P965 Neo-F Overclock trouble

Hello ppl. I just bought a new pc and have been trying to overclock it but it gives me all sorts of trouble.
Core 2 Duo E6600
P965 Neo-F
2 * 1GB Corsair XMS2 5300 DDR2 667
Nvidia Quadro FX 1400
I have managed to overclock at 312Mhz successfully and it is in fact really stable, as this computers main job is 3D rendering in Maya. 100% CPU utilization. I' ve seen people though saying that to overclock up to 333MHz which is the limit of this motherboard is not difficult at all. I have managed to overclock up to 320 but the computer is not stable at all. Anything more than that and the PC will restart before entering windows.
The current setup is at 312MHz with RAM set to 667 5-5-5-15 ratio 4:5 overclocked to 780 Voltage 1.95
I have tried to overclock more in different configurations like ratio 1:1 4-4-4-12 and voltage up to 2.1 without any success.
And my question is. What i'm doing wrong? Ive seen many people having a stable system at 333 easily with the exact same setup. Am i missing something?  The temps of the cpu as shown in the BIOS, which is btw version 1.5, are less than 40C so i don't thing heat is an issue.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

To be honest, it may just be your luck. I think this board in it's current revision / BIOS is complete rubbish.
I have had good experience with MSI products in the past, most notably my K8N Neo 2 Platinum. I expected the same level of performance from this MSI board also.
I should have paid the little bit extra and got the ASUS P5B as that is hitting over 400 FSB without a hitch.
Getting to even 333 FSB on this P965 Neo was just too scary. I was always biting my nails wondering if it would crap out.
To get to 333mhz FSB should not even be an issue for any Core 2 Duo board. Many people here seem to be having issues with it.
How is your power supply? Good name brand and high (450+) watts?
I can live with mine, now it's working, but I would not buy it again that's for sure.
From what I have read, the P965 Platinum isn't much better either!

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    hello any1.
    just wanted to know how far people had oc'ed there 965 neo's. i got my fsb to 410mhz which give me a core speed of 2.9g with stock cooler. i did a couple of auqamarks jst to see if it would run and got a score of 132,xxx.has any1 got past 3gig? thx.
    sorry forgot to say my cpu is a e6300.

    Ok... all night, whit interesting program like RMClock and MemSet  (not like Core Center  ) i am arrived at 8 x390 ... and here the first problems....
    Whit MemSet you can change memory timing in Windows, so it's possible to correct the strange problem of the BIOS and incorrect timings... if you have the lucky to start and enter in Windows naturally 
    So it's possible to exclude RAM as possible problems, because i have normal DDR2 800 CAS 5 and at 400 FSB 1:1 they should not have problems...
    At 8x394 whit 2 SuperPI open system crush...now i should find if problems was chipset or CPU:
    I run system at 8x394 and in Windows whit the other program, RMClock, i set Moultiplayer at 6x and voltage at 1.325V so that at 6x394 the CPU can't give problems...whit 2 SuperPI i have crush...
    SO FINALLY I FOUND THAT MY PROBLEM IS CHIPSET, or better i think that BIOS is problem....the example are ABIT AB9 and Gigabyte DS3 that whit a new BIOS they go from 400/415MHz at 500/505MHz of FSB.
    In this day i search a solution to try take Chipset cold for do more experiment...
    Good Night

  • Need Help in Overclocking P965 Neo-F

    Guys I need your help in overclocking my computer
    Intel Core2Duo E6300
    MSI P965 Neo-F
    2 x Geil 512Mb DDR2 800
    Gecube x800GTO 256Mb DDR3
    500W power supply

    Thank you guys for the replies,
    I followed your instructions and here is the result:
    Mem Voltage - 1.95 at 4-4-4-12 2T
    PCI Ex voltage - 1.50
    Mems - 533MHz
    FSB - 333
    CPU Idle Temp - 45
    CPU Load Temp - 50
    Do you think I can increase my FSB to 375 with this CPU temp ( currently using stock fan)?  what is you current FSB and temps?

  • P965 Neo overclock 350Mhz FSB. Failed.

