Qty not getting confirmed

Hi All
We have a scenario where when we create a sale order, the qty is not avaialble, so the system carry's out the AVCheck and in the schedule like the cofirmed qty is 0.(Schedule line is CP, Req type is KSVS)
After the qty is avaialble when i clicl on Availability the system is not considering and still the confirmed qty remains o and iam not able to deliver the order.
Any help please.

Check this thread
[Re: Reg Strategy 52|Re: Reg Strategy 52;
G. Lakshmipathi

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    Hi all,
    At sales order level, the schedule lines are not getting confimred on staurdays and sundays. So,in the factory which has been assigned to that plant, we have checked all holidays . Even then it's not confirming on saturdaus and sundays.
    In the factory calendar, it was maintained like this.
    Valid      from Year   1996
                    To Year     2010
    Holiday calendar    ID IN
    Specific rule          none exist
    Work days
    Moday to sunday have been ticked. Only public holidays have not been ticked.
    even then staurday and sundays schedule lines are not getting confirmed. pLEASE ADVISE.

    Go to T.CODE SCAL, select your calender id & click on definition.
    Check the working days.Also check the "Holiday Calendar ID" assigned to the "Factory Calendar ID".
    Check if it helps.

  • Schedule lines are not getting confirmed even though stock is there

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    my schedule lines is not getting confirmed even stock is there at sales order.
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    there is no credit check for that.
    there is stock of 2 EA in that plant and storage location, but stock is not getting confirmed at sales order level or transaction level.
    even stock is there it is going to avaliability check overview screen and giving stock confirmation after 12 days.
    even i checked all the dates.............but its of no use.
    what to do ?
    after testing all the possible options i am taking help from
    please help me in this regard,

    you need to check the following.....
    First check the Factory calander of your plant whethear some holidays or not
    Second most importantly you have to check which stretagy group is assigned  in the material . whethear it is make to order or make to stock. change it as make to stock.
    "What happened if material stretagy group is make to order then from sales order system generate requirement of that material against that particular stock, that time system do not consider the unrestricted stock and not confirm schedule line."
    Shambhu Sarkar

  • Sales order not getting confirmed because of oldest of open items overdue.

    Hi all
             Businesses using the auto order creation for sales, sales order getting created but when I check it in schedule line the quantity is not getting confirmed even quantity is available and credit limit is also available and there are no open items due. When I check ,availability tab in VA02 manually, its coming oldest of open items overdue.
    Pls help...

    please check in the system in ova8
    Credit check against oldest open item
    Indicates whether the system carries out a credit check based on the age of the oldest open item.
    The oldest open item must not be older than the number of days specified.
    If in ova8 it checked then system is checking the oldest open Items .

  • Sales order not getting confirmed!!

    we have a situation here.
    when i see in co09 it looks like following. I am not able to understand why sales order of 70 is not getting confirmed though ample reciept element is available (pch ord)? and why sales order of 350 on 25th aug is getting partially confirmed?
    Date                 time                 category   document               receipt/req           conf q           cuml atp q     atp q
    08/23/2010     08:12:14     Stock     Distribution Center     70      0      280-            0
    08/20/2010     09:58:00     Deliv.                                70-     70      280-
    08/20/2010     23:59:59     Deliv.                                70-     70      280-
    08/20/2010     23:59:59     Deliv.                                140-     140      280-
    08/20/2010     23:59:59     Deliv.                                70-     70      280-
    08/24/2010     12:00:00     PchOrd                                1,540      0      0                  0
    08/25/2010     00:00:00     SalesOrder                                70-     0      0
    08/25/2010     07:00:18     SalesOrder                                350-     0      0
    08/25/2010     07:00:18     SalesOrder                                0      280      0
    moreover why last column (atp quantity) is showing 0 quantity when pchOrd OF 1540 is available? on later dates last column has recipt quantity visible. example-
    09/07/2010     00:00:00     PchOrd                                350      0      350      350
    09/07/2010     00:00:00     PchOrd                                1,470      0      1,400      1,050
    am i reading it correctly? is there any link which says how to read these results?

