PO / GL Report - Grouping Amount Problem

I have a Purchase Order with 2 distributions - a single line split between 2 charge accounts.
I am working on a GL Transaction Listing SQL report.
When I view the invoices matched against the PO, down to distribution level, I can see 2 lines - one for each inv. distribution:
AMOUNT   |  PO_NUMBER  |  PO_DATE                | PO_LINE_AMOUNT
-3.96    |  00001294   | 08/04/2009 10:57:46     | 45             
-41.04   |  00001294   | 08/04/2009 10:57:46     | 45              I have an SQL statement made up of 4 unions. This extracts the data from GL.
I have another SQL statement which accesses the purchasing tables.
I am joining these tables on the Amount fields, where I join the amount from the GL SQL with the PO Line Amount.
The GL Amount will come out normally as something e.g. like -45, and the PO Line Amount will come out as something e.g. like 45.
Since one is positive and the other is negative, I join the SQLs via:
... AND (pla.quantity * pla.unit_price) = ABS(xyz.amount)This was working fine until I came across a PO with split distributions.
Since the Amount of -45 was split into -3.96 and -41.04, it could not join with the 45 of the PO Line Amount.
I tried to do a SUM of the Amounts from GL, because then the join would work.
However, on doing that, instead of getting an Amount of -45, I get an amount of -180, which is four times that.
Somewhere in my SQL things are going v. wrong. I guess it's because of the split distributions.
I apologise for the 1001 cardinal rules of SQL I have probably broken with the SQL below, and for being dense, crass, unlearned and generally not worthy of posting on this forum!
Any advice much appreciated.
SQL below:
SELECT DISTINCT SUM(xyz.amount) amount
              , pha.segment1 po_number
              , pha.creation_date po_date
              , pla.quantity * pla.unit_price po_line_amount
           FROM po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
              , po.po_line_locations_all plla
              , po.po_lines_all pla
              , po.po_headers_all pha
              , po.po_distributions_all pda
              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
              , ap.ap_invoices_all aia
              , ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
              , (SELECT vvv.ibs_company
                      , vvv.ibs_service
                      , vvv.ibs_account
                      , vvv.ibs_centre
                      , vvv.ibs_spare
                      , vvv.period_num
                      , vvv.period_name
                      , vvv.period_year
                      , vvv.period_start_date
                      , vvv.period_end_date
                      , vvv.amount
                      , vvv.effective_date
                      , vvv.je_description
                      , vvv.je_source
                      , vvv.line_description
                      , SUBSTR(
                         , INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                              INSTR(vvv.line_description, '.')
                            - INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                        ) invoice_number
                      , vvv.posted_status
                      , vvv.posted_date
                      , vvv.je_name
                      , vvv.je_category
                      , vvv.batch_name
                      , vvv.actual_flag
                      , vvv.vat_code
                   FROM (                                      -- Requisitions
                         SELECT glcc.segment1 ibs_company
                              , glcc.segment2 ibs_service
                              , glcc.segment3 ibs_account
                              , glcc.segment4 ibs_centre
                              , glcc.segment5 ibs_spare
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date period_start_date
                              , glp.end_date period_end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0) amount
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description je_description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description line_description
                              , jeh.status posted_status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , jel.reference_4 req_no
                              , prla.line_num req_line_no
                              , ' ' po_no
                              , NULL po_line_no
                              , NULL invoice_no
                              , NULL invoice_line_no
                              , pva.vendor_name supplier
                              , pva.segment1 supplier_no
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME je_name
                              , jec.description je_category
                              , jeb.NAME batch_name
                              , usr.description created_by
                              , jel.je_line_num journal_line_no
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code vat_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id sob
                              , glcc.code_combination_id ccid
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , apps.fnd_user usr
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Purchasing'
                            AND jel.reference_1 = 'REQ'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND prda.distribution_id = jel.reference_3
                            AND prda.requisition_line_id =
                            AND pva.vendor_id = prla.vendor_id
                            AND prla.created_by = usr.user_id
