NWDI2004s configuration HELP

Hi All,
I have a few question about NWDI configuration. I will appreciate some help here;
1. I have two systems that have J2EE and SDM installed, one has J2EE and
    ISA (Development System), and the other has J2EE and NWDI(NWDI System)
   5.0 installed, other system has J2EE and NWDI2004s installed.
2. I have created a new product, with Product details like version, name and vendor
   and have defined Usage Dependency in software components.
3. Havev created a landscape of NWDI type and defined roles 'Lansscape Server'
    and 'Name Server' to NWDI Server.
4. Created the domain, track and one Run Time system - Development.
    In Runtime Development system, I have given SDM and J2EE parameters of
    Development system.
5. I have not created a Consolidation System.
6. I have checked in the .sca software into Transport area successfully
However, when I tried to impoert these sca's to Development system, it failed. I tried to look at the log and getting following error(the log has much more):
Fatal:Unexpected exception 'com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.deltavlib.xcm.IExternalResourceFactory.createImportable(Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/connection/IConnectionIdentifier;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/impl/IImportable;' occurred. Stopping processing.
I rebooted the NWDI server, but then J2EE service failed to come up, I cant even
connect to my application now.
Cn someone please review the work that I have done and recommend what to do to resolve the issues.
Thanks in advance ( Thanks, SDN way later)

I was able to fix the issue with J2EE,after the reboot. Import to development still fails. Can some one help me with the following log;
Info:Starting Step Repository-import at 2006-11-24 16:42:18.0091 -5:00
Info:Version  :NIGHTLYBUILD-dev.20050614115400
Info:12. PR is of type TCSSoftwareComponent
Info:Version  :NIGHTLYBUILD-dev.20060120135700
Info:11. PR is of type TCSSoftwareComponent
Info:Version  :SAP AG.20060818005100
Info:10. PR is of type TCSSoftwareComponent
Info:Version  :SAP AG.20060601100100
Info:9. PR is of type TCSSoftwareComponent
Info:Version  :MAIN_CRM50VAL_C.20060926044222
Info:8. PR is of type TCSSoftwareComponent
Fatal:Unexpected exception 'com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.deltavlib.xcm.IExternalResourceFactory.createImportable(Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/connection/IConnectionIdentifier;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/impl/IImportable;' occurred. Stopping processing.
Fatal Throwable:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.deltavlib.xcm.IExternalResourceFactory.createImportable(Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/connection/IConnectionIdentifier;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/impl/IImportable;:com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.deltavlib.xcm.IExternalResourceFactory.createImportable(Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/connection/IConnectionIdentifier;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/impl/IImportable;
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.tssap.dtr.client.lib.deltavlib.xcm.IExternalResourceFactory.createImportable(Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/connection/IConnectionIdentifier;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Lcom/tssap/dtr/client/lib/deltavlib/impl/IImportable;
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.client.DTRCommunicator.import_(DTRCommunicator.java:566)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.client.DTRCommunicator.writeChangelistData(DTRCommunicator.java:260)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.core.RepositoryImportTask.processRepositoryImport(RepositoryImportTask.java:259)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.core.RepositoryImportTask.process(RepositoryImportTask.java:500)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.process.ProcessStep.processStep(ProcessStep.java:77)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.process.ProcessStarter.process(ProcessStarter.java:179)
     at com.sap.cms.tcs.core.TCSManager.importPropagationRequests(TCSManager.java:376)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.importazione.ImportManager.importazione(ImportManager.java:216)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.importazione.ImportQueueHandler.execImport(ImportQueueHandler.java:585)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.importazione.ImportQueueHandler.startImport(ImportQueueHandler.java:101)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.proxy.CmsTransportProxyBean.startImport(CmsTransportProxyBean.java:583)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.proxy.CmsTransportProxyBean.startImport(CmsTransportProxyBean.java:559)
     at com.sap.cms.pcs.transport.proxy.LocalCmsTransportProxyLocalObjectImpl0.startImport(LocalCmsTransportProxyLocalObjectImpl0.java:1144)
     at com.sap.cms.ui.wl.Custom1.importQueue(Custom1.java:1169)
     at com.sap.cms.ui.wl.wdp.InternalCustom1.importQueue(InternalCustom1.java:2162)
     at com.sap.cms.ui.wl.Worklist.onActionImportQueue(Worklist.java:880)
     at com.sap.cms.ui.wl.wdp.InternalWorklist.wdInvokeEventHandler(InternalWorklist.java:2338)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingView.invokeEventHandler(DelegatingView.java:87)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.controller.Action.fire(Action.java:67)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.doHandleActionEvent(WindowPhaseModel.java:420)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.processRequest(WindowPhaseModel.java:132)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WebDynproWindow.processRequest(WebDynproWindow.java:335)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.AbstractClient.executeTasks(AbstractClient.java:143)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ApplicationSession.doProcessing(ApplicationSession.java:299)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doApplicationProcessingStandalone(ClientSession.java:711)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doApplicationProcessing(ClientSession.java:665)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.ClientSession.doProcessing(ClientSession.java:232)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.session.RequestManager.doProcessing(RequestManager.java:152)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doContent(DispatcherServlet.java:62)
     at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doPost(DispatcherServlet.java:53)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
     at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.runServlet(HttpHandlerImpl.java:390)
     at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.handleRequest(HttpHandlerImpl.java:264)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:347)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:325)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.invokeWebContainer(RequestAnalizer.java:887)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.handle(RequestAnalizer.java:241)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Client.handle(Client.java:92)
     at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor.request(Processor.java:148)
     at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
     at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
     at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
     at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
     at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:100)
     at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:170)
Info:Step Repository-import ended with result 'fatal error' ,stopping execution at 2006-11-24 16:42:18.0216 -5:00

