P35 Neo2 stuck at PIO in XP

Build info :
P35 Neo2-NR
Board ver - 1.1
Bios 1.1
Windows XP Home
Philips DVDRW (IDE)
Maxtor 320GB (SATA)
Antec 500W
The DVD writer is stuck at PIO mode no matter what I do.  The Marvell is using the Standard MS IDE driver.  I can't find any other drivers for the marvell ide on the included CD or MSI website.  I'm guessing that there is no driver included from reading on this forum.  This driver will go into DMA mode in VISTA so I'm thinking it's a matter of driver.  Can anyone point me to the right drivers or maybe the right firmware.

Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 22-January-08, 02:15:33
Does the BIOS pickup the optical storage in UDMA mode?
I'm not sure how I would check this in the bios.  The DVDRW shows up in the boot priority and that's all I see.
Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 22-January-08, 02:15:33
What IDE cable you are using? (40/80 wires cable?)
I'm using a 80 wire cable.
Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 22-January-08, 02:15:33
There's no IDE driver for this model.

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  • P35 Neo2/FR and Nostromo n52

    I recently built a new system (x-mas present to myself)...
    P35 Neo2 / FR
    core2 duo E6850
    corsair xms2 2gig (twin2x2048-6400c4)
    western digital caviar HD 250gig
    lite on DVD burner
    XFX 8800gt
    XP pro with SP2C OEM
    and I stuck it all in a coolermaster CM690 with extreme power duo 650W PS. I'm reusing my current input devices and monitor. I am not overclocking.
    Everything works fine except for my Nostromo n52. I can install the latest nostromo drivers/software (version 3.2.4) and device manager shows everything installed and working, but as soon as I plug the N52 in any usb port I instantly get a blue screen BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER crash. One time I got DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I also tried using the older drivers that origionally came with the install CD with the same BUGCODE result. I tried reinstalling XP and chose the repair option thinking that might help but no luck. I downloaded/installed the latest drivers for the mobo from MSI website. The n52 works fine on the asus A7N8X setup that this computer is replacing so i know its functioning.
    I though of trying to flash the BIOS to v1.6 since my mobo has v1.4, but I'm a bit reluctant to risk screwing it up being the bios descriptions of what was changed don't appear as though it would help my problem.
    Any one run into a similar problem? I can live without my n52 if I have to, but after several years it feels odd not having it under my left hand. Any help/tips/tricks are welcome.

    Here is the new situation which is actually the same old situation. I reformated my hard drive and reinstalled win XP pro (sp2). I then installed motherboard drivers and updated XP from windows update. Then I downloaded and installed the latest audio, ethernet, and INF drivers from the MSI website. I didn't install the raid drivers. I downloaded n52 drivers (3.2.4) from belkin website and installed them. I got the little blue icon installed in my system tray that I can use to open the loadout manager and launch editor for the n52. I then checked device manager for any new entries under HID/keyboard/mouse and there were none. I then plugged my n52 into a USB port and windows started giving me those little popup bubbles near the system tray stating new hardware is found. They pop up and disappear faster then i can write it all down, but the last one to popup was `nostromo n52 HID speed pad 2.0 mouse wheel` and then the system crashed to a blue screen BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER error. I then unplugged the n52 and rebooted. I booted to the desktop with the little blue icon still in the system tray. I plugged the n52 back in and DIDN"T crash. I checked device manager and under mouse I have `HID compliant mouse` listed twice, under keyboard I have `HID keyboard device` listed, and under HID I have `HID compliant game controler`, `nostromo n52 HID speed pad 2.0`, and ` nostromo n52 HID speed pad 2.0 mouse wheel` listed. Nothing was showing as being in conflict. I then loaded the game Lord of the Rings Online and played for 5 minutes with the nostromo seeming to work fine. I then logged out of the game and rebooted the computer. A few seconds after rebooting to the desktop the system crashed to BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER. Now the computer crashes the instant i plug in the n52 or upon reaching the desktop if its already plugged in. At the moment i still have the n52 drivers installed but i have the device unplugged.
    Yes Maesus, I have reformated and reinstalled XP twice in the last 2 weeks. The computer is only 2 weeks old
    NovJoe, the only other USB devices I have are my mouse and a headset/mic I use for ventrillo. I can plug and unplug either of them into any usb port with no problems.
    On a side note I noticed something that seems a bit strange but didn't think much of it. Is it normal for device manager AND My Computer to show floppy disk drive A: even though I have NO FLOPPY INSTALLED? This is the first computer I ever had that didn't have a floppy drive so I never would have noticed this before. Both entries will vanish if I disable floppy in the BIOS.

