Qosmio G10 and recovery disk - BSOD

I have had my G10 for a few years now and its getting very slow so i thought i would re-install XP to get rid of all the rubbish.
So I put the product recovery disk in and formatted drive c and it did its stuff and seemed to re-install ok
When I re-booted i get the Qosmio boot up screen followed by a BSOD which is so fast I can't read.
I dont know what to do now?
Any ideas would be appreciated

the same problem appears here. Recovering a G10 from Toshiba media is followed by bluescreen of death. The claim seems not to be unjustified.
A boot with F8 and 'automatic restart turned of' shows an stop error 0x0000007B (0xF7C52528, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) in the bluescreen.
Search for "0x0000007B (0xF7C52528" leads to:
[http://ftp.toshiba.ca/support/techsupport/tsbs/all/-TSB001310/Updating_the_existing_Operating_System_with_Qosmio _Player.htm]
It didn't help at once, but is inspiring, isn't it.
Please try the cds you have got from Toshiba. Update Tool CD-ROM worked fine in my case.
Message was edited by: cscheune

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    Enter BIOS setup by tapping/holding the F10 key immediately after powering on the laptop.Use Diagnostics to test your hdd.
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    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
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    Welcome to the Toshiba user forums.
    For those of you who do not know what a user forum is, it is a community of users who volunteer time to help other users. Anyone can participate. It's 100% voluntary.
    Being super active is never a requirement

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    You can order a Snow Leopard 10.6 install disk for $29 as long as you have at least 1gb of RAM and 5gb of free space on your hard drive. http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC573Z/A?mco=MTY3ODQ5OTY
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    Thanks so much! I owe you a beer! ^_^

    Could be more than the power.  HDD could be old, or just the file system on the disk.
    Try ...
    Get the external disk, self-powered, at least 2x the current disk
    Boot the system from install disks (original) and prepare that disk as two partitions (GUID, with Journaled partitions)
    Load the OS onto one of those partitions
    Download CarbonCopyClone, and clone the current install disk to the second partition of that external
    If the filesystem on the disk or the disk itself is too damaged, copy what you can
    You would have a bootable system if nto Lion, with a copy of the data that is on the disk (hopefully).
    This is my best advice to at least try to save your data without relying on the internal disk for file operations.  You may yet be SOL, but this is a darned good effort to avoid data loss.
    And hope the repair bill does not cover so much that a new system is required.

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    Wait a moment.
    I believe with your answers you go in the wrong direction.
    Timox asked very good question but you didn't offer exact answer.
    Please don't mix two very important but completely different things:
    # New notebooks are delivered without recovery DVD and this installations DVD must be created by notebook owner. For this purposes Toshiba has installed small tool called "Toshiba Recovery Disc Creator". This tool can be used for installations disc creation only.
    # I don't know what do you understand under HDD recovery tool but fact is that recovery image is saved on second partition and can be used for HDD recovery installation. This can be done if you have factory settings only. After own operating system installation you will probably not be able to start HDD installation anymore even if the recovery files are still saved on second partition.
    As I can see you have US notebook model. I don't know exactly how it works there but the principle must be the same as here in Europe.
    At start-up you must press F8 or zero to enter Advanced boot options. There you should find option Repair my computer and following this option you will enter System recovery options with Toshiba recovery option.
    When you install own operating system this option will be gone. I describe now how it works on European models but I believe on US models it must be similar.
    So again the important questions:
    Have you ever tried to start this HDD recovery installation (F8 or 0 at start-up)?
    Can you start it now after Win7 installation? If not than you have a problem. I just hope you have created recovery DVD when you got your notebook.

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    This was bought brand new and it is the correct machine..
    Anyway..when I get wrong machine i do get:
    Installation process aborted/failed!
    I am assuming, there is something I can type there that will have it reconize my machine.. Any ideas?? Toshiba was no help. Or.. If you have a idea on how i can boot this thing without the recoery disks.
    Thanks in advance..

    HI jake,
    you could install a full version of any supported MS OS!
    When you go to http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/home.to you could look which OS are supported by Toshiba US!
    Bye chris

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    If I restore my Windows from a CD that was given with my Qosmio G10, will I loose all my files?

    you have 2 options:
    1. Recover the entire hard disc: all data will be lost.
    2. Only recover the partition with windows on it: only the data in this partition will be lost.
    So it's better to backup your files before recovery.
    (By the way, with recovery CDs you can create partitions if you recover the entire HD.)

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