    I use a E6700 wich runs @ 3,3 ghz very good and Infineon 2Gb DDR2-800 RAM .
    I was very happy with my mobo and my 333 mhz till i see a guy with - i think it was a E6600, @ 3,6ghz (dont know wich mobo).
    1. Whats the overclock record with a P965 Neo and a Conroe, specially with a E6700?
    2. Is the P965 Platnium much better for overclocking and can I change the voltage for my cpu?
    Thanks for helping

    firstly overclocking is not an exact science ... also need to consider is the Nb getting hot ? if not and its barly warm to the touch with out a fan then you may need to replace the aluminum crud msi used and use a good thermal compound as this will allow the hs to disapate heat better , then put a fan on it .. the cooler the better . also what are your temps ? and what type of memory u using ?

  • Overclocking problem with P965 NEO

    Hi, i actually have a problem with cpu and memory.
    my settings are:
    MSI P965 NEO
    2x 1Gb Gskill DDR2 800Mhz 4-4-3-5 2.0v
    Core2duo e6300
    zalman 9500CPN
    i  want to overclock the micro, and set the ram to the proper timigns, if i set all to auto, and the FSB to 300Mhz, the ddr speed raises to 473Mhz, and it's not what i like, i just want to reach a 1:1 FSB ratio and increase only cpu FSB not RAM fsb.
    Here i dont have the FSB:DRAM ratio, like i used to have in my asus.
    Ok, going to the point, i want to know how to increase cpu fsb and not the ram mhz. and also put the ram to the full spec.
    the ram is at AUTO and the speed manually to 667 because the problems i found with CPU-Z.
    The SPD reports 400Mhz, 4-4-3-5-24(trc)-2T

    Quote from: pszemia on 23-May-07, 01:22:26
    i want to overclock the cpu without overclocking the ram, is that possible with this motherboard??
    for example: 333Mhz cpu and stay at 800Mhz for ram
    the cpuz is reading actually 379 (i cant remember the exact value, but is around this) for ram when i have set to manual 667 why this happen??? (the cpu is at 300)
    The memory speeds you can select are not absolute but FSB:RAM dividers
    533Mhz equals the 1:1 divider
    667Mhz equals the 4:5 divider
    800Mhz equals the 2:3 divider
    This means if you select 667Mhz RAM in bios you don't force 667Mhz but you select a FSB:RAM ratio of 4:5
    At stock FSB of 266Mhz this makes : 266 / 4 = 66.5 * 5 = 333 Mhz (666 Mhz DDR) wich is the 667Mhz you select.
    However, if you change FSB the RAM speed changes along with it.
    So, for your 300Mhz this makes :  300 / 4 = 75 * 5 = 375 Mhz  wich is +- the 379 Mhz cpuZ reads.
    If you want 333Mhz fsb and ram @ 800 select 667Mhz RAM in bios and set FSB to 333Mhz, also enter RAM timings manually.
    This will result in 333 / 4 = 83.25 * 5 = 416 Mhz (832 Mhz DDR) for ram - The gskill should be able to take this mild 32Mhz overclock.
    The board might not make it to 333Mhz tho - It's a budget board wich overclocks poorly.

  • Overclocking E4300 using P965 NEO

    Hi Fellas. Finally, got this system running and here are my experiences, so far:
    1) This board is soooo limited, the maximum FSB which is there in the BIOS is 265MHz.
    2) No TRUE 1:1 FSB/RAM ratio because the lowest RAM speed it supports is 266MHz while the CPU is stuck at 200MHz (800 strap).
    Managed an overclock of 250MHz so far (2.25GHz haven't tried more).
    The best part is that I was able to O/C HIGHER on an INTEL (946GZIS) board where I got this chip to 2.4GHz using Clockgen! haha can you beat that? I hope they can do something with the BIOS, otherwise this is sucky-sucky. I hope MSI realizes that the E4300 is one of THE best chips to overclock and that this board doesn't do it much justice.
    In the meantime, would appreciate it if others using a similar configuration could share their experiences too.

    I too bought an e4300 together with a P965 Neo. Same results here: absolute limit of 250mhz FSB.
    So I mailed MSI support.. and they sent me a bios update: the still unreleased 1.7. So I flashed the bios, hoping it would fix the problem.
    But no. Nothing. Not even a minor change. I guess they haven't fixed the strap issue that EagleDM is talking about. 
    So I went back to the store, and found out that changing my MoBo is difficult and costly. Has to do with vista or something. I'm no expert.
    To tell you the truth... I might even consider changing it anyway. I've read reviews of ppl overclocking the e4300 past 3ghz. And I'm stuck at 2.2. Even with my brand new Zalman CNSP9500 cooler, which I regret buying now. Stressed CPU temps below 40c are not exactly optimal imho.
    So don't get your hopes up for the 1.7 bios upgrade, guys. I'm very sorry to have to tell you this.
    *edit* Mmm by upping some voltages (RAM) I was able to get past the wall of 250. got it to 265mhz fsb now. Orthos has been running for some time now on blended test.. I have no idea wether or not it was the update, or my own noobness. Anyway, I'm not even gonna try getting past 265 now. I'm way to happy for another bios reset. I guess you guys just have to bug MSI for 1.7 and try it out yourselves :-)

  • Benchmarks: Dynamic Overclocking on the P965 Neo-F is a big lie!