  • MSI P35 Neo2-FR / FIR

    Yesterday my pc didn't start and my motherboard status led were stuck on all green.After I turned off the PSU and turn it on again the leds went to all 4 red. After an hour of powering on and off ( and 1 CMOS reset) it went on red green red red (ram failure).   I kept trying while changing the ram position around but no luck. While doing my attempts I notice that only a few times did the leds blink confirming that the their status changed. Also i noticed that when the leds blinked , the pc fans were making more noise, normal to when the pc is on and working. The other times i noticed that the leds just kept their old colors and the fans were a bit quite than normal.A few times the leds changed from red green red red to all 4 red (cpu failure) and with the fan noise like when pc is working normally.
    The day before I had the same problem but I managed to start the pc within the first hour.
    Now i'm stuck at all 4 reds with no status change on them and fan noise lower meaning i think that is not getting to the point where is checking the cpu,ram etc.
    PC Configuration:
    - Motherboard : MSI P35 Neo2-FR / FIR BIOS Vs : 1.C
    - CPU : Intel e8400 no OC
    - PSU : Fortron Blue Storm II 500 W
    - GPU : Gainward ATI Radeon HD 4850 no OC
    - RAM : 2x Corsair XMS2-6400 ver 5.4 no OC

    I removed the battery and reset the CMOS. After 2-3 hours i reinserted the battery and now the status led blink once to red green red red ( ram failure). I had this ram failure problem for a long time but i used to fix it by a CMOS reset or a few movement of the rams and was fine for a couple of months until it resurfaces at random.
    I have tried 2 different rams and the same led status show. Also when i press the reset button, in 3 seconds the PC shutdown and restarts. Before yesterday pressing reset was just making the motherboard restart and the leds were blinking once again to show the status change but now no blink on the leds when i press reset.

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    P35 Neo2-FIR Mobo
    Q9400 CPU
    2x2GB Corsair PC6400 CL5 DDR2 RAM
    ATI HD 3450 Graphics card
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    Now my guess is that the reason this doesn't work is because my CPU isn't supported by BIOS 1.8, which is the one that came with the motherboard. It is supported by 1.9, however. But how do I flash my BIOS to 1.9 if I can't even get past the POST screen?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Quote from: AaronYuri on 31-August-08, 05:01:15
    Correct. That's why I said to not flash the BIOS.
    Have you tried a barebone configuration?
    I've tried with just the CPU, graphics card, one harddrive and one stick of RAM, and here's what happens:
    It tries to boot up a first time, the four small status leds on the mobo light up red and power cuts off.
    Then it boots up again and it seems to be getting farther as the leds flash red and green in different patterns. I even get the MSI logo on the screen for a fraction of a second. Only it seems to be stuck in a loop: the screen disappears again, the leds flash the patterns all over, the logo flickers back on and off, and so on...
    The only way to stop the loop is to hit DEL, after which I get the boot screen saying Genuine Intel etc, 2048MB OK and that's where it freezes. At this stage, the LEDs are stuck on the following pattern, top to bottom: green red green red, which according to my manual means "Testing Base and Extended Memory".
    So I thought something might be wrong with the RAM and I tried to switch to the other stick, but that didn't help, same problem.
    Any ideas?

