Qosmio X300 often hangs up

I have problems with my Qosmio. I have often hang ups 3-5sec with Soundloop if I play. Also if listen musik. I have check my memory is ok. Diagnose Check from the system is ok.I make already a Recovery. Windows and drivers are the newst.
Have somebody the same problem or have a idea?

checks today:
Toshiba diag pass
memtest86 pass
HDtune pass
Seagte Diagnose tool pass
Drive fitness doesnt work so i use the tool from Seagate
Now i have defrag my hdd C and D maybe it will help but i dont believe because the system is new.
The notebook is now 7 days old. The first problem at the begin was touch pad doesnt work. I must install the software new.
Then the notebook need 3min to drive up. I deinstalled the Tosihba Tempro tool. Now he is very fast.
I am really not satisfied with this notebook and the service hotline is bad.
If i have fix the problem i tell you.

Similar Messages

  • Qosmio x300 intermittent hang-ups

    I have a new Qosmio x300 and have been having the same issue as described here:
    The computer locks up and if sound was playing, it loops very rapidly for about 5 seconds.
    It happens as well when the computer is idling,
    If video is running, it freezes for the duration of the hang-up, also with a rapid audio loop, then after 5 seconds the sound resumes, but the video "smears" for another 5 seconds.
    If a game is running, the game hangs up with a rapid audio loop. In worst case, the game also crashes after the hang-up has passed.
    I have not been able to localize what has been causing these hang-ups, as they are not listed in the event manager at all.
    I will also not purchase any additional third party software to track the source of the hang-ups, as I have already paid 1300 Euros for this notebook. If it has defect parts, I will be taking it back to the store I purchased it at for a full refund.
    I would however, prefer to find what is causing the issue so that a solution can be found not only for myself, but all users who have a Qosmio with the same symptoms.
    *edit* I have begun to check the hard drive with the HD Tune free version. After 25 minutes, the Temperature went from 42 degrees Celcius to 56 degrees. I do expect the drive to heat up during an intensive disc and error-check, but I thought I would include all information that could be relevant to finding the solution here as well.
    The HD Check completed successfully with no indication that the Hard Drives have any problems. The heat also returned to 42 degrees after the test completed.
    Message was edited by: devJarrod - HD Check completed

    I have the same problem with my Qosmio X300 (PQX32E-04H02WGR). Anytime I'm playing games there is a blackscreen and a tuneloop.
    I wrote a email to the toshiba-service in germany and they told me to make a new installation of windows, to install the new bios 2.1 and the new beta driver from nvidia. Even this all did not solve the problem.
    So I ring up the german hotline and they told me that there is nothing more to do and that they don't know that problem. They sayed I could try playing the games in a reduced resolution and perhaps this could solve the problem!!!??? Yes... I buy a very expensive gamer-notebook to play with it in a reduced resolution - nice idear.
    After I told them that I think it could be an overheating-problem they want to get the notebook to find it out on my own risk (I have to pay a service-charge if it is no overheating problem).
    We will see...

  • Qosmio X300 - new nvidia graphic drivers are uninstallable: no nvidia chip

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    i play actual games (f.e. skyrim) which need the LATEST video driver!
    the x300 is said to have a nvidia geforce 9800M GTX video chip.
    however, when i download the latest driver (295.73 today), at installation it says :
    no nvidia hardware detected - unable to install !
    this is so with all nvidia drivers in the last 2 years (with windows 7 and windows vista alike) !
    what is the problem ?
    did toshiba not include an nvidia chip, but a cheap chinese noname chip, or what is the problem here ?
    whatever notebook i had before the toshiba, it would accept actual nvidia drivers.
    only the toshiba qosmio x300 doesnt.
    why ?
    it is vital that i install the latest drivers, how can i get by this problem ?
    the driver that toshiba offers for the qosmio x300 is almoust 3 years old (2009, now it is 2012!) -
    this is ridiculous!
    an actual video/graphics driver is urgently needed, it is vital that the nvidia drivers work.
    i ask toshiba :
    HOW can i get the latest nvidia driver to work in the qosmio x300-14P ?
    which is said to have a geforce 9800M GTX nvidia chip (though nvidia driver says : it does'nt).
    how can i get the latest `nvidia drive (295.73)r to work ?
    thank you

