Other user can not see the data from the workbook

Hi Friends,
I created a workbook with some worksheets in a Business area. The owner of the workbook has no problem to view all the worksheets and get all the data returned.. I granted all the neccessary privileges to other users ,they could see the workbook, but no data returnd for the query results. Tried refresh the worksheet, same no data retrieved.Checked the SQL inspector and the plan, it showed the correct paths and execution plan without any errors there. The same query run in SQL plus by other users returned data correctly.
By the way, I had a summary folder in the workbook. During the troubleshooting, I dropped this summary folder, still the same no data return for other users.
Any body happen to know the cause or has some ideas on this issue?
The discoverer administrator verson is and the PLUS /Viewer is
Thank you very much,

Hi All
The scheduling of reports, as you have probably noticed, requires that the scheduling privilege within Discoverer Administrator tool be granted to the user NOT to a role. Scheduling will not work if you attempt this. The reason for this is that these two SYS grants must go to a user:
The user will also need to have these grants:
UNLIMITED TABLESPACE on user's tablespace
My new Discoverer 10g Handbook, which I would recommend to anyone working with Discoverer, explains scheduling in detail and even tells you how the tables and views that are used to store the results work. You won't find this information anywhere else, as you will see if you read some of the five reviews that have been left on Amazon.com. For more information about the book please look here:
The PUBLIC grants are not having any impact. All these do is ensure that ALL users have the same basic privileges. You can just as easily grant these to any role of your choosing and it will work just fine.
By the way, because the PUBLIC role is the MINIMUM privileges that a user can have you might want to consider reducing the end user Discoverer privileges afforded to PUBLIC. By default, all users can Create and Edit workbooks, share workbooks, save workbooks and so on. This is far too rich a set of privileges for the basic user, who in most cases will be a VIEWER user. Whenever I create a new EUL I always recommend that my client reduces the PUBLIC user's privileges and then create new roles for more advanced VIEWER and PLUS users, adding privileges as required.
Thus, my basic VIEWER, aka PUBLIC, has only these privileges:
Collect Query Statistics
Item Drill
Drill Out
My advanced VIEWER has this additional privilege:
Save Workbooks to Database
My basic PLUS user has all of the above, plus these (pardon the pun):
Create/Edit Query
Create Link
and my advanced PLUS users get everything, which means they now get these as well:
Grant Workbook
Schedule Workbooks
I also remove the Save / Save As Actions link from Viewer which prevents the basic VIEWER users from knowing that it is there. In essence, because these users no longer can click the Save link and because they do not have the Save to Database privilege, they will not be prompted to save within Viewer no matter what they do. This now makes 10.1.2 Viewer work the same way as previous versions.
Even though the Save link is not there, my advanced Viewer users will be prompted to save if they have made any changes. This therefore allows you to have two classes of Viewer, one who can save and one that cannot.
I hope this helps
Micahael Armstrong-Smith

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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Server Database ahjqp Verbose SQL connection time: 0.0583 for Data Source=HungerNet3;Initial Catalog=HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=False;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connect Timeout=15;Application Name=SharePoint[w3wp][3][HNet3_Svc_Prod_UPA_Profile] be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
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    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri http://www.hungernet.org/. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
    07/25/2014 14:11:08.54 SharePoint Foundation General adyrv High Cannot find site lookup info for request Uri http://lnkd.in/bb6rsHj. be11a89c-ebeb-a08d-57d2-a513d117e184
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    Have Windows Updates been applied? See my note about this
    Look at the URL in the search results. It may have invalid character in which case you can use this fix
    Regards, Ian Internet Sites running on SharePoint 2013 http://j.mp/sp2013sites

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    Hello. Most of the engineers in developer exchange are more familiar
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    If you just installed iCloud does that mean you updated the iOS that's running on your iPad?  If so, you'll want to restore all the programs you have from the backup you hopefully made.
    Refer to these articles for help.
    iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring iOS software.
    If you don't want to use iCloud, simply don't activate it.
    You can also download the programs again.
    If you live in a country that supports re-downloading apps then you can re-download them.  You can refer to this article for more help.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store and iTunes Store
    What to know if your country supports downloading past purchases?
    iTunes in the Cloud Availability

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    How can I see website data from itouch 4th generation?  My 8 yr old may have been on inappropriate sites and I need to see the data from website data stored on the itouch.

    There is no way to see where he has been.
    Go into Settings > General > Restrictions > Safari and turn it off. Then add the MacGruff browser from the app store. After that go back to Restrictions and turn off the ability to add apps.

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    And does an "incomplete" status on iCloud mean it can't be restored to the new iPhone?
    Help please

    What I mean is still track my stolen one. I don't know if this will make sense to you but I'm thinking that if I restore the back up data on this phone..on my stolen phone it will like forget the icloud account or something and think this phone is the stolen one so when I go to track the stolen one, it will show that phone as the one I have now because I restored the back up from that phone.

