PROBLEM: Sending/Forwarding e-mail

I can't send / forward e-mails using either OUTLOOK EXPRESS or MOZ. T-BIRD, but have NO problems receiving. Called verizon tech. help & they confirmed all of my settings are correct. They said my e-mail programs have to be uninstalled / reinstalled. I said: "YOU"RE KIDDING, RIGHT???".  I got NOWHERE!  Any advice is appreciated!!!

Hi Guys, I am having exactly the same issue- started Tuesday night and no issues with outlook/fios email before this.
I get all the settings in, test email and the test email goes to verizon site but won't download (nor does it show in my sent box). The suggested solutions above don't work either, unfortunately.
Outlook 2010 is what I am using and verizon told me the same thing.
I am using web mail for now but not pleased with their service right now.
There's a message on the website stating that they are merging and so I am wondering if that has to do with it.
I am on the East Coast.
Anyway if anyone finds an answer please let us know!

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    Morred wrote:
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    Hello gnutellabrot
    Start with the article below to troubleshoot issues with email not sending and downloading to your iPhone.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    Here's their own setup guide for their email.  Make sure you use all the settings it refers to in the SMTP section. settings-for-outgoing-and-incoming-mail-servers%3F
    If you have done this and still it will not work, it is possible its an issue with their system and there's nothing you can do until they fix it.


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    Can anyone help? Please!

    Thanks for the mail forum tip
    Yeah, I use the Media Browser in Mail. It's just quicker, more convenient when in iphoto to use that function.
    Will post on the Mail Forum now, hope that helps . . .
    Thanks again,
    Ian, Berlin - Germany

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    It's my one HUGE complaint about Mail and it is a
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    Pre-Tiger, Mail did not use html, it used .rtf. Tiger Mail now uses HTML. (Both are called "rich text" in Mail). But the "default" settings are for incomings, not outgoings. For outgoings you need to do it for each message with the Font Panel. And of course at the other end, the recipient has to be viewing html: If his mail client is set to read plain text, it will use his font preferences and not what you intended.
    Best to send Apple some feedback on how you would prefer that it work:

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    Hey Dephil,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities. 
    The article linked below provides some great information and troubleshooting suggestions that'll resolve most issues like the one that you’ve described, where you’re not able to receive email on your iPad 2 after updating iOS.
    Get help with Mail on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    First, try these basic troubleshooting steps:
    To make sure that you're connected to the Internet, open Safari and go to
    Log in to your email provider's website to make sure that the account is active and the password is correct.
    Make sure your settings are correct using Mail Settings Lookup.
    Restart your iOS device.
    Delete the affected email account from your device.
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Tap the affected email account.
    Tap Delete Account.
    Add your account again.
    Follow these steps for specific alerts.
    "Cannot get mail"
    Make sure you entered the correct password. If you enabled two-step verification through your email service provider, contact them to see if you need a special password for your iOS device.
    So long,

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    G'day all,
    I frequently have to email colleagues at work from my Mac at home. They all use MS Outlook to view emails.
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    I do tick the 'Windows Friendly box " when sending.
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    Any ideas how to overcome this issue as it does look very un-professional when i send emails.
    Remember, they are perfect without attachments.

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    If I create a new email, enter in the address, subject and content then try to add an attachment Mail does nothing. It will not attach a file no mater what I do.
    However, if I save the email as a draft then reopen it and try attaching again - it attaches the files without a problem.
    This is very inconvenient and inefficient and needs to be fixed ASAP.

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    Sure, there are many improvements in Leopard, but I feel there are also some areas where it has taken a step. In future I will not be one of those scrambling to get the latest release of OSX on my machine!