  • P35 Neo2 - OS died, need help restoring RAID after re-install of XP

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    Here's my situation:
    Same hardware, MB, etc. I originally set up the system with a 20gb IDE and two 320gb SATA drives. I put the OS on the 20gb, and set the two 320's up as a RAID. I partitioned the 320's into 200gb + 120gb sections on each drive. The 200gb partitions were mirrored between the two drives, and the remaining 120gb on each drive was used as non-RAID storage space.
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    I'm in over my head at this point, so any help would be appreciated.

    A 200gb partition is restored, but the 120gb is not, which is confusing. ALso, when I look at the logical drives in the partition, I'm beginning to think I had the 200gb mirror /120 gb storage backwards. The data restored is not something I would be concerned with losing. It's installed applications, and multimedia files that I could lose without worry.
    There is also 70gb dynamic drive labeled Missing.  I know I left a small portion of all three of the drives unallocated as a reserve, so that must be what this is. It's like the RAID info is incomplete which leads me to the next piece of info.
    Something I didn't initially mention for the sake of brevity, was when I right-clicked on 'Import Disk' the applet noted the disk was 3/3. I assumed that meant disk 3 of 3 disks. I've since begun to wonder if I imported the disks in the wrong order. ie) I should have imported disk 1/3 first.
    Do you know how to clear out Disk Mgt's info, so I can start over?
    I also noticed only one of the 320 SATA's shows up in Device Mgr, (DM). What I found both confused me and encouraged me.
    When I created the array, I named the the drives RAID0 and RAID1. They both show up in DM. But only one of them shows up as the drive model: WDC WD3201ABYS-01B9A0. There should be two of them.
    The OS knows there should be a RAID, but for some reason only one of the drives show up as hardware.  I rebooted and checked the data and power supply cables, (connected), the BIOS, (both drives show up) and both drives show up in Disk Mgt.  Just not in DM.
    Does that mean the HD has died?
    Part of my difficulty is I had a brain injury in 2001, followed by another in 2003. The 2nd injury caused 6 months of what the docs call it a walking coma - I walked and talked, but have no memory of the time.
    When I 'woke up' in the Fall of 2003, I found I had lost considerable cognitive function and other problems.  These problem have ended up disabling me, (I'm now on SS Disability).
    Until then I had been a 'System Admin' for micro-businesses, (max - 15 computers). I built systems and servers, installed networks, maintained them and did all the support. Basically I was these company's Sys Admin on an as-needed basis.
    One thing I lost was the ability to troubleshoot and repair hardware. Combined with other cognitive problems, I was forced into closing my business. At the time, I was maintaining close to fifty offices; ~20 had Peer-to-Peer networks & ~20 had servers I had built.
    What's doubly frustrating is I was just getting ready to sign up with an online backup service when I got hit with a nasty malware/virus that's so new there's no info on the 'net about it. I got entangled in trying to fix it and spaced out the online back up. Now I find myself in a situation where I desperately need to restore the data on these RAID drives.  Because of the memory problems I now have, I completely depend on my computer as an auxiliary 'brain' - I have stuff on these drives that I have to have.
    I didn't do much with RAID when I was still in the biz, and this is the first time I've had problems with a RAID of my own, so I'm struggling to figure this stuff out.
    Should I be able to install one of these drives by itself so I can get the data from it? The way I understand the theory of RAID is that if one drive dies, you can put another in and the mirrored portion will re-create itself on the new drive.  Couldn't that be a way to get the important data off the drive or drives if they don't want to go back together as a RAID?
    I could back each up to the online service and then just rebuild them.  Not my first choice, but it would reduce my stress level if I thought I could do it.
    Sorry to go on, but now you can see why I'm both struggling & worried.
    Thanks for any info or help.

