Questions about books

i downloaded a few free books from the itunes store and i then i saw an app called stanza. I was wondering. Does each book suppose to take up an icon or if i have stanza it adds all books there and i just have one icon for all my books?

stanza isn't every book but there are a ton of public domain books that are contained within it. Most of the free books on the iTunes store are also public domain (as well as many of the paid ones)
Each application only takes one icon so when you tap on stanza you can search for a list of books to use within that application.

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    I would think the size would be dependent on a few issues: genre, type of content, and the publisher to name a few.  You could minimize costs going with the smaller size obviously, but I, for one, cannot make a recommendation without getting more specific on the details.  Have you discussed the size with the publisher?

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    This is not normal behavior. Let me ramble this through my head.
    If you have a threaded story, editting copy can cause content to change position away from an applied master. (It is permissable and desireable to have one threaded story for an entire document) There is no Section Break character, add that to wish list.
    Yep, I've chased that dog.
    Break the Chapters into a Book file.

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    Hope this helps.
    1. Empty Trash.
    2. Start up in Safe Mode
    3. Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Hold the option key down and click "Go" menu in the Finder menu bar.
        Select "Library" from the dropdown.
        Library > Mail > V2 > Mailboxes
        Delete "Recovered Messages", if any.
        Empty Trash. Restart.
    4. Repair Disk
        Steps 1 through 7
    5. Disk space / Time Machine ?/ Local Snapshots
    6. Re-index Macintosh HD
       System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
    If this does not help, you have to buy an external HD and move your movies photos.etc to
    the external HD.

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    it's less powerful than your average computer. THink of it like a netbook but with a better processor.
    It'll do fine for surfing (although if you browse a lot of flash based sites you will need to get a third party browser since safari doesn't accommodate it)
    You may do OK on reading books, papers or magazines, especially if they have apps, but the ipad's screen is backlit, so it doesn't work well outdoors and you may need to fiddle with the brightness so that you don't get eye strain (it's just like doing too much reading from a computer screen)
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    By and large, it's a good device for day to day stuff, but is not a computer replacement.

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    1. with the IoHD, laptops become OK working with ProRes and simply eSata setups. Without the Io, they can't view externally on a video monitor (a must in my book). It will not speed up rendering a ton, nor will it save renders of mixed formats. The idea is to get all source footage to ProRes with the Io, and then the Io also lifts the CPU from having to convert ProRes to something you can monitor externally on a video monitor, and record back to any tape format you want... all in real time.
    2. Kona 3's on Towers would run circles around render times on a Laptop... no matter what the codec, but the Kona does not really speed renders up. That's a function of the CPU and just how fast is it. (lots of CPU's at faster speeds will speed up render times).
    I'd recommend you capture to ProRes with Io's or the Kona 3 and don't work in uncompressed HD. You gain nothing doing it quality wise at all. And you only use up a ton of disk space (6 times the size in fact) capturing and working in uncompressed HD, which from your post, you're not shooting anyway. The lovely thing about ProRes is that it's visually lossless, efficient, and speeds up the editing process. Mixing formats can be done, but it's better to go to ProRes for all source footage, and edit that way.
    With either the Kona or the Io, you then can output to uncompressed HD tape... that's what they do for you no matter what codec you've edited in. ProRes is designed to be the codec of choice for all HD projects when you're shooting different formats especially... Get them all singing the same tune in your editing stations, and you'll be a much happier camper. Only reason to buy laptops is portability... otherwise you're much better off with towers and the Kona 3 speed wise.
    Message was edited by: Jerry Hofmann

  • A few questions about Patone colors

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    I hope that some of you can help me out with my questions.

