Pro res 444 equivalent on PC

I have a clip for a client, they are recommending I output to a .avi or .mov using ProRes 4444, unfortunately I am working on a PC, and cant output using this codec,
What would you recommend I use codec wise? It will need to be lossless.
They will be using the file on either an avid or FCP system so a codec that is familiar with either system will be needed.
Im using Premeire Pro CS5

ProRes isn't lossless.  It's near-lossless.
The closest thing to it is probably Avid's DNxHD.   They introduced a 4444 with MC6.  I'm not sure if it's free, but the other Avid codecs are.
I haven't used it, but I've heard that Cineform is also near lossless (or perhaps variable with up to near lossless capability).

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    While a base level ProRes 422 codec is now comes installed with the Mavericks OS, the rest of the ProRes family (as well as the rest of the "pro" codecs) requires the installation of "pro" editing software like FCP Suite, FCP X, Motion, etc. (I.e., you will have to installed such software on your new iMac since it is not part of the base Mac OS X system installation.) In addition, if you wan to access legacy codecs like Animation, PNG, etc., then you will have to turn them back on manually since they are, by default, turned off on Lion and later operating systems.

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    Right. Your menu should look like this if ProRes is installed:

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    Ahh ... you can thank Apple for your difficulty. They don't put this codec out in form for "writing it" within the PC world. So, essentially, you need to buy the codec from Miraizon ...
    Miraizon Products Overview
    And hope you get the updated one. They had a release that worked but with headaches at times. I think they replaced that with a stable release. It's about $90+ USD.
    The PC "equivalent" is DNxHD, which is available through PrPro/AME.

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    When I look at the sequence in FCP it all looks great but when I export it as a full-quality Quicktime Movie I consistently get this weird flicker or pulsate just before a cut from video footage to a still image. It's as-if the someone snaps their finger and the same pic all of a sudden get either slightly darker or lighter for 2 or 3 frames.
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    Thanks in advance!

    What's the delivery to be? DVD? or?

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    I don't know any way you can interrogate iDVD to reveal settings to the extent that you can in a Compressor project. What you could do is open up the show's VOB in MPEG STreamclip, go to File and Reveal Stream Information; that will at least give you some rudimentary info like average bit rate. Perhaps someone, with more iDVD experience, can chime in here.
    The broader question is why use Compressor at all if your current workflow is doing the job to your satisfaction?
    The value of Compressor is that it gives you control over the many parameters that affect size quality.  and playability. The Compressor presets can give you a starting point for DVD delivery, Web, etc. From those presets, people typically experiment by adjusting the parameters until they get the desired results for their specific show. It's a little bit science and a little bit art. After experimenting, you may be able to get slightly better quality for the project you've successfully burned in iDVD by using Compressor and something likeToast…or maybe not.
    Good luck.

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    Anyways if somebody can please look into this that would be great, this seems to be an issue where I can't continue at this moment to use Media Encoder. Making my source files Uncompressed every time to do an export is just not a real workflow I want to do.
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    I am on a current new 27'' fully loaded iMac with the latest Adobe CC updates.
    Has anyone else experienced this?
    thank you

    No, it is why advance users do not use the wizard.
    Have a look at and its form creation. Once you add your fields in, just export to PDF and the form fields will be named just like you named in them in and the drop down values carry over.

  • Pro Res in Final cut express How do i get a good quality SD DVD

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    On screen its fine but when i author through imovie to DVD the quality is poor.
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    Question is. Is pro res codec available in express and if not can someone suggest the optimum set up for HD capture to SD DVD output
    Many thanks

    Use either of these techniques to get good quality DVDs from AIC.
    1. Edit your HDV/AIC in the timeline. Then create a new DV-PAL (NTSC) Anamorphic sequence. Copy your edited HDV/AIC to the new sequence. Do not alter anything. Render the sequence ..... this will take a long time - up to twice the length of the project. Then File>Export>QuickTime Movie (Not Self-contained).
    However, if you use the QT Movie in iDVD you will get a squashed 4:3 movie, so first of all you must make QT stretch it out to its proper 16:9 dimensions like this:-
    +a. Open the exported movie file in the QT Pro player.+
    +b. Go to Window>Show Movie Properties.+
    +c. Select the "Video Track" and in the "Visual Settings" panel uncheck "Preserve Aspect Ratio".+
    +d. In the "Scaled Size" box set the width to 1024 pixels for PAL.+
    +e. The "Video Track" will have turned grey, so click it to make it blue again.+
    +f. The opened movie file will jump to 16:9.+
    +g. Close it with the red button and click Save.+
    2. This method is fast. Set your camera to "Locked DV" which means that FCE/FCP will capture it as anamorphic DV and edit it as standard definition anamorphic DV. (Use Easy Setup ... DV-PAL (NTSC) Anamorphic).
    You can then Export>QuickTime Movie to be used in iDVD and use the stretching technique mentioned above.

