
          import com.adobe.display.Color;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.MaterialBinding;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.MaterialStandard;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.MeshUtils;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.SceneLight;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.SceneMesh;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.TextureMap;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.loaders.MaterialData;
          import com.adobe.utils.LoadTracker;
          import flash.display.Bitmap;
          import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
          import flash.geom.Point;
          import flash.geom.Vector3D;
          import flash.utils.Dictionary;
          public class Fd extends BasicDemo
                    public function Fd()
                    override protected function initModels():void
                              var filenames:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
                              filenames.push( "a.jpg" );
                              LoadTracker.loadImages( filenames, imageCallback);
                    private function imageCallback(bitmaps:Dictionary):void{
                              var tile:TextureMap = new TextureMap( bitmaps["a.jpg" ].bitmapData,true,true,false,0,"",true); 
                              var sphere2Material:MaterialStandard = new MaterialStandard( "sphere 2" );                               
                              sphere2Material.emissiveMap = tile; 
                              var sphere2:SceneMesh = MeshUtils.createSphere( 10, 100, 100, sphere2Material, "Sphere 2","d",1,1,1,1);                              
                    override protected function initLights():void
// ================================================================================
//          Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated
//          All Rights Reserved.
//          NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
//          in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
// ================================================================================
          // ===========================================================================
          //          Imports
          import com.adobe.display.*;
          import com.adobe.scenegraph.*;
          import flash.display.*;
          import flash.display3D.*;
          import flash.geom.*;
          import flash.utils.*;
          // ===========================================================================
          //          Class
           * BasicDemo provides default lighting and keyboard navigation features in addition to BasicScene features.
           * BasicScene is a part of Proscenium, and is designed to provide some convenience features.
           * BasicDemo is used for most of Proscenium samples.
           * Proscenium can also be used for applications that directly extend Sprite. See
          public class BasicDemo extends BasicScene
                    // ======================================================================
                    //          Constants
                    protected static const CAMERA_ORIGIN:Vector3D                                        = new Vector3D(0,0,0);
                    protected static const ORIGIN:Vector3D                                                            = new Vector3D(0,0,90);
                    protected static const PAN_AMOUNT:Number                                                  = .25;
                    protected static const ROTATE_AMOUNT:Number                                                  = 4;
                    // ======================================================================
                    //          Properties
                    public var plane:SceneMesh;
                    public var lights:Vector.<SceneLight>;
                    public var shadowMapEnabled:Boolean = true;
                    public var shadowMapSize:uint = 2048;
                    public var enableLightSpheres:Boolean = false;
                    // ======================================================================
                    //          Constructor
                    public function BasicDemo( renderMode:String = Context3DRenderMode.AUTO )
                              super( renderMode );
                    // ======================================================================
                    //          Methods
                    override protected function initLights():void
                              var material:MaterialStandard;
                              //          Light #1
                              lights = new Vector.<SceneLight>();
                              var light:SceneLight;
                              var sphere:SceneMesh;
                              light = new SceneLight( SceneLight.KIND_DISTANT, "distant light" );
                              light.color.set( .9, .88, .85 );
                              light.shadowMapEnabled = shadowMapEnabled;
                              light.setShadowMapSize( shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize );
                              light.transform.prependRotation( -75, Vector3D.X_AXIS );
                              light.transform.prependRotation( -35, Vector3D.Y_AXIS );
                              light.transform.appendTranslation( 0.1, 2, 0.1 );
                              lights.push( light );
                              //          Light #2
                              light = new SceneLight( SceneLight.KIND_POINT, "point light" );
                              light.color.set( .5, .6, .7 );
                              light.appendTranslation( -20, 40, 20 );
                              light.shadowMapEnabled = shadowMapEnabled;
                              light.setShadowMapSize( shadowMapSize, shadowMapSize );
                              light.transform.prependRotation( -90, Vector3D.X_AXIS );
                              light.transform.prependRotation( 35, Vector3D.Y_AXIS );
                              lights.push( light );
                              if ( enableLightSpheres )
                                        material = new MaterialStandard( "light2" );
                                        material.emissiveColor = light.color;
                                        sphere = MeshUtils.createSphere( .5, undefined, undefined, material, "light sphere2"  );
                                        sphere.neverCastShadow = true;
                                        light.addChild( sphere );
                              //                              lights.push( light );
                              //          Light #3
                              light = new SceneLight(SceneLight.KIND_DISTANT);
                              light.color.set( .25, .22, .20 );
                              light.appendRotation( -90, Vector3D.Y_AXIS, ORIGIN );
                              light.appendRotation( 45, Vector3D.Z_AXIS, ORIGIN );
                              lights.push( light );
                              light = new SceneLight();
                              light.color.set( .25, .22, .20 );
                              light.kind = "distant";
                              light.appendRotation( 90, Vector3D.X_AXIS, ORIGIN );
                              light.appendRotation( 90, Vector3D.Z_AXIS, ORIGIN );
                              lights.push( light );
                              for each ( light in lights )
                                        scene.addChild( light );
                              // shadow acne control
                              SceneLight.shadowMapZBiasFactor                                                    = 0;//2;
                              SceneLight.shadowMapVertexOffsetFactor                              = 0;//3;
                              SceneLight.shadowMapSamplerNormalOffsetFactor          = 2;
                    override protected function initModels():void
                              var material:MaterialStandard = new MaterialStandard();
                              material.specularColor.set( .5, .5, .5 );
