Problem creating items in a folder owned by another user

Iam getting an exception when i try to create a folder owned (or shall i say) created by another user.Let me explain what iam doing :
1. I have created a folder "INPRISE" under "/home".I have
created an ACL "MyAcl" having group INPRISEGROUP
as the ACE having all permissions.I have set the ACL "MyAcl" on the folder "INPRISE".
2. I have created two users i1 and i2
and placed them in the group INPRISEGROUP .Both these users have a link under thei home folder to "INPRISE" folder(achieved by using and addItem()).
3. I could successfully login as i1 and create a folder "WebApps" under "INPRISE" and upload a document "A.txt" under "WebApps".
4.But when i log in as "i2" and try to create a document "B.txt" under "WebApps" which was created by user "i1" i get the following exception :
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i1
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i1
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i1
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i1
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i1
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i1
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: **********Creating document in /home/i1/INPRISE/WebApps
javawebserver: Created document..
javawebserver: Setting permissions for the document....
javawebserver: setting the access level
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i2
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i2
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i2
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i2
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: Got the user
javawebserver: got the primary user profile
javawebserver: THE HOME FOLDER IS --> i2
javawebserver: The home folder name is --> i2
javawebserver: home folder
javawebserver: **********Creating document in /home/i2/INPRISE/WebApps
javawebserver: Error while creating document.....
javawebserver: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30002: Unable to create new
javawebserver: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30048: Insufficient access t
o add items to a Folder
javawebserver: oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-30030: Permission not grante
d on specified ACL
javawebserver: at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at org.omg.CORBA.UserException.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.common.IfsException.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.common.IfsException.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.common.IfsException.<init>(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_AccessControlList.verifyStandardPermissi
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_PublicObject.verifyPublicObjectPermissio
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_Folder.verifyCanAddItem(
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_Folder.addReference(
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_Folder.addReference(
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_PublicObject.postCreateAddToFolder(S_Pub
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_PublicObject.extendedPostInsert(S_Public
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.postInsert(S_LibraryObject
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.OperationState.executeAtomicOperations(Com
piled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObject.createInstance(S_LibraryOb
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySessio n.newLibraryObject(S_Librar
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject(S_Library
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.newPublicObject(S_Library
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.server.S_LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject(S_Libra
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.DMNewPublicObject(LibrarySes
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.NewPublicObject(LibrarySessi
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession.createPublicObject(LibrarySe
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.utils.common.PublicObjectUtilities.createDocument
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.utils.common.PublicObjectUtilities.putAsDocumentW
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.adk.filesystem.IfsFileSystem.createDocument(IfsFi
javawebserver: at dp.DPDocManager.uploadDocument(
javawebserver: at ifs.jsp_sbin._dp._dpDoc._jspService(
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.protocols.http.jsp.pagecompile.jsp.runtime.HttpJs
javawebserver: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.protocols.http.jsp.IfsJspServlet.runServlet(IfsJs
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.protocols.http.jsp.IfsJspServlet.processJspPage(C
ompiled Code)
javawebserver: at oracle.ifs.protocols.http.jsp.IfsJspServlet.service(IfsJspSe
javawebserver: at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.ServletState.callService(
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.ServletManager.callServletService(ServletMana
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.ProcessingState.invokeTargetServlet(Processin
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.http.HttpProcessingState.execute(HttpProcessi
javawebserver: THE ERROR MESSAGE IS IFS-30002: Unable to create new LibraryObje
javawebserver: Setting permissions for the document....
javawebserver: setting the access level
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.http.stages.Runner.process(
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.ProcessingSupport.process(Compiled Code)
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.Service.process(
