Problems downloading mu

i've recently bought a new zen touch mp3
and when im trying to add music to it from
my pc i always get error messages saying "your
mp3 is either not connected or busy" i try again
straight after and it works it downloads 4 or 5
songs then it starts the same error message again.
anyone have any ideas what i may be doing wrong?

And lots more connection advice here in the Zen FAQ at

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    Thanks again TD
    I will check on the formating when I get home, I am pretty sure that I haven't used any no-ascii characters, but will double check.
    Before I download iphoto library manager, I just wanted to report an interesting experiment that I tried last night that may point in a different direction:
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    Hi John
    iTunes Support wasn't of any use to me.
    I have also been having another problem - with BBC iPlayer and other video streaming not working due to insufficient bandwidth, despite my overall download speed being consistently around 50Gb.  This is also affecting AppleTV downloads
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases
    Best of luck,

  • "There was a problem downloading podcast. An unknown error occurred (-50)"

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    2. This feed used to work fine in iTunes. I had many episodes already downloaded.
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    Thanks in advance for any input you can provide.

    Try fixing up the validation issues... o%2Fwimpy_podcast.php
    Not promising it will help, but it's worth a shot.

  • There was a problem downloading An unknown error occurred (-50).

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    There was a problem downloading “The Avengers - iTunes Extras / The Avengers / Joss Whedon”. An unknown error occurred (-50).
    Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again.
    There was a problem downloading “The Avengers - iTunes Extras / The Avengers / Joss Whedon”. An unknown error occurred (-50).
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    Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again.
    There was a problem downloading “Bad Teacher (Unrated) - iTunes Extras / Bad Teacher (Unrated) / Unknown”. An unknown error occurred (-50).
    Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again.
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    Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again.
    There was a problem downloading “Battle: Los Angeles - iTunes Extras / Battle: Los Angeles / Jonathan Liebesman”. An unknown error occurred (-50).
    Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again.
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    Hi Lachlan,
    That sounds frustrating. Luckily, we have documentation on this error message:
    iTunes Store: "Error (-50)" when downloading purchased content
    This can happen when the connection timeout occurs while downloading purchased content from the iTunes Store. Certain types of software may also affect the way a computer sends and receives information from the internet. Here are a few examples of these types of software:
    - Firewalls
    - Web Accelerators
    - Ad Filters
    - Virus Protection Software
    Matt M.

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    Error -3259 is a network timeout error, usually. This article might help:

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    Will I be able to update the software?

    look around the forum tons of people repport that they can't update
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    My new forms install will not work in firefox 3.6.16 . It wants to download jre 6.12:
    However the download is immediately cancelled. If I tell it to resume it, it looks like it was downloaded but it is not there.
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    this does not work with firefox with 6u24, that's all I know. (the test form does work with chrome and with IE 8. BTW I found that if
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    jre versions and there's a lot of confirming things on sun's website. So you can download and install java via chrome if the other avenues
    are not working. (I'm getting a real java headache now. I think I'll work on something else :-)
    <!-- FILE: basejpi.htm (Oracle Forms)                                 -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- This is the default base HTML file for running a form on the     -->
    <!-- web using the JDK Java Plugin. This is used for example when     -->
    <!-- running with Netscape on Unix.                                   -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- IMPORTANT NOTES:                                                 -->
    <!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below          -->
    <!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet      -->
    <!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make      -->
    <!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one.       -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so     -->
    <!-- you are advised to create your own version if you want to make   -->
    <!-- any modifications.  You should then set the baseHTMLjpi          -->
    <!-- parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration file (formsweb.cfg) -->
    <!-- to point to your new file instead of this one.                   -->
    <HEAD><TITLE>Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY >
    <COMMENT id="forms_plugin_info"
    <!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0012-ABCDEFFEDCBA"
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="/forms/frmjscript/forms_ie.js"></SCRIPT>
    <PARAM NAME="TYPE"       VALUE="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_12">
    <PARAM NAME="CODEBASE"   VALUE="/forms/java">
    <PARAM NAME="CODE"       VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
    <PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE"    VALUE="frmall.jar" >
    <PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="/forms/lservlet?ifcfs=/forms/frmservlet?form=test.fmx&ifsessid=formsapp.19&acceptLanguage=en-us,en;q=0.5">
    <PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="0">
    <PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
           VALUE="escapeParams=true module=test.fmx userid=  debug=no host= port= obr=no record= tracegroup= log= term= ssoProxyConnect=no">
    <PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="splashScreen"  VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="background"  VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel"  VALUE="Oracle">
    <PARAM NAME="colorScheme"  VALUE="teal">
    <PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="default">
    <PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="codebase">
    <PARAM NAME="formsMessageListener" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="recordFileName" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="EndUserMonitoringEnabled" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="EndUserMonitoringURL" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="heartBeat" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="MaxEventWait" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="allowAlertClipboard" VALUE="true">
    <PARAM NAME="disableValidateClipboard" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="enableJavascriptEvent" VALUE="true">
    <PARAM NAME="digitSubstitution" VALUE="context">
    <PARAM NAME="legacy_lifecycle" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="JavaScriptBlocksHeartBeat" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="highContrast" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="disableMDIScrollbars" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="clientDPI" VALUE="">
    <PARAM name="applet_stop_timeout" value="800">
            serverArgs="escapeParams=true module=test.fmx userid=  debug=no host= port= obr=no record= tracegroup= log= term= ssoProxyConnect=no"
    <!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
    </HTML>Edited by: lake on Apr 18, 2011 1:10 PM