    thanks for the answers to all, especially blob.
    yes i am a gamer and therefore i need always the very latest graphics driver.
    (yes, skyrim runs, but not with highest settings of course).
    but i am about to buy a new notebook soon anyway.
    this branding is a problem i came across earlier with the toshiba ram already.
    that's the reason why this time i dont buy a new toshiba notebook anymore,
    i will switch to lenovo.
    i thought about the qosmio x770, as it has some nice features.
    but they removed firewire etc., well ok, i could maybe live with that,
    BUT i CANNOT live without an express card slot !
    the xpress card slot is vital, as only there you can expand your notebook.
    missing firewire could be corrected by a firewire express card, i always
    use e-sata hdd connections, so i have an express card with 2 esata ports
    (to have faster hdd writings). one internal esata port (even a combo port esata/usb2)
    is just not eno8gh for me, i have usually connected 2 or 3 external drives.
    as well i quite often use my express tv + video card.
    that a notebook at this price has no express card slot is unbelievable !
    this is a knockout feature for me.
    i can swallow a lot, but not a missing express card slot, as this is the only feature
    that makes it possible to expand a laptop (with a e-sata card, with a tv card, f.e.).
    and so i could switch my tvc card and my esata card and whatever else i need
    or might need later.
    i might have purchased the x770 had it an express card slot, but without
    it is so ridiculous that i would never buy it, no matter how good the other features are.
    an express card slot is VITAL for every notebook.
    that someone could spare it it like selling a rain jacket without a zip.
    too bad, because else the x770 is not so bad.
    i wonder what made them cut the express card out in a notebook
    (that is not expand-friendly anyway).
    i saw that some others companies did it as well.
    this will not be a fortune, as i foresee that many people will, if not at once, then later
    hate the missing express card slot.
    it was about time that they put good graphic cards in notebooks (while once they are branded,
    they are a hassle, good or not), and now they start cutting the vital express card slot.
    unexpandable is the first that comes to my mind when i think about the x770.
    the product designers at toshiba seem not to be very good.
    branding, missing express card slots - what else may we have to expect in the future ?
    i was about time to switch.

  • Qosmio X300-H15 - Low quality of Toshiba Fingerprint Utility performance

    I had an excellent fingerprint tool for OEM Vista HP x64 (notebook model Qosmio X300-H15).
    After I installed Windows 7 HP x64, I have only Toshiba Fingerprint Utility which is different. Its performance is poor. Percent of recognized fingerprint during user logon is very low. Also I should use fingerprint to enter Toshiba Fingerprint Utility. And it cannot import fingerprints dump from Vista's tool.
    Does anyone know where to get Vista's fingerprint tool? And is it compatible with Win7 if I want to install it?

    Im really wondering you are not satisfied with fingerprint functionality. 6 months ago I have upgraded friends Qosmio X300 from Vista to Win7 using Toshiba upgrade kit and we have installed latest fingerprint utility version Toshiba download page.
    It runs perfectly and until now. I asked him often how it works now with Win7 and every time he told me that Win7 runs perfectly so I presume preinstalled fingerprint utility works well too.
    To be honest I cannot imagine that fingerprint reorganization on login was better under Vista than under Win7. I have tested it on friends Qosmio after Win7 upgrade and after 10 or more logins using my fingerprint login was successful. I can remember very well that just one time it was not successful but I done it pretty fast just to see if this will work or not but when I have done this properly everything was OK.
    Anyway, check Toshiba support page under http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com and go to download section. Here you can find Vista fingerprint software for Vista 32 and 64 bit OS.