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  • 1941W configuration help needed

    Our Deployment Scenario:-
    1941W Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 is connected to the PPOE connection of the ISP.
    Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 is connected to the wired LAN
    I have created 2 wireless radio Cisco_Kamran_BGN which is operating at 2.4 Ghz Devices and Cisco_Kamran_A which is operating at 5Ghz Devices.
    I have created 2 VLans for the Wireless.
    Vlan 10 for Cisco_Kamran_A        192.168.10.x
    Vlan 11 for Cisco _Kamran_BGN   192.168.11.X
    The problem is the Wireless users are not getting the IP address from the respective DHCP server which has been configured on the Router.
    Can please any from the community help me and show me where I am missing the configuration.
    Please find my router  & ap configuration below.
    Router Configuration
    sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 3022 bytes
    ! No configuration change since last restart
    version 15.1
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    enable secret 5 $1$TdQt$npYeaf/W0kRElcfMggzJ31
    no aaa new-model
    service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage autonomous
    no ipv6 cef
    ip source-route
    ip cef
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool DHCP
    ip dhcp pool Cisco_Kamran_A
    ip dhcp pool Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
    license udi pid CISCO1941W-E/K9 sn FCZ1553C1VK
    hw-module ism 0
    bridge irb
    interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    ip address
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface wlan-ap0
    description Service module interface to manage the embedded AP
    ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0
    arp timeout 0
    no mop enabled
    no mop sysid
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    pppoe enable group global
    pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
    interface Wlan-GigabitEthernet0/0
    description Internal switch interface connecting to the embedded AP
    switchport mode trunk
    no ip address
    interface Vlan1
    no ip address
    interface Vlan10
    ip address
    ip access-group DSL_ACCESSLIST in
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    interface Vlan11
    ip address
    ip access-group DSL_ACCESSLIST in
    ip nat inside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    interface Dialer1
    ip address negotiated
    ip nat outside
    ip virtual-reassembly in
    encapsulation ppp
    dialer pool 1
    ppp authentication pap callin
    ppp pap sent-username xxxxxx password 0 xxxxxx
    ppp ipcp route default
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip nat inside source list DSL_ACCESSLIST interface Dialer1 overload
    ip access-list extended DSL_ACCESSLIST
    permit ip any
    line con 0
    password xxxxxx
    line aux 0
    line 2
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
    stopbits 1
    line 67
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
    line vty 0 4
    password xxxxxx
    transport input all
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    Access Point Configuration
    sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 2603 bytes
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    service password-encryption
    hostname ap
    enable secret 5 $1$JxdQ$a2/00bWJuhUKP9QLC94YD/
    no aaa new-model
    dot11 syslog
    dot11 ssid Cisco_Kamran_A
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa
       wpa-psk ascii 7 1045081417161C5A555C7A7B
    dot11 ssid Cisco_Kamran_BGN
       authentication open
       authentication key-management wpa
       wpa-psk ascii 7 020D05561907017015165949
    username Cisco password 7 14341B180F0B
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
    description 802.11bgn radio
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
    broadcast-key change 3600
    ssid Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    antenna gain 0
    station-role root
    bridge-group 11
    bridge-group 11 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 11 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 11 source-learning
    no bridge-group 11 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 11 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1
    description 802.11a radio
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid Cisco_Kamran_A
    antenna gain 0
    no dfs band block
    channel dfs
    station-role root
    bridge-group 10
    bridge-group 10 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 10 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 10 source-learning
    no bridge-group 10 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 10 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0
    description the embedded AP GigabitEthernet 0 is an internal interface connecting AP with the host router
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 1
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0.10
    description 802.11a bridge
    encapsulation dot1Q 10
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 10
    bridge-group 10 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 10 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 10 source-learning
    no bridge-group 10 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 10 spanning-disabled
    interface GigabitEthernet0.11
    description 802.11bgn bridge
    encapsulation dot1Q 11
    no ip route-cache
    bridge-group 11
    bridge-group 11 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 11 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 11 source-learning
    no bridge-group 11 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 11 spanning-disabled
    interface BVI1
    ip address dhcp client-id GigabitEthernet0
    no ip route-cache
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http help-path http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/smbiz/prodconfig/help/eag
    bridge 1 route ip
    line con 0
    no activation-character
    line vty 0 4
    login local

