P45 Platinum - No Beep but Post & Start Up OK

When I turn on my computer it passes post, gets to the boot loader and starts up without any problems.
However, I noticed that it doesn't beep after posting successfully.
In fact, I have never heard any beeps from this mobo ever.
This new build is about 3 weeks old, stock settings, and I am slowly working towards achieving stability.
I guess I should also mention that in the first couple of weeks, POST would very often stall at "Decompressing BIOS image to RAM..." when I powered-up, re-started or pressed the reset button.  But there were never any beeps.
(Red-red-green-green if you refer to the group of 8 LEDs beside the internal reset button.)
This problem is much better now - I haven't stalled in several days....but still no beep.
My old PC would beep once after post and move on to start-up....Have I just gotten used to hearing the beep?
Or is the "no beep" something I should be concerned about? 
Any info would be much appreciated.

HA!  Problem solved....and I feel like an ass!  So sorry...I totally went blonde for a bit there!  I just assumed there was an on-board spkr on the P45.  (My case didn't come with a spkr.)  Anyway, I was able to salvage a really old spkr from the graveyard of computers at my work...the 2" tweeter type!  Hung it in the rear area of the case with a cable tie.  It doesn't look pretty...but it works!  Thanks!

Similar Messages

  • K8N Neo Platinum no beeps or post

    Just got my K8N Neo Platinum, installed my psu (jeantech 400w twin 12v rails) ati 7800 pro and 1gb (2 x 512mb) crucial ballistic ram.
    Only to get no post or bleeps.  Took graphics card out - nothing, removed mem - nothing.  Tried a qtec psu, and generic memory still nothing.
    I am using a Winchester 3200, which was in an AV8 motherboard, but this stopped working.  The led panel shows 4 leds (2 red & 2 orange-ish)  seems this means that cpu is knackerd.
    Anyone got any ideas?
    Oh yeah I have reset bios etc etc.

    Did you plug in JPW1?
    This powers your CPU
    ati 7800 pro
    Are you sure this is an ATI card and not a nVidia?
    Is this a AGP card that you have or a PCI-E ?

  • P45 Platinum no post

    Got a little(read : big) problem with my pc atm.
    Mobo : P45 Platinum Bios:1.7f? I think, cant switch it on to check...
    CPU : Q6600 @ 3Ghz
    Ram : 2x2g Patriot 800
    GFX : HD3850
    PSU : Thermaltake Toughpower 650w
    Hdds : Unplugged
    DVD : Unplugged
    On Saturday it was fine at the lan I went to.
    Took it to my cousins house to fix her pc. What I did was swap my gfx and ram with her gfx(x1900xt) and ram(1x2g 800 Samsung).
    It basically did nothing, all 4 leds stayed red. Means cpu failure in the book, now my 6600 didnt move so it should be fine. I tried resetting bios, tried taking out the cmos battery, change ram and gfx back. Remove ram, gfx, and cpu entirely so I can hope to hear an error beep, but nothing. Tried a different cpu, my e7400 that I changed for the 6600 and still just 4 red led lights.
    I'm not sure what else I can try, I've got the mobo out on the desk with just the psu, ram, and cpu hooked up. No gfx atm cause I just want it to give me an error post beep.
    I have noticed that all the led lights(blue and red) on the board start almost pulsing after a few seconds of the power being on.
    Does this mean dead mobo? Its about the last thing I can attribute it to.
    I can swap any part if need be(I have already).
    If anyone could help I would be grateful.

    I got the pc setup on the desk in front of me atm.
    All I can do is keep repeating the same string of non-working fixes that I've used before.
    1 : Press clear cmos button on backpanel : not working.
    2 : Use jumper to clear cmos on mobo : not working.
    3 : Remove battery to clear cmos : not working.
    4 : Change cpu : not working.
    I'll be waiting for a reply if anyone has any good advice.