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(HttpSer
javawebserver: at com.sun.server.http.HttpServiceHandler.handleRequest(Compile
d Code)
javawebserver: at Code)
javawebserver: Error during JSP page processing: /ifs/jsp-bin/dp/dpDoc.jsp
javawebserver: java.lang.NullPointerException
The Code is :
package dp;
import oracle.ifs.beans.*;
import oracle.ifs.common.*;
import oracle.ifs.beans.parsers.*;
import oracle.ifs.adk.filesystem.*;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
* The document manager bean for the Deal Planner app.
* <p>
* This class provides a login session/creates a new account in the IFS. The class
* implements the <code>IfsHttpLogin</code> interface so it can share login data with other
* beans.
* @author Srinivas Sampige
* @version 1.0
* @see IfsHttpLogin
public class DPDocManager implements IfsHttpLogin
private String userName = "";
private LibrarySession ifsSession = null;
private FolderPathResolver fPathResolver = null;
private IfsFileSystem ifsFileSystem; // File System object
public DPDocManager()
{//does nothing
*Creates a new account in the IFS for
*a new deal when the deal code is passed in.
*@ param dealCode The deal code of the deal for which an account has to be created
*@ param password A system generate d password for the account being created.
*@ return String Will return "SUCCESS" on creating the account or the reason if an
* error occurrs.
public String createDealFolder(String dealCode)
String result = "SUCCESS";
ifsSession = getIfsConnection("system","manager","ServerManager","i5ifs");
//create a new folder for this deal
Folder dealFolder = createFolder("/home",dealCode);
//create a group for this deal;place the group as
//an access control entry in an access control list.
//Set the access control list to the folder.
AccessControlList acl = createDealGroup(dealCode);
}catch(IfsException ie)
int code = ie.getErrorCode();
System.out.println("THE ERROR CODE WHILE CREATING DEAL FOLDER IS -- "+code);
result = ie.getMessage();
return result;
public String createUser(String userId,String password,String dealCode)
String result = "SUCCESS";
System.out.println("Creating user and adding to a group "+userId);
this.ifsSession = getIfsConnection("system","manager","ServerManager","i5ifs");
System.out.println("Logged in successully");
//form the XML necessary for creating the simple user;
//the new user in the IFS will be the Deal.User id will be the deal code;
//password is fetched from the DEALS table.
String simpleUserString = "<?xml version = '1.0' standalone = 'yes'?>\n"
+ "<SimpleUser>\n"
+ " <UserName>"+userId+"</UserName>\n"
+ " <Password>"+userId+"</Password>\n"
+ " <HomeFolderRoot>/home</HomeFolderRoot>\n"
+ "</SimpleUser>\n";
System.out.println("Parsing "+simpleUserString);
//invoke the XML parser for creating the new user
StringReader userDefinition = new StringReader(simpleUserString);
SimpleXmlParser xmlParser = new SimpleXmlParser(ifsSession);
//a valid user for a deal must belong to the deals group;add the user
//to the appropriate group for the deal
String userToGroupString = "<?xml version = '1.0' standalone = 'yes'?>\n"
+ "<DirectoryGroup>\n"
+ " <Update reftype='Name'>" + dealCode+"Group" + "</Update>\n"
+ " <Members>"
+ " <Member reftype='Name'>" + userId + "</Member>"
+ " </Members>"
+ "</DirectoryGroup>\n";
//invoke the XML parser for adding the new user to the group
StringReader groupUpdate = new StringReader(userToGroupString);
xmlParser = new SimpleXmlParser(ifsSession);
LibraryObject lo = xmlParser.parse(groupUpdate,null,null);
System.out.println ("The LO returned by parse is " + lo);
//link this user's home folder to the deal folder
Collection c = ifsSession.getDirectoryUserCollection();
DirectoryUser du = (DirectoryUser) c.getItems(userId);
System.out.println("The DirectoryUser created is " + du.getDistinguishedName());
//Folder homeFolder = (Folder) getIfsFileSystem().findPublicObjectByPath("/home/"+dealCode);
Folder homeFolder = du.getPrimaryUserProfile().getHomeFolder();
System.out.println("Home folder is"+homeFolder);
System.out.println("Created a link to the deal folder... ");
}catch(IfsException ie)
return result;
/* public String addUserToGroup(String groupName)
InternetFileSystem ifs = getFileSystem();
}catch(IfsException ie)
System.out.println("Problem while adding user to the group "+ie.getMessage());
*This method creates a group that for a particular deal.
*All members having access to this deal must belong to thi                                                                                                            s
* group.
public AccessControlList createDealGroup(String dealCode)
AccessControlList acl = null;
DirectoryGroupDefinition def = new DirectoryGroupDefinition(ifsSession);
DirectoryGroup dealGroup = (DirectoryGroup)ifsSession.createPublicObject(def);
AccessControlListDefinition aclDef = new AccessControlListDefinition(ifsSession);
AccessControlEntryDefinition aceDef = new AccessControlEntryDefinition(ifsSession);
AccessLevel aLevel = new AccessLevel();
acl = (AccessControlList) ifsSession.createPublicObject(aclDef);
}catch(IfsException ie)
System.out.println("error while creating group for deal");
return acl;
*makes a connection the the IFS and returns the LibrarySession object.
*@param userName user name for a valid IFS account.
*@param password password for a valid IFS account.
*@param serviceName the IFS service name.
*@param schemaPassword the IFS schema password.
private LibrarySession getIfsConnection(String username, String password, String serviceName,
String schemaPassword) throws IfsException
LibraryService service = new LibraryService();
CleartextCredential me = new CleartextCredential(username, password);
ConnectOptions connection = new ConnectOptions();