  • Qosmio X300-14V - Crashes while playing games

    Hello ! I have some problems with my Toshiba Qosmio X300 14V. While I'm playing games installed on the computer it "crushes". The screen goes black and the speakers start buzzing.
    I noticed that if i reinstall teh windows, driverers and directX it won't happen for some time. I also have to mention that it doesn't happen with ALL the games. It mostly happenst to games that require higher performance of teh computer; games like Just Cause 2, Neef For Speed Hot Pursuit, Fallout New Vegas. In one case it happened to a pretty old game, Shadows Ground Survivor.
    If anyone can find any reasonable explination please help me. Thanks in advance.
    P.S. About 4-5 months ago my HDD crushed, so I bought a new one and installed win 7. At that time I was using win vista home premium x32 with the drivers that were included in the recovery pack. Before the new HDD I had no problems with the computer. Apart from some occasionally crushing because of ovearheating because the venting channels were filled with dust.
    Message was edited by: donrumata_1

    Hi donrumata_1,
    Maybe the notebook crashes due overheating?! Have you already tried to clean your notebook with compressed air spray?
    This can blow out the dust from cooling ventilators and takes only few minutes. Furthermore its not necessary to disassemble the notebook so its very easy and not complicated.
    => [How to clean the cooling system of a Toshiba notebook|http://aps2.toshiba-tro.de/kb0/HTD7A01ZZ000AR01.htm]
    From my own experience I can say its very useful and I do it every 3 months. So the notebook is much cooler and more silent because the fan doesnt run so often anymore.

  • Qosmio X300-126 - Replacing defective GPU?

    Hi there,
    my Qosmio X300-126 stared havign some problems recently and I simply can't use nvidia drivers anymore (may they be provided by toshiba or directly from nvidia. The laptop manages to display something only in "standard VGA mode"
    what's more, there are some artefacts on first screen (when you can go into the BIOS setup), so, overzall, it seems that the GPU is, at least, partly damaged (and may be completely dead soon.
    I called the toshiba support center, and they told me I had to send them the laptop for a diagnosis, which would cost me 90 (no warranty anymore, since it's over 2 years old) and if the GPU is to be replaced, I'll get a pricing for a new part.
    I've been looking on various bourds on the net and all people that experienced similar situation were asked to pay something like 1000 for repairs (which basically means, don't repair and buy another laptop).
    I've been repairing PC's for a living for some time, and there are tutorials to open and disassemble these laptops on the net... so I was wondering:
    is there any chance that toshiba agrees to sell a part "as is" for me to replace it myself? the part as such costs quite less (I've been given "around 150" price range) and in such case, it would be a possibility to consider rather than simply binning the thingy (or keeping/selling it for parts

    toshiba uses specific parts, making anything generic incompatible (so one can't get repair parts from other places on the net
    one funny thing, though: toshiba suport told me the vid card was soldered to the mobo (which isn't true...
    before spending any money, I just may try the "oven" repair.. putting the part int the oven around 200 in case there's just a bad soldering contact between the GPU and the MXM card... you never know, as it seems the same weakness comes often, maybe is it due to the fact the laptop is moved often, and suffers vibrations etc...
    we'll see soon enough :)

