Print to a printer wired to an airport extreme at home over the internet ?

Is it possible to print to a printer over the internet ? Anyone know how to do this ?

Hi Mark Craghill-
Can you be a tad more specific? Is this printer located on your same network or physically somewhere else? Wireless or wired network? Do you know the model of the printer? What are you trying to print from?

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    I have an Airport Extreme which I'm using for a wireless network. (The wireless router is connected to a DSL modem.) Can I also plug in my iMac to one of the free ethernet ports on the Airport Extreme to connect to the Internet that way? Thank you.

    Yes, you can.

  • Airport Extreme not reconnecting to the Internet

    I have a problem with my brand-new Airport Extreme 802.11n Base-Station.
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    Thanks for your help in advance...

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    And they are absolutely right in saying its my device that acts strange since the previous router (with integrated modem) didnt have this issue.
    I will try to use QuickKey and contact the Apple-Support directly.
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    whats the version on your airport extreme and what renerations is it?

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    Thanks for the reply.  I've only powered down all my devices and repowered them.  When I made the switch from cable to Uverse, at some point my old USB printer connected to the Extreme spit out about 8 documents that were in its queue, and nothing since.  I can see it on the network from my Mac, but my wife's PC can't find it (and that's the real problem, if you know what I mean).  I have a new MacBook Pro, and she's running XP SP2 on her PC.  Everything worked fine when I was on cable modem service, but since I've changed to ATT Uverse, I'v had this little issue.  As you can tell, I'm a novice when it comes to networking.
    Thanks again,
    Bill J.

  • I need help getting my Airport Extreme to connect to the internet

    Hello everyone,
    I need some help setting up my AirPort Extreme. I'm trying to reestablish the express after a couple years of not using it. When I've set it up in the past, I've always had a hard time, and by accident it seems, I click something or turn something on and off, and I get it to work.
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    This is what I've done so far with no luck:
    • Unplugged the DSL modem, Linksys router, and the extreme for about twenty minutes.
    • Updated the Linksys firmware.
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    • I've done a hard reset. I don't know if it worked. After the extreme powered back up, my network's name and settings were still the same. On a positive note, I'm now able to get on the web when I set the connection sharing to "Distribute a range of IP addresses" using the ethernet on my desktop. Before, I was only able to do so when the connection sharing in AirPort Utility  was set to "Off (Bridge Mode)".
    Any other Ideas?
    As always, your help is always appreciated,

    Hi Tesserax,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    Sorry about the confusion. My goal is to get online wirelessly with my MacBook Pro and be able to use the ethernet connection for my MacPro.
    My DSL modem is a Westell WireSpeed model A90-210015-04, the Linksys router, and the AirPort Extreme.

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    If the problem does not resolve itself by powering down your network equipment, a complete reset of all your equipment is justified. Power down the modem and "hard reset" the Extreme, followed by reconfiguring it using AirPort Utility.
    Power down your modem whenever you change what is physically connected to it. Make it a habit.
    BensonFam wrote:
    Originally it had the "double nat" issue but when I went to bridge mode my whole set-up failed.
    That should probably be resolved as well. More information is required regarding this failure.
    Sometimes, an attempt to reconfigure a minor setting will result in what appears to be a total meltdown followed by extreme user frustration. In that event, starting over with a "hard reset" and subsequent reconfiguration is generally the best way to proceed.

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    Ensure that the ethernet is connected to the WAN port (with the dotted circle).
    You may have to reset and reconfigure your Airport Extreme.

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    Download the setup manual for your AEB here:
    Follow the setup instructions.
    Flashing light could also mean that a firmware upgrade is available for your AEB.