    Hi Stepehen,
    Did the configuration as per your advice  but i am getting the below mentioned error which i have highlighted it in red. Please advice what needs to be done.
    Re: 1941W configuration help needed
    created by Stephen Rodriguez in Getting     Started with Wireless - View the full discussion
    conf t
    interface     Dot11Radio0
    no ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    no encryption mode     ciphers aes-ccm
    interface     Dot11Radio1
    no encryption mode     ciphers aes-ccm
    no ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    dot11 ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    vlan 10
    dot11 ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    vlan 11
    interface     Dot11Radio0
    encryption vlan 11     mode ciphers aes
    ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    interface     dot11radio0.1
    encapsulation     dot1q 1 native
    bridge-group 1
    interface     dot11radio 0.11
    encapsulation     dot1q 11
    bridge-group 11
    Configuration of     subinterfaces and main interface
    within the same bridge     group is not permitted
    interface     Dot11Radio1
    encryption vlan 10     mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    interface     dot11radio1.1
    encapsulation     dot1q 1 native
    bridge-group 1
    interface     dot11radio1.10
    encapuslation     dot1q 10
    bridge-group 10
    Configuration of subinterfaces and main     interface
    within the same bridge     group is not permitted
    Reply to this message by going to Home
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  • Need configuration help on producing dial tone

    Hello Experts,
    I have a Cisco 2921 router with VWIC3-2MFT-T1/E1 card. On this card we have T1-CAS digital line connected. We have been provided with a set of DID numbers. We have a requirement where, when we dial a DID, the router should provide a dial tone, and should allow the user to dial to extension numbers. Not sure if this is feasible. If at all possible, will need to some configuration help.

    Sure it's possible. What's the T1 connected to? The router will offer two-stage dialing (aka dial tone) when the incoming POTS dial-peer does not have the 'direct-inward-dial' command on it. The router will accept any input and search for an outbound dial-peer (or ephone-dn for locally registered DNs) to match. Be careful if the T1 is connected to the PSTN as this is a toll fraud risk. You need to use CoR to reign in what outbound dial-peers are available to it.
    Dial Peer Basics:
    Class of Restrictions:
    Please remember to rate helpful responses and identify helpful or correct answers.

  • Multiple ethernet network adaptors + MySQL/php5: configuration help needed

    I would be grateful if someone could give me some advice on how to configure multiple ethernet adapters under OS X 10.5.6
    I have set up my system to work nicely with two ethernet network adapters, each with its own fixed IP. This bit works just fine. The machine supports two separate servers - a mail server and the OS X Apache2 server. I have configured the mail server to only listen to one of the IPs, and the Apache2 server to listen to the other (via httpd.conf). The system also has MySQL and php5 installed / enabled, and these services are only used by the Apache2 server.
    The problem I have is that when I start the machine, initially the php5 system cannot connect reliably to the MySQL database system. The fix I have found is to temporarily make the ethernet adapter connected to the mail server 'inactive'. While this is so, the php5/MySQL connection to Apache2 works. Curiously, once an initial connection between php5 and MySQL has been made, subsequently I can make the mail server's ethernet adapter active again without further problems.
    I initially thought this might be due to 'service order' issues - but changing the service order (e.g. putting the Apache adapter 'above' the mail adapter in the service order does not help. The fix only works by making the mail adapter inactive temporarily.
    I suspect that there is some configuration change I can make to clarify the setup I have. The MySQL and Apache installations only need to talk to the Apache server - but I am not sure how to record this configuration in the OS X system.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance that you can provide.
    Message was edited by: Gavin Lawrie