  • Qosmio X300-13P issues of Win 7 64bit upgrade

    I've upgraded X300-13P up to Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
    Since the model somehow not in the Qosmio X300 models list (why???), I found all needed drivers (win7 64 bit, russian) using laptop s/n and drivers filter.
    Now laptop works.
    Issues (please, help to resolve some of it):
    The Fn buttons don't work it was installed
    TVAP vap-20100419162607.zip, 07/21/10
    Company Toshiba
    Type Value Added Package
    Subtype (none)
    Size (Kb) 71188
    Ver 1.2.40
    Language Universal
    Country World Wide
    Game Console launches only after deleting a driver "HID Miscosoft eHome transiver" or something like this.
    Unfortunately, it is automatically created after reboot.
    How to delete the "eHome" at all - I'm not sure if my laptop has the device?
    It's impossible to register fingers - after I agree to save the scanned fingers software write "Such templates already exist..." and does nothing.
    Fingerprint Software
    (Kb) 24529
    World Wide
    How to resolve?
    I upgrade memory from 2x2Gb on 2x4Gb (bought in a Toshiba shop with a consultant - DDR3-1066M), but performance decreased - on Vista it was "5,4 Windows", now - "4,5 Windows".
    The "bottleneck" - operations with numbers (sorry - I translate from russian: probably not accurately).
    What should I do to increase?
    Please, advise.

    Hi *PauPau*,
    thanks for the answer.
    > > Since the model somehow not in the Qosmio X300 models list (why???),
    > The X300-13P is listed on Toshiba European driver page.
    You're right - I've found the place - my fault, sorry.
    > > The Fn buttons don't work it was installed
    > Install VAP and Flash Card Support Utility!
    > I used the Flash Card Support Utility which is released for L500 series.
    It's not clear: what does mean "L500 series" - soft, say, for the "Satellite L500-ST2521" is applicable for Qosmio X300? Any model???
    And only Flash card for "L500", but native VAP for X300?
    > >HID Miscosoft eHome transiver
    > This might be the infrared controller which is needed for the usage of remote controller in Windows Media Center. You could disable this is device manager.
    Unfortunately - the button "Disable" is disabled for the driver. :(
    > >It's impossible to register fingers - after I agree to save the scanned fingers software write "Such templates already exist..." and does nothing.
    > First of all you should delete all fingerprints. Then you should uninstall this software.
    > Reboot the unit and clean the registry using CCleaner. Reboot once again and install the fingerprint again.
    OK - I'll try.
    Thanks a lot!

  • Qosmio X300 -130 and Vista 64-bit - On screen Display doesn't work

    Hi there,
    I recently bought a Qosmio X300-130 notebook which shipped with Vista Home Premium.
    The problem was that I could not get onto our domain at the office. So installed Vista Business 64-bit. I found all of the drivers online and everything works perfect except for my onscreen display (When changing the volume, contrast,etc). Can anyone please tell me what software or driver did I forget and where can I find it?

    I really don't know what is wrong there but here is the Vista 64-bit installations order for your notebook model:
    Windows Vista
    Intel(R) Chipset Module V8.7.0.1007
    Intel(R) Turbo Memory Driver(Intel iMSM Driver) V1.6.0.1034
    nVidia Display Driver V175.80
    Realtek Audio Driver V6.0.1.5608
    Realtek Network Driver V6.205.403.2008
    Alps Touch Pad Driver V7.102.302.101
    Synaptics Touch Pad Driver V11.1.1.0
    Jmicron CardBus Controler V1.00.13.03
    TOSHIBA Software Modem V2.1.87(SM2187ALS04)
    SliconLab Modem Driver V6.12.14.03
    WLAN driver
    Chicony Camera Software V1.7.193.0508
    Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba V6.10.07.2T
    CIR Port Driver V2.5.0.0
    TOSHIBA Value Added Package V1.1.19_64
    TOSHIBA Hardware Setup Utility V1.57.0.3C
    TOSHIBA Supervisor Password V1.57.0.2C
    Flash Cards Support Utility V1.57.0.2C
    TOSHIBA SD Memory Utilities V1.9.1.9
    Authentec AES1610 Fingerprint Utility V2.1.11.0
    TOSHIBA ConfigFree V7.2.16
    TOSHIBA WPS Library V1.0.0.7
    TOSHIBA Assist V3.00.04
    TOSHIBA Speech System V1.00.2515
    TOSHIBA Extended Tiles for Windows Mobility Center V1.01
    Dolby Control Center V1.1.0406
    TOSHIBA Remote Control Manager V2.4.0.3
    CD/DVD Drive Acoustic Silencer V3.01.03
    TOSHIBA TRS Driver V4.1.2007.1115
    HDMI Control Manager V1.
    TOSHBA Face Recognition(SmartFaceV) V2.0.2.64
    So if you install your Vista and all Toshiba stuff following this installations order I believe everything should work properly.
    If not I don't know what can be the problem. Maybe you then have just bad luck. ;)
    Good luck!