  • Vixia HF200-apple pro res?

    I've searched online and throughout the apple forum, but I can't find any info that discusses the best sequence and project settings to use with a Canon Vixia HF200 camera. I bought ten of the Vixia HF200's for our school to use with Final Cut Pro 6.06 running on Quad Core and a few 8 core Intel Macs. We can ingest perfectly. No issue. And I am probably using the wrong settings, but I set the sequence preset to Apple Pro Res HQ 1920x1080 24p. Our cameras are all set to cinema mode24p. For easy setup we have been using Format:HD, Rate:all and Use at DVCPro HD-1080pA24. Our sequence settings are 1920x1080 Custom 16:9, Pixel Aspect=1440x1080, timebase=23.98 and compressor apple Pro res HQ. I've played with other settings and editing is fine and the video looks fine. However, on most of these settings we are seeing some weird by product. All exported 1920x1080 video has flash frames throughout the video. You can watch the video on an NTSC monitor or on the computer monitor and there are no flash frames. But once you export using Quicktime Movie Apple Pro Res HQ 1920x1080, then that exported file shows multiple flash frames. Again, I'm sure I have all the wrong settings. Can someone respond with the optimal settings for editing AVCHD @ 24MB from a Canon Vixia HF200 within FCP 6.06?

    Did it work before?
    If so, what did you change?
    If not, have you tried installing the latest ProRes Codecs?

  • FCP Pro Res Super 16mm -- Compressor -- DVD Studio Pro (Nightmare Workflow Critique)

    I figured I post here rather than the DVD Studio Pro forum; I've posted on Creative Cow as well but haven't gotten any responses yet.
    Before I mention my problem, I'd like to mention that I've tried several types of compression methods and bitrates and unfortunately, my disk still freezes in my player, generally around the same area.
    (I have two, minute long clips with Smoothcam there).
    I'll try to be as specific about my work-flow as I can and I've posted the photos of my FCP and Compressor settings below.
    30 Minutes. Super 16mm.
    2K DPX Scans -- > Graded In Color --> Pro Res 4444 23.976 --> Sent To Compressor --> Mpeg 2 + AC3 --> Build & Format With DVD Studio Pro
    I set blue compression markers at the start of each Smoothcam clip.
    I've recompressed my footage without Smoothcam as well - with the same end result.
    I've sent my timeline to Compressor and used both the 5.5-7 VBR setting and the 6.5 CBR settings (with everything under Frame Controls set to the highest quality).
    (I've also used the 6.2-7.7 built in settings with the ninety-minute high quality preset).
    I am using Sony DVD-R disks. 16X/1X. When I play them in my PS3, the film freezes at different points in the first two-three minutes - then skips ahead exactly to the same point in my film - about halfway.
    I've set Chapter markers and it skips to the halfway one; from there it plays fine.
    1. I wanted to ask if I should maybe export my entire sequence first through FCP (an .mov file) and try Compressing that?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    2. Should I set it to Pro Res 422 HQ first?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    3. Perhaps I should just try to Compressor with the 90Min-HQ setting without changing anything?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    4. Should I remove the Smoothcam?
    I'm currently compressing the entire sequence void of all Smoothcam.
    When I bring the files into DVD Studio Pro, I see under preferences that Studio Pro also has VBR settings. Do those have any effect on my DVD encode? There is no CBR there - only VBR set from 5.5-7.
    5. Is there anything I'm doing wrong with regards to my workflow? There are several options that may be causing this; I'm not sure if its the progressive footage to interlaced standard definition disk, or modifying field dominance, gop structure, etc.
    Any help would be greatly (that's greatly) appreciated.

    My first impression is you're trying to make this too hard...
    You have a high quality timeline which is downconverted to 1080, no problem. Once rendered, SmoothCam
    should not represent a problem. If anything, SmoothCam will reduce the sudden movement that can cause problems. Any scenes where you have a high rate of change per frame (like in an explosion or a background of leaves flapping in the wind) should be marked with compression markers.
    Export as a QT movie using sequence settings (include markers for DVDSP) so you have a completed source file for compression. I'm not aware of anything that will improve the quality beyond what is in the timeline, so current sequence settings are fine. Test this for playback issues.
    If you are having playback problems with the sequence after export and compression, the most probable cause is excessively high bandwidth requirements. Try using the DVD: Best Quality 90 minutes preset. It generally produces a very good quality product. Any attempt to increase the quality will likely increase the bandwidth requirements that are the probable cause of the skipping.
    While Sony is a big name, their DVD substrate is only mediocre. If you think the substrate is a problem, switch to Verbatim or JVC/Taiyo-Yuden.
    If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the Compressor output, look into the Cinema Craft encoding products.
    Hope this helps.

