Pipe line materials in SD

Hi all,
we have a scenario in our current project which deals with sale of power as per consumption.
in MM we can handle this through Pipeline materials but iam not sure how can we handle this pipeline materials in SD.
Looking for a good response..
Will be rewarded and highly appreciated ...

Hi Vamsi.,
              I think in this scenario we can use Periodic billing.,Just go through and its better if you make the quostion more clear
REWARD if helpfull
Thanks & Regards

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    Dear ,
    did the pipe line material is showing in  production reservation  as one of the BOM compoenent?
    If it is the case , then cancel the confirmation in CO13 and try to connfirm the operation with Clear Reservation Option .
    Refer the below thread which may help you to figure out the issue :
    Re : How to consider Power and Steam in power plants and paper mills
    Re : Power and steam

  • Pipe Line Material Creation

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    Dear Mr.R.Brahmankar,
    This is my problem also i will explain you  the scenario
    In Industrial Battery manufacturing The electrolyte is a material  (Like Potassium Hydroxide and sulphuric acid )which  are produced with  a certain concentration% in acid reactors in-house and used in Battery manufacturing heavily.
    We have assigned these materials thru Activity types in-spite of the requirement of pipe line material. Can we assign this materials which are produced in house (but Category similar to pipe line materials)as pipe line materials in BOM and what would be the Impact on the system.

  • Pipe line material - complete process

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    ie. frm mmr to invoice setlement.
    thanks in advance..

    For Pipeline Process,
    1. Create Pipeline Material under material type PIPE
    2. You need to maintain the Pipeline Info Record in ME11. Here maintain the Prices and Tax Code mandatory
    Also in SPRO > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Management > Assign standard purchasing organization to plant
    There will not be any PO and GR Process for Pipeline materials. We consider that materials are available via Pipes in our plant and we have tp directly book consumption and then settlement of the same.
    If Stock is directly consumed from Pipeline Stock via 201 P or 261 P via transaction MB1A or MIGO then following FI Entry will appear;
    (GBB-VBR) Consumption Account - Dr
    (KON) Pipeline Liabilities - Cr
    Now do Pipeline Settlement in MRKO. Here you can not change the Invoice Value. Here following FI Entry will appear;
    Vendor Account - Cr
    Pipeline Liabilities - Dr
    Prerequisite for MRKO: -
    - Maintain condition record for output type KONS in MRM1
    Then take printout of the Settlement Document in MR91.
    Also refer following link;
    [Pipeline Handling 1|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_46c/helpdata/en/fd/45c3fe9d6411d189b60000e829fbbd/content.htm]
    [Pipeline Handling 2|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp2005/helpdata/en/4d/2b926443ad11d189410000e829fbbd/frameset.htm]

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    1.inbound message(CENTRAL)
    2.XML Validation inbound channel Request
    3. call adapter
    4. Response
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    2. Interface Determination
    3. Receiver Grouping
    4. Request Message Mapping
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    if transported :
    u ll follow ,whatever posted by Earlier

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    Scenario: We have water as Pipe line material. We have activated 89 inspection type & user is creating manual Inspection lot for the same.
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    Looking forward for the favourable reply

    Hi Sachin,
    For 201-P u can have GI inspection type 02.Again it is not a stock relevant like 89.

  • Pipe Line Material Scenario- interesting

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a very genuine scenario but not getting any SAP standard solution.
    Scenario is, my plant A (power plant) is producing material POWER as FERT  and my another plant B  consuming ELECTRICITY as pipe line material. So having two plants (different company code) & two material codes.
    Now I can consume ELECTRICITY as pipe line material in production order as non stock material and invoice is generating which I can forward that to my Power Plant but in Plant A which is producing POWER I donu2019t have means to reduce Stock.
    My Q is
    How can I consume or reduce stock in plant A? With reference of invoice is it possible?
    It looks me genuine situation of Customer and vendor where, customer is having Pipe line material in its R/3 and Vendor is declared it as finished product in its R/3. So isnu2019t we have any standard process to address this business situation.
    thanks in advance

    Refer the thread in which the sap experts discussed on the similar issue in detail, after going thro this  hope you will understand easily how you should map your scenario
    Re : Power and steam
    Pipe Line Material Creation
    Re : How to consider Power and Steam in power plants and paper mills
    ch pavan

  • PO For PIPE Line

    Dear All,
    I have a pipe line material. Now for this how to raise a PO.
    Steps invloved in PO.
    Pardeep Malik

    1. You can create a material with PIPE material type or else you can use any material type but that should allow pipeline process.
    2. You should have Inforecord for the material with valid conditions, price will pick only from inforecord.
    3. If requied you can maintains ource list or else you can select during goods issue.
    4. From the Inventory Management menu, choose Goods movement ® Goods issue.
    Maintain the data on the initial screen. Choose Movement type ® Consumption ® To cost center (or To order, To network, All account assignments) ® From pipeline (Movement types : 201 P, 261 P, 281 P, or 291 P)
    5. On the collective entry screen, enter the account assignment. Enter the items.
    You do not have to enter the vendor as this will be found automatically by the system.
    If more than one vendor is possible, a pop-up window appears with a list of pipeline vendors, from which you can select the vendor you require.
    Post the goods movement.