  • Where are the Vista drivers for Qosmio X300

    I have bought a qosmio x300 with q9000 quadcore and SLI 9800m gts
    A nice notebook.
    i have install on this notebook vista ultimate ( the notebook is sell with vista premium).
    but, i don't have the drivers ...
    ok, i search on toshiba web : usa, taiwan, australian, canada, french, europe, etc...
    but i search all the drivers : toshiba hardware setup : all the version that we can find on toshiba web's site are wrong...
    and a lot of drivers are same.....
    so where can i find the drivers for my notebook ??

    There are no good or bad drivers. Maybe you do something wrong.
    The fact is that all drivers listed on Toshiba support page are absolutely the same as in recovery image. So there is no difference and all of them can be used on every Vista version.
    By drivers, tools and utilities installation is important installations order. So please install and configure Vista following this installations order:
    Windows Vista
    Intel(R) Chipset Module
    Intel(R) Turbo Memory Driver(Intel iMSM Driver)
    nVidia Display Driver
    Realtek Audio Driver
    Realtek Network Driver
    Alps Touch Pad Driver
    Synaptics Touch Pad Driver
    Jmicron CardBus Controler
    TOSHIBA Software Modem
    Modem Driver
    Wireless LAN Driver
    Chicony Camera Software
    Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba
    CIR Port Driver
    TOSHIBA Value Added Package
    TOSHIBA Hardware Setup Utility
    TOSHIBA Supervisor Password
    Flash Cards Support Utility
    TOSHIBA SD Memory Utilities
    Authentec AES1610 Fingerprint Utility
    TOSHIBA ConfigFree
    TOSHIBA Assist
    TOSHIBA Speech System
    Dolby Control Center
    TOSHIBA Remote Control Manager
    CD/DVD Drive Acoustic Silencer
    TOSHIBA TRS Driver
    HDMI Control Manager
    TOSHBA Face Recognition (SmartFaceV)
    I hope this list will help you.

  • Qosmio X300 64 bit vista ultimate upgraded to windows 7 64 bit ultimate - issues