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Purchase Orders
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description
                              , jeh.status posted_status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , prha.segment1
                              , NVL(prla.line_num, pla.line_num)
                              , jel.reference_4
                              , pla.line_num
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , pva.vendor_name
                              , pva.segment1
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME
                              , usr.description
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , po.po_headers_all pha
                              , po.po_lines_all pla
                              , po.po_distributions_all pda
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , apps.fnd_user usr
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Purchasing'
                            AND jel.reference_1 = 'PO'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND pda.po_distribution_id = jel.reference_3
                            AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                            AND pda.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                            AND pva.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
                            AND prda.distribution_id = pda.req_distribution_id
                            AND prla.requisition_line_id =
                            AND prha.requisition_header_id =
                            AND pla.created_by = usr.user_id
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Invoices
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , pla.item_description
                              , jeh.status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , prha.segment1
                              , NVL(prla.line_num, pla.line_num)
                              , pha.segment1
                              , pla.line_num
                              , jel.reference_5
                              , jel.reference_3
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , pva.segment1
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME batch_name
                              , NULL
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all ida
                              , po.po_distributions_all pda
                              , po.po_lines_all pla
                              , po.po_headers_all pha
                              , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Payables'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND TO_CHAR(ida.invoice_id) = jel.reference_2
                            AND ida.distribution_line_number = jel.reference_3
                            AND ida.po_distribution_id =
                            AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                            AND pva.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
                            AND pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
                            AND prda.distribution_id = pda.req_distribution_id
                            AND prla.requisition_line_id =
                            AND prha.requisition_header_id =
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Actuals
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description
                              , jeh.status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME je_name
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME
                              , NULL
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.actual_flag = 'A'
                            AND jeb.actual_flag = 'A'
                            AND jeh.je_source <> 'Payables'
                            AND NVL(jel.reference_1, ' ') NOT IN('PO', 'REQ')
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name) vvv
                      , ap.ap_invoices_all aia
                  WHERE sob = 2
                    AND ibs_company = '40'
                    AND ibs_service = 'FD'
                    AND ibs_account = '87161'
                    AND ibs_centre = '3330510'
                    AND aia.invoice_num =
                            , INSTR(line_description, 'ERS')
                               - INSTR(line_description, 'ERS')
                    AND posted_status = 'P'
                    AND actual_flag = 'A'
                    AND 1 = 1) xyz
          WHERE prha.requisition_header_id = prla.requisition_header_id
            AND plla.line_location_id = prla.line_location_id
            AND pla.po_line_id = plla.po_line_id
            AND pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
            AND pha.po_header_id = plla.po_header_id
            AND prla.requisition_line_id = prda.requisition_line_id
            AND aida.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
            AND pda.po_distribution_id = aida.po_distribution_id
            AND (pla.quantity * pla.unit_price) = ABS(xyz.amount)
            AND prha.org_id = 7041
            AND prha.authorization_status = 'APPROVED'
            AND prla.suggested_vendor_name = 'CE INT.EMPLOYEE SERVICE CENTRE'
            AND prha.creation_date >= '01-APR-2009'
            AND xyz.invoice_number = 'ERS-3001013-26255'
            AND aia.invoice_num = xyz.invoice_number
            AND xyz.posted_status = 'P'
            AND xyz.actual_flag = 'A'
       GROUP BY pha.segment1
              , pha.creation_date
              , pla.quantity * pla.unit_price;