    Oh a simple fix. You merely have to find the formsweb.cfg file which in is something like:
    change these 3 items to as follows:
    you could also change the download so they are not downloading the wrong thing:
    I probably missed a few.
    (But does this mean that every time there is another version of java I'm going to have to change this file? Actually I though mozilla was
    going to run the latest version of java if you specified one that was earlier. There's just no telling what that program is going to do.

  • HT1386 I am having problems downloading my music from my PC to my iphone 5s. I have i-tunes on my PC which I also have a different apple ID than what is on my iphone. I tried once to sync and download but do not know where it went. Please help

    I am having problems downloading my music library from my PC to my iphone. I have different apple id's for i-tunes and iphone5s. I did connect iphone to PC via USB and was able to sync and download, but do not know where it downloaded to. I looked under my music on iphone and nothing there.

    You have Sync Music selected under the Music tab or selection for your iPhone sync preferences with iTunes on your PC?

  • I'm trying to download an episode of Dr. Who but it keeps telling me it's going to take 24 hours, and then it crashes and says "there was a problem downloading an unknown error occurred 50.  Any Ideas on how to fix it?

    I'm trying to download an epsiode of Dr. Who, but the download is saying it will take 24 hours, and then it stops and says "there was a problem downloading; an unknown error occured (50).  How can I fix this?  I don't think it's my internet, it's really pretty fast. 

    Try fixing up the validation issues... o%2Fwimpy_podcast.php
    Not promising it will help, but it's worth a shot.

  • Problems downloading podcasts.........

    Just installed the latest version of iTunes and all the podcasts I subscribed to I can no longer download. I get the following error message
    +"There was a problem downloading 'podcast'. An unknown error occurred(-39).+
    +Please check that the URL is correct and the connection to the network is is active and try again."+
    Strange thing is though it only applies to the ones I subscribe to. Any other podcasts I can download like normal. I've even tried unsubscribing then subscribing again but this still doesn't work.
    Any ideas?

    I too am having that problem in much the same configuration!
    I managed to get my podcastings by continuasly asking the Itunes to download.
    Rughly about 20 times-
    Dont anyone know what couses the problem!

  • Error while downgrading from ios6(beta4) to ios5.0.1.. i am getting error "there was a problem downloading the software for the iphone" any idea???

        I tried to downgrade my iphone4s os from ios6 (beta 4) to ios 5.0.1(factory settings).
    but all the time i am getting the following error.
    "there was a problem downloading the software for the iphone "rams's iPhone" "
    pls help me to downgrade my device.
    I am from india, ios6 maps are not at all working for india so i want to go for old version so that i can have google maps.

    You couldn't go back to 5.0.1 even if you wanted to, it would have to be 5.1.1 but if you had a signed copy of the iOS 6 beta on your iPhone I don't believe you can go back.
    You can try Google to see if you can find a workaround. Despite the map issue, if you are a developer don't you need the Beta on your iPhone?

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    Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I grant permissions
    to do this - I've tried using the and adding
    the directory as a (a desperation move, I know).
    Thanks in advance,
    Peter Villiers

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    I am able to get on the internet in my browser and I am able to get to the iTunes store just fine.
    I checked the solution at:, but this article isn't the same error message as the one that I am getting. Note: I did try the solution stated in this article and it didn't help.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    1. Purchased category is only for media, I think.
    2. Applications is for Mac OS X applications only.

Maybe you are looking for

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