    Hi Stepehen,
    Did the configuration as per your advice  but i am getting the below mentioned error which i have highlighted it in red. Please advice what needs to be done.
    Re: 1941W configuration help needed
    created by Stephen Rodriguez in Getting     Started with Wireless - View the full discussion
    conf t
    interface     Dot11Radio0
    no ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    no encryption mode     ciphers aes-ccm
    interface     Dot11Radio1
    no encryption mode     ciphers aes-ccm
    no ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    dot11 ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    vlan 10
    dot11 ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    vlan 11
    interface     Dot11Radio0
    encryption vlan 11     mode ciphers aes
    ssid     Cisco_Kamran_BGN
    interface     dot11radio0.1
    encapsulation     dot1q 1 native
    bridge-group 1
    interface     dot11radio 0.11
    encapsulation     dot1q 11
    bridge-group 11
    Configuration of     subinterfaces and main interface
    within the same bridge     group is not permitted
    interface     Dot11Radio1
    encryption vlan 10     mode ciphers aes-ccm
    ssid     Cisco_Kamran_A
    interface     dot11radio1.1
    encapsulation     dot1q 1 native
    bridge-group 1
    interface     dot11radio1.10
    encapuslation     dot1q 10
    bridge-group 10
    Configuration of subinterfaces and main     interface
    within the same bridge     group is not permitted
    Reply to this message by going to Home
    Start a new discussion in Getting Started with Wireless at Home

  • Quick upload not configured Help

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    I have exactly the same question, using almost the same system: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3).
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  • Windows 2008 Server Configuration - Help

    Hello All,
    I am not an expert in configuring servers and I have just started to learn. Please forgive me if I am doing something funny!
    I have a router with static IP address and DHCP enabled on the router. The router had the following configuration as shown below and the clients were obtaining IP address from the router and using the internet without a problem.
    Router Configutaion:
    Basic Setting:
    IP Address : (My Wan Static IP)
    IP Subnet Mask :
    Gateway IP:
    DNS Address:
    Primary DNS :
    Secondary DNS:
    Lan TCP/IP Setup:
    IP Address: (Router IP)
    IP Subnet Mask:
    DHCP Enabled:
    Statring IP : 
    Ending IP:
    Now, I have installed Windows 2008 R2 Server with Active Directory, DNS and DHCP, IIS. I have created a few users and did nothing more than that in the server.
    Server IP Settings
    Server IP:
    Subnet :
    Gateway :
    And when I tried to join the domain i created... corp.globe.com the clients were not able to find the domain I therefore changed the following settings in the router.
    DNS Address:
    Primary DNS :
    Secondary DNS: (Server IP)
    After this change the clients were able to join the domain and login as well. However the clients were getting the IP from the router. I am facing a lot of problems as listed below.
    1. I am not able to ping the clients using the computer name from the server.
    2. Clients cannot ping other clients or server using name. (Suppose if I try... PING SYS1 .... It looks like it is trying to ping some 92.x.x.xx IP address) even if SYS1 IP address is
    3. Clients can access Internet, but I cannot browse anything in the server.
    Please help me in the configuration, or point me to some guide which describes the same. I tried to set up and enable the DHCP server using Windows 2008 machine and I disabled it DHCP on the router, clients where able to get the IP address from Windows 2008
    server, but they were not able to use internet. Please advise.
    Thanks for your time.