hi jimr,
you could do your summing at a lower lever without the need for a group by,
-- sample of how you can sum without group by
with t as (
select 1 as po_number, 1 as amount from dual union
select 1, 2 as amount from dual
select po_number, sum(amount) over (partition by po_number) from tso you code could be modified with something like this:
SELECT vvv.ibs_company
                      , vvv.ibs_service
                      , vvv.ibs_account
                      , vvv.ibs_centre
                      , vvv.ibs_spare
                      , vvv.period_num
                      , vvv.period_name
                      , vvv.period_year
                      , vvv.period_start_date
                      , vvv.period_end_date
                      , vvv.amount -- replace this with "sum(amount) over (partition by invoice_number)"
                      , vvv.effective_date
                      , vvv.je_description
                      , vvv.je_source
                      , vvv.line_description
                     -- move this into each SELECT that forms part of the UNION, so it will be repeated, but it'll make it a bit neater at this level
                      , SUBSTR(
                         , INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                              INSTR(vvv.line_description, '.')
                            - INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                        ) invoice_number
                      , vvv.posted_status
                      , vvv.posted_date
                      , vvv.je_name
                      , vvv.je_category
                      , vvv.batch_name
                      , vvv.actual_flag
                      , vvv.vat_code

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    <b>b)</b> Add in any missing selections via a user exit.  I have not had much luck in finding such an exit.  The closest I got was form 'USEREXIT1' from include LRSTIF90.  This exit appears to be called before and after the report call.  I'm not sure if it's a true exit though, as it's just a piece of code in an include and is referred to as an exit?  To implement would I just register the object and add in my code?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    FYI the only solution I see is to put in a modification to prompt a selection screen during execution. Modification would go in include 'LRSTIF02' as follows:
    PERFORM report_check_obligatory TABLES it_fieldr
                                      USING flg_obl.
    if ld_tcode = 'FBL3N'.
        flg_obl = 'X'.
      IF flg_obl IS INITIAL.
        CALL TRANSACTION ld_tcode.
    * clear parameter ids
    * perform clear_pid_fieldr tables it_fieldr it_dfies.
      PERFORM reset_pid_fieldr TABLES it_fieldr it_selpid.
    * if flg_return = 'X'.
    *   call transaction ld_tcode and skip first screen.
    * else.
    *   leave to transaction ld_tcode.
    * endif.
    If anybody has a better idea on how to accomplish this I'd love to hear it!

  • Report Painter: How to find report group of a report?

    Hi experts,
    I have a report that a user created in report painter, I created a transaction (normal report transaction) to acess this report, but the transaction isn't executing right (I don't have the option to see the results only to print it), and I want to try creating a parameter transaction, however nobody knows the report group the report are vinculed.
    I want to know if are possible to consult the report group a report is in.
    P.S. Sorry my english, points will be awarded for good answers.
    Fabio Gross
    Edited by: GrossFabio on Feb 8, 2011 6:39 PM

    Thanks to all for the help, I solved my problem looking into older topics from the forum.
    To all who may have the same problem:
    1 - Go to SE93, create a parameter transaction;
    2 - Report = 'START_REPORT' / skip initial screen = 'X' / Inherit GUI attributes = 'X';
    3 - In the parameters table you will type:
         D_SREPOVARI-NOSELSCRN = blank
         D_SREPOVARI-VARIANT = blak
         D_SREPOVARI-REPORT = blank
         D_SREPOVARI-EXTDREPORT = KP  01RPSCO_X                       NAME_OF_YOUR_REPORT
    4 - Special atention to the last parameter as it is the most important in this transaction, the first part (including spaces) are always the same, the last one is the name of the report you created through the CJE*.
    Fabio Gross

  • Report Painter Execution Problem

    I am working on Report Painter in which i am facing a problem that when i execute the Tcode GR55 and fill the Group Name in it ,if there is only 1 report in it ,it gets executed but when there are more than 1 report in it ,some times it gets executed ot sometimes it does not.
    I want to know how can i execute a selected indiviual report when there are about number of reports present in the library assigned to that group.
    Please provide me guidelines for solving this  problem.
    Edited by: ricx .s on Jul 24, 2009 10:10 AM

    The reports in a report group are executed at the same time, so that in the report display you can switch between the individual reports.

  • To add new characterstics to a report group

    We have created a report group under 601 library. Structure used is CCSS. But we need the field currency type to be added as a characterstic. Since it is not avialable in CCSS we are unable to do that.Please suggest a way.

    Hi Shamia,
    Check these Tcode for Report painter,
    Report painter....
    GRR1, grr2, grr3
    GS11, 12, 13 for variable
    GS01, 01, 03 for sets
    GR51, 52, 53 for report group
    GR21, 22, 23 for library
    for export-import:
    -Any new variables (GS17 - Export ,GS18 - Import )
    -new sets (GS07 - Export ,GS08 - Import )
    -new report (GR37 - Export ,GR38 - Import )
    -new report group (GR57 - Export , GR58 - Import )
    -new library (GR27 - Export , GR28 - Import )
    [Report Painter|http://www.virtuosollc.com/PDF/Get_Reporter.pdf]
    Hope your problem solves.
    Thanks & regards,
    Dileep .C

  • GRR3 report name changes when assigned to report group

    I have define report title to be "expense report" in Grr3(both short/middle/long text), but when I execute it, I assigned it to one report group, in GR53, I found the report name is changed to "cash flow report", even I removed it and insert again, it still be cash flow report,,
    The report result is fine, only the report title got this problem, anyone can solve it?

    1.Use transaction code: GRR2. 
    2.Double click on the report
    3. Click on Extras,  Report Texts and then Select Headers
    4. Define your report title under headers.
    Edited by: Elias Akorli on Nov 6, 2009 2:01 PM