    작성날짜 : 2003-10-21
    Oracle8i부터는 , SQL*Loader을 사용할때 record terminator을 지정할 수 있게
    Oracle8i 이전에는 record seperator로 default로 linefeed(carriage return,
    newline 등)였다. 이전에는 VAR 또는 FIX 등의 적당한 file을 다루기 위한 옵션을
    주어야 하기 때문에 복잡한 감이 있었고 flexible하지 못했다.
    Oracle8i부터는 , SQL*Loader을 사용할때 record terminator을 지정할 수 있게
    되었다. newline 또는 carriage return 문자를 포함하는 data 또는 special 문자를
    포함하는 data를 load하고자 할때 record terminator를 hexadecimal로 지정하여 활용할 수 있다.
    다음의 예제는 '|' (pipe line)을 record separator로 사용한다.
    record separator를 사용하기 위해서 SQL*Loader의 control file에 'infile'절에 적당한 값을 지정하여야 한다.
    아래의 예는 '|' (pipe line)을 사용하기 위해서
    "str X'7c0a'"을 'infile'절에 지정하였다.
    --controlfile : test.ctl
    load data
    infile 'test.dat' "str X'7c0a'"
    into table test
    fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
    (col1, col2)
    --datafile: test.dat
    1,this is the first line of the first record
    this is the second|
    2,this is the first line of the second record
    this is the second|
    SQL> desc test
    Name Null? Type
    COL1 VARCHAR2(4)
    COL2 VARCHAR2(100)
    $ sqlldr scott/tiger control=test.ctl log=test.log
    load된 data을 보면 아래와 같이 carriage return이 들어가 있는 data가 한 column에
    제대로 들어간 것을 볼 수 있다.
    SQL> select * from test;
    this is the first line of the first record
    this is the second
    this is the first line of the second record
    this is the second

  • Files with pipe lines

    I have written a package which imports data into my database from a file whose information is delimited by pipes. I use a function that separates the data delimited by the pipes and treats it like different information as Name, Surname, Age, Location.
    Below the example(1):
    Rachel|Smith|28|EnglandThe package compiles correctly, but when I debug it, it erros with the following:
    Oracle Error :: ORA-06533
    Subscript beyond countI have noticed that if I add a pipe at the end of each line, the error does not occur and everything gets imported as I want it to.
    Rachel|Smith|28|England|Unfortunately, the files comes in from an external source and cannot be modified with the extra pipe.
    Can anyone suggest a way to fix this issue, please?
    PS: I am using collections.
    The split function was found on this website http://www.orafaq.com/forum/t/11692/0/ in the last reply from Barbara Boehmer

    If I use external tables, I suppose I can point the
    second part of the package to the external table and
    do the upload from there?Yes, of course, did you already use external tables ? See this example :
    $ cat names.dat
    $ sqlplus test/test
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sun Nov 25 23:05:46 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2006, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    TEST@db102 > CREATE TABLE ext_tab (
      2  name       varchar2(20),
      3  surname    varchar2(20),
      4  age        number,
      5  location varchar2(30)
      6  )
    11  fields terminated by '|'
    12  )
    13  LOCATION ( 'names.dat' ))
    TEST@db102 > /
    Table created.
    TEST@db102 > select * from ext_tab;
    NAME                 SURNAME                     AGE LOCATION
    Paul                 Simon                        33 Scotland
    Rachel               Smith                        28 England
    TEST@db102 >

  • Pipe line material not inventorized

    While running pipeline scenario , when i did GI with Mvt 201 P...System allowed me to do this transaction...
    As i do not have any stock for this Material "X" (Material type as PIPE). Then how did system allowed me to issue this material...
    I know PIPELINE materials are not inventorized, but my question is WHY system did not asked that stock is not maintained for this material.
    There should be some logic behind that?