    And you cannot ping the clients using the computer name from the server?
    Did you turn off the firewall on server and client?
    If you are having problems connecting to Active Directory and you have already successfully verified network connectivity, there might be a name resolution problem. For more and detail information, please refer to:
    Vivian Wang

  • Automatic payment program configuration help u0096 Very urgentu0085

    Hi all,
    We have couple of house banks for a company code and have ranked them as 1 and 2 for the payment method (example: Check) so, how would or where can the user has an option to choose a house bank to pay his vendors. I saw that in the vendor master we can maintain the house bank however, that ignores the ranking maintained in the configuration and will always pick that back for processing the payments for that vendor but, we do not want to maintain in the vendor master.
    Hence, can anyone tell me how that ranking thing works meaning how would SAP or why would SAP choose the second or third ranked bank in processing the payments? As far as I know we do not use the parameter house bank in F110 then where can we control what bank to use to process the payments for the vendors?
    Your help in this regard is highly appreciated and rewarded with points
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Kumar,
    I think this setting is given in the T.Code "FBZP" under the heading Bank determination, wherein you have a selection "Available Amounts", I think if the amounts in that particular House Bank is exhausted, it will shift to the next House Bank in the Ordering level. You can just give it a try.

  • SFTP adapter Configuration help:

    Dear All,
    I am trying to configure SFTP (seeburger) in sap PI.
    I want to know how to connect SFTP adapter of seeburger with an SSH sever. (I have installed free SSH Server in my laptop).
    How to connect using SFTP SETTING as
    AUTHENTICAION Method: Private Key authorisation
    how to generate/use private key.
    Please Advice,
    Edited by: senthilprakash selvaraj on Jan 20, 2010 6:42 AM

    Dear All,
    I have installed SSH server and genreated the RSA key in Visual admin and i have configured the SFTP adater properly.
    Now i have a different issue.
    In Communication channel monitoring once i start the channel(SFTP) i am not getting any message. Its just saying Channel started and thats it. nothin else is coming.  not even throwing any error. what should i do. why its happing like that.
    I Tried with Authentication mode as Private Key as well as Password. in both configurations are proper.
    also i tried refreshing the cache..no use.
    Please help,

  • Small configure help please? I have 3 300-28 switches, I want to connect them and avoid stp (stp setup)

    I have a small network. I have 3 300-28 cisco switches. I already connected my 3 servers  and clients with the switch 1 and now I want to add more clients and I need to add my other two switches in the network. Please guide me with the simple configuration So I can connect them all and avoid loop (stp). Thanks

    Hi Nagaraja Thanthry!
    Thanks for your reply. I am implementing it tomorrow. By just conecting the switches together at trunk ports  will there be no loop? I don't want my network chowk. I hope it will work well. I might need further help, please reply.
    1. I will do setting on all switches. Assign IP addresses to switches (to Vlan 1 default).
    2. Set one port (e.g 28) as trunk and all others as Access on all three switches.
    3. Then I will connect the switches with each other at trunk ports. Hope there will be no loop in this setting.
    4. Do I need to set any setting for stp in switches ?
    Please reply one by one thanks.
    I am using IP range.
    Best Regards,

  • 857 Wireless configuration help

    Can someone help me with a wireless setup of an 857. I have done this in the past but can't remember the details. Basically I want very simple setup with WPA-PSK. The SDM interface is very confusing and I could do with the basic CLI for this.

    please see this link for the 857 initial configuration:
    this is a step-by-step for SDM and CLI basic configuration.

  • Ultra 10 and Creator 3D Configuration Help

    First post. Like so many others, I wanted to try Sun systems, so I got an Ultra 10 off eBay. I didn't have a 13W3 connector or monitor, so I pulled the Creator 3D card, and installed Solaris 9, using the built-in ATI video. Now that my 13W3 to HD15 adaptor has come in, I'm trying to get the 3D card back into the system, and I'm having trouble configuring it.
    It took me a while to find out that FFBCONFIG is not in Solaris 9, (at least it doesn't show up in a "find file" search of local storage) and then a short time to learn about M64CONFIG. I ran the M64CONFIG from a terminal window in the CDE, and it seemed to take, but I still get the "Can't find driver for console framebuffer" error upon reboots after re-installing the 3D card. The system halts while trying to load X. Everything up to that point (with the exception of the above alert) seems correct, so I know it's just the card and the configuration. I know the card works, because on bootup, the Sun logo is different with the card in, as opposed to the ATI Sun logo, and, of course, I DO have video...
    I used the M640 file with M64CONFIG and the -defaults option while configuring with the ATI card as my video source, because that's the only file in the directory, then re-installed the 3D. Did I miss a step somewhere?
    Oh- I'm still a real Solaris newbie, so if you could answer in plain English, rather than a lot of UNIXSpeak it prevents my lips from moving while I'm reading and thus, not look like an idiot! :-)
    If I didn't supply enough information here, just let me know and I'll add whatever's needed. Thanks.
    Aside from this issue, so far it's been a blast!

