Opening a closed Project

I created a WD project locally in NWDS, and closed it by choosing CLOSE PROJECT from the Context Menu of the WD Project in WD Navigator window.
How can I open it from WorkSpace for editing again?

Right click on the project and choose "Open Project"
The action is avaialable in all the views
Ashwani Kr Sharma

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    Dear Satya,
    An item of a purchase requisition is only regarded as Closed if the requested order quantity has been included in a purchase order.
    You can also set an item to Closed manually. <b>This item will then not be taken into account by the materials planning and control system.</b>
    You can set the Closed indicator manually at the following points (it can later be cancelled if necessary):
    When changing a purchase requisition, on the item detail screen
    When creating a purchase order referencing a requisition, on the item detail screen of the PO
    You can still create purchase orders by referencing a requisition if this indicator has been set in the requisition concerned.
    The indicator can also be set in the case of automatic PO generation from purchase requisitions. On the initial screen of the requisition, you can specify that the requisition is to count as closed as soon as an associated purchase order has been generated, even if the complete quantity requested has not been ordered, for example (Set reqs. to "closed" indicator).
    Analyses of Purchase Requisitions: (visit section under Reporting in Purchasing)
    Hope this will help.

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    Thanks for reply.
    Kind regards.

    Hi Ignacio, you are right. It is because I am using Package Explorer like I do with Eclipse. I just change to Navigator it fixes the the first problem.
    Thanks for quick reply.
    Now I have only one problem left. I wonder the print is  available only for java code.
    Kind regards.

  • Opening and closing projects in p6

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    I do not think you can switch between two or more open projects in P6. I do miss that functionality in P3. A workaround would be to open both projects together and group by Project. You can then collapse the Project you do not wish to work on at the moment, and work on the other one.
    Hope this helps!
    Edited by: AMA on Mar 26, 2010 5:48 AM

  • I have installed Premiere Elements 8 on a new PC. It won't open any new projects

    I seem to have the same problem as LaxMan2010-11 in Premiere Elements 8 won't load recently saved project  was there a resolution?

    Problems with the same symptoms can (often do) have different causes.
    So, let us focus in on your particular situation in order to find your answer.
    What computer operating system is involved? For now I will assume Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit.
    1. Have you gone through that usual drill in the older thread that you referenced?
    a. latest version of QuickTime installed
    b. problem looked at with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled
    c. video card/graphics card driver up to date
    1. Do you have installed the 8.0.1 Update. If not, please do so using the Adobe online link
    Adobe - Premiere Elements : For Windows : Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0.1 update
    2. Are you running the program from a User Account with Administrator Privileges and with Run As Administrator applied to the
    program's desktop icon?
    3. Is your problem confined to opening saved closed project created with Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 on another computer? If yes, then
    open a new project and make sure that the automatic Background Rendering and AutoAnalzyer features are turned off.
    4. Have you moved, deleted, or renamed folders/files that were imported into the project(s) after the project's was saved and closed?
    Please review the following Adobe document on troubleshooting damaged projects and determine if any of the suggested troubleshooting
    works for you.
    Troubleshoot damaged projects | Adobe Premiere Elements
    We will be watching for your follow up.

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    Use the Apple Key, to select two or more Projects, to be merged in to one. Then go to File>Merge Projects. Allan

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    HE Vacuum System Case Structure.PNG ‏103 KB

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    Assuming you do not have access to the "original" video/project and the YouTube video is the only copy, there is a method. Try "YouTube Downloader" which is a free software that allows you to download clips from YouTube as .mp4 files. You can then edit with Premiere, and re-encode again for upload to YouTube. Just keep in mind that you are re-compressing the video so there will be some quality loss. The better the quality of the original, the better the copy will hold up.
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computeres

  • In Premiere Elements 8, None of my projects will open. Says projects were created in Premiere Pro

    In Premiere Elements 8, None of my projects will open. Says projects were created in Premiere Pro, when they were not. Cannot create new projects either. Basically, the program is completely bricked an unable to do anything once it gets past the welcome screen.
    My projects are all saved as .prel
    They were all working, when suddenly none of them would work any more. I can no longer use this program, and I really need to. Have already tried running the program as an administrator and creating a second admin account. Also tried going to the basic graphics driver.