    I've just upgraded to the 1.5 BIOS and decided to run some benchmarks. What I found was interesting, so I thought I'd share:
    I set the DOC function to General, which should give a 15% boost to the FSB when the processor is under heavy load. I wanted to see how much that will improve CPU performance compared to when DOC is disableled.
    To test I transcoded an album from the lossless APE format to mp3 using Monkey's Audio and Lame 3.96. I chose this software because it reliably maxes out both of my cores, since Monkey's Audio can be set to do two separate encoding tasks simultaneously: one on each core. Lame itself is assembler optimized to use the processor's fancy vector extensions, ensuring a really maximal CPU load. The command line options I used in Lame are: -V 2 -q 0 --lowpass 19.4 --cwlimit 10.7 --scale 0.99 -mj -b96
    Here are the results for my system (E6300, P965 Neo-F BIOS 1.5, GeForce 7600GT):
    Standard FSB Clock (266 MHz)       
    DOC: Disabeled       
            10:35.17 min
    Standard FSB Clock (266 MHz)
    DOC: General
            12:01.45 min
    Slight FSB Overclock (280 MHz)
    DOC: Disabeled
            10:05.15 min
    Slight FSB Overclock (280 MHz)
    DOC: General
            10:05.39 min
    To confirm these results I ran 3DMark05 at the default settings with the FSB set at 280. My scores: 5637 with DOC disabeled, 5628 with DOC on General (+15%).
    In other words, Dynamic Overclocking on the P965 Neo-F is hopelessly broken. It doesn't actually improve performance and sometimes it seriously damages it! Can anyone confirm that this is so?

    My test results:
    Dynamic Overclocking actually UNDERCLOCKS your CPU under load!
    But it's more copmlicated still: I just did a lot of testing on my E6300 / Neo-F and here are my numbers:
    DOC Setting   
    CPU Freq. at idle     
    CPU Freq. under load     
    The most shocking thing about the numbers is that at 266FSB, DOC actually underclocks your CPU just when you need it most. This also beautifully explains the performance results I got above. But if you look carefully, DOC seems to work just as it's supposed to when you bump the FSB to 267. Higher than that, though, I haven't found a frequency at which it works correctly. Generally, it underclocks, and underclocks more the lower the "rank" is that you choose. The exception to this is 333, where DOC seems to neither overclock nor underclock.

  • Q6600 overclock with MSI p965 neo 2

    I would love to overclock my q6600 from 2.4 to 3.0 Ghz.
    I've bought a new cooler and placed it.
    Q6600 , 2 Gb ram, nvidia 9800 GT, 500GB.
    MSI p965 neo2 (MS-7235 v2)
    Software: Windows 7
    The bios isn't very easy. It isn't possible to adjust everything.
    Help pls. I installed a new cpu cooler and it should reach 3.0
    Thanks in Advance.!
    ps: I posted also here http://www.overclock.net/intel-cpus/631489-q6600-overclock-msi-p965-neo-2-a.html#post7949152

    Quote from: skxprive on 25-December-09, 22:27:48
    Thats right, as 10acjed said
    (2x) 1 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (6-6-6-18 @ 400Mhz) (5-5-5-15 @ 333Mhz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266Mhz )
    I can also choose 800 Mhz like the picture of his, but the adjusted dram frequency differs and 800 will result in like ~999.
    Btw the dram Mhz is on generally on [auto], but that is the same as 800.
    So I set it to 667, So the adjusted dram freq will be around 830.
    that could be your problem right there. Is that when you are running at 300 FSB??
    Try it at 533 and see what happens... If it is at 830 when set to 667 and you try and raise the cpu  higher its also raising the ram higher, probably causing an issue..
    I am still pretty sure you are hitting a wall with that board, its just not a great overclocking board. I am extremely disappointed with my NEO-F as far as overclocking goes. But its been running stable for about 3 years now so its a good board....
    If all else fails run it at 300 - 320 (as high as you can get stable) and put the ram at 667 so it runs around 830, ou will have a nice moderate OC...