    just re-install the OS
    Where's the fun in that? :)
    Actually, that's my last resort. The reason I'm trying to avoid it is because this way, I get to learn how to do it the hardware way.
    Perhaps you would be kind enough to anser one question on re-installing the OS: Were I to do that, will it overwrite all the files I have changed, and do a completely clean, new install? I had a devil of a time getting the workstation configured for internet access. I would have the ability to see the web, but only by IP addressing. DNS wasn't working, and a friend who's a Sun engineer changed one NIS file and got it working fine. Would that get overwritten? Also, I have downloaded several programs (Open Office, FireFox, etc.): Would those remain after a new OS install?
    Thanks for all the help.

  • WLC2106 + LAP1131AG configuration help request

    Greetings Everyone.
    One of my customers asked me to configure a WLC 2106 and 2 LAP 1131AG (lightweight) for corporate/guest Wifi.
    Basicly they want to implement a good wifi connection for internal use and a guest one with different QoS. The two lans
    should both have dhcp but they must bet kept segregated so that none from the Guest wifi can access corporate resources.
    Since i've never configured a WLC from scrath i lightly supposed it would be quite straigh forward as routers and switches from Cisco.
    Unfortunately i was totally wrong.
    I've downloaded the "Cisco Wireless LAN ControllerConfiguration Guide" (Soft.Release 6.0 June 2009) and after i red it i made up this workflow
    for the configurations:
    1) Configure Controller: (via serial)
         -     Set Management Interface parameters (IP- SM - Def GW - Dhcp server IP)
         -     Set Ap-Manager Interface  parameters
         -     Virtual Interface parameters
         -     Set Admin Credentials
         -     Dhcp Configuration (internal and/or external)
    2) Ap registration on the controller
         -     Configure vlan with dhcp request redirection to the dhcp server
    3) Configure Wlan following customer's requests.
         -     Configure Wlan Auth for Corporate/Guest Wifi
         -     Configure QoS for both Wlans
    Unfortunately i'm experiencing issue while trying joining the AP to the WLC.
    It appers that the IT guy of my customer tried to configure one of the Ap.
    In that Ap's flash i find files referring to a "mesh" configuration like:
    mesh_cfg.txt - mesh_port_cfg.txt
    which are not present on the other Ap.
    I've tried to register both the Ap using:
    1) Internal DHCP
    2) External DHCP (microsoft W2k8 R2) 
    3) External DHCP (non cisco router)
    But as a matter of fact they got the ip from dhcp but they don't show up in the WLC GUI.
    So, resuming my issues sounds like:
    1) Can't make Ap join the WLC
    2) There are configuratin file on one Ap that i can't clear
    3) DHCP configuration is probably wrong.
    Since i'm quite lost, i'm ready to learn from anyone who could spare some time helping me out.
    Thank you in advance!
    Ap version is the following:
    Cisco IOS Software, C1130 Software (C1130-K9W8-M), Version 12.4(21a)JHB1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Wed 11-Aug-10 15:39 by prod_rel_team
    ROM: Bootstrap program is C1130 boot loader
    BOOTLDR: C1130 Boot Loader (C1130-BOOT-M) Version 12.3(8)JEA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

    Good Day Everyone.
    After a long fight, the insights of Stephen and Scott  and:
    https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-13960  and
    I finally managed to wipe the old configuration and to configure a LAP 1131 attached to one of the POE of the controller.
    After having configured a Wlan and having set the correct DHCP redirection i'm able to connect and get an ip! (WHOA!)
    I've had to set a manual ip address on the AP (let's call AP1 from now on) and to manually point it to the controller.
    I was thinking about using this configuration at the customer's site getting ips from the internal DHCP and thus letting employees using the internal resources of the company.
    With the same idea, i started to configure the second AP (AP2 from now on).
    So i set up a dynamic interface, always on physical port 1 of the controller, gave it an ip address on another class.
    Got into the antenna via console and set an ip accordingly.
    I expected the controller and the antenna to communicate immediately as the AP1 did before BUT:
    LWAPP_CLIENT_ERROR_DEBUG: spamHandleJoinTimer: Did not recieve the Join response
    LWAPP_CLIENT_ERROR_DEBUG: No more AP manager IP addresses remain.
    %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by LWAPP CLIENT. Reload Reason: DID NOT GET JOIN RESPONSE.
    %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: LWAPP changed state to DOWNXmodem file system is available.
    And keep reloading itself on, and on, and guess? Yes, on.
    I'm sure i took a wrong step somewhere, could someone be so kind to enlighten me about it?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Authentication Configuration Help