  • Problem send attachment with mail

    I'm coding a program which sends a mail with attachment to an external mail address. The system creates the mail and the attachment, bu the content of the attachment isn 't correct.
    this is my code
    data: IS_DOCDATA type SODOCCHGI1,
    IT_RECEIVERS type table of SOMLRECI1,
    IT_CONTENT type table of SOLISTI1,
    l_txt(255) type c,
    lt_objpack TYPE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
    lt_objhead TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
    lt_objtxt TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
    l_tab_lines TYPE i,
    l_att_type LIKE soodk-objtp.
    clear : IS_CONTENT, l_txt. "500369789+
    move '123456789' to l_txt. "500369789+
    * move IS_MESSAGE-LINE to IS_CONTENT-LINE. "500369789-
    move l_txt to IS_CONTENT-LINE. "500369789+
    append IS_CONTENT to IT_CONTENT.
    *add receiver
    IS_RECEIVERS-RECEIVER = '[email protected]'.
    lt_objhead-line = 'Test mail'.
    append lt_objhead.
    DESCRIBE TABLE lt_objhead LINES l_tab_lines.
    CLEAR lt_objpack-transf_bin.
    lt_objpack-doc_size = STRLEN( lt_objhead ).
    lt_objpack-head_start = 1.
    lt_objpack-head_num = 1.
    lt_objpack-body_start = 1.
    lt_objpack-body_num = 1.
    lt_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
    APPEND lt_objpack.
    l_att_type = 'TXT'.
    DESCRIBE TABLE it_content LINES l_tab_lines.
    READ TABLE it_content into is_content INDEX l_tab_lines.
    lt_objpack-doc_size = ( l_tab_lines - 1 ) * 255.
    lt_objpack-doc_size = lt_objpack-doc_size + STRLEN( is_content ).
    lt_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
    lt_objpack-head_start = 1.
    lt_objpack-head_num = 2.
    lt_objpack-body_start = 1.
    lt_objpack-body_num = l_tab_lines.
    lt_objpack-doc_type = l_att_type.
    lt_objpack-obj_name = 'ATTACHMENT'.
    concatenate 'Test' SY-DATUM+6(2) SY-DATUM+4(2) into
    lt_objpack-obj_descr. "#EC *
    APPEND lt_objpack.
    document_data = IS_DOCDATA
    commit_work = 'X'
    packing_list = lt_objpack
    * object_header = lt_objhead
    contents_txt = lt_objhead
    contents_bin = it_content
    receivers = it_receivers
    too_many_receivers = 1
    document_not_sent = 2
    document_type_not_exist = 3
    operation_no_authorization = 4
    parameter_error = 5
    x_error = 6
    enqueue_error = 7
    OTHERS = 8.
    The attachment is a TXT, the content should be '123456789', but it is '1 2 3 4'.
    Does anyone has an idea why he does this ?
    thanks !

    solved by a colleague

  • Problems sending e-mail to SMTP

    I have been having problems using mail from a secondary account that I set up for my son's macbook. I have no problems sending / receiving e-mail from the main (ADMIN) account. However, when I try to use the same settings in my son's account, I can only receive e-mails. Outgoing e-mail just sits in the outbox and never gets sent. The inbound e-mail server is POP3 and the outbound is SMTP (port 25 is blocked by the ISP). As I said it works fine for the main OS account but not when the same settings are used to set up the e-mail on the secondary OS account. Any advice would be most appreciated.

    Hope you can read dutch?
    This is an article from the dutch support site. It describes the cause of your problem. Be sure you us one network at the time.

  • Problems sending mail-titles of Billing docs to the same Sold-to-party

    Problems with mail-titles in sending Billing documents to the same Sold-to-party.
    If we send, by using VF04, different Invoices to the same Sold-to-party, we expect in the mail-title not always the last Invoice (XVBRK-VBELN).
    Mail-title: Invoice &XVBRK-VBELN& (your ref. &VBRK-BSTNK_VF&)
    In transaction SOST we see:
    Invoice 900014179 (your ref.)
    Invoice 900014179 (your ref.)
    The result should be:
    Invoice 900014178 (your ref.)
    Invoice 900014179 (your ref.)
    How can we solve this problem ....

    You have this problem sending via external mail?  If yes, had collegue with same problem & as I understand here's what was done to solve:
    -- in output condition master set dispatch to be via scheduled job (previously had been immed) -- trans VV31 or VV32
    -- set up the job itself -- trans VF31
    I've not tested myself, but maybe you could try in your dev system to see if it works.  Good luck

  • Using Yahoo, how to send an e-mail to multiple receivers without having to click on each one individually

    When I try to send/forward e-mail to multiple receivers, I choose the category, use ctrl, select the names and click "send e-mail to these contacts." When I return to the e-mail, the contacts are not listed.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Betty Spraker

    Creat the following internal table
    DATA: i_reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    Pass the values to this internal table as follows
    i_reclist-receiver = '<give ur mail id>'.  "SAPoffice: Name of the recipient of a document (also ext.)
    i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.                              "Specification of recipient type
    *B = SAP USER,
    *R = SAP user in another SAP System
    *X = X400 ADDRESS
    APPEND i_reclist.
    Pass the internal table to the Tables parameter of 'receivers'
    receivers = i_reclist

Maybe you are looking for