  • USB-trouble on 7235 P965 Neo board

    I resently bought a HP Photosmart C4280 all in one printer. However, connecting this to my computer to any USB port causes that the computer completely freezes up.
    As soon as the power to the printer is switched on or a switched on printer is connected through the USB port to the computer this happens.
    HP-help center advised to change the drivers of the USB ports and choose the Standard USB host controller. Doing this I noticed that only 2 of the 7 USB host controller in the device manager are listed as "enhanced" versions the other are the "universal" versions. I came to understand the enhanced version means USB2.0 and the other USB 1.1. This brings me to my questions
    - Is it correct there are only 2 USB2.0 host controllers possible, and how can I find out which usb-port this refers to. I have 4 in the back (on the MoBo) and 2 in the front panel.
    - From MB is advertised having 10 USB2.0 ports. No mention of USB1.1 only ports. Is this correct. (I suspect the backpanel USB ports of beiing only USB1.1.
    - I cannot install the "enhanced" drivers for the now listed "universal" host controller. Is this correct.
    - Does anyone have additional thoughts/ solutions about a printer that freezes up the computer when connected or powerd.
    As mentioned in the title my motherboard is of the type MSI P965 Neo version 7235 V1.1.
    Thank you for your time.

    - Is it correct there are only 2 USB2.0 host controllers possible, and how can I find out which usb-port this refers to. I have 4 in the back (on the MoBo) and 2 in the front panel.
    All of your USB-Ports can operate either in USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 mode.  They are assigned to the proper controller when an USB 1.0 or USB 2.0 device is connected.  Have a look at the explanation I provided here for comparison:
    - Does anyone have additional thoughts/ solutions about a printer that freezes up the computer when connected or powerd.
    Which Operating system are you using?
    Have you installed the latest Intel Chipset drivers?
    Please provide full system specs also. >>Posting Guide<<

  • P965 Neo-F JMicron IDE concerns

    I've always been a big MSI fan and I'd like to build a sytem with a core 2 duo and the P965 Neo-F.  However, I've really been scared away by all of the reported difficulties with the JMicron controller.  I will have one SATA hard drive and IDE opticals.  My question is, have issues with the controller been resolved?  Is it possible to get fast DVD read/write speeds with IDE opticals?  Is there a method to get things to work properly?  Thank you.

    I to have an MSI P965 Neo-F, from the day I had it and put my rig together I have had NOT one single problem with it at all, my dvdrw was set as master and plugged into the ide connector, my sata hard drive was plugged directly into the purple sata port. I DID NOT install any raid or scsi drivers whilst installing winxp, it installed with no input bar the product code and keyboard setup. I then installed all the drivers that came with the setup cd, which includes the Jmicron drivers. Both xp & drivers took about 25 mins. Once done everything was working fine NO problems or issues, no nothing, even after I updated the drivers using liveupdate still no issues at all.
    I'v read that people have had trouble burning cds/dvds, low read speeds, etc... I didn't fiddle with anything in the bios prior to installing xp and I'v had no trouble whatso ever.
    I think that this motherboard is tidy, it runs smoothly with no glitches, the overclocking I think is sweet enough without making major changes to your internal cooling. Reading all the bad reviews is enough to put anyone off, but not many people write reviews about how good this motherboard is, so here i am.
    MSI P965 Neo-F is a dam fine motherboard. It works solidly and is one of the most stable MB's on the market. If people try not to fiddle too much with bios settings, that includes bets bios flashing, and everything before they set it up, then I think they would be more good reviews.

  • MSI P965 Neo PCI-e lock?

    could any of you tell me whether or not the MSI P965 Neo-F board has an option to lock the PCI-e clock?
    My plan is to tweak the FSB to 333 (which implicates a 333/266 = 25% overclock), which I've read is more then easy to obtain with a Core 2 Duo 6300. I just don't wanna ruin the rest of the system by getting a PCI-e busspeed of 125.
    So I'm really curious if this board has either a build-in lock @ 100/101, or some option in the BIOS to lock the bus.

    well you could just try raising your fsb to 333Mhz and see what happens. done it with mine no problems at all no other tweeking either. lots n lots of people have done the same without a problem.
    check out the overclocking and modding forum here, n see for yourself.

  • Would the P965 Neo-F make a good board in a student PC?