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    is there any way i can get the data from the phone?

    Hi webby84,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you're experiencing a hardware issue with your iPhone.
    These links are a good starting point for troubleshooting:
    iPhone Assistant
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting

  • The Mozilla WHITE start page is blocking the upper left Firefox to Print to Print Preview, so i can not see what is on the Printer Glass

    The BIG WHITE MOSTLY BLANK , MOZILLA START PAGE was blocking my use of PRINT PREVIEW, from the orange "Firefox" in the upper left corner.
    I was told i was using an out of date version of Firefox.
    But no "click here to update".
    So i downloaded the new edition of Firefox.
    And still, i can not see PRINT PREVIEW, because the large white screen of the MOZILLA START PAGE is blocking it.
    I have selected a background wallpaper, so would rather not see ANY of the BIG WHITE START PAGE, at all !!

    Can you please post a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screenshot screenshot] of the start page when it is blocking the print preview. Please note that you may have to change to the tab of the site to be printed to see the print preview of the page. If the problem persists, please also check in [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe%20Mode Safe Mode.]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions Problematic Extensions]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20extensions%20and%20themes Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]
    [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Uninstalling+add-ons Uninstalling Add-ons]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Uninstalling_toolbars Uninstalling Toolbars]

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    try2.txt ‏2 KB
    read_array.vi ‏21 KB

    The problem is in the delimiters in your text file. By default, Read From Spreadsheet File.vi expects a tab delimited file. You can specify a delimiter (like a space), but Read From Spreadsheet File.vi has a problem with repeated delimiters: if you specify a single space as a delimiter and Read From Spreadsheet File.vi finds two spaces back-to-back, it stops reading that line. Your file (as I got it from your earlier post) is delimited by 4 spaces.
    Here are some of your choices to fix your problem.
    1. Change the source file to a tab delimited file. Your VI will then run as is.
    2. Change the source file to be delimited by a single space (rather than 4), then wire a string constant containing one space to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi.
    3. Wire a string constant containing 4 spaces to the delimiter input of Read From Spreadsheet File.vi. Then your text file will run as is.
    Depending on where your text file comes from (see more comments below), I'd vote for choice 1: a tab delimited text file. It's the most common text output of spreadsheet programs.
    Comments for choices 1 and 2: Where does the text file come from? Is it automatically generated or manually generated? Will it be generated multiple times or just once? If it's manually generated or generated just once, you can use any text editor to change 4 spaces to a tab or to a single space. Note: if you want to change it to a tab delimited file, you can't enter a tab directly into a box in the search & replace dialog of many programs like notepad, but you can do a cut and paste. Before you start your search and replace (just in the text window of the editor), press tab. A tab character will be entered. Press Shift-LeftArrow (not Backspace) to highlight the tab character. Press Ctrl-X to cut the tab character. Start your search and replace (Ctrl-H in notepad in Windows 2000). Click into the Find What box. Enter four spaces. Click into the Replace With box. Press Ctrl-V to paste the tab character. And another thing: older versions of notepad don't have search and replace. Use any editor or word processor that does.

  • My Iphone was sync with Itunes on a computer then this computer broke down and i purchased another one. I was able to extract all the data from the old one. now how can i sync my phone with the new tunes without loosing any data?

    My Iphone was sync with Itunes on a computer then this computer broke down and i purchased another one. I was able to extract all the data from the old one. now how can i sync my phone with the new tunes without loosing any data?

    Yes, windows to Mac too.
    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music [library] to a new computer [or another drive] - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4527
    Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Open iTunes and immediately hold down the Option (alt) key (shift on Windows), then guide it to the new location of the library.
    Windows users see tip at: https://discussions.apple.com/message/18879381

  • Can I use LabVIEW to load data directly into system memory? The serial card I'm using isn't supported by NI nor does VISA recognize it. I'm using a Win32 function to read the data from the card and now I want it to go directly to system memory.

    Can I use LabVIEW to load data directly into system memory from a VI? The serial card I'm using isn't supported by NI nor does VISA recognize it. I'm using a Call Library function to read the data from the card and now I want it to go directly to system memory.
    The data is being received at 1Mbps.

    Two questions:
    One, if it's a serial card, then presumably it gives you more serial ports, like COM3, COM4, etc. If so, VISA would see the COM ports, and not the card directly. The drivers for the card should make it so that you see the extra serial ports from the OS. If you don't see the extra COM ports from VISA, then it sounds like the drivers for the card are not installed properly. Do the extra COM ports show up in Device Manager?
    Two, you said that you're using a Call Library function to get the data and you want to put it into system memory. Errr.... you just read the data and you have it in memory by definition. Are you saying you need a way to parse the data so it shows up on a graph or something?