    Hi there,
    Hoping you can help me, any help would be greatly appreciated. I cannot find my laptop amongst the given models - first issue.
    Second issue: given gratis CD voucher for upgrade to windows 7 ultimate  with purchase of laptop, whihc i have redeemed and loaded to laptop. below are my laptop specs. And below that the consequent issues awaiting resolve PLEASE HELP!!!!!
    OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
    Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600
    Other OS Description  Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Name SUZIQQOSMIO
    System Manufacturer TOSHIBA
    System Model Qosmio X300
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Extreme CPU Q9300  @ 2.53GHz, 2534 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date TOSHIBA V1.50, 23/12/2008
    SMBIOS Version 2.5
    Windows Directory C:\Windows
    System Directory C:\Windows\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
    Locale Australia
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7600.16385"
    User Name SuziQQosmio\Suzanne
    Time Zone Cen. Australia Standard Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 3.75 GB
    Available Physical Memory 2.10 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 8.63 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 6.48 GB
    Page File Space 4.88 GB
    Page File C:\pagefile.sys
    Hi there,
    Specs: as per Qosmio X 300. SSD 110GB, pentium core 4 extreme, 4 Gb RAM, plenty free storage on SSD (29GB), NVidia drivers with primary being GE Force 9800 M GTS, Direct X10.  there is also a note down the bottom saying that if i have linked graphic cards (whihc i do i believe there are three), that i can expect better perfomrance with some software.
    Ok I aplogise from the outset, i am a layman and not that techie. K.  So the issue that I upgraded recently (last week) from vista ultimate 64 bit to windows 7 64 bit. ultimate.  For the main, I am reasonably happy with the outcome in most areas - except gaming that is. I have increased speed and agility and the processor is now rated at 7.2. WEI. overall the laptop is rated at 5.8. however, getting back to teh reason for writing, I have nothing negative to say about windows 7 (as compared to its predecessor) apart from wishing to resolve my game crash issue. which usually occurs about 15 mins - 20 mins into a game and comes in the form of a shutdown ? BSOD from whence the laptop reboots when prompted at on/off and wants to know if to start normally or in various safe modes. I have noticed that the laptop does become very hot at the back (around the fans) prior to teh shutdown, and i am wondering if this is an overheating issue, and how to resolve if this is the case. the only other thing i have noticed that seems untoward is that i have apparently lost a wireless jump start driver from the upgrading process which i cannot find anywherre, and may be totally unrelated to this issue anyway.
    All i want to do is play the games i could play on windows vista ultimate 64 bit. these include: Sims 3, sims 3 world adventures, sims 3 ambitions, highloft end stuff, and Bioshock. Oddly enough, i have played sid meyers civillisations revolutions IV (the latest one) with no crashes, and i havent tried ANNO 1404, but fear a similar fate may await this game as some of the others.
    Addditional information:
    everything is as i described it above, however the screen does not go blue but black,and the laptop shuts itself down,  laptop acts as if hibernating mode? (these are guesses) or some mechanism geared at preventing over heating - the back becomes very hot.  the machine can be rebooted from normal mode but comes up firstly with a screen suggesting that the laptop was incorrectly shutdown, and offers options as to safe mode, normal etc. i have been starting normally with no adverse effects.   This is scenario one.
    scenario two ends up similarly at teh reboot stage, but gets there differently. i play the game and the screen freezes, unable to move touchpad curser, unalbe to use ctrl alt del to get up task manager. end up having to crash to reboot.
    I am quite frustrated and very reluctant to mess around with things that i dont understand (dont want to make the problem worse!). I am happy to attemtpt to follow your good explicit advice.
    the only other negative thing i am expereinceing is screen flicker on internet. I have changed my power mode from high performance to balanced to try to nullify the overheating issue but i now am noticing this screen flicker which is irriating and appears on keystroke, or cursor movement.
    Please note well:  I am a layman, not a technician! Please explain in easy to (dummy) terms! Thanks!
    kind regards
    (Im Game)

    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    Trouble installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    -Griff W.

  • How-to: Installing Windows XP on Qosmio X300

    Admins: please review this content, and make this topic sticky.
    I decided to try out Windows XP on my Qosmio X300-130 laptop, that came with Windows Vista 32-bit pre-installed.
    I bought XP Pro license + disc.
    Part A: Installation
    1. Go to Intel website and download "Intel RST" drivers -- those are required to recognize the SATA disk. Unfortunately Qosmio X300 does not provide IDE emulation in it's BIOS.
    2. Download "nLite"
    3. Start "nLite" and choose option to slipstream the drivers, and choose to integrate Intel RST drivers, and create ISO. Burn the ISO on a CD-R.
    4. The new CD disc should be installable on our hardware
    Part B: Video
    Unfortunately, Toshiba modified GeForce used in the laptop, so standard NVIDIA drivers won't install on Windows. (they do install on Linux BTW)
    PCI (and PCI express) code is made of several parts:
    -VENDOR ID (NVIDIA, main vendor)
    -DEVICE ID (chip used, GeForce 9700 GTS in my case)
    -SUB SYSTEM ID (Toshiba, secondary vendor)
    After you installed fresh XP, go to device manager, and see devices under yellow question mark. (devices that Windows can't recognize)
    Click on VGA (it is our GeForce) --> Details --> Device instance ID.
    You need to search original NVIDIA driver for your DEVICE ID (that is, so it matches the chip in your laptop exactly, DEV_062A for me).
    I had to change one single file from original NVIDIA driver:
    %NVIDIA_DEV.062A.01% = Section004, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_062A&SUBSYS_00011179
    %NVIDIA_DEV.062A.01% = Section004, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_062A&SUBSYS_FF011179
    Part C: Network & Audio
    You need few drivers:
    -Intel WiFi 5100 drivers
    -Realtek PCI-E Gigabit drivers
    -Realtek HD Audio drivers
    -Technologov, 19.01.2011