    These are the components I had in mind for my sister's new PC:
    Core 2 Duo E6300
    MSI P965 Neo-F
    2x1GB Kingston HyperX KHX6000D2K2 DDR2-750
    Asus 7600GS passively cooled
    430W Seasonic S12-430
    Samsung 80GB HDD SATA
    Samsung DVD Burner SATA
    BenQ FP93VW
    MS-Tech Midi Tower
    She does game a little (Caesar 4 too, so the gfx must have a little juice), but mostly DVD watching, surfing the net, work stuff, encoding to MP3 and so on. Would the Neo-F be worth the extra money compared to the 50€ AsRock solutions?
    Edit: Important question: Does the Neo have any other significant problems then with IDE optical drives? Since both the HDD and DVD Burner are SATA I dont expect any problems on this side.

    Quote from: Streifenkarl on 28-December-06, 14:47:38
    Thanks for your input guys. I think I'll stay with the Neo then!  Which BIOS version should I use then? 1.5 or an earlier one for highest stability?
    Use 1.5 if it works right. Seems BIOS has some issues as beta's are released quite often. That Asrock board wouln't be bad, if you get piece that isn't defect. My Asrock's AGP port was faulty which resulted burned GFX. If you are not using external (PCI/PCIe) hdd controllers you should not hit any problems with this board. I would not suggest flashing beta biosses if you dont have problems.
    Jmicron controller might cause some problems, but they are fixable trought newest drivers I have heard. I am currently running some old beta driver with my 965 neo, as I have been too lazy to update to newest as they seem to work enought. I dont use much IDE drives anyway, only my raid1 backup set is IDE, other stuff is SCSI, which are bit problematic with this board.
    2x 12v lines aren't good If you are using some heavy gfx card, if the rails aren't real powerfull. There was some nice postings on these forums about them. I would prefer PSU with really heavyduty one 12v rail. But if it works, dont do anything ofc.
    Your set is almost like mine, tho I have e6400 and kingston valueram. Im not sure if the mobo keeps RAM at specified speed as I havent found any software that could see the ram clock. Well I can run 325 fsb stable with default voltage, so if the ram clock is not fixed to 333 my KVRs are just good pieces
    Nice to see atlast powerfull cpu that can be cooled even with stock cooler when overclocked, tho I already installed my watercooling as all parts of my computer seems to work.

  • MSI P965 Neo-F reboot problems

    I have a MSI P965 Neo-F motherboard in my PC, everything works great except for one thing, rebooting.
    When i reboot or reset, it shuts down the operating system/BIOS, after that the PC stays on but my screen stays black.
    Does anyone know a solution?
    Thank you,
    full specs:
    Core 2 Duo E6600  (overclocked to 3GHz)
    MSI P965 Neo-F
    2x Kingston Value Ram PC5300 1GB
    Club3D Geforce 7950GT 512MB
    Huntkey 450W  (modded with coolermaster fan)
    Samsung SH-S182D
    2x Western Digital Caviar SE 250GB 8MB

    I dont know solution ...   
    i see the problem in mobo or revision of P965 itself ... there is many problems with restarts, reboots, first boot. It depend on version of BIOS you have, but i not found any version which solve this for me ...
    i using v1.9 now ... and i have problem with boot after hybernation with vista..
    after turning my computer off (in vista is normal to hybernate and shut down) i can boot my computer .. by its very strange. So, power comes up, but then instantly comes Windows Vista with logon screen - NO posting by BIOS, no RAID initial screen, no scaning for hardware... it comes instantly to windows - but windows are in some inconsistent state and i cant login (freeze/BSOD ... but pointer can be moved by mouse and login button shows efect if i move pointer over - so windows are in memory and working) ... in this state is HDD led all time ON (shining) ... i can shut down and boot up again and everything is OK (windows are normaly restored from disk)
    with older v1.5 BIOS ... my computer goes to same state like is described here - BLANK ... and BIOS setting was reseted
    so and here is one similiar problem
    and one my thread .. its particly about this