  • Airport Extreme wont connect to the internet

    I recently had to shut down my AE Base station. When I went to reconnect, I was no longer connected to the internet. I have tried everything I can think of from shutting the whole thing down, to full factory reset, but for some reason it will not work. I can see and connect to the airport itself, the Cable internet works (I am connected by the ethernet cable to write this), but I cannot connect through the AE. Also, I can connect to the airport through the Airport Utility, but the Airport Setup Assistant tells me I do not have the correct hardware installed??? Can anyone give me some steps to follow that might help me to work through the problem?
    I have a cable modem connected to Virgin Media (which is definitely working)
    The Cable modem is connected via cable to the WAN port as it has always been.
    nothing else is connected to the set up, although before reset I also had an Airport express connected as a slave, elsewhere in the house. I have tried to use this directly instead of the Airport Extreme but with no luck.....
    Finally, I have no firewalls
    Many thanks for any help

    Welcome to the discussions!
    If you haven't already done so, try a full modem reset as follows:
    Push the reset button on the modem and then power the modem down
    Pull the battery from the modem if it is easily accessible
    Power down the rest of your network....all devices
    Wait 30 minutes
    Make sure that the modem is connected to the WAN (circle of dots) port on the AirPort Extreme
    Power up the modem first and let it run 4-5 minutes by itself
    Then power up the AirPort Extreme the same way
    Power up each of your other devices one at a time, waiting a few minutes before you start the next device.
    Please post on your results.

  • Airport Extreme - no connection to the internet

    My problem is several-fold, but maybe can be solved with one solution. I don't know.
    I just bought an AEBS and tried setting it up to use with my desktop G4 and my roommates Dell laptop. I seemed to set my mac up with no problem, but my roommate's Dell can't access the internet, yet it can 'see' and connect to the AEBS.
    But here's the kicker. The AEBS is blinking amber, which would tell me that I shouldn't be able to access the internet with my mac. I checked and, yes, I'm definitely connected to my AEBS and not to some nearby wireless router.
    What the heck is going on?

    It is likely that the AEBS(n) is blinking Amber because you have NOT implemented any form of Wireless Security and the AEBS(n) is annoyed at your laissez-faire security policy.
    You really should implement either WEP (TSN) or WPA/WPA2. Use WPA/WPA2 unless the least robust security method available to you is WEP on your roommate's Dell laptop. If WEP, use WEP (TSN) and specify a 13 ASCII character (exactly 13) password.

  • Recently bought airport Extreme and have connected the device to the modem. WIFI works. However when I connect the LAN port to a switch I do not see the LAN printer and my NAS. Which setting do I miss?

    I have installed my Airport Extreme and have conencted it directly to a modem. WIFI works fine. However I do not see my LAN network (printer. NAS,..).
    Scen#1: When I connect the LAN port of the Airport Extreme to a switch (as input) and connect the other LAN devices also to the switch, those LAN devices do not have access to the internet. Also connecting the iPAD with WIFI to the Airport Extreme I cannot find my LAN printer and other devices.
    Scen#2: When I connect the LAN port of the Airport Extreme to a router X (as input) and connect the router X to the same switch, and the LAN devices to the switch, those LAN devices do have access to the internet. Also connecting the iPAD with WIFI to the router X I can find my LAN printer and other devices in the LAN network.
    Question what has impacted the behaviour of the Airport Extreme, not to detect the devices in the LAN network. Why is the use of a switch directly behind the Airport Extreme not working (no internet access for the other devices and Airport Extreme is not the basis station for the LAN network)?

    Your scenario #1 is a correct configuration and should work. It seems as though your Extreme is not acting as a router as I believe you intend.
    Most likely, you need to reset your modem. Power it down and let it rest for a few moments. Some need longer than others. Then, I recommend you "hard reset" your Extreme (see below) and configure it again, after the modem has been reset. From then on do not change what is connected to your modem without powering it down first.
    Once configured, confirm your Extreme's wireless network works as expected and that your iPad and every other wireless device can load web pages. Then, connect the printer directly to one of the Extreme's LAN ports and confirm that it works as well. After that it should work equally well with a switch between it and the Extreme, as should every other wired device connected to the switch. This assumes your switch is an unmanaged device requiring no specific configuration.
    Scenario #2: Having a router connected downstream of another is not a normal configuration, so don't pursue that as a solution. It will only distract you from determining the problem. If you want to repurpose Router X as another device do so only after everything else is working to your satisfaction.
    To "hard reset" an AirPort Base Station: make sure it's powered up, then press and hold its tiny reset button and keep it depressed for five to ten seconds, long enough for its LED to flash amber rapidly. Release the reset button. Then, the LED will glow amber steadily for about a minute. Then, it will flash amber, slowly, about once every second or two, waiting for you to configure it with AirPort Utility.