  • P35 Platinum & P35 Neo2 Series

    beta BIOS for P35 Platinum & P35 Neo2 Series(MS-7345, PCB 1.1) ver V1.4B3:
    BIOS Sign-on message: A7345IMS V1.4B3 083107 (Date: 08/31/2007)
    Attachment name: P35 Platinum and P35 Neo2 Series 1.4B3.zip
    Make and ensure PC is stable before proceed. flash BIOS from USB key, by using our Tool(easy & safe way to flash):
    MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool 
    Use Beta or Modded BIOSes at own risk!
    Feeback are Welcome!!! Thanks!!

    Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 25-September-07, 04:00:50
    A new BETA has just surfaced in the German MSI Forum: A7235IMS.151 (09/21/07).
    For anyone interested, here is a Link to the BIOS (use at your own risk!):
    Changelog will follow shortly.  The admin did not find the time yet.
    The changelog did not follow that shortly after all, but it goes like this:
    Fix some DDR can not boot issue
    There seems to be a new beta (1.5b2) around. Unfortunately I don't have a link to it, but here is the changelog:
    Fix Smart FAN Fail from S3 wake up issue
    Here it the Link to BIOS 1.52 BETA.  The BIOS was just uploaded.  Use it at your own risk!!

  • A problem with the P35 Neo2-FR

    Firstly I'm new to this forum and by the looks of it its not based in Europe so you're all probably asleep right now.
    Anyway, I am having trouble getting this motherboard, Neo2-FR, to boot at all and nothing but a blank screen. No BIOS, no splashscreen, nothing.
    When I short the power switch it turns on, then off, then on and the LEDs go through the sequences of red/green until it reaches green, green, red, green and stops. The red CMOS LED is lit constantly, the blue PCI-E LED is lit, LED 13 (PCI slot 1) flickers constantly but the PCI slots are empty.
    I've tried using 4 sticks of RAM, 2sticks of RAM and 1stick of RAM. It makes no difference. The FSB has been set to 200, 266 and 333 to no effect. I have tried plugging in a floppy drive, CD-ROM and harddrive all to no effect. I have tried pressing the CMOS switch, shorting the power, shorting the reset switch and patience.
    I'm very thorough and usually something is faulty when I can't fix it.
    Whats wrong with it? Is LED flickering a bad sign?
    edit: this board should boot without a BIOS update for 45nm chips
    Thank you for all your support
    -MSI P35 Neo2-FR (UK) revision A7345 IMS 150 and BIOS unknown
    -Intel socket 775 E8400 "Wolfdale" stepping C0 Retail
    -DDR2 Crucial Ballistix PC5300 CAS 3 1Gb x4
    -Ati HD3850xt 512MB DDR3
    -Enermax Noisetaker 600w 3.3V 34A 5V 34A 12V1 18A 12V2 18A
    -Hard Drives: Not available
    -Optical Drives: LG 4123B DVD-RW
    -Operating System - not installed
    Here is a picture:

    That's definetely a new one...
    I would still flash to the correct BIOS with the CPU microcode for your Wolfdale. That BIOS would be v1.6: >>Link<<
    Flash the BIOS with our USB flashing tool: >>MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool<<

  • Bios Update Problem P35 Neo2 - MS 7345 V 1.1

    I've update my board bios because a "hard disk not present" problem and since it I was having several problems:
    I'm running Windows XP SP2 and it takes a very long time to start (in bar and loading windows screen).
    The major problem I have is when power on the computer it is alwayls showing the red font message that says it was a problem overclocking, so everytime I need to go into setup and to save changes whitout changing anything.
    I suspect the bios I've installed is not the right one since the start screen says "MSI Neo Patinum" instead Neo2, but I've used Live Update ... so it should be the rigth one.
    Can anybody help me please with this?