    Thanks for the helpful additional information. Because of the nature of the description of your problem (references to Premiere Pro which you do not have et al), I would encourage you to go directly to the following which I suggested previously by the following question.
    5. Have you gone the route of Uninstall/ccleaner run through - regular and registry components of the cleaner), reinstall?
    1. Uninstall Premiere Elements 8 via the usual Control Panel/Installed Program area route.
    2. Download and install the free ccleaner and run the computer through its regular cleaner and registry cleaner parts.
    Open the program to see something like
    Click on "Run Cleaner" with the "Cleaner Tab" selected in the left column of the dialog. Click OK to the pop up to initiate the automatic process.
    After the regular cleaner portion is done, then click on "Registry" in the left column of the dialog. It should look something like
    Click on "Scan for Issues"
    when done
    Click on "Fix selected issues"
    when pop up appears
    Click Yes to "backup changes to the registry"
    when done
    Click "Fix selected issues" in the pop up that now appears
    when done
    Click Close.
    Please read all the details in the ccleaner link before starting. If you need clarification on anything written before you begin, please do not hesitate to ask.
    I use this procedure routine for computer maintenance without issues (Windows XP 32 bit as well as Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 64 bit). It is a widesly used tool.
    We will be watching for further developments.
    3. Reinstall Premiere Elements 8 with antivirus and firewalls off. After installation of 8, now do the download and installation of the 8.0.1 update from Adobe via the link
    That 8.0.1 installation can be done with Premiere Elements 8 closed.
    Adobe set up that 8.0.1 Update so that they is no 8.0.1 shown in the program after installation of it. You will probably get a message of installation completed successful. The major evidence that it has been installed will be the turn off of the previously default "Automatic Background Rendering" in preferences. You still have to turn off the "Automatic AutoAnalzyer" in Elements Organizer, a must do.
    Please review the above.
    Thank you.

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    What am I doing worng?

    I had the same issue then I found out all you have to do is to set the default view to List before opening any previous or new project and it worked, credit goes to this user below who found the solution.
    I was able to resolve by workaround:
    1. Closed all open applications
    2. relaunch Finder
    3. run  sudo find / -name ".DS_Store"  -exec rm {} \;
    4. this removes all  .DS_Store old files on the computer
    5. launch finder and set default view to "LIST VIEW" as shown here: b-Folders_2.htm
    5. rerun the offending application and file chooser works

  • Markers not showing up after opening a saved project. Where did they go!?

    My first time using Prelude CS6 yesterday and had good success with ingesting, marking clips (into subclips, comments, etc.), saving the marked movies, and them sending the subclips to Premiere. They dumped into Premiere as expected.
    However, this morning I started a new project in Premiere and planned on using the same clips I marked up in Prelude. I wanted to do a little more marking so I opened the Prelude project I saved yesterday and the movie files are there but none of the subclips, comments, or other markers are showing up.
    The only thing I can think of is that I did not do a rough cut in Prelude, but I don't see why that would mean losing the markers from the source footage.
    Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks...

    so this morning in preparing to upload a PL project for you, I
    decided to try a new test PL project with different footage. The one I
    played with this morning ("GrandCanyon_1.plproj" in the Folder
    "Prelude_test") seems to work fine! I threw in some markers, saved, closed
    PL, re-opened PL and the markers were there.
    So I did the same thing using some footage from the project that I posted
    about (ingested some footage, placed a sub clip marker, saved, closed,
    re-opened), and the markers were gone. Perhaps it has to do with the source
    Anyhow, I'm uploading the files to my ftp if you want to check them out.
    They should  be uploaded by 10am central.
    Access info sent in separate email.
    -- John Niebling

  • Edge Animate will not open a recent project.