  • P45 Platinum - Triple Posting/Dual Posting

    I searched many places on the net but could not come to a resolution. This seems like 'the' place. Well I have a P45 Platinum. It always double posts/triple posts before boot up. And this only happens on cold boot. So if I power down, and leave the UPS on, boot up is normal. If I turn the UPS off, then it mult-posts.
    1. Will start (fans spin and no display) for 2 seconds.
    2. Goes off for 2 seconds.
    3. Again (1)
    4. Again (2)
    5. Again (3)
    6. Again (4)
    7. Posts and starts normal.
    My system config is as:
    MSI P45 Platinum (BIOS 1.6 dated 02/20/2009)
    [email protected]@1.432V + CM Hyper 212
    Corsair TWIN2X4096-8500C5(5-5-5-15)@2.1V@1016Mhz (could not get it to 1066 Mhz)
    2 x HD4890[Xfire]@1000/900[MEM/GPU]
    Corsair 650TX
    Seagate 180GB+80GB
    The CPU OC is perfectly stable. Have stressed it using OCCT / Prime95 / RealTEMP / Furmark. Can game for hours with no issue. Temperatures are good too.
    thanks a ton....!

    Quote from: Jack t.N. on 06-January-10, 22:58:18
    Remove your OC Settings...
    Okay I bought the system to default, by loading and committing all values using the F6 in the BIOS. The system is first posting perfect.
    FSB:DRAM ration = Auto
    V - DRAM = Auto
    SS = Yes
    Ram is running at 534.6 Mhz (1:2 DRAM:FSB) @ 5-7-7-24.
    Now the question is: How do I get this baby to run at 4.0 Ghz. With the quickest RAM speed. If I can not get quick RAM speed no issue, but I want the 4.0 Ghz speed for the CPU.
    Quote from: Del UK on 06-January-10, 22:37:31
    With the overclock you achieved and components..... I am 90% sure, that PSU (Even though good quality) does not have the power for first cold boot.
    If you leave UPS on, parts of system still receiving power, so not as hard on PSU.
    As quick test, what happens, if you removed 1 of the graphics cards and boot from cold?
    I will give this a try, but default settings are working fine -- if I cannot get the 4.0 Ghz with quick RAM option, will load the OC and try with one GPU.

  • P45 Platinum Posting Issue

    I have a P45 Platinum Motherboard that I purchased from Newegg on the 14th. I recieved it on the 17th and built a brand new system with it from scratch. I'm using an intel E8400 Wolfdale CPU along with  4 sticks of 2GB G-SKILL DDR2 RAM (PC-8500) @ 1066. I'm currently using a BFG 8600 GT graphics card (soon to be a Sapphire 3870x2) and its all being powered up by a Rosewill PSU with 850 watts of power. All items purchased from Newegg (aside from the 8600gt, thats an old card).
    Here is whats frustrating me, and as you can see from the topic's title... my system doesnt post... sort of.
    Technically it does POST however it will only POST if i hit the "Clear CMOS" button located on the back of the system. Upon doing so, the system will act as though its booting up for the very first time. It will ask you to set up your CMOS configurations and once that is complete it will load up Vista right off my Harddrive with no problems.
    Once the system is shutdown or restarted, the system WILL NOT POST and I am forced to clear the CMOS again!
    Now... I have troubleshooted ALOT with this board... and I'm left with only two conclusions... either this board is defective (highly likely) or it just needs its BIOS updated.
    Ram sticks, video card, HDD, DVD drives... all have nothing to do with it! I can remove all devices and turn the system on with no memory sticks, and I will be left with 4 solid red lights (the ones that turn green after posting) and there will be no beeps of any kind to indicate I dont have memory installed. However... once i hit the clear cmos button then it will post and it will correctly see that there is no memory sticks... it will beep.. I will shut down... I will install devices... turn it on and it will POST.
    It appears it can complete the initial POST without issue, its POSTING for a second or a third time thereafter that becomes the issue...
    I need help with this in a desperate way...