    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 30-April-09, 06:32:24
    first of all, can you please provide full system specs for comparison?  Read the >>Posting Guide<< to get an idea of what we need to know.
    Hello Again, first of all I want to thank you for answering so fast. Also I have to apologize for my "not so good" english.
    # CPU brand, model and speed (eg AMD Athlon64 X2 5600+ 'Brisbane' core)
                  DualCore Intel Pentium E2160, 1800 MHz (9 x 200)
    # Motherboard model (eg K9A2 Platinum, NOT just MS-7376!!)
                  P35 Neo2 - MS 7345 V 1.1
    # Memory brand, type/speed, size, number of sticks (eg 2x1GB Crucial  DDR2-800)
                  2x1GB Supertalent DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-15 @ 400 MHz) (4-4-4-10 @ 266 MHz) (3-3-3-8 @ 200 MHz)
    # Video card brand, chipset type, memory size (eg Gainward Geforce 8800GT 512MB PCI-E)
                  XFX NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT (256 MB)
    # Hard drive(s) brand, size, type, speed (eg 2x Seagate 200gb SATA150)
                  WDC WD3200AAKS-00VYA0 (298 GB, SATAII)
    # Any other peripheral cards and devices (eg MSI TV@nywhere Plus TV card, MSI PC54G2 Wireless LAN PCI card)
                 Multi Flash Reader USB Device
                 Realtek RTL8185 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Network Adapter   PCI
    # Operating system and version (eg Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 32bit)
                 MICROSOFT Windows XP Pro SP2 32bit
    # Power Supply Unit brand and output in watts and DC output (amps)
               Vistuba 550W Power Supply
               +3.3 V   35A
               +5 V           30A
               +12 V   20A
    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 30-April-09, 06:32:24
    Three important questions:
    1. Which BIOS Version were you using before the update.
    2. Which Version did you update to?
    3. Did you clear CMOS with main A/C power cable removed from PSU after the Update?
    1. I'm not sure what bios version come with the board (my misstake) but it was older than I've now.
    2. I'm actually using AMI 1.10 Build Date: 11/10/2008
    3. Yes I did
    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 30-April-09, 06:32:24
    Did that problem disappear after the update?
    The hard disk problem didn't show any more
    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 30-April-09, 06:32:24
    What kind of hard drive are you using and what port is it connected to?
    WDC WD3200AAKS-00VYA0 (298 GB, SATAII)
    it is connected to SATA 5 port acording to Board manual diagram
    I've checked hard disk SMART and health and it is ok
    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 30-April-09, 06:32:24
    - If you have an IDE/PATA Hard Drive:
    .....What kind of cable are you using? (40 or 80 wire)
    .....Is there any other drive connected to the IDE cable (how are the jumper settings for each drive (MASTER/SLAVE/CABLE Select)?
    I Haven't IDE/PATA Hard Drive
    I will tell you the story:
    I bought the computer and I was using the Blue (Marvel) sata port for the hard disk.
    Then a normal day I began to have a very low Windows start so I changed the sata plug to a purple one and the problem disappeared.
    Then I began to have the same problem again so I changed the plug again but problem was there anyway so decide to update bios to 1.8 version.
    The problem come back randomly and sometimes it disappeared just changing the sata port to wich the plug is connected to.
    After that I began to have the "No hard disk present" error and I cleared the CMOS and tried several things until it come to work again.
    Few time ago I noticed that was a newer bios version, so then I used Live Update to update bios and drivers again.
    Now I'm having the "slow" problem again. I'have been trying several configurations and testing programs but I just didn't find anything wrong.
    I'm having the first post problem (overcloking message after power on)
    I also had a very rare issue few time ago when shutdown the pc: few minutes later it power on by It self !! until I have disabled every wake up event from setup.
    I hope you can understand, and thanks again for your help.