ifsSession = service.connect(me, connection);
fPathResolver = new FolderPathResolver(ifsSession);
ifsFileSystem = new IfsFileSystem(ifsSession);
return ifsSession;
public String loginToIfs(String userName,String password,String serviceName,String schemaPassword)
String result = "SUCCESS";
this.userName = userName;
}catch(IfsException ie)
int code = ie.getErrorCode();
System.out.println("ERROR CODE "+code);
result = "FAILED -- "+code+" -- "+ie.getMessage();
System.out.println("Failed to login "+ie.getMessage());
return result;
public LibrarySession getSession()
return ifsSession;
public FolderPathResolver getResolver()
return fPathResolver;
public IfsFileSystem getIfsFileSystem()
return ifsFileSystem;
public Folder getHomeFolder()
Folder homeFolder = null;
DirectoryUser user = ifsSession.getUser();
System.out.println("Got the user");
PrimaryUserProfile primary = user.getPrimaryUserProfile();
System.out.println("got the primary user profile");
homeFolder = primary.getHomeFolder();
System.out.println("THE HOME FOLDER IS --> "+homeFolder);
System.out.println("The home folder name is --> "+homeFolder.getName());
}catch(IfsException ie)
System.out.println("home folder");
return homeFolder;
* Called when this object is bound to the HTTP session object.
* @param event The event when the object is bound to the Http session.
public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event)
// do nothing
* Called when this object is unbound from the HTTP session object.
* @param event The event when the object is unbound to the Http session.
public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event)
//release the reources like the ifsSession etc.
fPathResolver = null;
if (ifsSession != null)
ifsSession.di sconnect();
}catch (IfsException e)
ifsSession = null; // release the resources
public Folder createFolder(Folder destinationFolder,String theNewFolderPath)
Folder createdFolder = null;
System.out.println("<*---*> IN THE FOLDER "+destinationFolder);
IfsFileSystem ifs = getIfsFileSystem();
System.out.println("Creating the folder..");
createdFolder = ifs.createFolder(theNewFolderPath,destinationFolder,true,null);
System.out.println("Created the folder..");
}catch(IfsException ie)
return createdFolder;
}//createFolder(String inTheFolder,theNewFolder)
public Folder createFolder(String inTheFolder,String theNewFolderPath)
Folder createdFolder = null;
System.out.println("<*---*> IN THE FOLDER "+inTheFolder);
IfsFileSystem ifs = getIfsFileSystem();
System.out.println("Creating ANOTHER folder for test");
Folder destinationFolder = (Folder) ifs.findPublicObjectByPath("/"+inTheFolder);
System.out.println("The destination folder is "+destinationFolder);
/* Folder destinationFolderMyTest = (Folder) ifs.findPublicObjectByPath("/home/c6/COREL/MY-TEST/");
System.out.println("The destination folder my test is "+destinationFolderMyTest);*/
createdFolder = ifs.createFolder(theNewFolderPath,destinationFolder,true,null);
/* System.out.println("Created folder in destination folder ");
createdFolder = ifs.createFolder(theNewFolderPath,(Folder) ifs.findPublicObjectByPath(inTheFolder),true,null);
System.out.println("Created folder in MY-TEST ");*/
}catch(IfsException ie)
return createdFolder;
}//createFolder(String inTheFolder,theNewFolder)
*Method creates a folder in the path specified(the path includes the name of the folder
*to be created).If a parent of any of the folders in the path
*is not found then that folder is automatically created.
public String createFolder(String folderPath)
System.out.println("*-*-*-*-* Creating folder *-*-*-*-*");
String result = "SUCCESS";
IfsFileSystem ifs = new IfsFileSystem(ifsSession);
Folder folder = (Folder) ifs.findPublicObjectByPath("home/"+userName);
ifs.createFolder(folderPath,(Folder) folder,true,null);
}catch(IfsException ie)
result = ie.getMessage();
return result;
//Upload a document to the ifs
public Document uploadDocument(String localPath,String destinationPath)
Document document = null;
IfsFileSystem ifs = new IfsFileSystem(ifsSession);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(localPath);
System.out.println("**********Creating document in "+destinationPath);
document = ifs.createDocument("B.txt", fis, destinationPath, null, false, null);
System.out.println("Created document..");
}catch(IfsException e)
System.out.println("Error while creating document.....");
System.out.println("THE ERROR MESSAGE IS "+e.getMessage());
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("File not found/io exception ");
return document;
* Adds an access control entry to the public object passed in.
*@param PublicObject the publicObject for which permissions have to be set.
public void setAccessControlOnObject(PublicObject publicObject)
System.out.println("Setting permissions for the document....");
AccessControlListDefinition aclDef = new AccessControlListDefinition();
AccessControlEntryDefinition aceDef = new AccessControlEntryDefinition();
//this sets the acceess control entry's granntee as the "user" who ha s loggen on
String[] permissions = {"ACCESSLEVEL_NONE"};
System.out.println("setting the access level");
AccessLevel accessLevel = new AccessLevel(permissions);
/*PermissionBundleDefinition pbDef = new PermissionBundleDefinition(ifsSession);
PermissionBundle pb = (PermissionBundle) ifsSession.createSystemObject(pbDef);
AccessControlList acl = (AccessControlList) ifsSession.createPublicObject(aclDef);
}catch(IfsException ie)
System.out.println("The error while settin access control is -0> "+ie.getMessage());
}//class DPDocManager
Note : since iam still experimenting with the code please ignore any irrelevant/wrong commenting.Iam using method "CreateDealFolder()" to create the folder "INPRISE" and "CreateUser()" to create users "i1","i2"

