Ok so im due a new mobile upgrade...

im due a new mobile upgrade in my contract very soon and im looking around at phones to get. ive had a nokia for a very long time and just as an idea as to what i like here are the last ones i have had:
nokia 6230
nokia 6230i
nokia 6233 (now)
they have all been similar phones but have got better obviously as they have been newer with better features etc. the operating system on each has been the same (s40) i think, and i love it and am very used to it now.
ive been looking at:
nokia 6300
nokia 6500 classic
nokia 6500 slide
does anybody have any of these or have had any? i love my current phone, but its getting outdated and i might as well take a free new one. i want one very similar with the same battery live and detailed screen with a more up to date feel. anybody suggest any of the new nokias i should look into?

If you want something more up to date then maybe you'd consider switching to S60 instead of S40? There are a few things that were in S40 that are now missing in S60 (but can be added again with 3rd party software) but there are also things in S60 that weren't in S40, in particular the wide range of 3rd party software available.
You might want to look at these models:
N82 (great camera)
These are all candybar phones like the ones you've had up until now. Clamshells and slidephones have their advantages too.
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    FYI, this is a user to user technical support forum.
    No one from Apple monitors, reads, or responds here.
    Try the following:
    Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network settings
    If the Wi-Fi is still not working, basic troubleshooting from the Users Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these in order until the issue is resolved.
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    Please always post your System details when you have a query. The upgrade to the new MobileMe calendar produces different results, and different problems, with different versions of OSX.
    Snow Leopard: during the upgrade process your iCal calendars should be moved to MobileMe (this can take some time and you have to wait for it to happen). Once done, your iCal reads the calendars from MobileMe so any changes made in either place will be visible immediately. If this has not happened then this Apple Tech Note provides instructions:
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    Is there anyone can hep me ?
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    An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Microsoft.VC80.CRT.type=”win32”,version=”8.0.50727.6195”,publicKey Token=”1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b”,processorArchitecture=”x86”.Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x800736B3

    What version of Windows are you using? This is not a problem with iTunes. It may have to do with an issue of the compatibility of a newer version of iTunes with an older Windows system/older hardware.
    What do you want to synchronize? If you were previously using iCloud you should be able to restore most of your oringinal content onto your new phone via was was last synched with the iCloud on your previous phone/device.

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    Same issue here. Possible "solution" below:
    1. *Backup your current iCal files* from within the iCal (File -> Backup Database).
    2. *Sign up for a free gmail account* so that you can log into and use the free Google calendar.
    3. *Remove iCal syncing from your Tiger mac using System Preferences*. Delete all calendars from your Tiger mac
    4. Make sure your Leopard Macbook Pro can sync with MobileMe and with Google calendar for instructions please see http://www.google.com/support/calendar/bin/answer.py?answer=99358#ical
    5. Install 3rd party application "BusySync" (http://www.busymac.com/busysync/index.html) on your Tiger mac. Comes with 30 day trial period.
    6. Configure BusySync to synchronize between your tiger mac and your new Google calendar. BusySync provides instructions, very straightforward and GUI based.
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    1-800-MY-APPLE or 1-800-676-2775
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    Do you recall what version you were using before the update? Due to security vulnerabilities, rolling back to Firefox 4.0.1 is not recommended.
    If Firefox disabled some add-ons (especially extensions), it likely is because they include a list of compatible Firefox versions and haven't yet been updated for Firefox 5. If they worked on Firefox 4, there is a very good chance they will work on Firefox 5.
    You can force Firefox to ''ignore'' add-on version restrictions by (what else) installing an add-on. Then you can test whether the add-ons important to you actually work in Firefox 5.
    [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-on-compatibility-reporter/ Add-on Compatibility Reporter :: Add-ons for Firefox]
    Please report back on your results.

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    Hi BCHR,
    If you are having issues transfering your content from your old iPhone onto iCloud so it can be transfered to your new iPhone, you may find the following articles helpful:
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Contacts
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    iCloud: Notes overview
    - Brenden

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    From the OP: "My old computer got a virus and when that happened all my music was lost. "
    They don't have the music on their computer so they cannot transfer the iTunes folder, from the computer to their iPod and then to the new computer. And if they try to enable disk use on the iPod it will erase all the music that is on it. The method you cited is moving the files in a data format using the iPod as a flash drive. It doesn't work if they are in music format. That is why I suggested Yamipod.

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    My most useful link of the week:
    PS - I confirmed with a tech support chat that this unbelievable behavior is actually by design - ExpressLane Case 195850002

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    Where are you trying to log in to something - is there a URL?  Describe the steps you are taking and what happens.

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    This post was transferred from its previous location to create its own new topic here; its subject and/or title has been edited to differentiate the post from other inquiries and to reflect the post's content. A link to this post appears where the post was originally added.

    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X
    You need iTunes 10.7 or later on the computer.
    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar.  Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar.

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    alexissss93 wrote:
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    Did you download & install the new iTunes after you installed Snow Leopard?
    Apple menu > SOftware update.

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