OKP1 Locks all periods when locking 1 or 2 Periods

Hello Gurus,
I am trying lock period 1-8 via OKP1 for  planning controlling. Then I go to KP06, I call my planning template. I try to make changes just to test on periods 1-8 and it does not allow which is how system is supposed to behave.
But when I try to make changes in period 9 system still tells me that cannot make postings, when I go to error lock it says that periods are closed. When I go back to OKP1 to verify only periods 1-8 are closed.
The template has data from periods 1-8, which I am not changing, I am only making changes to period 9.
Am I missing anything?
Thanks for your help
Edited by: Frank on Oct 2, 2008 4:19 PM

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  • Error when Locking a period in HFM 9.3.1

    Hi All,
    When I try to lock September period in HFM I am getting the below error message:
    “Cannot Lock Data because the validation account is not zero”
    I have checked that my system validation account is Zero and the Process control for the entituy is at Published.
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    Hi user9127887,
    We came accross a similar issue. All the Base Entity data met the tolerance levels at the entry and publishing level; however, the sume of the etities fractionally caused the Parent Entity to be over the the tolerance level. We added HS.Round to these accounts and havn't seen the issue again.
    Please see the following fix:
    Aggregation of base members to a parent member produces a total value with a small decimal difference [ID 757443.1]
    Modified 23-NOV-2010 Type PROBLEM Status PUBLISHED
    When entering data containing decimals the total value is not correctly summed up in the parent member due to a small differences (e.g. 0.0000000001234)
    This is usually observed when the small remainder ends up in a Validation Account. You will sees 0 (zero) in the Process Control Grid or Web Grid, but when promote the Entity to next level receives an error: "The Validation Account is Not Zero".
    Looking at the Full-Resolution Value or Stored Value for the cell, user can see the small remainder.
    The Validation Status icon might actually be "green" in some HFM versions even though the stored value is not zero. @ this is because of unpublished Bug 7599539.
    For default floating-point calculations, Hyperion Financial Management relies on Microsoft Foundation Classes. These libraries, which underpin Windows, have limitations.
    You can verify this by entering the same data in Excel (with decimals) and then doing a SUM( ) of the values; the result will be exactly the same as the Full-Resolution Value of the parent member in HFM. This is because the underlying functions used for floating-point calculations are the same. The issue is also explained in this article on the Microsoft site.
    In your Rules, use HS.Round (documented in the HFM Administrator's Guide) to define the exact precision when needed. The function is financial-aware, so won't result in errors when dealing with decimals.
    Do NOT use the standard VBScript "Round" function, as that one is not financial-aware and, with all probability, it will result in the same problem coming up again.
    It is also possible to avoid encountering the issue by always loading data without decimals.
    Please report your findings.
    Drop me a note if you have any questions on this post.
    P.S. Considering that you're on 9.3.1 suggests that the application is quit mature. Which suggest that you should have run into this error before now. Unless this Entity has suddenly changed the fractional amounts of data it is loading?
    Edited by: David Debish on Jan 24, 2011 11:12 AM

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    Hi Rickyy,
    The two buttons act as 'Select All' function. Select a period (place cursor on any period) and click on button 'Lock Period' to lock all transactions in a period (vertical). Similarly, select a transaction (row) and click on button 'Lock transaction' which will lock all the periods for that transaction (horizontal). In the same way, you have unlock buttons.
    Hope this helps.

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    Not if you first do a sync and have iTunes make a backup. However, if your only copy of the iTunes data is in the Touch, then you need to first copy the data to a new iTunes Library using third-party software such as Phone To Mac.

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    Best regards,

    Hi Danny,
    Check the link
    Period End Closing
    *Close the thread if issue solved

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    Open Administration  -> System Initialization  -> General Settings -> Posting Periods 
    Select the Posting period which you want to Lock.
    Now this opens the 'Posting Period' Window.
    Here you find fields like Active and locked
    ·        Active u2013 The purpose of this field is to allow or to block working with sales documents. The default value for this field is Yes. When the value is Yes (and the period is not locked), you will be able to add all types of records: sales documents, purchasing documents, inventory transactions, manual journal entries, Master Data, reconciliations etc.
    If you choose No (and the period is not locked), no sales documents can be created in SAP Business One during this period. This option can be used in order to block users from adding new sales documents after the posting period has ended. However, you will still be able to add purchasing documents, inventory transactions, manual journal entries, Master Data, reconciliations and so on.
    ·        Locked u2013 The default value for this field is No. When the value is No (and the period is active), you will be able to add all types of records: sales documents, purchasing documents, inventory transactions, manual journal entries, Master Data, reconciliations etc.
    If you choose Yes (after the posting period was created), no documents or transactions can be added in SAP Business One during this period (sales documents, purchasing documents, inventory transactions and manual journal entries). This option can be used in order to block users from adding any documents and transactions after a posting period has ended.

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    Then how about OKP1?
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    For example in OB52, if you have opened for June, i.e.,
    06 of 2009 to 06 of 2009 (1st Period)
    In such case,
    In OKP1, you need to only untick June for all the months and close all remaining months (Untick June and tick all other months and transactions).
    Note that your planning activities for all the year must have been completed. Otherwise, you cannot enter the plan values.