    So okay, heres whats bugging me in regards to my memory sticks. Your throwing out numbers like PC2-6400 but on the stick it says PC2-8500?
    So... is it incorrect or what?
    Let me try to explain a little more detailed:
    A given board/BIOS is not able to read the sticker that is glued to your modules but only the SPD Profiles that are pre-programmed into the SPD Chips of your sticks.  If you check those SPD-Tables with Everest, Memset 3.5 or Memory-Z (in BIOS) you can see for yourself that the "fastest" Profile is a JEDEC-Standard DDR2-800-Profile [CL5 @1.8V].  There is no profile for DDR2-1066 clock speed.  That is why whatever Board or BIOS you try, your modules will be detected and handled as DDR2-800 (PC2-6400) modules.  It is evident, that there is no issue here and there is no point in discussing this any further.
    So, what does the PC2-8500 rating mean?  It means, that G.Skill has tested these modules, which are essentially DDR2-800 sticks, up to DDR2-1066 clock speed with increased voltage.  Basically, G.Skill is giving you a permission to overclock these memory sticks by increasing the voltage above the 1.8V +/- 0.1V JEDEC-DDR2-standard without voiding your warranty.  Therefore they sell these modules as DDR2-1066 RAM.
    If your RAM was "real" DDR2-1066 memory, it would have to be able to operate @1.8V (DDR2 standard voltage) above 1000 MHz.  But in order to be to that the timings your timings would have to be relaxed to CL6 or CL7 depending on the chips used by the manufacturer.  In addition to that, there needs to be an SPD-Profile that tells the BIOS that these modules are DDR2-1066 and that it should set frequency, timings and voltage accordingly. 
    Furthermore, the P45 Memory Controller does not natively support DDR2-1066 modules.  That is why that rating is tagged with an "OC"-mark on the product page of the P45 Platinum. 
    This said, your only option to get these modules to DDR2-1066 speed is to manually set the clock speed and increase DRAM voltage in BIOS.  There is no other way to get there and it is also perfectly normal to do that. 
    Now, let's look at your actual problem:  The system is unstable as soon as you want to overclock your RAM to the DDR2-1066 rating, that G.Skill has promised you.
    There are a couple of reasons that can cause such an instability:
    1. Your memory modules are not up to the task of running at that speed.
    2. Your memory related BIOS settings (especially timing & voltage) are not properly set.
    3. The board is incapable of supporting such clock speeds above chipset specifications (remember: DDR2-800 max. according to Intel).
    4. The board's current BIOS is not optimized in such a way, that it can properly handle DDR2-1066 clock speed.
    I can assure you, that the board has no problems with DDR2-1066 in generell and I suspect that this is simply a BIOS related problem.  I have no issues getting my Kingston HyperX RAM to DDR2-1066 speed with BIOS v1.1b5.
    I am still using the v1.0 Bios. I've already stated that I don't feel comfortable flashing my BIOS with something thats in Beta.
    Of course, I can understand that and it is generally not a bad idea to be careful with BETA releases.  However, in your case I believe the problem is rather BIOS related.  I had stability problems with DDR2-1066 clock speed with different earlier BIOS Versions as well (including v1.0) and I have tested more than 10 BETA- and Performance releaes so far.  BIOS v1.1b5 however allows stable operation @DDR2-1066 MHz.
    If you do not want to use flash this BETA, you will have to wait for an official release which can be expected soon.  This official release will be based on v1.1b5 and it could very well be the case, that v1.1b5 will simply be renamed to v1.10 and offered for download on the product page. 
    And as I remember it, it supposedly voids your warranty if used??
    You can contact MSI Technical Support and describe your problem there as well.  I am almost sure that they will provide you with a more recent BETA BIOS in return (v1.1b5 or later).  If you want to be reassured by an official feedback from MSI Support, I suggest you contact them and see what they have to say. 

  • P45 Platinum - Vista works just fine, but unable to get into BIOS

    This is my first build, so I'm still learning a lot. Be kind!
    I'm using the P45 Platinum with an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz Wolfdale cpu, 2 2gb sticks 1066mhz G-Skill ram, a Corsair 750w PSU, EVGA Nvidia 8800GTS video card, a 74gb WD Raptor HDD and a 250gb WD Caviar HDD (both SATA). I'm currently running 32bit Vista until 64bit has more support.
    I have never been able to access the BIOS - before Vista was installed the splash screen was too fast so I kept missing my oppurtunity to enter BIOS, so I went ahead and put in the Vista install DVD. It installed just fine - it doesn't see my second HDD, but I expected that due to it being SATA.
    I want to enter the BIOS to disable the audio so I can download the new Realtek audio drivers (I have no sound, even after installing the driver off the CD), but when I start up the computer and hit DEL (when prompted), it takes me to the Windows Boot Manager. Several times I have repeated the process and every time it takes me to the boot manager instead of the BIOS. The BIOS is obviously working, I just can't access it.
    Any help is appreciated.

    I have never been able to access the BIOS - before Vista was installed the splash screen was too fast so I kept missing my oppurtunity to enter BIOS
    Simply keep hitting  >DEL< as soon as the Splash screen appears.  If that doesn't help, clear CMOS with main A/C power cable removed from PSU.  Upon restart the system should hold with a CMOS Checksum error and give you the chance to hit F1 to enter BIOS Setup.  Now you can load "Optimized Defaults" and disable the BOOT LOGO.