    You can get Pantone's CMYK tints in Illustrator, (Swatches Panel > Open Swatch Library > Color Books > PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated or Uncoated) but in my view, what's the point?  If you're printing to a digital printer, just use RGB (HSB) or CMYK. Personally, I never use Pantone's CMYK so-called "equivalents."
    Pantone colors are all mixed pigmented inks, many of which fluoresce beyond the gamut limits of RGB and especially CMYK. The original Pantone Matching System (PMS) was created for the printing industry. It outlined pigmented ink formulations for each of its colors.
    Most digital printers (laser or inkjet) use CMYK. The CMYK color gamut is MUCH SMALLER than what many mixed inks, printed on either coated or uncoated papers can deliver. When you specify non-coated Pantone ink in AI, according to Pantone's conversion tables, AI tries to "approximate" what that color will look like on an uncoated sheet, using CMYK. -- In my opinion, this has little relevance to real-world conditions, and is to be avoided in most situations.
    If your project is going to be printed on a printing press with spot Pantone inks, then by all means, use Pantone colors. But don't trust the screen colors; rather get a Pantone swatch book and look at the actual inks on both coated and uncoated papers, according to the stock you will use on the press.
    With the printing industry rapidly dwindling in favor of the web and inkjet printers, Pantone has attempted to extend its relevance beyond the pull-date by publishing (in books and in software alliances, with such as Adobe) its old PMS inks, and their supposed LAB and CMYK equivalents. I say "supposed" because again, RGB monitors and CMYK inks can never be literally equivalent to many Pantone inks. But if you're going to print your project on a printing press, Pantone inks are still very relevant as "spot colors."
    I also set my AI Preferences > Appearance of Black to both Display All Blacks Accurately, and Output All Blacks Accurately. The only exception to this might be when printing on a digital printer, where there should be no registration issues.
    Rich black in AI is a screen phenomenon, unless in Prefs > Appearance of Black, you also specify "Output All Inks As Rich Black," -- something I would NEVER do if outputting for an actual printing press. I always set my blacks in AI to "Output All Blacks Acurately" when outputting for a press. If you fail to do this, then on the press you will see any minor registration problems, with C, M, and Y peeking out, especially around black type.  UGH!
    Good luck!  :+)

  • Question about swapping SIM cards on a Z10

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    If anyone can shed some light on this for me, I'd be very grateful.,  Thanks!

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    The key issues are thus:
    Ensuring that the device is truly carrier unlocked
    Ensuring that the specific device model is compatible with the radio frequencies/technologies that the desired carrier uses. There are 4 different Z10 models:
    If both of those are OK (separate research of the desired carriers would of course be necessary), then it is indeed a simple matter to change carriers. For example, I changed from ATT to TMO by simply changing the need to WIPE or anything, and my same BBID came along just fine. You should, however, always obtain a properly-sized SIM card from the carrier -- there are plenty of reports of folks trying to use "cut" SIM cards and experiencing errors.
    With BB10, it's actually simpler than with legacy BBs. Legacy BBs used the BIS service, which required receipt onto the device (from the carrier data network) of Service Books so as to activate the various services that the user subscribed to. When changing carriers, it often could be that a latent Service Book from the prior carrier causes issues when shifting to a different carrier...and that's where WIPING and such came into play, so as to cleanse the device so that the new carrier could deliver all of the proper Service Books to the device. With BB10, there is no BIS, and there are no Service all of that complication is eliminated.
    But, as always, YMMV.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Question about size of ints in Xcode

    Hello. I have a a few quick questions about declaring and defining variables and about their size and so forth. The book I'm reading at the moment, "Learn C on the Mac", says the following in reference to the difference between declaring and defining a variable:
    A variable declaration is any statement that specifies a variables name and type. The line *int myInt;* certainly does that. A variable definition is a declaration that causes memory to be allocated for the variable. Since the previous statement does cause memory to be allocated for myInt, it does qualify as a definition.
    I always thought a definition of a variable was a statement that assigned a value to a variable. If a basic declaration like "int myInt;" does allocate memory for the variable and therefore is a definition, can anyone give me an example of a declaration that does not allocate memory for the variable and therefore is not a definition?
    The book goes on, a page or so late, to say this:
    Since myInt was declared to be of type int, and since Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints, 4 bytes of memory were reserved for myInt. Since we haven't placed a value in those 4 bytes yet, they could contain any value at all. Some compilers place a value of 0 in a newly allocated variable, but others do not. The key is not to depend on a variable being preset to some specific value. If you want a variable to contain a specific value, assign the value to the variable yourself.
    First, I know that an int can be different sizes (either 4 bytes or 8 bytes, I think), but what does this depend on? I thought it depended on the compiler, but the above quote makes it sound like it depends on the IDE, Xcode. Which is it?
    Second, it said that Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints. Does this mean that there is a setting that the user can change to make ints a different size (like 8 bytes), or does it mean that the creators of Xcode currently have it set to use 4-byte ints?
    Third, for the part about some compilers giving a newly allocated variable a value of 0, does this apply to Xcode or any of its compilers? I assume not, but I wanted to check.
    Thanks for all the help, and have a great weekend!