  • Few issues about MSI P965 Neo F

    I have recently put together my C2D system. Details are in my sig. I have a few queries related to the mobo. BIOS is already flashed to v1.5.
    1. Are P965 and P965 Neo F 2 different boards? Because their pics, specs etc are the same.
    2. My 2 optical drives are connected as master/slave to the IDE port while my HDD is SATA. I cant figure out which mode the optical drives are running in. Current transfer mode shows 'Not Applicable' in Device Manager in Windows Control Panel. During boot, both drives show up in DOS screen. How do I get them both to run in UDMA mode?
    3. My DVD writer is running slowly while the combo drive runs well.
    4. When I install SMART monitoring utilities, they are unable to retrieve any info from my HDD. Why is this so? SMART is enabled in BIOS. I want to monitor my HDD's temp. through Windows.
    5. I have installed CoreCentre. Whenever I run it a warning sounds and CPU Fan speed flashes. Speed is shown around 830-840 rpm. Is this enough? If not how do I increase it? My system is running at default speeds. I havent overclocked at all. Fan monitoring is enabled in BIOS.
    6. When RAM timings are set to auto in BIOS, Cpu-Z shows 5-5-5-13 latency. But when I manually set the timings to 4-4-4-12 through BIOS, Cpu-Z shows 4-4-4-20 latency! What is going on?
    Kindly advise. Thanks!

    But that is exactly the problem. I am unable to set the UDMA mode. All IDE channels in BIOS try to detect the hard disks, when actually no hard disk is connected to IDE. HDD is SATA. Optical drives are connected to the solitary IDE port. I have kept all PIO mode and DMA mode settings to AUTO.
    Windows is showing my optical drives to be SCSI devices.
    Even Sisoft Sandra is showing my optical drives in SCSI devices tab. Following are the details for my dvd writer :
    General Information
    Device Type : CD-ROM/DVD
    Manufacturer : SONY   
    Name : DVD RW DRU-820A
    Version : 1.0b
    Serial Number :  Feb07 ,2006
    Removable Drive : Yes
    Embedded Media Changer : No
    SCSI General Properties
    Target ID : 1
    Logical Unit No. : 0
    Device Connected to Port : Yes
    Width : 8-bit
    Addressing : 8-bit
    Multi-Ported Device : No
    Relative Addressing Mode : No
    Synchronous Transfers Support : No
    Data Transfer on Secondary Bus : No
    Asynchronous Event Notification : No
    Queueing On : No
    Linked Commands : No
    Soft Reset : No
    Normal ACA : Yes
    Terminate I/O : No
    Performance Tips
    Warning 2600 : SCSI version does not adhere to ANSI. Probably ATA/ATAPI device.
    Tip 2 : Double-click tip or press Enter while a tip is selected for more information about the tip.
    How should I get Windows to detect the optical drives as IDE?

  • P965 Neo and core 2 duo issue

    I have a P965 Neo
    Vista x64
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2200
    4Gb Ram
    ATI radeon HD 3650 512Mb
    Core 2 duo processor seems to run a lot warmer than I think it should, both idlling and running high demand things (like games). Real Temp show the cores running at 83degC at times when CPU has been running at or close to 100% constantly. SpeedFan also shows high temps, and I have tried to control the fan speed using this program, but the max RPM of the standard Intel fan is approx 2000RPM, which I think I have it running at constantly.
    I have just bought and Arctic Freezer 7 to cool it a bit more, but Im hoping someone has some help re some BIOS or other settings I can tweak to remedy this. Dual Core Center doesnt run on Vista x64 (I think), so I cant use that for anything.
    One point I did notice was something about the CPU and 550MHz in the BIOS - offhand I cant remember what this was (Im at work now).
    The RAM seems to be running at 800MHz, and the FSB is 200MHZ (ie not over or underclocked). I dont see any option to adjust the CPU Multiplier if this is a solution.
    I hope this gives someone enough info to help! If you need anything else I can post it when I get home.
    Firstly - apologies if this has been answered or is a stupid question - Im working my way through the forum trying to find answers, but nothing yet.
    Im newish to the PC building game, and I know the basics, but BIOS stuff, overclocking etc is still unknown to me

    I can say I have not updated the BIOS from whatever was delivered in the box. If it helps I have this info:
    Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
    That is not your BIOS Version. Check your current BIOS Version by looking at the information displayed on the POST Screen:
    In your case it should say: "W7235IMS V1.??"
    When you mention, real temp running at 83C, may i know where you're monitoring from?
    Cas, he says he is using  Real Temp to check is processors Core Temperatures.  Real Temp is a Windows based application:
    I would suggest you to monitor the temp in bios either under hardware monitor or health status
    Note that the BIOS does not display Core Temperatures (which are read directly from the registers of the processors).  The CPU Temperature displayed in BIOS depends on an analog sensor.  CPU Temperature and Core Temperatures cannot be simply compared.

Maybe you are looking for