  • P45 Platinum wont start up

    i have a p45 platinum motherboard. For some reason the board just wont start up anymore, it was working fine.
    when i plug it in, the power led glows, but when i hit the power button (on the board) some if not all of the leds, glow for like one second and then, nothing.
    Any idea what could be the issue ? is it fixable ?

    Quote from: fuzzz on 04-January-12, 19:53:11
    i have a p45 platinum motherboard. For some reason the board just wont start up anymore, it was working fine.
    Q8200 2.66@ 3.01Ghz
    2*1GB DDR2 Ram 800Mhz @ 860Mhz
    Overclocking means accelerated death, but that 10% level is not quite a dangerous one.
    Did you overclock them more than 10% in the past?
    And if yes, how much and for how long?
    Try to borrow another processor and another DDR2 module and see how it goes.

  • Problem with P45 Platinum during POST

    Good day! 
    I have MSI P45 Platinum mainboard and from to time to time it freezes during POST with AMI bios POST code - 423C. This happens right after the message that "4096MB OK" and before the detection of SATA/IDE drives.  When this happens, the only way to make the system run is to turn off the power (pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del of Reset would result in the same error)  - after that the POST procedure finishes correctly and I don't experience any problems afterwards (system is rock-solid after POST completion).
    So my question is - can anyone explain me what does this post code mean (D-Leds are not much of a help)? Is this a mobo problem or may be there is some kind of incompatibility with my hardware. I should mention also that I've tried all versions of Bios both official and beta without any success.
    This problem does not trouble me that much (doesn't happen often), but still I would like to understand what may cause it.
    P.S. My system config - iC2D E8300/MSI P45 Platinum/4x1Gb DDR2-800 Geil Black Dragon (5-5-5-15)/MSI Radeon 4870 1Gb OC edition/HDD 250 Gb WD + 120Gb Seagate/SB Audigy 4/DVD-RW Asus 1814/PSU TT Toughpower 700w (w0105)
    Thanx in advance and please excuse my poor English   

    Thank you for the reply! 
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 16-December-08, 06:39:42
    What is your current BIOS Version?
    I've recently flashed the latest beta bios version - 1,5 beta 6... but it produces the same error as did the latest official bios v1.4 
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    Does the same problem occur with only one memory module installed?
    I don't know actually. But thanks for pointing this out  - I will test the system with one (and then with two) module(s). I've tested the modules with the memtest86+ software (the latest version, which supports P45 chipset) several times and it showed no errors. So the modules are OK and they worked without any problems with my previous mb (Gigabyte P35-DS3).
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    What do the POST-Status LEDs of the board tell you, when the system freezes at the described stage?
    Well, I guess I don't fully understand what does the combination of LEDs tell during the freeze. I'll try to describe the combination -
    LED12 - OFF           LED13 - GREEN
    LED8 - RED             LED7 - OFF
    LED14 - OFF           LED10 - GREEN
    LED15 - RED           LED11 - OFF
    In mobo's manual this diagnostic LEDs are grouped in 4 groups and the description of the group that most closely resembles my case is - "Testing base and Extended memory etc." But I'm not sure that I'm identifying the problem correctly, because of the LEDs that are OFF.
    Quote from: Jack the Newbie
    Are you experiencing any freeze and/or stability problems appart from the described problem?
    No, as I said in my initial post, once it get past this stage everything is running smoothly - OS boots and all software, including the most demanding games or tests, are running OK.

  • P45 Platinum won't start

    Hi.  I have a P45 Platinum board that was working fine until last night when I moved it into a new case.  No components changed.  My set up is currently:
    Intel e8400
    Diamond HD 4850
    4 GB Patriot PDC22G8500ELK
    Creative X-Fi Fatality
    2x 36GB Raptor (striped)
    2x 500GB Seagate Barracuda (mirrored)
    PC Power and Cooling Silencer 610W PSU
    Right now the video card, sound card, and memory are all removed and it doesn't make a difference...
    Prior to switching cases I did not have an issue with start-up.
    The problem is that whenever I turn on the power, my fans spin up for about half a second, a few LEDs turn on, and then immediately everything goes off.  A few seconds later it repeats.
    I've triple-checked my PSU connections to the mobo and they're definitely plugged in.
    Any thoughts would be much appreciated...