                              material.specularExponent = 25;
                              plane = MeshUtils.createPlane( 50, 50, 20, 20, material, "plane" );
                              plane.transform.appendTranslation( 0, -2, 0 );
                              scene.addChild( plane );
                    override protected function resetCamera():void
                              _camera = scene.activeCamera;
                              //_camera.fov = 200;
                              _camera.fov = 85;
                              _camera.position = CAMERA_ORIGIN;
                              //_camera.appendRotation( -15, Vector3D.X_AXIS );
                              //_camera.appendRotation( -25, Vector3D.Y_AXIS, ORIGIN );
                    // ======================================================================
                    //          Event Handler Related
                    override protected function onAnimate( t:Number, dt:Number ):void
                    override protected function keyboardEventHandler( event:KeyboardEvent ):void
                              var dirty:Boolean = false;
                              _camera = scene.activeCamera;
                              switch( event.type )
                                        case KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN:
                                                  dirty = true;
                                                  switch( event.keyCode )
                                                            case 13:          // Enter
                                                                      animate = !animate;
                                                            case 16:          // Shift
                                                            case 17:          // Ctrl
                                                            case 18:          // Alt
                                                                      dirty = false;
                                                            case 32:          // Spacebar
                                                            case 38:          // Up
                                                                      if ( event.ctrlKey )                    _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( 0, ROTATE_AMOUNT );
                                                                      else if ( event.shiftKey )          _camera.interactivePan( 0, -PAN_AMOUNT );
                                                                      else                                                            _camera.interactiveForwardFirstPerson( PAN_AMOUNT );
                                                            case 40:          // Down
                                                                      if ( event.ctrlKey )                    _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( 0, -ROTATE_AMOUNT );
                                                                      else if ( event.shiftKey )          _camera.interactivePan( 0, PAN_AMOUNT );
                                                                      else                                                            _camera.interactiveForwardFirstPerson( -PAN_AMOUNT );
                                                            case 37:          // Left
                                                                      if ( event.shiftKey )                    _camera.interactivePan( -PAN_AMOUNT, 0 );
                                                                      else                                                            _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( ROTATE_AMOUNT, 0 );
                                                            case 39:          // Right
                                                                      if ( event.shiftKey )                    _camera.interactivePan( PAN_AMOUNT, 0 );
                                                                      else                                                            _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( -ROTATE_AMOUNT, 0 );
                                                            case 219:          // "["
                                                                      _camera.fov -= 1;
                                                            case 221:          // "]"
                                                                      _camera.fov += 1;
                                                            case 79:          // O
                                                                      SceneGraph.OIT_ENABLED = !SceneGraph.OIT_ENABLED;
                                                                      trace( "Layer Peeling:", SceneGraph.OIT_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
                                                            case 72:          // H
                                                                      SceneGraph.OIT_HYBRID_ENABLED = !SceneGraph.OIT_HYBRID_ENABLED;
                                                                      trace( "Hybril Layer Peeling:", SceneGraph.OIT_HYBRID_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
                                                            case 66:          // b
                                                                      instance.drawBoundingBox = !instance.drawBoundingBox;
                                                            case 84:          // t
                                                                      instance.toneMappingEnabled = !instance.toneMappingEnabled;
                                                                      trace( "Tone mapping:", instance.toneMappingEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
                                                            case 48:          // 0
                                                            case 49:          // 1
                                                            case 50:          // 2
                                                            case 51:          // 3
                                                            case 52:          // 4
                                                            case 53:          // 5
                                                            case 54:          // 6
                                                            case 55:          // 7
                                                            case 56:          // 8
                                                            case 57:          // 9
                                                                      instance.toneMapScheme = event.keyCode - 48;
                                                                      trace( "Tone map scheme:", instance.toneMapScheme );
                                                                      //trace( event.keyCode );
                                                                      dirty = false;
                              if ( dirty )
                                        _dirty = true;
                    override protected function mouseEventHandler( event:MouseEvent, target:InteractiveObject, offset:Point, data:* = undefined ):void
                              if ( offset.x == 0 && offset.y == 0 )
                              _camera = scene.activeCamera;
                              if ( event.ctrlKey )
                                        if ( event.shiftKey ){
                                                  //_camera.interactivePan( offset.x / 5, offset.y / 5 );
                                                  _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( -offset.x, -offset.y );
                                        if ( event.shiftKey ){
                                                  //_camera.interactivePan( offset.x / 5, offset.y / 5 );
                                                  _camera.interactiveRotateFirstPerson( -offset.x, 0 );
                                                  //_camera.interactiveForwardFirstPerson( -offset.y / 5 );