  • Report Groups and Libraries

    I have a query related to report groups download. We had a requirement of moving reports from 4.6 systems to 4.5 systems. So we downloaded the report groups from 4.6 system into our local hard drives (and thought of uploading in 4.5 systmes thereafter). But while downloading we got several warnings. One of those warninigs is as:
    W-R3OB REWR RGVD\CCSS\ZC-PLN-TOTAL-YTD-V2 >>> group 0101PMCO100EXEC not transported
    W-R3OB REWR RGVD\CCSS\ZC-PLN-TOTAL-YTD-V2 >>> Transport groups separately if necessary.                                                                         
    We ignored this warning and tried uploading the report group in 4.5 systmes. There while uploading we got many errors for the report groups. One of which is like:
    E-R3OB SETS STSO\0000ZFNCOSTCTRGP.CCSS >>> Unknown subset in set 0000ZFNCOSTCTRGP.CCSS                                             
    E-R3OB SETS STSO\0000ZFNCOSTCTRGP.CCSS >>> Import of object unsuccessful, object not imported
    Being unware of this sets theory in report groups, i am looking out for some expert advise if somebody has dealt with this kind of problem anytime.
    Thanks and Regards,

    I don't know if its possible to suppress/hide libraries/reports.
    Create T-codes for the reports the users really need and add the reports to the corresponding area menu in SAP. Thus users don't have a need to use GRR3 anymore, remove the T-code from the authorization concept.
    best regards, Christian

  • Error in generating a report group in Report Painter

    I created a report in SAP report painter using transaction code GRR2. I attached the report to an existing group ( 15 reports already in the group), when I generate the group in transaction code GR55 thereu2019s an error message u201CSyntax error in GP40V42F6QG4OQVI4Q93F6FE3QK500, row 97,644 (-> long text)u201D. Please help me on this error.

    There's no error when I generate the same report in a new created  group as well as when I generate the existting report group without the new created report.
    Information on where terminated
        The termination occurred in the ABAP program "GP40V42F6QG4OQVI4Q93F6FE3QK500"
         in "FILL_RANGES_FROM_SET".
        The main program was "GP40V42ERDE7HBU91TXFAHVA6B0500 ".
        The termination occurred in line 92457 of the source code of the (Include)
         program "GP40V42F6QG4OQVI4Q93F6FE3QK500"
        of the source code of program "GP40V42F6QG4OQVI4Q93F6FE3QK500" (when calling
         the editor 924570).

  • Report Group in  Report Painter

    In my <b>report group</b> there are many reports .
    Now i need to give a transaction code to my <b>report group</b>.
    Then which report will execute by the transaction code

    To create a Transaction Code for a Report Painter/report writer report
    Tcode for Report Painter
    To create a TCode, follow the steps below.
    1) Go to Transaction code SE93, Enter TCode Name and Press Create.
    2) Give short Description and select Parameter Transaction, Press Enter
    3) Select Transation Radio Button and write START_REPORT in the next text
    box Also Check the box Skip Initial Screen.
    4) On the bottom of Screen (default Values), Enter Parameters
    i) Name = D_SREPOVARI-REPORTTYPE. Value = RW
    ii) Name = D_SREPOVARI-REPORT Value = Your Report Group Name (Say 1SIP)
    5) Save and Execute.
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

  • Main Reports' Group Tree doesn't retain last record selected

    In Crystal 2008 Viewer, when you click one of the last tree nodes on a long Group Tree, the program jumps to that part of the report for that group.  But when you return to the Main report tab the Group Tree pane returns to the top.
    According to my users, previous Crystal versions used to outline the previously selected tree node and keep that section in the left pane, so the user could see where they just were.
    This partially works in the Crystal 2008 Developer version.  If I preview the report and drill down with the group tree, the Preview tab's group tree pane stays in place.  I do not, however, have any outline or indication of what group was just selected.
    I found this in the help text: "For longer reports or reports in which you wish to jump back and forth between different groups, the smart navigation features of the Group Tree make your work extremely efficient."  For the users to jump back and forth efficiently they need the Main Reports' group tree to remember the general location from which they came (at a minimum) AND/OR the previously drilled record also be highlighted/outlined (at best).

    Please re-post if this is still an issue or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly:

  • Short dump while executing report group.

    We are upgrading to ECC6.0 from 4.6C
    Now while testing the report group i got short dump.
    This is due to to the 'Exception condition "LOAD_PROBLEMS" raised.'
    Error analysis
        A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLSLDB" raised the exception
        condition "LOAD_PROBLEMS".
        Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior
        program, processing was terminated.
        Short description of exception condition:
        For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use
        Transaction SE37 (Function Library). You can take the called
        function module from the display of active calls.
    Function module 'SELOPTS_AND_PARAMS' in this that statement was there.
    Can some one help me out. what i have to do further.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Hemanth,
    Actually what I analysed is what ever the exception raised due to this sy-subrc that exception i think the superior program is not receiving. I think due to this it is going for short dump.
    Let me know if you have any idea further.
    Message was edited by:
            Deepak Kudaravalli

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