    Can anyone help me configure user authentication for my WAP. I have an Aironet 1242 and all the documentation I come across is showing me how to configure it for administration purposes. I have a Radius server up and running but I can't get the config right to have users authenticate to it when they access the WAP.
    Below is my config.
    version 12.3
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime localtime
    service timestamps log datetime localtime
    service password-encryption
    hostname 4TH_FLOOR_CONF
    enable secret xxx
    clock timezone EST -5
    clock summer-time EDT recurring 2 Sun Mar 2:00 1 Sun Nov 2:00
    ip subnet-zero
    ip domain name sba.gov
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool atlantis
    ip dhcp-server
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius rad_eap
    aaa group server radius rad_mac
    aaa group server radius rad_acct
    aaa group server radius rad_admin
    aaa group server tacacs+ tac_admin
    aaa group server radius rad_pmip
    aaa group server radius dummy
    aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
    aaa authentication login mac_methods local
    aaa authorization exec default local
    aaa accounting network acct_methods start-stop group rad_acct
    aaa session-id common
    dot11 ssid airbender
    dot11 ssid avatar
    authentication open
    power inline negotiation prestandard source
    username Cisco password xxx
    bridge irb
    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    encryption mode ciphers aes-ccm tkip
    ssid airbender
    ssid avatar
    speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
    station-role root
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface Dot11Radio1
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ssid avatar
    speed basic-6.0 9.0 basic-12.0 18.0 basic-24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0
    station-role root
    bridge-group 1
    bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control
    bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    interface FastEthernet0
    no ip address
    no ip route-cache
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    bridge-group 1
    no bridge-group 1 source-learning
    bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
    hold-queue 160 in
    interface BVI1
    ip address
    no ip route-cache
    ip default-gateway
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip http help-path http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/779/smbiz/prodconfig/help/eag
    ip radius source-interface BVI1
    radius-server local
    nas key xxx
    radius-server attribute 32 include-in-access-req format %h
    radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1646 key xxx
    radius-server vsa send accounting
    bridge 1 route ip
    line con 0
    line vty 0 4
    sntp server

    You are missing half of the config for security:
    you still need to setup the ssid
    read here:

  • Basic Internet Routing Configuration Help -- Cisco 2811

    Hi everyone,
    I want to start by saying that I brought a Cisco 2811 Router to use at home and to practice advanced networking with. So far, I believe I've configured everything as it should be, however, I am not getting any internet connection.
    DHCP is set up and working properly, I can lease addresses without issue.
    Both interfaces are configured, fe0/1 with a static IP, and fe0/0 as a DHCP client.
    I have connected fe0/0 directly to the Cable modem and it acquires an IP without issue. Connecting my laptop directly into fe0/1 allows my laptop to lease an IP from the router's DHCP server. So I know everything up to there is working properly. I've set up NAT as best I can with what I know, but I am still not getting the router to provide internet access. 
    The following is my Router's Configuration. Does anything seem to be missing? I used Configuration Professional to set it up.
    ------------Begin Configuration-------------
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 2570 bytes
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    service tcp-keepalives-in
    service tcp-keepalives-out
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service password-encryption
    service sequence-numbers
    hostname Network
    security authentication failure rate 10 log
    security passwords min-length 6
    no logging buffered
    logging console critical
    enable secret 5 $1$4FJS$RQUEiWuTaMOAGhVx1O1Du0
    enable password 7 046F03070C291D175F40
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login local_auth local
    aaa session-id common
    dot11 syslog
    no ip source-route
    no ip routing
    no ip gratuitous-arps
    no ip cef
    no ip dhcp use vrf connected
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool Network
       import all
       lease 7
    no ip bootp server
    ip domain name Network
    ip name-server
    ip name-server
    login block-for 5 attempts 5 within 1
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    voice-card 0
     no dspfarm
    username Admin password 7 1526035D5D7C72252B3B
     log config
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     description $ETH-WAN$
     ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0/0
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip nat outside
     ip virtual-reassembly
     no ip route-cache
     duplex full
     speed auto
     no mop enabled
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly
     no ip route-cache
     duplex full
     speed auto
     no mop enabled
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip nat pool Network netmask
    ip nat inside source list 101 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
    logging trap debugging
    logging facility local2
    access-list 100 permit udp any any eq bootpc
    access-list 101 remark INTERNET ACCESS THROUGH NAT
    access-list 101 remark CCP_ACL Category=2
    access-list 101 permit ip any
    dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
    snmp-server community public RO
    no cdp run
    banner motd ^C Welcome! ^C
    line con 0
     login authentication local_auth
     transport output telnet
    line aux 0
     exec-timeout 15 0
     login authentication local_auth
     transport output telnet
    line vty 0 4
     password 7 107D0C1A10051B1F15
     login authentication local_auth
     transport input telnet
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ------------------End Configuration-------------------
    Does anything seem amiss? Thank you all in advance for your help!