  • Printing to a printer over the internet - someone please verify

    My mission was to be able to print to my Home Xerox 6300N printer behind a firewall from anywhere using the internet as my connection. I used LDP as my protocol - could not seem to get anything else to work.
    My Gateway is a static address using a DSL connection. I have 2 ethernet cards. 1 for the internet and 1 for the localnet.
    I am running OS X 10.4.6 and have Flying Buttress as my Firewall.
    I have IP share turned on.
    I opened port 515 for LDP in Flying Buttress. In Flying Buttress, I allowed port 515 to point to the IP address of the printer.
    From work I opened the Printer Set-up Utility and selected Add. From there I held down the Option key and clicked on More Printers at the bottom.
    I was now in the Advanced section and selected LDP as my protocol.
    I named the Device Name: Xerox
    The Device URL would be lpd://<gateway ip address>:515
    I then selected the driver for the printer and clicked Add.
    So I printed from work and had my wife check the printer to see if anything happened. And YES IT DID!!!
    So there you have it - I am now able to print to my Xerox. I hope this helps anyone who wants to do the same thing.
    Now the next thing I need to figure out is how to print to my HP 5000N printer. Since I already used port 515 and mapped it to the Xerox, I need to figure out what port I can use for the HP printer. I guess I need to figure out what protocol the HP 5000N will accept.

    OK - I will answer my own question. I just figured it out. Actually I posted this once before but since forgot how I did it and the post was archived or deleted from this forum.
    Anyways, to print from my work printer over the internet to my printer in my office, I did the following...
    1. In printer set-up, I selected LPD
    2. In the address I entered my static IP address of my home's gateway
    where 515 is the port for LPD
    3. I named the printer Home Printer
    4. Set up the printer (Xerox) and selected the correct driver.
    5. Made sure the port (515) was open on my gateway @ home and directed that port to the IP address of the printer. I use Flying Buttress as my firewall.

  • When connecting wired my router straight from my internet provider I get speeds in the 90mps range.  Now when connecting wired through my airport extreme I get speeds near 10mps. Also when using wireless for my ipad3 I recieve download speeds of .63mps.

    When connecting, wired, to my router from my ISP I get speeds in the 90mbps range.  Then when connecting, wired, to my Airport Extreme I get speeds of 10mbps.  Wirelessly I get download speeds of 6mbps on my laptops and only 1mbs with my Ipad3.  I am making sure only one device is sharing the network to make sure to get accurate results.  Why are things so slow?

    Hi Ty,
    First, check with you ISP to see what speed they've promised.  In my case, they indicated that the speed should be greater than 50 Mbps.  If they say that it should be significantly higher than what your getting, then try the following if you're using Airport Utility v.6.:
    1. Open the Airport Utility (Desktop: Command+Shift+U to open Utility Folder, select Airport Utility)
    2. Click on the visual representation of the Airport Extreme and then select "Edit" (bottom right corner)
    3. When the window opens (to a tab "Base Station"), click on the "Wireless" tab,
    -it should have the following options: Network Mode, Wireless Network Name, Wireless Security, Wireless Password, Verify Password, a checkbox with "Enable Guest Network", and a button "Wireless Options..."]
    4. Select "Wireless Options", which should open another window with the following options:
    5Ghz network name, Country, a checkbox with "Create hidden Network", Radio Mode, 2.4 GHz Channel, and 5 GHz Channel [both of which can stay on "Automatic"]
    5. Clicking on  "Radio Mode" will bring up a list in which the las option should read:
    802.11n only (5Ghz) - 802.11n only (2.4 GHz)
    Once you click "Save", your router will blink amber for a little while and then it should work.
    Hope this helps.  Let me know if it does/doesn't.
    p.s. I apologize if the directions were excessively explicit, but I was thinking about my 73 year-old mother trying to follow them, so I erred on the side of making them more understandable.  Good luck.

  • Wired connection to cable modem.  Airport extreme has to connect to internet if computer goes to screen saver.  Any way around this?

    Airport extreme has to connect to internet if computer goes to screen saver.  Any way around this?

    Describe the issue in more detail.. as it doesn't currently make sense.. the AE should always be connected to the internet. It should never disconnect.. but the computer can fail to connect to wireless after sleep.. that is common problem.
    See Tesserax docos if you have wireless connect issues after sleep.

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