    It is not config, it is part of runtime.  /SAPAPO/BOP > Parameters check tab
    Check prerequisite settings
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Dogboy49 on Mar 29, 2011 10:37 AM

  • TO is not getting confirmed

    Hi All,
    I'm currently working on a delivery #XXXXXXXX.  When I try to confirm the delivery for  a quantity of 15 I received the following message.
    Item 10: Only 0.001 EA from material XXXXXX.XX are available
    but 3 EA from batch XXX1 has been confirmed but the remaining 12 Transfer Order is not getting confirmed.
    Currently we have 40each in stock.  Out of 40 EA ,20 belongs XXX1 batch & 20 belongs to XXX2 batch.
    Please advise.

    It would be very hard to give you a good answer without knowing more about your sytem and methods.
    Have you tried LT12 (manualy confirm the T.O.)?
    You will need to provide the SU # when confirming if there are multiple SU in the pick from bin.
    Check for open t.o. against the material, also check stock catagory of the remaining material.
    Edited by: Arakish on Jun 25, 2010 11:22 PM

  • Schedule line not getting confirmed despite ATP quantity  available

    Hi friend,
    I have a created a order for which schedule line of a particular material  is not getting confirmed.
    I checked the stock in co09 ATP quantity is available, MD04 has allocated stock to my order.
    In our project specific  scenario storage loc is not determined at order level. I also tried adding storage loc at shipping tab and did re atp but no use.
    My scope of check includes reservations, sales requirement, deliveries.
    If I use another materials which is similar to my above example stcok is getting confirmed but only that particular above material is not getting confirmed.
    Am I missing any thing please suggest.

    please check,
    please check and confirm

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    Struggling now for several hours . . .

    This page does not help . . When I try to get a new key, it asks for me to log in - email address ok, but incorrect password. Request new password . . no email back to enable me to re-set.
    I have tried a master reset . . that does not help either . .

  • Schedule line not getting confirmed for weekend

    We are having 365 days working and the setting for same has been done for factory calender and the same factory calender has been assigned to the plant. Still when i am trying to create the delivery document on saturday, system is confirming the schedule lines only on monday.
    Can anybody please suggest me whether any further setting needs to be done for same.

    Hi Antima,
    Can you please check the lead time in Sales document type,RLT and Inhouse production time in MMR and Lastly the Picking,Packing time in the shipping point.
    If you maintain any of these days system is going to thro future date as confirmation date.
    Please check me if i am wrong.

  • Delivery block at item level in sales order,Qty should not be confirmed

    Dear all
    We have a below requirment
    We will have multiple line items in sales order and put delivery block at item level.If delivery block is put at item level it should not confirm the qty and pass on to MRP
    But if we put at header level delivery block,schedule line qty at item level are not getting confirmed.So requirements are not passed to MRP-This is correct .Working as per SAP standard configuration.
    Can you tell how to activate the same for item level delivery block.if same delivery block is put at item level,it is confirming the quantity.But we don't want confirmation of qty to happen.
    Can you give us solution

    We had similar issue , there will be confirmed quantity but the requirement will not transfer to MRP , We used Item category configuration ( Copied new item category assignment and it should behave as Inquiry item category)
    Check OVZ7 T code for customizing the u201CDelivery Blocku201D in your sales document to block Confirmation block
    Check the  customizing OVZ8: if the flag  Transfer of Requirement
    Transfer of requirements of the requirement class should be ON.
    In the sales order the requirement type is determined by the combination sales order item + MRP type.
    Refer SAP Help URL below
    [Setting a Delivery Block |http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/93/744bf2546011d1a7020000e829fd11/content.htm]

  • Schedule line getting confirmed when Ordered Quanity is greater than stock.

    Hi Sap Gurus,
    We have an issue in one of the sales scenario.
    In one of the sales orders the ordered quanity is purposely maintained greater than the stock at respective storage location(batch managed).
    In this case the schedule line should not get confirmed and it should not allow delivery document creation.
    But in the sales order the schedule lines are geeting confirmed and even the delivery document is getting created with picking request completion.
    Could you please help to understand :
    1.  why the schedule lines are getting confirmed when ordered quantity > Inventory?
    2. How do I stop delivery document creaton in this scenario?
    Looking for a quick response.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello Bhaskar,
    Is Availability Check in your system considering Replenishment Lead time, if yes, then this is possible.
    Check this IMG Link:
    IMG - Sales and Distribution - Basic Functions - Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements - Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning - Carry Out Control For Availability Check
    Here check the RLT settings.
    Also check settings under In/Outward Movements, where things like include Purchase Order can lead to confirmation of stock in Sales Order, despite physical inventory being present.
    Hope this helps,
    Jignesh Mehta