    Hi Again,
    I sent
    dhcp pool Network
    to the router and wrote it to config. I still didn't have internet access at first, so I followed John's tip and hooked up my machine to an old Catalyst 2849G switch I had laying around. The switch has no settings, just gets an ip from the router and does its own thing. After doing so, I do now have internet access. I'm using it to post this reply in fact.
    Here are the results of ipconfig /all on my Ethernet NIC on my machine before even having the switch:
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : hsd1.ut.comcast.net.
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 54-EE-75-27-6F-06
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::7cdd:83b5:e603:127e%13(Preferred)
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, October 02, 2014 7:57:10 AM
       Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, October 09, 2014 7:57:10 AM
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
       DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 290778741
       DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-1B-B2-3D-AF-54-EE-75-27-6F-06
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
    It seems everything was working as it should, but I didn't have internet access and windows still reported it as an unknown network.
    After hooking up my Switch, Windows reported seeing 'Network' (From my router's host name, I presume?) and once I reset the modem, I had internet access. 
    This was a huge learning experience and I am glad to have help from all of you. Is there anything else I can to do optimize my configurations? Also, why didn't I have internet access when directed hooked up to FastEthernet0/1 even though my machine acquired IP's and DNS info?
    Here is another copy of the running config with today's changes:
    ---------------------Begin Configuration------------------------
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 2401 bytes
    version 12.4
    no service pad
    service tcp-keepalives-in
    service tcp-keepalives-out
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
    service password-encryption
    service sequence-numbers
    hostname Network
    security authentication failure rate 10 log
    security passwords min-length 6
    logging buffered 4096
    logging console critical
    enable secret 5 $1$4FJS$RQUEiWuTaMOAGhVx1O1Du0
    enable password 7 046F03070C291D175F40
    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login local_auth local
    aaa session-id common
    dot11 syslog
    no ip source-route
    no ip gratuitous-arps
    ip cef
    no ip dhcp use vrf connected
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool Network
       import all
       lease 7
    no ip bootp server
    ip domain name Network
    login block-for 5 attempts 5 within 1
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    voice-card 0
     no dspfarm
    username Admin password 7 1526035D5D7C72252B3B
     log config
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     description $ETH-WAN$
     ip address dhcp client-id FastEthernet0/0
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip nat outside
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex full
     speed auto
     no mop enabled
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     ip address
     no ip redirects
     no ip unreachables
     no ip proxy-arp
     ip nat inside
     ip virtual-reassembly
     duplex full
     speed auto
     no mop enabled
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ip route dhcp
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    ip nat pool Network netmask
    ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload
    logging trap debugging
    logging facility local2
    access-list 10 permit
    access-list 100 permit udp any any eq bootpc
    dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
    snmp-server community public RO
    no cdp run
    banner motd ^C Welcome! ^C
    line con 0
     login authentication local_auth
     transport output telnet
    line aux 0
     exec-timeout 15 0
     login authentication local_auth
     transport output telnet
    line vty 0 4
     password 7 107D0C1A10051B1F15
     login authentication local_auth
     transport input telnet
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    --------------------------End Configuration-------------------------
    Let me know if there is anything else you guys need or I should do, I'll be back after classes today. Thanks again!

  • ESS/MSS Configuration Help

    Hi Friends,
    Can anyone help me with some reference documents for ESS/MSS configuration and integration of ABAP report/Infotypes on ESS portal.

    [Click here|http://saphrexpert.blogspot.com/2009/01/links-to-pdfs-from-sap-website.html] for the all the ESS/MSS PDF's
    [Click here|http://saphrexpert.blogspot.com/2009/01/ess-basics.html] for all config links

Maybe you are looking for