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    #3702: Context3D not available
    I am using Flash Professional CS6
    What is wrong?

    I do not have Flash CS6 (too many bug reports) but I use it perfectly fine in CS5.5.
    What your error means is basically the libraries are not the latest and what it's trying to export to is a lower version than is supported. It runs on Desktop because you've updated your desktops AIR to 3.2 and have flash player 11.0 or better. For AIR for iOS, you need to make absolutely sure it is packaging with AIR 3.2 or higher. Flash CS6 might be targeting something below AIR 3.2.
    Here are instructions for overlaying the latest version of AIR on Flash. This should give you an idea of what to check in your version of Flash. Go through the list item by item and check the files in the locations that are mentioned and make sure the versions are at least the same.
    If you jump ahead to step 4 you should be seeing in those files a version="15". You should also see in step 6 that the namespace AIR is pointing to is at least 3.2. If either are lower you may need to update your version of AIR, and there are the instructions to do so. Although the AIR folder will probably not be named AIR2.6 of course. But the instructions should be similar.

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                                  sg.configureBackBuffer(viewPort.width, viewPort.height, 2, true );
                                  sg.scene.activeCamera.aspect = viewPort.width / viewPort.height;
    - I could not find any way to define a x/y position.
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    Figured this out how to set the viewport. The Camera exposes a method "setViewport". There is a Demo "TestViewport". The calculation for the viewports top, left, bottom, right values gets more complicated in my case because I have stage scale mode set to StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL.
    sg.configureBackBuffer(viewPort.stage.fullScreenWidth, viewPort.stage.fullScreenHeight, 2, true );
    sg.scene.activeCamera.aspect = viewPort.stage.fullScreenWidth / viewPort.stage.fullScreenHeight;
    sg.scene.activeCamera.setViewport(true, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5 );

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  • Post-processing pipeline causes error when placing "SceneGrid" object into 3D scene