Iam not able to set the main folder's (i.e INPRISE) acl (MyAcl) on the subfolder "MyFolder" because the owner of MyAcl is "system" whereas the owner of MyFolder is user "i1" .Which is the best way of solving these ownership issue which iam running into ? I want to be able to create different folders ,assign a group of uers to each of the folders who can create as well as modify,delete each other's folders/documents (as i have mentioned in my first post in this thread) ?

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      update OITM set U_Discount = 'Y' where LEFT(U_Discount,1) = 'Y'
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    I don't believe you can create calendar items under the root folder, but it's been so long since I worked with a system that had public folders that I'm not sure.  If you mean "a folder that can contain calendar items", that is not a calendar
    item itself.
    Now, I believe your underlying question is, "How many folders can be created at the root level of the public folder hierarchy?"  If so, there is no simple limit that I know of (you can have thousands, if you really want), but management gets
    pretty unruly with the more that you have.  I normally recommend that you create sub-folders to logically meet your requirements, then have each of these with more folders (normally that only specific groups of users will be able to access or add items
    to).  And anyone will tell you that you want to restrict anyone from creating their own folders at the root level.  In fact, this is the default setting for a new Exchange 2010 installation.
    I'll add that you really should stop trying to use public folders, since there are newer technologies (SharePoint, for instance) that work much better and are much easier to use.

  • Owner of the public folder is not able to move or remove or create items underneath

    "ABCD" is the parent folder to which the user A given owner rights using EMC console.
    system admin creates 2 new sub-folders underneath and given user A with "owner" rights. Now the problem is out of 2 sub-folders one works fine(it means "user A" got full rights) and other one does not allow the "user A" to move,
    remove, created items.
    Issue is specific to only one user, any more ideas if you can suggest me to resolve this please?
    this is for Exchange 2010 SP3 environment.

    From your description, this issue affects only one user.
    Please use the Get-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "public folder" command to check the permissions.
    If possible, please remove and re-add the public folder permission to check result.
    If you have multiple DCs, please make sure there is no replication issue.
    Besides, please run the get-mailbox  | fl default* cmdlet to check the default public folder mailbox and compare with other normal users.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Redirect to Pages library after creating item in pages library folder!

    Hi All,
    I'm facing one problem while creating item in publishing pages library.
    Whenever I create an item inside the folder, after creation of item SharePoint redirect me to root level of the library. Its happening in pages library only.
    Does any one face this issue or it's a know SharePoint issue or is there any workaround?