    Quote from: Wonkanoby on 09-January-09, 16:20:41
    you have got the right number of stand offs in the right places
    Yes, that is correct.  The board powers up now but apparently, per the manual, the code it's giving me (LED groups 1-4 all red) is that my CPU is damaged or installed incorrectly.  I'm really hoping this isn't the case but I guess I'll have to look into it when I get home... luckily I have a spare mobo/CPU I can use for testing.
    Anyone know any other reason to get that error?  Hopefully not involving a damaged CPU?

  • P45 Platinum, screen stay of at post.

    I just get an MSI P45 back of my RMA. Now I have the P45 and try to boot. All disks spinning on, leds go on and the videocard fan makes noise for 2 seconds.
    But the POST and screen remains off, DVI or VGA, only 1 or 2 video card. Nothing helps.
    Even if I get the ram out from the board the screen remains black.
    Now are there leds on the motherboard you can see what is going on. Here is the sequence:
    Code: [Select]
    X -
    X -
    - O
    X -
    X = Red Led
    O = Green led
    - = Off led
    According to the booklet would be a memory test. Only that he also if there is no RAM in it, or 2 Dimms or 4.
    CMOS clear doesn't help either.
    Any idea what it could be?
    Intel Xeon X3360
    MSI P45 Platinum
    4x 1GB Team Xtreem
    2x Sapphire HD3870
    Cooler Master M700

    Quote from: Jack the Newbie on 24-October-08, 21:12:48
    why was the board send to RMA in the first place?  Was there a specific problem?
    The board I sended was an Asus P5E, that thing was crap and I wanted this one. Quote
    Have you tried each memory stick on its own in all memory slots?
    Yes I did, didn't workQuote
    Have you cleared CMOS with main A/C power cable removed from PSU?
    Yes, did it already. Doesnt work eitherQuote
    Have you tested the board outside the case on a non-conducting surface in barebone configuration?
    No I didnt, but I think it wont be any difference
    In about 2 hours I have other rams that I can test with other chips on it.

  • P45 platinum won't post

    Got my new p45 platinum after a long wait. But it just fail to post, monitor displays nothing.
    Switch on>LED 3 red>LED 12 8 14 15 all red with 13 7 10 11 dark
    Does anyone know what does it mean?
    spec is:e 8200,adata ddr2-800 2g*2,550w psu,hd 4850
    Help appreciated.

    Provide better details about HW used. Read >>Posting Guide<<
    "hd 4850"
    Brand, exact model.
    "adata ddr2-800 2g*
    exact model.
    "550w psu"
    Brand, + amperes per each rail.
    Verify all power cables:

  • P965 Platinum + strange beeps at start-up (USB related?)

    I just installed a new PC based on a MSI P965 Platinum. Everything seems to work fine but at start-up (when you see the BIOS detecting USB devices and the primary IDE) I get some strange beeps. There are about 5 beeps, and they don't sound all the same. When i remove all USB devices these beeps do not occur.
    I have succesfully installed windows Vista and everything seems to work fine.
    I have already update the BIOS to version 1.4, but no change.
    Anybody any idea ?

    you probably have a USB storage device that the BIOS is trying to boot and found it is not bootable, and hence BEEP
    maybe you can disable Boot from USB in the BIOS to get rid of the beeping

  • New k8n neo platinum w/ long beeps on post

    I just bought a new mobo and processor and when I get it to boot it just posts long beeps.  
    I started out with mem in all 3 slots - got long beeps
    pulled mem out of slot 2 and 3 - got long beeps
    unplugged power and plugged back in - system dead
    moved mem in slot 1 to slot 2 - got long beeps
    unplugged power and plugged back in - system dead
    moved mem from slot 2 to slot 3 - got long beeps
    unplugged power and plugged back in - system dead
    unplugged power and plugged back in - system dead
    unplugged power and plugged back in - system dead
    moved mem from slot 3 to slot 1 - got long beeps
    It seems that I have to change the mem config for the box to even power up....
    I pulled the video card also with same results.
    The mobo is a k8n neo nvidia nforce 3 250gb
    the processor is amd 64 socket 754 3000+
    the memory is IBM 33L5039 1gb pc2100 CL2.5 2.5V DDR ECC (it also has a Samsung tag on it that says Korea H 0405 PC2100R -25331-NO M312L2828ETO-CBO 1GB DDR PC2100 CL2.5 ECC)
    The power supply is an Intel ATX 12v AMD Recommended that ouputs 400w max
    power chart reads:
    red +5v 35a
    yellow +12v 15a
    white -5v .05a
    blue -12v .08a
    purple +3.3v 22a
    brown 5vsb 3a
    orage pg
    black gnd
    grey ps-on
    Anyone have an idea what could be wrong or where I can find an answer.