    first want to thank you guys for the great work with proscenium and the awesome features.
    I was going through the examples and found a bug. I tried a combination of the examples "TestLines" and "TestPPEncodeDecodeHDR".
    The post processing pipeline somehow manipulates the render sates/vertex program in a way it crashes as soon as it should perform the drawTriangles call for a "SceneGrid" object.
    It does not seem to be related to my particular post processing setup - I tried TestPPBloom and TestPPEncodeDecodeHDR from the examples. The post processing pipeline seems to work fine with a 3DS model (Teapot) .
      //add grid
      scene.addChild(new SceneGrid());
      //setup post-processing
      if(true) {
    instance.colorBuffer.targetSettings.useHDRMapping = true;
    instance.colorBuffer.targetSettings.kHDRMapping = 4;
    var colorToPrimary:RenderGraphNode = new RenderGraphNodePPElement(instance.colorBuffer, null, RenderGraphNodePPElement.HDR_DECODE, "Decode HDR" );
    instance.renderGraphRoot.clearAllPrerequisite( );
    This gives me the following error:
    Error: Error #3607: Stream 2 is set but not used by the current vertex program.
              at flash.display3D::Context3D/drawTriangles()
              at com.adobe.scenegraph::Instance3D/drawTriangles()[D:\Depots\Proscenium\branches\rel\code\P roscenium\src\com\adobe\scenegraph\]
              at com.adobe.scenegraph::PB3DCompute/compute()[D:\Depots\Proscenium\branches\rel\code\Prosce nium\src\com\adobe\scenegraph\]
              at com.adobe.scenegraph::RenderGraphNodePPElement/render()[D:\Depots\Proscenium\branches\rel \code\Proscenium\src\com\adobe\scenegraph\]
              at com.adobe.scenegraph::Instance3D/render()[D:\Depots\Proscenium\branches\rel\code\Prosceni um\src\com\adobe\scenegraph\]
              at com.adobe.scenegraph::BasicScene/enterFrameEventHandler()[D:\Depots\Proscenium\branches\r el\code\Proscenium\src\com\adobe\scenegraph\]
    Full Source Code:
              import com.adobe.scenegraph.*;
              import com.adobe.scenegraph.loaders.*;
              import com.adobe.scenegraph.loaders.collada.*;
              import com.adobe.scenegraph.loaders.obj.*;
              import flash.display.*;
              import flash.display3D.*;
              import flash.geom.*;
              import flash.utils.*;
              public class TestLinesWithPostProcessing extends BasicScene
      override protected function initModels():void
      //add grid
                                  scene.addChild(new SceneGrid());
      //add teapot
    //                              var f:Function = function(event:Event):void { ( as ModelLoader).model.addTo(scene); }
    //                              var loader:OBJLoader = new OBJLoader("res/content/teapot.obj");
    //                              loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f, false, 0, true);
      //setup post-processing
                                  if(true) {
                                            instance.colorBuffer.targetSettings.useHDRMapping = true;
                                            instance.colorBuffer.targetSettings.kHDRMapping = 4;
                                            var colorToPrimary:RenderGraphNode = new RenderGraphNodePPElement(instance.colorBuffer, null, RenderGraphNodePPElement.HDR_DECODE, "Decode HDR" );
                                            instance.renderGraphRoot.clearAllPrerequisite( );
      override protected function resetCamera():void
                                  scene.activeCamera.lookat(new Vector3D(0, 5, -15), new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));

    Hi John,
    Pls check in SXI_CACHE to verify that the BPM(active in Integration Repository) has the latest version active on the ABAP stack.(I am saying this because you mentioned that a mapping step was it not..)
    go to SXI_CACHE --> Integration Processes(double click), in the list that you get verify that the return code is 0.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Tutorials w/ Pellets broken in current release

    I'm using Proscenium p2_061312 with Flex 4.6.0/AIR 3.2 SDK and FlashDevelop 4.0.3 RTM.  All the included tutorials work fine except for those which involve Pellets, specifically and  When I try to run those, I get errors such as:
    Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PelletManager.
    Error: Call to a possibly undefined method PelletRigidBody.
    Perhaps Pellet.swc was updated and the tutorials are assuming the old version?

    try to replace PelletRigidBody with btRigidBody

  • How to create line?

    I cant finds solution to create visible line in proscenium. There are examples that are using SceneAxes and SceneGrid but i need to do simple line.
    I did somethin like line=Line.createLine() and added it to scene but it was not visible to camera.
    Can you give me a hint how to use it? Should i implement special render function or something?

    Thanks - the Flip Count Live Font should be fine for the effect I was looking for!
    Best wishes,

  • Hardware Accelerated Video Texture?

    Considering how few folks are actually posting their questions here, I would hope this would be answered.
    My question is regarding Hardware Accelerated Video Textures in Proscenium. Seeing how this API is being brought out by Adobe themselves and they have the ability to provide access to this feature, I'm curious why something like this has not been done?
    The folks over at Away3D have detailed that they have also requested this support from Adobe but have not have any response from Adobe on this. This is pretty sad considering these guys actually develop this entire API on their own time with no financial support from Adobe.
    Now that both Flash Player and AIR have been kicked in the teeth by the HTML5 / Javascript tidal wave, one would think Adobe would be paying attention to the developers who are still doing all they can with their technologies.
    Hardware Accelerated Video Textures (H.264) in Proscenium (for web and mobile deployment) would be a great way to say to folks like me that you are still listening to the people using your tools.

