?So (I hope) you see, it does just that, generate a compile time error when the parameter is being modified.
    What am I misunderstanding here?I don't know. That's exactly what everyone else said.

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    Many thanks

    You can use the Web Dynpro Wizard this will give you the required coding
    go to attributes of the view
    the context in the VIEW is of type IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE. double click on this class you can find all the methods from there you can go to the parameter list
    for that matter if you know a class the same can be done
    Hope this will serve your purpose.
    Ramchander Rao.K

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    Integer output=(Integer)mthd.invoke(new RunMthdRef(),input);
    Proxy.newProxyInstance(super.getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[] { adapter }, new SomeClass(this));
    Does anybody have any idea?

    The two idioms are fundamentally different. Using java.lang.reflect.Method is how we call a method on a class, using Proxy is how we intercept that method call. An exercise for you, to illustrate that they do not do the same thing: write a simple class with one method, then use java.lang.reflect.Method to invoke that method, and then use a Proxy to invoke that method

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