  • MSI P35 Neo2 (MS-7345) strange BIOS problem

    Hi all,
    My first post here - just wondering if someone could help me.
    I recently 'accidentally' flashing my bios version from 1.8 to 1.C on my MS-7345 (P35 Neo 2) board, after deciding to install live update. While I know it's often considered a bad idea to flash the bios when everything's working, but I did it anyway. Since doing it I got many many BSODs. I'm running XP Pro 32 bit btw. I got these BSODs mostly when the computer was working hard, but not always. I'd barely be able to do anything sometimes. Occasionally Windows would even crash on start-up.
    I made sure that i was running the latest drivers for all my components, peripherals, etc, including motherboard and graphics card. I even reformatted my HDD and reinstalled Windows from scratch just in case it was a virus. However, the problem has continued, and I even got a few BSODs during my reinstallation of Windows XP Pro.
    Another thing I tried was reverting back to the old bios version (1.8), but this made no difference, so I eventually returned to the latest 1.C.
    I've written down all the error message codes somewhere, though I've currently misplaced the sheet I wrote them on. If you need to know the exact codes I can locate it and add it to this thread. I probably got about 30 BSODs per day. Often they were IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL type ones, but definitely not just that. Each code I got I researched thoroughly to see if I could work out the problem. Some pointed to RAM Failure, some to HDD problems, some to bad Graphics card, some to corrupt drivers. Pretty much anything you can think of, the errors 'blamed'. However, I had a hunch regarding the bios / motherboard.
    I eventually discovered (by chance) after re-flashing the bios (which I'm doing in DOS using the suggested AFUD after a reboot) that if I...
    1. Switch on the computer
    2. Enter BIOS Setup by pressing Del
    3. Turn of the boot sector protection (in order to flash bios) and set USB stick to be the first boot device
    4. Boot to DOS from my USB stick and flash the bios in DOS
    5. Reboot
    This is the critical bit...
    6. When when I get the 'Bad checksum, Press F1 to enter BIOS setup or F2 to use default values' PRESS F2 (it won't work if you go into bios setup as this will then require another reboot before loading windows).
    7. Let Windows XP load as normal.
    If I follow all the above steps (I discovered this by mistake), the computer is 100% stable. I even tried some burnout tests and played some cpu & gpu intensive games with settings on full to give it a real workout, which previously would have ended up in a BSOD within seconds.
    If I then reboot the computer (or shut down and switch it back on the next day) and let windows load, it will be unstable again, just as before!
    In other words, I'm currently having to flash the bios every time I switch on my PC or reboot it in order to get a stable system.
    So this problem isn't fixed - but I've found a workaround at least for now.
    Incidentally I've tried installing a new CR2032 bios battery, since I thought it might be losing settings on reboot, but this didn't make any difference.
    I personally don't think it's actually the BIOS Reflashing that's making it work - just something weird in the bios settings. It's as if 'erasing the checksum' (cleaning out these dodgy bios settings), which forces the PC to load the defaults the next time it boots, is helping. I have to just mention that going into bios set-up and choosing 'Load Fail-Safe Defaults' does NOT help, since the computer reboots when you 'Save Settings and Exit'. It's as if the bios settings corrupt every time on boot, which causes the crashes.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    To return to the previous bios, just download the one you want and use the forums tool.
    >>Use the MSI HQ Forum USB flasher<<
    Before you do that, try to boot and enter bios. Hit f6 for optimized defaults save and exit see if the problem persists.

  • Hard disk not detected p35 neo2 fr

    hi i have a p35 neo2 fr (great mobo) and on the boot it says:
    adapter 1:
    no hard drives detected!
    but i leave it and windows loads as normal.
    could this be becuase of corrupted bios? if so will flashing fix this problem
    the only downside is slow startup and shutdown times.
    this problem occured wheni installed a sata dvd writer.
    in bios it shows the dvd drive as port 1 and hdd's in 5,6
    it also displays the dvd drive as being primary master and the hard drives being 3rd and 4th master.
    i was thinking switching the sata ports may change it?
    any help appreciatted.
    p35 neo2 fr
    vista home premium 32bit
    2gb ocz pc6400
    3870 ati
    700w ocz psu
    xigmatek hdt s1238
    samsun s203 dvd writer
    2x 160gb seagate barracudas

    Hello hugh495,
    adapter 1:
    no hard drives detected!
    Does this message appear to be a Marvell-Controller Status message?  If yes, and there is no drive connected to the fifth SATA port or the IDE port, that message does not indicate a problem.
    the only downside is slow startup and shutdown times.
    this problem occured wheni installed a sata dvd writer.
    Which SATA port is your optical drive connected to?