    Very nice posting!
    Thanks dude for this! I think it could be interesting for others!

  • How to use RAID 0 on Qosmio x300-11w?

    I have a Qosmio x300-11w with 2 320GB HDD and I would like to use them in RAID 0 for a bit more speed, I cant see any RAID options in BIOS. Is there another way to enable it?
    My BIOS version up to date version 1-30 I think.
    Anyone know if it is possible with this system?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Teit
    If notebook has such option it is described in users manuals but according to this document for your X300 (PQX32E) RAID is not available. Not a word about it is there.

  • [Qosmio X300] How to get MaxxAudio tab in realtek hd audio manager again?

    First, sorry for my bad english, but I need your help =)
    After I updated my audio driver (realtek hd audio) the MaxxAudio tab in the realtek window was lost...
    To fix it, I have tried to "downdate" my driver, but I always can't see MaxxAudio.
    I have also search solutions in Internet (Toshiba drivers page, forums, realtek.com...) I have found nothing.
    As I had upgraded my computer to windows 7, I have tried to install an old version of this driver which was in the Toshiba Upgrade DVD, but no MaxxAudio tab in the realtek window...
    And now, I have no Idea anymore, that's why I ask you.


  • Qosmio X300 - CORSAIR RAM is not working

    I own a Toshiba Qosmio x300-130 and in users manuall it is said it support max 2 x 4gb ddr 3 =8gb
    So today my CORSAIR RAM ARRIVED !!! AND i was suprised they didnt work !!!!
    Ima out of tricks what do u think the pr is ?
    here is the part number
    cmso4gx3m1a1333c9 i bought 2 x4gb :(

    Yup...... here is my story and how it went :)
    it looks like modules with 1066 mhz are rare these days and apparently....... the newe ones which are 1600 will not work under any circumstance.....
    So today the shop refunded my money and i decide to go by car and search for modules which are DDR3 and 1066 mhz and after 1-2 hours driving i found a small repair shop where, when i entered and asked they said they have.. and apparently this shop is collecting all these old modules and reselling them for good profit since these modules are more expensive than newer ones...
    Anyway we tried Kingston, Samsung, Adata and many other companies all of them worked i wanted to buy 2x4GB=8Gb the which according to manuall the laptop supports max 8GB RAM !!! but i was shocked after we loaded the modules 2x8GB = 16Gb again 1066mhz ola !!!!
    The laptop botted up and in phoenix Bios it showed 16GB !!! i was shocked ....... So i ended up buying the 16GB and went home happilly ever after ;)
    I hope RAM problem resolved

  • Qosmio X300-13G - Cannot connect to WLan router using N draft

    I've bought a Qosmio X300-13g (the only one availabe on Portugal :/ ) and i've tried to connect it to a wirelles N network, but I always receive an error:
    windows couldn't connect 'cause the defenitions of the router are different from yours...
    Well do you know why? I've tried with several routers and it's always the same..

    Yes, i've tried with a SMC WBR14S-N2 and now I'm using a Sitecom 300N (wl-183 / wl-541), I only receive the error when I choose the N mode, when I try the Mixed (G-N) it works (the computer connect with the G mode)

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