  • Period is locked for new data

    Good Morning,
    Anyone get this error before?
    -4013:Period is locked for new data
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.SBOObjects.SBOOrder.NetPointToSBOOrder(NPOrder order)
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.SBOObjects.SBOOrder.NetPointToSBO(NPQueueObject qData)
       at NetPoint.SynchSBO.SynchObjectBase.Synch()
    Haven't received it before today, of course, the day we go live.  The period we are posting to is not locked for new data and it seems to be limited to one customer only...  Any immediate thoughts?
    Thanks so much,

    OK, I have it working for the moment, but I am very curious about this.  I went back in and selected the Install Plugin button 2 more times just to be sure, I restarted everything and they went through fine.  Could it be that the Plugin installed partially before?  It didn't seem so because other orders were flowing both ways and just certain ones were seeming to get stuck...  Then more gradually started failing until none were passing through.  This has been working seemlessly in this environment for weeks until of course go live today, so I am at a loss.  Probably just that one piece of excitement for Go Live that we were missing.  All is well.  James, thanks for responding.

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    I bought a iphone 4 from a guy on craigslist, I knew about ios 7.0 having the lock thing, but when I met him, his simcard was in the phone, I tested the phone with his simcard in from of him. The phone looked great with no problems and I even got the box with the accesories, so I knew it was his... I then did the reset on the phone (erase all data... from settings) and it went through and activated and everything was good... I used the phone for about a month with no problems at all, even had my apple ID in the icloud and everything... well ios 7.0.6 came out and I used my computer to restore the phone, because I feel that the cord and computer gives it a better restore, it did great no problems, and when it went to the part where I went to activate the phone, I get a enter your apple id and password to complete activation... Wait... why is this up i thought, I thought I did everything like I suppose to to succesfully switch it to me, the new owner... but now its asking for some C******@yahoo.com.... I only have @gmail.com emails and none start with a C... The guy sold me the phone because he was switching to Verizon, and I tried to call him, and now the number is disconnected... I guess he switched to Verizon with a new number... Now im stuck with a paperweight that costed me $200.00... What can I do at this point... Please help me... I restored it to give it to my Step Son as I just got me the iphone 5... Thank you for ANY HELP in advance... Thank you again.

    I bought a iphone 4 from a guy on craigslist, I knew about ios 7.0 having the lock thing, but when I met him, his simcard was in the phone, I tested the phone with his simcard in from of him. The phone looked great with no problems and I even got the box with the accesories, so I knew it was his... I then did the reset on the phone (erase all data... from settings) and it went through and activated and everything was good... I used the phone for about a month with no problems at all, even had my apple ID in the icloud and everything... well ios 7.0.6 came out and I used my computer to restore the phone, because I feel that the cord and computer gives it a better restore, it did great no problems, and when it went to the part where I went to activate the phone, I get a enter your apple id and password to complete activation... Wait... why is this up i thought, I thought I did everything like I suppose to to succesfully switch it to me, the new owner... but now its asking for some C******@yahoo.com.... I only have @gmail.com emails and none start with a C... The guy sold me the phone because he was switching to Verizon, and I tried to call him, and now the number is disconnected... I guess he switched to Verizon with a new number... Now im stuck with a paperweight that costed me $200.00... What can I do at this point... Please help me... I restored it to give it to my Step Son as I just got me the iphone 5... Thank you for ANY HELP in advance... Thank you again.

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    all in the title but, when locked it forgets the wi-fi password, and so i have to re enter it.
    iphone 4
    belkin wireless n router with wpa passphrase.

    Are you hiding your network identification (SSID)?  If you are doing that, it is a pretty common complaint.  In either case, the fix is about the same:
    Fix 1
    When you are connected to your network, tap Settings > WiFi > and then tap the blue ">" next to the network name with the check mark.
    The next screen will give you your connection information.  Scroll until you find "Forget this Network" and tap that.
    That should return you to the Settings > WiFi page.  Tap Other, and then re-enter your network name, security, and network password.
    Fix 2
    tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Your Network Settings
    When the iPhone restarts, tap Settings > WiFi > Other and re-enter your network name, security, and network password.
    Fix 3 - if all else fails
    Reboot your router (uun plug it from it's power source).

  • While processing ALEAUD - "Error when locking the audit statistics"

    I am sending out IDOC for HR data and then prcessing ALEAUD inbound idoc immediatley (setting is done in WE21 partner profiles).
    While processing these incomming idocs, I am getting this error "Error when locking the audit statistics for P01LOGSYS1 IMTIMEDEP HRMD_A" for few idocs. e.g. out of 1000 for 100 idocs this error will happen and IDOC goes to status 51.
    If I try to process thes idocs ALEAUD using background processing and if I schedule 2 jobs at a time then I will get same error and IDOC goes to status 51.
    Can someone help me out?

    I tried processing the idocs in background processing as you have suggested using program RBDAPP01 (inbound).
    There are 2 options in this program serial processing and parallel processing. When I select serial processing everyhting goes smooth but it takes long time. But when I select parallel processing I get same locking error mentioned above and only few idocs will get processed successfully with status 53 and all other will error out with status 51.
    If I schedule 2  different jobs in background program RBDAPP01 (inbound) using serial processing then same thing will happen.  only few idocs will get processed successfully with status 53 and all other will error out with status 51.
    And I will get locking error ....
    Note 1333417 says, " these IDocs will be processed via background runs of report RBDAPP01 \ RSEOUT00 (using background work processes) in batch mode leaving dialog work processes free for users and mission-critical processes. Hence you will not encounter the resources problems you are currently experiencing. The only other option would be to try increasing the number of available dialog work processes. The number of dialog processes must be greater than or equal to the total of the number of update and background processes per application server and must be configured across all operation mode
    switches (see SAP note 74141). *However when there are a large number of IDocs being processed this is not a practical solution."*
    Does that mean there is no possoble solution for this issue. If I increase dialog work processes will it be helpfull ?

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