  • FCP 7.0.3 XDCAM media in Pro Res sequence-implications?

    We have 1.5TB of XDCAM [email protected] Post facility suggested offlining at DV NTSC but it was decided to cut native (before my time). I've inherited XDCAM 422 sequences. Using a 4 TB G Raid enclosure with both FW800 & eSATA/HD Link card & 12 core 2.66 Ghz MacPro w/6GB RAM. Intermittent crashes, 9 today, but then it will play back fine for a few hours before resuming the crashes. It will crash both on sections with FX or more than 1 stream as well as single stream sections. I thought it was the FW800 choking but the eSATA is worse. Digital Rebellion Crash Analyser attributes crashes to Mpeg media, which apparently I'm stuck with as the transcode time implication is 'too high'
    What if I switch the sequence codec to Pro Res HQ & re render, will this be helpful in any way? It seems to playback ok with very little rendering on Safe RT.
    BTW have installed Pro Applications Update 2010-02.

    thank you for your responses-I tried transcoding everything to xdcam in a fresh project-no difference, crashing at the same rate, despite changing storage to fibre channel raid. so MM'd to Prores LT (no obvious difference to prores HQ on the cinema display) and all good.
    David, the project was inherited with a whole load of identically named clips in different subfolders (!!!) although I doubt this caused the crashes. AFAIK they were editing w/o cards in the field.

  • Audio and Video out of Sync after Pro Res export

    I´m getting an audio/video sync issue when I´m exporting to Pro Res.
    I started off in a HDV1080i50 sequence. Audio sampling rate is 48khz. (16 bit depth)
    The sequence is less than 20 minutes long. It plays correctly on the timeline.
    When I export the sequence for DVD and view it on a set top it plays absolutely fine.
    When I export the video to ProRes (422 HQ - I used Export using Quicktime Conversion) and the audio to AIFF, they quickly go out of sync. This was brought to my attention first by the guys who were making the DigiBeta master, and when I view the exported material in a Pro Res sequence I can see it for myself.
    The audio and video clips are of the exact same duration.
    Possible issues...
    Some of the narration was recorded at 44.1 khz. I didn´t resample it (I´m still a learning novice..).. but if that is the issue should it not have affected the DVD as well? All the other audio in the project is 48khz.
    Most of the material is HDV1080i50..but one clip used was originally an NTSC clip and therefore a different frame rate. However I converted it to a 25fps clip and this is reflected in the vid rate column in the browser where it says 25fps.
    Final point, the exported AIFF files..when I import them back into the HDV1080i50 sequence and play back, it is perfectly in sync.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    First, yes resample the narration to 48k 16 bit.  You will probably be able to reconnect to the resampled files.  Usually works for me.   That's a simple fix and will probably solve the problem.  If it doesn't, you can try to change the codec (compressor) in the sequence settings to prores 422HQ, fully render and see if that solves the problem.
    Wait, just reread your original post.  Export from fcp using file:  export:  quicktime movie NOT quicktime conversion with current settings.  If that works without synch issues, use compressor to convert to prores.

  • Apple pro res 422 file consuming more space than usual

    hi everyone!
    I've been  working with FCP 7 since 2008 and at the same time I started working with Canon T2 from 2 years ago and I haven't had any problems with my FCP workflow files, editing and output used to be H. 264 based files until I started to  have problems with my hd DSRL projects. Recently when editing the audio went out of sync and  I was suggested to change the Quicktime video settings from FCP 7 to imovie (which is th application I commonly use to create chapters and share to iDVD) this worked perfectly. It was the  first time I which I had  to  change the Quictime Settings to Apple Pro Res 422 The Out of sync problem was resolved but the space consumed by the file was enourmosly ncreased instead. ie. A 5 min project usually would take like a 500 mbs quicktime  file  and now using the Apple Pro Res 422 this 5 min project went up to 5.3 Ggs!! And also the exporting process is taking forever!! For instance I'm working  with a 30 min project and the Quicktime conversion never ends. It's taking about 12 hrs and is not taking  more than the 20% of the process. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I need help in a extremely urgent way!  Thank you all guys! And best regards from Mexico!!
    Mac Pro early 2008
    Processor  2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
    Memory  10 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
    Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 256 MB
    Software  OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)

    >using the Apple Pro Res 422 this 5 min project went up to 5.3 Ggs
    That's about right for a ProRes 422 file. High quality video takes a lot of space. It's sufficient to use the lighter ProRes LT for the footage from your T2 by the way. Your MacPro can also have up to 4 hard drives for plenty of storage.
    Why are you using QuickTime Conversion?
    Exporting to QuickTime with current settings and self contained is the better way. Then you use Compressor to make your delivery format from that master. Compressor is faster because it can take advantage of multiple cores - FCP doesn't. It will also give you far more control and choice over the encoding.

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