    Despite there being only a hand full of comments on the entire Proscenium board, it would appear that the Proscenium team doesn't have time to answer them.
    In regards to this particular subject (that being hardware accelerated video textures) I don't think this is going to happen. I've personally spent the last year speaking to every person I could think of at Adobe, Away3D and even folks on the Proscenium team. The bottom line is that to do this Adobe must facilitate this capability. Away3D and other API providers cannot overcome the current obstacles to realize this feature. This all begins with Adobe providing access to these capabilities to the other API developers (Away3D).
    When Proscenium first came on the scene, I immediately contacted the Proscenium team requesting this feature. I thought since Proscenium itself was being developed at Adobe, this features could be developed (at least as an experiment) more quickly. Alas no. I've gone so far as to contact several Adobe Evangelists telling them that the Away3D team would like access to this feature. Again, no. Just silence.
    So, if want to create truly hardware accelerated video textures using a 3D API, forget it. (especially for mobile). Isn't going to happen. This is particularly true for iOS, where native H.264 support isn't supported on AIR.

  • Scene Object Mouse Click Cooordinates (xyz)

    Anyone run into and figured out a method for detecting the scene coordinates (xyz) of a mouse click on an object? Very simply I have a two-dimentional plane (ground) and a box (character) that begins at x0,z0 (directly "on" the plane). I'd like to mouse-click on the plane and move the box to that spot based on the scene x,z. After a few days of trying I'm no closer to solving this seemingly straightforward issue. Anyone wanting to do "click to move" for 3D assets rather than keyboard or mouse drag will need this. Having no real documentation or code-view into the API isn't helping. Am I missing something that should be obvious?
    I have to say that I'm a little surprised that there hasn't been any "official' responses to any of our questions. I think the Proscenium team has done a fantastic job so far with this framework. It's simple to setup and get going yet powerful by giving you great depth into the heart of Stage3D without stepping on the framework itself. But, it's not that hard to imagine that there are a lot of us wanting to move into this "new" medium but feel teased by what we've been shown ('code'us-interruptus?). At the moment you either have to know/learn what you need to create your own framework (a big task if you'v enever done it) or use someone elses. In my opinion the existing third-party options are bloated and unwieldy for my purposes. At a time where "everyone" is trying to quickly get their ideas to market with this new tech it's unfortunate we can't get a few simple questions answered. Seriously, if you have a "discussion" and see that any given post has 100 or more views but zero replys, that's not a discussion. You're just talking to yourself.
    My appoligies for turning this into a rant.

    Thanks for the reply pio.
    I tried that angle (pun only slightly intended) and was successful in identifying the object directly “behind” the cursor using scene.pick, even getting that object’s world position. But, if my ground plane is positioned at 0,0,0 I can only get that position directly from the object, which doesn’t do me any good. What I need to know are the coordinates of the point where the cursor bisected the object, relative to its center, from the origin of the camera view. That would tell me the direction and distance I would need to move another object within world space.
    I thought I had come up with a solution but the immediate problem I ran into was the closed nature of the framework. So, after a few days of unproductive grumbling I decided that the only way I was truly going to accomplish what I wanted was to build everything from the ground-up. I still think Proscenium has great potential but I’m done waiting for a RC. For anyone who’s thought about digging into heart of stage3D and building their own framework, but thought it would be incredibly difficult, well, it is. At least it as for me but anyone who would find it easy probably isn’t in this forum. After climbing a steep learning curve (AGAL and I are back on speaking terms) I finally got going and am extremely pleased with what I’ve accomplished. Granted, I did spend a lot of time initially banging my forehead on my desk but I finally “got it”, and with only a slight concussion.
    The resources are out there.

  • Accordion Variable height problem/ tried everything I could

    I have tried two different versions spry1.4 to spry 1.61
    But nothing seems to work...I have almost no knowledge of Java and just the basics of HTML/CSS
    this is my code with the changed constructor at the end I also tried altering the values at the js script
    as well as removing height at the CSS panel content class
    Im using Mac and the problem is at firefox/chrome and safari
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thnx a lot!
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/vasi2.css">
    <script src="scripts/SpryAccordion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="css/SpryAccordion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <ul id="lista">
    <li id="simple">
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"><img src="images/trondheim thumb.jpg" alt="Proscenium" border="none"></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">
          <iframe src="trondheim.html" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"><a href="nordhavn.html" target="nordhavn"><img src="images/cphswell2.jpg" alt="Copenhagen Swell" border="none"></a></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><iframe name="nordhavn" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"><a href="ouroffice.html" target="ouroffice"><img src="images/selffab.jpg" alt="City Camping" border="none"></a></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><iframe name="ouroffice" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab"><a href="publications.html" target="publications">Publications</a></div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent"><iframe name="publications" height="100%" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    <li id="simple">
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/dogma.jpg" /></a></li>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1",{fixedPanelHeight:false });