  • Overdelivery tolerance- confirm quantity (allocation) not getting updated

    Hi All
        I have a strange problem......could this be a gap with the SAP program
    I am using over and under delivery tolerance (say 10%)  in the customer master - sales - shipping tab. Now i create a order with
    Order qty          1100
    confirmed qty   1100
    delivery qty      1200      (since we have maintained 10 % over delivery tolerance)
    Now i want to update the order to 1200 for two reasons
    1) to keep the order in sync with delivery
    2) to update the allocations (this is because we have Allocation activated and not ATP at schedule line level)
    So when i go into the order and update the line to 1200 the following happens
    Order qty             1200 
    confirmed qty      1100   (not updated)
    delivery qty         1200       
    So my confirm qty is not getting updated to 1200 and hence my allocation tables are not getting updated. The same is getting updated when we have ATP at schedule line level. Could this be a gap with SAP that i dosent update allocations in this scenario.
    The reason it dosent confirm is that it assumes that the delivery is completed and since we have tolerance maintained it assumed to be a good scenario.
    Please help.
    Edited by: Vikas BhumiReddy on Oct 28, 2009 5:27 PM

    I am also facing the same issue. Have you found out any solution regarding this.

  • Order, Rounded & Confirmed qty all gets populated when creating Sales Order

    Hello Experts,
    I'm creating a number of sales orders for custom materials (1400-510-01, 1400-510-02, 1400-510-03). Under Schedule lines I've observed Order and Rounder qty  reflects the 5, which i provided for Quantity for this material. However Confirmed qty also gets per-populated with 5 and its locked. This is causing then I try to create Transfer Order. Does anybody will know why Confirmed qty also getting populated beside Order and Rounder qty. If yes then how i can get ride of it.
    Many thanks in advance.

    The confirmed quantity is based on the available quantity in the stock which is confirmed based on the order quantity. This will only change if
    1) there is not sufficient stock
    2) if its partially confirmed and confirmed in future in full

  • 544 Movement ,Qty & value is not getting updated in MC.9

    Dear friends,
    MC.9 & MB5b report is showing difference in Qty & Value.In my analysis i came to know that 544 movement is not getting updated in MC.9. I also Checked the Statistically relev. key as 2 and Consumption posting   G  in OMJJ.
    I require the info about MC.9 configuration or any info related to this.

    Please refer SAP note 581240 for this.
    For these stocks you have three valuation types for selection:
    ' ' = no inventory valuation
    'A' valuation = without reference to sales document ('make-to-stock
    'M' = separate valuation with reference to the sales and distribution
    ONLY stock/stock movements with special stock valuation 'A'
    (make-to-stock inventory) are updated in Inventory Controlling.
    Thus, if you find a document which is not updated in the info structures
    of Inventory Controlling (S031-S039) and you require this, check the
    corresponding documents in the materials management tables. You can find
    the special stock indicator and indicator of the valuation of the
    special stock, for example, in document segment table MSEG in the
    following fields:
    MSEG-SOBKZ = Special Stock Indicator
    MSEG-KZBWS = Indicator: Special Stock Valuation
    Only A type (make to stock ) are updated in the info structures.
    Hoping this helps.

  • Stock not getting updated after confirmation of order

    dear all
    In our scenario x is final product.x1( semifinished),x2(spare) are dependent materials for final product. x1 has bom r1 and r2 (raw materials).I put all x1,x2,r1,r2 stock available in storage.
    To get final product , only final assy of above materials by labour.PIR (md61) created for x and planning run.After planning run, planned order generated for x and converted in to production order and released.
    My requirement is on confirmation of production order, backflushing of dependent materials as per bom should be done.
    On confirmation of order in co15,saved.But, stock is not getting updated.what might be the reason? please give me some solution

    1.Set the Back Flush Indicator in your Material Master for the components. ( You can do this in Work center and Production Order too )
    2. You can also set the flag for the field " All Components" in Order Confirmation Parameters (OPK4).
    3. If you want to post the Fert also at the time of confirmation use the Control Key which has " Auto GR"  enabled.
    While confirming the Order press the Button "Goods Movement" to ensure that the components are present there for the movement.

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