    Tron55555 wrote:
    I always thought a definition of a variable was a statement that assigned a value to a variable. If a basic declaration like "int myInt;" does allocate memory for the variable and therefore is a definition, can anyone give me an example of a declaration that does not allocate memory for the variable and therefore is not a definition?
    I always like to think of a "declaration" to be something that makes no changes to the actual code, but just provides visibility so that compilation and/or linking will succeed. The "definition" allocates space.
    You can declare a function to establish it in the namespace for the compiler to find but the linker needs an actual definition somewhere to link against. With a variable, you could also declare a variable as "extern int myvar;". The actual definition "int myvar;" would be somewhere else.
    According to that book, both "extern int myvar;" and "int myvar;" are declarations, but only the latter is a definition. That is a valid way to look at it. Both statements 'delcare' something to the compiler, but on the second one 'define's some actual data.
    First, I know that an int can be different sizes (either 4 bytes or 8 bytes, I think), but what does this depend on? I thought it depended on the compiler, but the above quote makes it sound like it depends on the IDE, Xcode. Which is it?
    An "int" is supposed to be a processor's "native" size and the most efficient data type to use. A compiler may or may not be able to change that, depending on the target and the compiler. If a compiler supports that option and Xcode supports that compiler and that option, then Xcode can control it, via the compiler.
    Second, it said that Xcode is currently set to use 4-byte ints. Does this mean that there is a setting that the user can change to make ints a different size (like 8 bytes), or does it mean that the creators of Xcode currently have it set to use 4-byte ints?
    I think that "setting" is just not specifying any option to explicitly set the size. You can use "-m32" or "-m64" to control this, but I wouldn't recommend it. Let Xcode handle those low-level details.
    Third, for the part about some compilers giving a newly allocated variable a value of 0, does this apply to Xcode or any of its compilers? I assume not, but I wanted to check.
    I don't know for sure. Why would you ask? Are you thinking of including 45 lines of macro declarations 3 levels deep to initialize values based on whether or not a particular compiler/target supports automatic initialization? Xcode current supports GCC 3.3, GCC 4.0, GCC 4.2, LLVM GCC, CLang, and Intel's compiler for building PPC, i386, and x86_64 code in both debug and release, with a large number of optimization options. It doesn't matter what compiler you use or what it's behavior is - initialize your variables in C.

  • Question about PL/SQL Function in report

    Hi all. I have a (basic) question about using a PL/SQL function in a report. In my report page I have an item (PL/SQL function) that has the following syntax:
    return username from t1
    where username like 'Le%'
    I reference this item in an email process. Ideally this function would return all usernames that begin with 'Le' in the drafted email; however, its not looping so I'm only getting a return on the first name.
    I have a few books on PL/SQL but I'm not exactly sure where to start - I imagine there is a loop process I need to integrate into the function but, like I said, I'm not sure.
    I would have posted this to the PL/SQL forum but also wanted some feedback on whether or not using this method is the best way forward. Essentially I have a table with usernames and just want to send email messages based on some simple logic.

    Hi Sergio,
    First, it's an honor to have you reply to my post. Thanks!
    To be more specific,
    T1 is a table containing the results from a user security scan. Username is a column in this table containing user names. What I have done is create a page in HTML DB with the following elements:
    1. An 'Item' containing the PL/SQL function that is hidden. The purpose of this Item is to generate information from T1 that meets the simple logic parameters - in this case, the user names that begin with "Le". I have called this Item P145_TT
    2. A 'Process' containing references to HTMLDB_MAIL. The 'Process' looks similar to this:
    P_TO => '[email protected]',
    P_FROM => 'Anon Email Account',
    P_BODY => 'Note: This message was automatically generated. Do not attempt to reply to this email.
    These are the users that begin with Le: '||:P145_TT||' ',
    P_SUBJ => 'Summary');
    3. A 'Button' to submit the process and (hopefully) send the message containing all users that adhere to the logic in the function.
    4. If I use 'return username from t1...' I will get a username generated, but like I said previously, it only gives me the first and does not loop.

  • I have a question about using adobe CS files in CS6 edition

    I am a graphic artist . I have a question about using adobe CS files in CS6 edition. when I am gonna open thse adobe CS created files in CS6 Edition i get a color variation than i made with the CS version.Please give me an idea about this issue as soon as possible.If you need i can upload my problem as a screenshot to clearity

    Are your Edit>Color Settings the same?
    Are you using spot colours, such as Pantone (there have been some changes in CMYK values with new colour books)?