    Thnx for your reply Ben!
    I tried typing the constructor correctly but its not working...what happens is that accordion opens with the default 200px height panel and then the others are frozen.
    This is my CSS. I dont know what to do with the panel content height although I tried using it or not and the result is the same... I cant imagine what the problem is.
    .Accordion {
        border-left: none;
        border-right: none;
        border-bottom: none;
        overflow: hidden;
    .AccordionPanel {
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
    .AccordionPanelTab {
        border-top: none;
        margin: 0px;
        cursor: pointer;
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -khtml-user-select: none;
    .AccordionPanelContent {
        overflow: auto;
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
        background-color: #FFFFFF;
    .AccordionPanelTabHover {
        color: #FFFFFF;
    .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover {
        color: #FFFFFF;
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab {
    .AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {
        background-color: #CCCCC;

  • Possible to have multiple views for one scene?

    Away3D allows multiple Views to be created for one Scene, allowing different camera positions for the same geometry.
    Can Proscenium support this? I've been banging my head against a brick wall for a while now...

    Hi Kopaacabana,
    (I  feel like I'm in one of those post-apocalyptic scenes where the last two humans left on earth finally meet.....)
    Thanks for answering!
    Yes, I've actually got two cameras quite happily working in the scene, the problem is that I need to re-use the geometry for the scene in two windows, or at least, two separate parts of one window simultaneously. Away3D can do it very easily, where one sets up a 'View', which has a 'Scene' it views. With Proscenium it seems that the whole thing is tied up with an Instance3D, which is fine for one camera, but the scene nodes seem tied up as children of some root scene node. I've tried assigning the scene data as a child of two instances of BasicScene (hacking the stage3ds[number] to be different for each), but that causes an exception.
    Just changing the activeCamera changes the view to the new camera, where I actually need to be able to render to two windows/screen areas from one set of geometry.
    I would have hoped that the paradigm would have been 'here is some geometry, lights, etc., now do with it what you will'
    Adobe, are you there to help us out, like, anyone at all? Are we wasting our time with this?

  • Can't get normalmaps og bumpmaps to show

    anyone have a clean and working example on how to get a loaded/embedded normalMap to work ?

    Hi Philip,
    How is your fight with normal maps?
    I succesfully did diffuseMap, specularMap, emissiveMap but still can't make normal and bump effects to be visible.
    Maybe it can be done with customMaterial and shaders like in pool example where they are using
    dynamic normal map for water ... but on the other side i found a note that customMaterial don't work
    with skinned models - so at the moment there is no hope.
    The bad thing is nobody answers here and after all that news from Adobe about cancelling flash ...
    i have bad feeling about proscenium ;(
    PS. I found one interesting thing about proscenium - it is the only 1 engine that you can unload from memory
    without big memoryleak. I tested other engines and there were problems with memory usage when
    loading and unloading swfs that are using 3d (simple scene with boxes and 1 light doing all possible disposes and nulls)

Maybe you are looking for

  • Server 2012 RS Multiple RDS Collections equals only one application from one collection at a time

    Hello all! We have a 2012 R2 RDS "farm" configured like this: 2 RD Web Access servers (load balanced behind KEMP appliances) 2 RD Connection Brokers in a High Availability configuration 8 RD Session Host servers (no VDI) in 2 different collections I'

  • Payment of foreign currency invoice in local currency

    Hi all, PO is created in USD and thereafter GR and IR done.  The payment of this invoice has to be done in local currency RUB.  In invoice the currency field is not open for change and hence payment in local currency cannot be generated.   How to mak

  • Gnu/linux on T61p?

    Dear forum members, Greetings from lands far away :-) I am in the market for a laptop, "specifically" for scientific computing - data processing, running numerical models, coding and visualization (Python, openGL, Tcl/Tk, Vis5d). I have decided to tr

  • Remittance challan in withholding tax

    Dear All,    When i am creating Remittance challan system is throwing error " Number group not maintained for company code XXXX section IEQXXXX  and business place 194C". can any one tell me what is this error... Regards, Suresh Patipati.

  • IPM 10g createPackages web service method

    Hi How to generate the RequestId needed by the packagesArray[] parameter of the createpackages method to be exposed for creation of packages programmatically in IPM 10g. This will be useful when integrating IPM with OFR without using filer.