  • 'The data from the Infoprovider could not be checked' message

       Recently we upgraded our BI system from 3.5 to BI7. Now I am displaying the Infoset data using LISTCUBE and received the following message,
                          ' The Data from the Infoprovider ZIS_PRMS3 involved could not be checked' where ZIS_PRMS3 is a Infoset.
    However If I ignore that message I am able to see the data and query also displays proper data. But my doubt is why this message appears? and what could be the reason for this?. (Before upgrade we didnt get this type of message)
    I searched in SDN and found some threads talk about this. But not able to identify the reason for the message and how to suppress it.
    Infoset contains 2 ODS and 2 Infoobjects, all the join conditions are perfect. Can anybody through some light onthis.

    Hi Krishna,
        Thanks for the reply. As mentioend I have reactivated my Infoset, but still I am receiving that message.
      I dont know what could be reason still. Waiting for the replies.

  • Why in SE16 we can not  see New Data Table for standard DSO

    We says that there is three tables (New Data Table, Active Data Table and Change Log Table) of Standard DSO, Then Why in SE16 we can not  see New Data Table of Standard DSO.

    Hi Sushant,
    It is possible to see the 3 DSO tables data in through SE16. May be you do not have authorization to see data through SE16.
    Sankar Kumar

  • The problem here is i am not able to get the data from the list

    hi all,
    i have the following code
    EnrichedProductCatalogue enrichedProductCatalogue1 = new EnrichedProductCatalogue();
    enrichedProductCatalogue1.setBlockingProduct("Weekend Freebee");
    ArrayList<String> availableActionsList = new ArrayList<String>();
    BundleProduct bundleProduct = null;
    Product product = new Product();
    product = new Product();
    ArrayList<UiCategory> uiCategory = new ArrayList<UiCategory>();
    UiCategory uiCategory1 = new UiCategory();
    UiCategory uiCategory2 = new UiCategory();
    bundleProduct = new BundleProduct();
    here i have an list called listOfEnrichProducts.
    here i am adding two objects of enrichedProductCatalogue.
    which contains a object called BundleProduct.
    which has a reference for Product class.
    here this product class has a list which contains objects of another class called UiCategory.
    the problem here is i am not able to get the data from the list which contains UiCategory objects .
    the following is the UI
    <af:table var="row" rowBandingInterval="0" id="t1"
    partialTriggers="apimethods ::apimethods">
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="ProductName" id="c2">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.productName}" id="ot15"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="ProductClass" id="c12">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.productClassName}" id="ot19"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="UICategoryName" id="c32">
    <af:forEach var="item" items="#{row.bundleProduct.commercialProduct.uiCategory}" >
    <af:outputText value="#{item.categoryName}" id="ot119"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="AssetCount" id="c22">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.assetCount}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="blockingReason" id="c3">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.blockingReason}" id="ot2"/>
    <af:column sortable="false" headerText="blockingProduct" id="c4">
    <af:outputText value="#{row.blockingProduct}" id="ot3"/>
    <!--<af:column sortable="false" headerText="availaibleActions" id="c1">
    <af:commandButton text="#{row.availaibleActions}" id="cb1"
    <af:setPropertyListener from="#{row.availaibleActions}"
    to="#{pageFlowScope.avalibleaction}" type="action"/>
    Can anyone pls give some solution ...

    Hi Frank,
    here sample is
    Map<String, Object> flowScope1 =
    flowScope.put("sample1", listOfEnrichProducts);
    this is not the problem . i am able to get all the values except the following .
    ArrayList<UiCategory> uiCategory = new ArrayList<UiCategory>();
    UiCategory uiCategory1 = new UiCategory();
    UiCategory uiCategory2 = new UiCategory();

  • When downloading is complete, I can not see, run, nor access the file; it only appears in the "Downloads" window (and not the specified folder) and the only options permitted are to delete it, or to go to the download web site; what's blocking it?

    My PC's OS is 'MS Windows Vista Home Premium'. As my initil question states: When downloading, after the download completes, I can not see, run, nor access the file in it's designated folder. The download only appears in the "Downloads" window and the only "Right Click" options permitted are to "Remove From List", "Select All", & "Copy Download Link" I also can not double click to run it. What's blocking it?
    I have a similar problem when accessing .zip files that are attachments to my emails. Here, however, I can place the file in a designated folder, however, the .zip file and it's compressed content files are file-typed as "FireFox Document" and I get permissions errors when running an unzip tool.
    Why are my download files being quarantined ??? Is there a security setting option I need to change???
    To get around this, I'm using IE to download and install these files, but switching back & forth between FireFox & IE is a real pain.

    It's your anti-virus not working correctly while scanning. You can turn off the option to scan in Firefox's '''about:config''' by filtering for '''browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone''' and double-clicking that line to change the value to '''false'''

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