  • Another BW question about filter in the query definition

    Hi ,
    I have another question about filter in the query definition.
    Which of the following objects can be filtered in the query definition?
    A. characteristic
    B. Key figure
    C. Structure
    D. Units
    E. Hierarchy
    My answer is A,B,D,E.
    The answer in the book is A,B,D
    Can anybody tell me which one is wrong?
    Thanks in advance,
    Liu Jia

    1.The answer could be A,B, can not apply filters on hierarchies
    2.Whenever there is a change in Attribute data(like Location,Num etc...)that has to be reflected in all aggregates of the cube.Thsi can be done by running "ATTRIBUTE CHANGE RUN".

  • Some questions about building  a plug in

    1.I'm trying to build a plug in ( for EM12c release 2 ) for my standalone java application - which exposes mbeans whom i want to collect some metrics with.
    It's been a while since i started to build it - and I asked quite a lot of quesions about it - because the documnets supplied with the EDK and
    the books ( ProgrammersGuide, ProgrammersReferece and the README file ) are not very clear to me ( I'm a newbie with EM in general .. )
    So far some of the questions got answered and were very halpfull with this long process. BUT, there are some questions that nobody answered yet.
    I'm quite "stuck" with it. I'm talking about the questions in : Re: A question about updating metadata files in plug in
    I have a deadline for this plug in ( which is very close ..) so this the reason I post this new message.
    I will appriciate any help about those questions .
    2. Regarding the above, ( hoping to have an answered soon ..) I'm trying another way to buils this plug in:
    In the README file there is this section( 3.6 : using MPCUI ) . I read the programmersReference ( chapter 8 ) and followed the instructions both in the README file and the ProgrammersReference .
    For a begining, I just wanted to modify a small thing in the example supplied ( Demo Host System ) just to get started with something .
    So i modify the file which contains the label ' Select member ... ' ( i don't remember the name of the file since the project is in my office , and I can't copy/paste ..- I think the the file icontians the name ' ConfirmationTarget .xml - it's one of the pages seen while adding a target ) .
    I i changed it , i build the project ( using FlexBuilder) but did not use ANT as it's says in the README - the eclipse IDE build this file automatically
    ( HostSystem.swf  in bin-debug dir as it says in the README ) . I copied this file to stage_dir/oms/metadata/mpcui .
    i build a new plug in ( i incremented the version of it ) - no errors, everty thing was fine .I also copied this file to the oms server ( it wasn't there before )
    and than run the commad ' emctl register oms ...' as it says in section 3.6 - and o got 'Success' eventually .
    Now, when i opened the EM console , hoping to see tge change i made ( again , it's just a change of the title of the step while adding the target , and adding another menuitem to the 3 item that were alreay there ( CPU, FS, etc ) .
    I believe wad i did is right- i mean changing in the right file and place ( there is no title like like this in any oter source file in the whole project )
    but still, I didn't see any change! it seems execatly as it was befoer the change ..
    Any idea?

    Regarding your question #2. Please read my response here carefully as it covers a number of different issues.
    1. Ant is not required to build the SWF file in your plug-in. It is an OPTION. Section 8.27 describes the different development options using either Ant or FlexBuilder.
    2. You do NOT need to ever copy a SWF file to any location under the OMS runtime. You need to include it in the stage area and then either build an OPAR or use emctl to incrementally update the deployed plug-in. It has to either be deployed as part of the plug-in deployment or updated incrementally using emctl register oms metadata. Section describes the specific steps to do this incremental update.
    Steps to update the SWF associated with demo_hostsample. These are covered in the README and in chapter 8.
    1. deploy the demo_hostsample plug-in as described in the README
    2. create an instance of the Host Sample target type through manually discovery (Add Targets->Add Non-Host Target Specifying Properties)
    3. using the project in Flex Builder, modify some part of the code, for example, modify the line containing label="Current Status" to label="My New Label"
    4. rebuild the SWF, to be sure you can to a Clean build of the demo_hostsample project
    5. ensure there is an updated copy of the HostSample.swf under demo_hostsample\mpcui\bin-debug (NOT bin-release, unless you Exported A Release Build)
    6. copy that updated HostSample.swf file to the location on the OMS machine where you unzipped and built the OPAR for the demo_hostsample plug-in
    7. cd to the stage/oms/metadata/mpcui directory and replace the current HostSample.swf with the one you just built (BE SURE ITS THE UPDATED FILE)
    8. execute the command "emctl register oms metadata -sysman_pwd sysman -pluginId oracle.sysman.ohs -service mpcui -file demo_hostsample_uimd_swf.xml (BE SURE TO USE THE CORRECT sysman_pwd)
    At this point you should be able to go to the homepage for the Host Sample target you created and see the changes.

Maybe you are looking for