  • P35 Neo2-F Sata2 Raid1 problems

    i have some problems with MSI P35 Neo2-F mb...
      I can't make it work with 2 sata2 Hard Drives in RAID1 mode
       Last BIOS update done,
       The install of the OS (win xp prof sp2/sp3) is ok, but if you want to format last partition of RAID drive it cames with blue screen and restart - after restart it said that the Raid Matrix is demaged  - and won't boot...   "please select PROPER BOOT DEVICE"
    ID NAME              LEVEL                    STRIP            SIZE                        STATUS            BOOTABLE
    0  VOLUME0         RAID1 (MIRROR)         N/A             149GB                      FAILED              NO
    PORT DRIVE MODEL                 SERIAL #                  SIZE                       TYPE/STATUS (VOL ID)
    2       ST3160813AS                                               149.1GB                  ERROR OCCURED(0)
    3       ST3160813AS                                               149.1GB                  ERROR OCCURED(0)
       Raid Volume = 160x2 = RAID1 MODE 149GB - split in 3 parts (50Gb each)
      Any suggestion is welcome...
    Proc Intel Dual Core E5200 (2,5Ghz/800fsb/2mb)
    Memories: Desktop Memory KVR800D2N5/2G KINGSTON (DDR2,2GB,800MHz,Non-ECC CL5)  or
                                         KVR800D2N5K2/4G  KINGSTON (DDR2,4GB 2x2gb DC,800MHz,Non-ECC CL5)
    VGA: WinFast PX8400 GS Silent
    HDD: 2 x SEAGATE Barracuda 7200.10 (3.5",160GB,8MB,SATA II-300) ST3160813AS
    RAID 1
    POWER COOLER MASTER Extreme Power Plus 460W
    fdd DRIVE - for instaling with F6 - raid drivers
    Optical LG DVDRW DL ata/ide

    How old are the drives?
    Try a full write 0 on both drives and see what happens after.
    You will need a working pc to do this.
    Take both drives out and run HDDGURU LLF tool on them, this will do the write 0.

  • Need Help with ESATA on MSI P35 Neo2-FR

    I have the MSI P35 Neo2-FR motherboard http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=proddesc&maincat_no=1&cat2_no=&cat3_no=&prod_no=1261 and trying to get the eternal ESATA to work.  It works with one individual HD.  I'm using an external ESATA drive with 3 HD inside the external case with one cable running into the external ESATA in the back of the motherboard.  It's only recognizing 1 drive and the other 2 isn't showing up.  If I switch it to USB connection it will read all 3 drives.  I'm running windows 7 x64 but it recognize on my other 2 computers with a different motherboard. I have install it with the ACHI setup in Bios and I've also install the Matrix Storage Controller after installation.  I never install the Intel ICH9R SATA RAID driver where you have to press the F6 to install it.  Is that what I'm missing and is taht needed for the ESATA to work?    I'm getting this message "A storage device was connected. If this device is a port multiplier, only port 0 of the port multiplier will be active." Been googling all day and still can't figure out what I'm missing.
    Any help would greatly be appreciated.