    Hi Utsav,
    Read documentation available on sap help website for clarifications.
    Pipeline Handling  
    A pipeline material is a material that flows directly into the production process from a pipeline (for example, oil), from a pipe (for example, tap water), or from another similar source (for example, electricity).
    A material from the pipeline is always available; i.e. it can be withdrawn from the pipeline at any time and in any quantity.
    Depending on the system configuration, a material can be withdrawn only from the pipeline or, in addition to the pipeline, normal stocks of the material can also be managed.
    Materials with Material Type PIPE
    Pipeline handling is mandatory for materials with material type PIPE; i.e. only withdrawals from the pipeline can be posted for these materials.
    These materials have the following characteristics:
    They are neither procured nor planned. They can be withdrawn from the pipeline at any time and in any quantity.
    They are not stored or kept in stock. No physical inventory is taken.
    Pipeline movements are mandatory in all valuation areas; i.e. no other goods movements may be posted.
    Other Material Types
    For each material type, you can specify in the valuation area whether pipeline movements are:
    If pipeline movements are not mandatory but allowed, the material can be kept in stock and both pipeline and other movements can be posted.
    A material of this type can be withdrawn from your companyu2019s own stock, from consignment stock, or from the pipeline.
    Pipeline Withdrawal
    You can enter a pipeline withdrawal for an order or for a cost center. Pipeline withdrawals differ from other goods movements in that they are entered with the special stock indicator P.
    The withdrawal is valuated at the price defined in the pipeline info record.
    A withdrawal from the pipeline results in the following updates in the system:
    The pipeline withdrawal results in a vendor liability that must be settled periodically in a similar way to the management of consignment stocks. In the standard system the same account is used for both pipeline and consignment liabilities, but a different pipeline liabilities account can be defined in Customizing.
    A consumption history is kept.
    The pipeline withdrawal has no effect on existing warehouse stock or on the availability of the material.
    Posting Goods Issue from the Pipeline  
    A withdrawal from the pipeline is posted as follows:
    From the Inventory Management menu, choose Goods movement ® Goods issue.
    Maintain the data on the initial screen. Choose Movement type ® Consumption ® To cost center (or To order, To network, All account assignments) ® From pipeline (Movement types : 201 P, 261 P, 281 P, or 291 P)
    On the collective entry screen, enter the account assignment. Enter the items.
    You do not have to enter the vendor as this will be found automatically by the system.
    If more than one vendor is possible, a pop-up window appears with a list of pipeline vendors, from which you can select the vendor you require.
    Post the goods movement.
    A withdrawal from the pipeline results in the following updates in the system:
    The pipeline withdrawal results in a vendor liability that must be settled periodically in a similar way to the management of consignment stocks.
    A consumption history is kept.
    The pipeline withdrawal has no effect on existing warehouse stock or on the availability of the material.
    Edited by: Mohd Uzair Hussain on Jun 22, 2009 11:01 AM
    Edited by: Mohd Uzair Hussain on Jun 22, 2009 11:02 AM

  • New scenario - pipe line material - steam

    hai friends .
    Please guide ..Client wants to capture activity type "per MT" . please  inform in case this activity is created, how we can capture the quantity confirmation . Normally machine hours is used.
    2. Can we take material type PIPE as BOM component. Here different water consumptions are taken for the FG material costing.
    3. How steam and power consumptions are posted between plant to plant.

    HI RS
    you can maintain steam consumption  in standard value key and activity in work center. and if u are working in the REM scenario then you can define the consumption of steam per Mt basis in routing.siliarly activity can be assigned to in cost center tab and can be taken in to cost estimate.
    plz revert if it works
    Anupam Sharma

  • Unable to edit quota in pipe line performance management

    Hi Guys,
    When I am accessing quota planning from PPM and clicking on edit button in action it is taking me to quota planning screen but nothing is enabled?Where could i have gone wrong?Is any setting missing/authorization issue?Am logged with Sales pro business role?
    Pls give any inputs.

    Hi Ryan ,
    Could you please share the file with us so that we can test at our end and get back to you with an appropriate solution.
    Please share the file on [email protected]
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • Pipe Line Steps not executing

    Hello Experts,
    I am facing stage issue with PI Server,when i am executing scenario it showing black/white flag in MONI,my mapping part/development perfect.
    but its not giving target pay load.Pipeline steps also not executing.
    its new PI 7.1 server,do i need to configure any settings??
    any help highly appreciated.

    In the border level please use below steps to check if you Integration Engine Configuration is as per requirements
    Logon to PI
    Use transaction SXMB_ADM
    Choose Integration Engine Configuration
    Ensure Role of Business System set to 'Integration Server'
    Ensure Corresponding Integ. Server set to http://<hostname:<http port>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry
    Then, click on 'Configuration' (pencil icon) button
    Ensure RUNTIME (Category); IS_URL (Parameter) has currently value set to http://<hostname:<http port>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry
    Please check if your INTEGRATION_DIRECTORY_HMI rfc working fine.

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