    I was designing a website for a class final. I closed the project for about an hour. When I came back, Edge Animate could no longer open up the project file. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

    Can you give following details do that we can understand your problem better?
    Version of Edge Animate that you are using.  Select Help > About  Edge Animate to make sure.
    Operating System and its version (Mac OS, Windows)
    Are you facing this issue after you upgraded to the latest version?
    Did you make any changes to your computer before you started facing this issue?
    Can you embed a screenshot or video that describes your situation? Any log files that you can share with us?
    Just in case users need to see your project, would it be possible for you to share it to a common location and share it over a private message?
    Vinod Menon
    Edge Animate Team

  • Elements 9.0 Severe Error Opening a new project

    after opening a new project, there is just a grey "PremiereElements" Screen. If I then open the project I just created, an error message appears "severe error... shut down... try to save new project".
    Measures to toubleshoots already taken:
    - reinstall premiere and photoshop elements
    - delete all elements files from users and program folder
    - install all updates
    - verify latest version of quicktime.
    I am new in this forum and hope, I did not miss an already existing discussion. If so, please do not hesitate to lead me to this discussion and sorry in advance.
    Thanks for help

    For now I am assuming that you are running Premiere Elements 9 on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit......and, that the problem exists with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled.....
    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 9 running on? Have you installed the 9.0.1 Update for the program? If not, please do so from the following link from Adobe
    You can install the above even with Premiere Elements 9 closed.
    Can we assume that you did that when you wrote
    - install all updates
    Did you delete the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file, and, if that did not work, the whole 9.0 Folder in which the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file exists?
    Can we assume that you have when you wrote
    - delete all elements files from users and program folder
    When was the last time you used the program successfully?
    When you did the uninstall/reinstall, did you do the sequence
    1. Uninstall via Control Panel
    2. free ccleaner run through (regular cleaner and registry cleaner parts)
    CCleaner - Download
    3. reinstall with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled
    Let us start here and then decide what next based on your details.
    Thank you.

  • Opening an existing project in PE12 elements editor.

    When I attempt to open an existing project in PE12 Elements Editor, a new project opens instead. If I attempt to close the new project, it freezes and must be force closed.

    From the Premiere Elements Information FAQ
    •You MUST use an account with Administrator Privileges to run Premiere Elements
    •(Doing Run as Administrator [says Encore and also for "All" versions of Premiere] will sometimes fix "odd" errors)
    •What version of Premiere Elements? Include the minor version number (e.g., Premiere Elements 12 with the 12.0.1 update).
    •What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac"
    •Has this ever worked before?  If so, do you recall any changes you made to Premiere Elements, such as adding Plug-ins, brushes, etc.?  Did you make any changes to your system, such as updating hardware, printers or drivers; or installing/uninstalling any programs?
    •Have you installed any recent program or OS updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    •What kind(s) of image file(s)? When talking about camera raw files, include the model of camera.
    •If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    •What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    •What other software are you running?
    •Tell us about your computer hardware. How much RAM is installed?  How much free space is on your system (C:) drive?
    And some other questions...
    •What are you editing, and does your video have a red line over it BEFORE you do any work?
    •Which version of Quicktime do you have installed?

  • Open an existing project in Eclipse

    Hi, folks. I am really new to Eclipse. I followed a tutorial, created a new porject and few classes within it, that was all fine. Later on, I tried creating another new project while the first one was still opened under "Java prospective". But I could not see any updates under the "Package Explorer", i meant there was still the first project's package shown alone.
    I tried closing the extire Eclipse platform and double clicking the PROJECT File under workspace\secondProject directory to open the second project, but what was shown in Eclipse was still the first project alone.
    Could anyone please point me out what is the correct way of doing it? Thanx in advance.

    To open your project in secondProject just create a new javaproject in Eclipse and set its path to ...\workspace\secondProject. Eclipse will then find the .project file and open the existing project.

Maybe you are looking for