    Hi gotmud,
    I think you  may find your a little underpowered with your PSU.
    What graphics card & drives have you plugged in.
    See Basic Building Tips - Quote
    As this pertains to A64's make sure that you have a power supply that is either approved for use by MSI/AMD or that you have plenty of amps on the 12 volt rail. Typically we have noted many issues based on stability with PSU's being rated at less than 24A on the 12v rail.
    Until you get a stable system it would be best to work with just 1 memory module in slot 1

  • P45 Platinum - not booting

    Hi guys,
    I built my PC in 2009 and have had 2 years of trouble free running from it.  This month it has started giving me grief!
    Every time I turn it on it just repeatedly reboots after around 5 seconds.  When I press the power button all the fans spin up as do the HDD's.  There are no beeps from the motherboard and no BIOS info appears on my monitor.  It just reboots, spins everything up then reboots again etc.
    I have been able to start it each time by switching the PSU off, pressing the clear CMOS button then switching back on. I've been doing this every day for about 2 weeks now.
    Today it got worse.  I cleared the CMOS with the button on the back and tried to boot the system.  This time everything spins up but it doesn't reboot now.  It just runs the fans and HDD's indefinitely, until I switch the system off.  No beeps from the motherboard, no BIOS info on the monitor.  I tried clearing the CMOS again but it just does the same.  This happened once last week but I left it disconnected from the power supply overnight and I was able to switch the system on again.
    When the system does switch on it runs perfectly, no error message, no slowdown etc.
    The motherboard has the latest BIOS version according the MSI website, v1.60.
    I'm nor sure where to start looking for a fault. I think I'm just about ready to throw it out the nearest window  
    Specs -
    MoBo - P45 Platinum
    CPU - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
    GPU - XFX Radeon HD4890 Black Edition
    PSU - Coolermaster Real Power M520
    RAM - Kingston HyperX DDR2 4GB
    HDD - Samsung HD103UJ 1TB
             Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 ST31000528AS
    Optical Drive - LG GGL-H20L Blu Ray drive
    OS - Windows 7 64bit
    Hopefully someone here has some suggestions on where I should start looking for a fault.

    Just got my multimeter out and tested the 24 pin plug on the power supply.
    Removed power supply from the case and used some cable to connect pins 15 and 16 to make the cooling fan spin.
    Test results -
    Pin          Should be              Tested
    1               3.3v                     3.33v
    2               3.3v                     3.33v
    3               Earth                    Earth
    4               5v                        5.00v
    5               Earth                    Earth
    6               5v                        5.00v
    7               Earth                    Earth
    8               5v                        5.00v
    9               5v                        5.07v
    10             12v                      12.17v
    11             12v                      12.18v
    12             3.3v                      3.33v
    13             3.3v                      3.33v
    14            -12v                     -10.41v
    15             Earth                     Earth
    16             Not sure                Nothing, but the fan worked when shorted to pin 15
    17             Earth                     Earth
    18             Earth                     Earth
    19             Earth                     Earth
    20             Not present            Not present
    21             5v                         5.00v
    22             5v                         5.00v
    23             5v                         5.00v
    24             Earth                     Earth
    Pin 14 looks a little low, -10.41v instead of -12v

  • P45 Platinum, Need help in enabling vt-x for virtualization

    I have the following system.
    Intel Q9550 Core 2 Quad @ 2.83Ghz, with a MSI P45 Platinum board, 8GB DDR2 800 Mhz Memory. I need to have the vt-x enabled in the bios and i dont see that option anywhere in AMI bios screens. I need this as i am trying to set up Microsoft Hyper-V, and this cannot be done unless this feature set is enabled on the mother board.
    I dont know whether flashing my BIOS will help in this case, and if yes kindly help me in getting the right BIOS update.
    Let me know if any other details are needed.

    Hi Jimbode,
    I have read alot about vt-x now, and I also have tried every tip to enable it permanently, and I have also tried the link that you have posted. But it didn't work for me.
    The sleep and wakeup thingy works for me, but I consider it not as solution because it's only for programs started after the wakeup. vt-x would greatly enhance bootup time when enabled.
    It's very disppointing by Apple, that they don't comment on this or try to fix it, but then again, this is the Apple way.

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