Problems with the download/installation

for the second time i tried installing iTunes on my new computer with Windows 8 and still doesn't work. please help.

Hi Carsten Zimmermann  ,
Create a ADDON Component -Type Using WebConsole.
Just rename the downloaded zip files to ur Component-Types name.Upload the zip file u have downloaded .
Upload this zip file corresponding to this Component Type.
Assign this as the firt Application to the particualr Device (by manually or by role synchronization).This data base files must be the first application for all devices.
This zip files contains,
some jar files -
these are acting as database connector for DB2E.
DLL files      -
  these are linking libraries required for proper working
install.xml file -
this contains the installation instructions.(Actually after getting downloaded to the client device , the jar files and the DLL files are copied to proper folders , using the instructions we have written in the install.xml file.).
In this install.xml file , we can see the instructions to change the contents of the MobileEngine.config file in a manner to support the DB2E as local database. This is the first process to carry out during installation process. Then copyn the associated jar files to the lib directory in the mobile installation. Then copy the DLL files to the System directory . then add the referece of the jar files copied to the lib folder in the listOfJar.txt file. This file contains the details of jar files which are to be loaded while starting the MobileEngine.
  You can download a sample version of DB2E from SDN itself. Just download that . from that u will get a picture of what are the files needed for DB2E.
In that , u can see a install.xml file (installation instruction file) u just have to modify that according to ur requirements
Kishor Gopinathan

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    Yes, I had found a similar solution also.  I'm running XP Pro, SP3.  I went Control Panels/ Add-Remove programmes/apple software update/ change/ repair.  Then run the 10.5 exe.
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    Just in case, let's try a standalone AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi install.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe, and select "Extract to iTunesSetup". WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup".
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi to do a standalone ASU install.
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    Try the following user tip:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

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    Hi kitmaguire,
    If you are receiving an "audio configuration" error message in iTunes on your Windows machine, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot run because it detects an issue with QuickTime
    - Brenden

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    The error message says that there is a problem with the windows installer.
    What's the precise text of the message, please? (There's a few different ones I can think of that you might be getting.)

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    I know there's a million threads like this, but I thought I'd record my experience.  I, too, was having the original poster's error when I tried to update iTunes on Windows XP.  I think I was stuck on 10. 
    I solved it by un-installing iTunes and every other Apple app.  I discovered that Apple Software Update would not un-install as its MSI file could not be found.  I used the "Windows Install Cleanup" tool from Microsoft to remove Apple Software Update from the list of installed programs.  Google "kb290301" for a Microsoft page that includes a download link for it.  After that, I was able to install a fresh copy of iTunes 10.5.2.
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    Go to Microsoft website to fix install and Unistall problems. Click "Run now" from Fix it to remove all iTunes & related installer files:
    Be aware that Windows Installer CleanUp Utility will not remove the actual program from your computer. However, it will remove the installation files so that you can start the installation, upgrade, or uninstall over.


    I have a brand new HP laptop windows 64bit that is having issues installing Itunes 10.6.3. Whenever attempting to install, I get the error message : "THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE WINDOWS INSTALLER PACKAGE. A PROGRAM REQUIRED FOR THIS INSTALL TO COMPLETE COULD NOT BE RUN CONTACT YOUR SUPPORT PERSONNEL OR PACKAGE VENDOR." I thought this was an issue with the new version, and attempted to retrieve/install older versions of Itunes and same issue occurs. I have tried other forums and resolution tips from : and nothing still. It appears that apple installs bonjour and nothing else. I have tried extracting the itunes package and installing the executables seperately, but everytime the error stil arises. I cannot repair the apple software update as it cannot install from the error mentioned above. Looking through the logs, it shows error : 1721, problem with windows installer package.Does anyone have any suggestions on what to try?

    There are so many different error and problems peopl are having.
    This is a link to mine
    I think it has to be something on Apples end.
    Hopefully they fix it soon. Ive used a few GB redownloading and Im going crazy
    hope this settles you a bit

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    Contact your support prersonel or package vender"

    Yes, I had found a similar solution also.  I'm running XP Pro, SP3.  I went Control Panels/ Add-Remove programmes/apple software update/ change/ repair.  Then run the 10.5 exe.
    While the programme updated from version 8 of iTunes, my new iTunes is now a mess.  Not all of my music was in the same folder previously but it all showed up on iTunes.  Now many albums have been left out, some have only a few tracks and some have two copies of some tracks as well as having other tracks missing.  I haven't begun to work on that.

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    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package ..." error messages when installing iTunes for Windows

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    Thanks!! - Tim.

    Repair your Apple Software Update.
    Go to START/ALL PROGRAMS/Apple Software Update. If it offers you a newer version of Apple Software Update, do it but Deselect any other software offered at the same time. Once done, try another iTunes install
    If you can't find ASU in all program, you can do it in CONTROL PANEL, ADD N REMOVE PROGRAMS.

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