    Hi Shubham,
    I did a test, however I could not reproduce your issue.
    In my testing, I created a folder in the Pages library, then created a page in the folder. After creation, it went to the folder level, not the top level of the library.
    Please check whether you installed some updates for your SharePoint 2010.
    For narrowing down the scope of this issue, please verify the followings:
    Please create a new site at the same site collection, then test again, compare the result.
    Please create a new site collection, test again, compare the result.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Hi i am using OS 10.8.5 i hv a problem moving items to trash when i delete any thing it deletes from specific folder but dosnt appear in trash n my hard drive space is not getting free kindly help me

    hi i am using OS 10.8.5 i have a problem moving items to trash when i move a specific thing to trash it deletes from that folder but does not appear in trash and my hard drive space is not getting free i am a new user to mac kindly help  me out

    When you have kernel panics, the pertinent information is in the panic report.
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    In the Console window, select
              DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION ▹ System Diagnostic Reports
    (not Diagnostic and Usage Messages) from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    There is a disclosure triangle to the left of the list item. If the triangle is pointing to the right, click it so that it points down. You'll see a list of reports. A panic report has a name that begins with "Kernel" and ends in ".panic". Select the most recent one. The contents of the report will appear on the right. Use copy and paste to post the entire contents—the text, not a screenshot.
    If you don't see any reports listed, but you know there was a panic, you may have chosen Diagnostic and Usage Messages from the log list. Choose DIAGNOSTIC AND USAGE INFORMATION instead.
    In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.)
    Please don’t post other kinds of diagnostic report.
    I know the report is long, maybe several hundred lines. Please post all of it anyway.

  • Having problems creating folders in my motion template folder

    trying to create  titles and transition folder in my motion template folder for my plugins. fcpx and motion 5. it funny cause my generator folder shows my gen. plugins

    I have the same problem. For example, create a folder called Images. Delete the folder. Now there is nothing in the folder. Try to create a new "Images" folder. It won't let you!
    You can log out. Log in. Try from a different computer. You cannot use Images as a folder name again if you used it once and deleted it. Also, I tried to drag in a folder. Doesn't work. Getting frustrated with file management in Creative Cloud. It isn't intuitive. For example, how do you delete a file or folder? There is no trash can, no delete. You have to click on a checkmark that says "batch." I don't know about you, but why would anyone think to do a batch action on one file? Doesn't the name infer you're going to perform an action on several files? This is a basic UI flaw that needs to be addressed.
    Also, if you have an updated file, or folder of files that need to go to the cloud, they cannot save over the current content. Without any user notification it creates a second folder, or a second file and numbers it. Now I'm confused. Did what I just uploaded get the number or was the original file numbered? Anyway, now I have two sets of files in the cloud and I'm left wondering which is which.
    I feel like a beta tester and I'm paying $30 a month for the privilege! Please help!

  • Problems Creating PDFs

    A lot of problems creating PDFs come from using the wrong printer to create the PDF or underlying printfile.
    You should use Adobe's Distiller printer instance to create a PDF. This comprises the latest Adobe Postscript printer for your operating system plus the Distiller PPD.
    Don't use an HP printer to create your PDF. PostScript, or otherwise.
    Don't use a Xerox printer to create your PDF. PostScript or otherwise.
    See #1.
    Note: If you are outputting to a service bureau, you might want to use something other than the Distiller printer instance. However, if you encounter problems with your particular PDFs, try using the official method with the Distiller printer to see whether any problems are limited just to your setup. If problems persist, you might have to create your PostScript output using one printer driver and the PDF using Adobe's Distiller printer instance.
    Common problems include:
    Black and white, or greyscale, PDFs created from color FrameMaker books and documents.
    Distiller terminating the PDF creation process early, thus no PDF is created.
    For lack-of-color problems, first check you don't have Spot as Black set in the Frame Print dialog.
    Update the printer you are using to the latest Adobe PostScript printer driver version.
    Uninstall the printer you are using to create PDFs and to reinstall the latest version from scratch.

    FAQ: Creating PDF Files from FrameMaker Documents -- Why you should not use "save as PDF"! -- Windows & MacOS Only!
    Dov Isaacs - 07:02pm Dec 6, 2001 Pacific
    An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF email lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
    I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
    But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
    The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
    (1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
    (2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
    (3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i.e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
    (4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
    (5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
    (6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
    (7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
    (8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i.e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
    (9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
    (10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
    If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
    It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
    In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
    Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
    Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
    What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
    Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
    Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
    Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
    Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
    Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
    Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
    Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
    Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i.e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
    The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
    The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
    Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products
    PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
    PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
    Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller
    Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
    Case 3: Acrobat 3
    Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
    - Dov

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