    For some reason this board is Bios only have IDE, RAID and ACHI and I don't see a SATA.
    IDE, RAID and AHCI are operating modes of the SATA Controller.  Everything okay here.
    Seems to me it's either this board and it's driver don't let you use the port multiplier but it suppose to support port multiplier.
    It is neither the board, nor is it the driver.  It is a limitation of the Intel ICH9R Chipset.  You will have the same problem on all P35/ICH9R based mainboards.  Read here:
    Unfortunately, used in the south bridges ICH9R the version of such technology provides access only to one hard disk at the specific moment of time. . The technology became more complex to realize , which implies to several access disks simultaneously, possesses higher cost and more higher central processor loads , therefore it can be rejected.
    Here is the same problem on a Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6:
    Nothing you can do about it.

  • P35 Neo2-FR / Marvell Controller problem. - DVD/CD Burning

    I think this is hardware related and more like limitation of the model rather than one faulty motherboard.
    My setup is
    P35 Neo2-FR / E8400 / WinXP
    I have all 4 intel SATA for RAID so I've used Marvell controller for my DVDRW. 1st was NEC drive IDE and while it read disc fine it couldn't burn any CD/DVDs
    I thought it was faulty DVDRW so I've bought a new samsung SATA burner. It has SAME exact problem. Cannot start burning.
    I've tested the same unit with different computer, and of course it works.
    I'm sure not many people have similar spec as mine (4 SATA HD RAIDS) so this might go unnoticed but I find it a very serious problem.

    Quote from: larciel on 12-February-08, 07:08:08
    I just found out that it is actually reported as SCSI.
    That's the DEVICE_ID for the Drive.
    You might be right. This might be issue with Raid and Marvell conflicting.
    I use Lastest driver for all of them. I actually use DriverPacks from DriverPacks.net
    Just trying to see if anyone have same config as mine so I can know that this is driver issue and not hardware issue.
    You could disconnect your raid setup and attach your burner to a Intel SATA port and see what the Intel controller thinks about your burner. Bios in none raid mode and fast boot disabled so you can see whats going on.
    Boy there is another possible problem. I would never use the DriverPacks on hardware that I can get drivers for manually. Did you slipstream the DriverPack into your XP disk? I have seen the wrong drivers used and or mis configured when doing so.

  • Does P35 Neo2 FIR have Wake-On-Lan support?

    I just got a P35 Neo2 FIR but I can't seem to wake it up from the LAN. Does it have WOL-support?

    I can't seem to find any settings in the bios which indicates wake up on the LAN interface. There are settings for keyboard, mouse etc. but none for LAN. Which menu is it listed in?

  • P35 Neo2-FR and VOIP card questions

    I'm evaluating buying this motherboard and would like to know a couple of things:
    - Do all P35 Neo2-FR include ALC-888T codec instead of ALC-888? If not, how do I find out which ones do and which ones don't? I'm asking this because it clearly says "Optional" in the product web page, but it doesn't specify which ones have the ALC-888T codec
    - If I understand correctly the only difference between ALC-888 and ALC-888T is VOIP card support, is this so?
    - Has anyone tried using this MB with a VOIP card? How did it go? (Ease of installation, ease of use, sound quality, etc.)
    - Are VOIP cards common? I just did a quick search at Newegg and I couldn't find any. Not a single one  ???
    - I think the P35 Diamond MB comes bundled with a VOIP card. I guess the P 35 Neo2-FR DOESN'T come bundled with one, am I correct?
    - If anyone has bought a VOIP card to use with this board, where did you buy it and approximately how much did you pay for it?
    Any help GREATLY appreciated 

    Thanks everyone for your replies.
    Quote from: Maesus on 30-November-07, 14:51:39
    that's only P35 Platinum, not P35 Neo2-FR :(
    city_zen, is VOIP a must-have feature for you?
    No, not really a must-have feature, but it would be a very nice thing to have on my board. I'd definitely use it if it was in fact available (i.e. ALC-888T) and I can get a hold of a VOIP card. However, it's looking like that's not very likely to happen ... Oh, well ...
    Anyway, this is a very good board even w/o the VOIP feature, so I'm still considering buying it.

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