Queue with callback function - strange behaviour when using max_retries

I hope someone can tell me what is wrong or can explain the following strange behaviour to me.
I am using one queue with a registered callback function. To test the behavoiur in case of an error I tested different settings, with or without explicit exception queue and with or without parameter max_retries.
Database Version is   Enterprise Edition
I enqueue 10 messages in a loop.
I define no exception queue and do not set max_retries
==> all messages stay in the queuetable with q_name = AQ$_... (implicit exception queue) and retry_count = 5
I define no exception queue and set max_retries = 4
==> 1 message stays in the queuetable with q_name = AQ$_... (implicit exception queue) and retry_count = 4
       9 messages stay in the queuetable with q_name = nomal queue name and retry_count = 0
I define an exception queue and set max_retries = 4
==> 1 message is transfered to the Exception Queuetable with retry_count = 4
       9 messages stay in the normal Queuetable and retry_count = 0
I define an exception queue and do not set max_retries
==> all 10 messages are transferred to the Exception Queuetable with retry_count = 5
I have no explanation for the behaviour in case 2 and case 3.
To create the queue and the callback I use this code (reduced to minimum):
                               , Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE'
                               , sort_list          => 'enq_time'
                               , multiple_consumers => FALSE
                          , queue_table => 'TESTUSER.TEST_TABELLE'
--                          , max_retries => 4                     uncomment this line to set max_retries
-- uncomment the following Block to use an explicit Exception Queue
                               , Queue_payload_type => 'SYS.AQ$_JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE'
                               , sort_list          => 'enq_time'
                               , multiple_consumers => FALSE
                          , queue_table => 'TESTUSER.TEST_TABELLE_EXC'
                          , queue_type  => dbms_aqadm.EXCEPTION_QUEUE);
create or replace procedure test_procedure
  (context  RAW
  ,reginfo  sys.AQ$_reg_info
  ,descr    sys.AQ$_descriptor
  ,payload  VARCHAR2
  ,payloadl NUMBER
  ) authid definer
  -- für Queue
  dequeue_options   DBMS_AQ.dequeue_options_t;
  message_prop      DBMS_AQ.message_properties_t;
  message_hdl       raw(16);
  message           sys.aq$_jms_text_message;
  l_daten           VARCHAR2(32767);
  ex_hugo          EXCEPTION;
    dequeue_options.msgid         := descr.msg_id;
    dequeue_options.consumer_name := descr.consumer_name;
    dbms_aq.dequeue(descr.queue_name, dequeue_options, message_prop, message, message_hdl);
    -- to provoke an error
    RAISE ex_hugo;
    -- regurlar coding
  when others then
   reginfo1    sys.aq$_reg_info;
   reginfolist sys.aq$_reg_info_list;
   reginfolist := sys.aq$_reg_info_list(reginfo1);
   sys.dbms_aq.register(reginfolist, 1);
to enqueue my messages i use:
  message            sys.aq$_jms_text_message;
  enqueue_options    dbms_aq.enqueue_options_t;
  message_properties dbms_aq.message_properties_t;
  msgid              raw(16);
  v_daten            clob;
   message := sys.aq$_jms_text_message.construct;
   for i in 1..10
      v_daten := '{ dummy_text }';
-- uncomment the following line to use an explicit Exception Queue     
--      message_properties.exception_queue := 'TESTUSER.TEST_QUEUE_EXC'; 
      dbms_aq.enqueue(queue_name         => 'TESTUSER.TEST_QUEUE',
                      enqueue_options    => enqueue_options,
                      message_properties => message_properties,
                      payload            => message,
                      msgid              => msgid);
   end loop;

Hi Chris,
I tried to reproduce your complaint, but was unable to. I didnt use auditting however, just a series of "select user from dual" with proxy authentication. You might want to see if you can put together a small complete testcase for this and open a sr with support.

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    Hi Chris,
    I tried to reproduce your complaint, but was unable to. I didnt use auditting however, just a series of "select user from dual" with proxy authentication. You might want to see if you can put together a small complete testcase for this and open a sr with support.

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    immediate="true" partialSubmit="false"
    <af:setActionListener from="1"
    This is the error page:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.0"
    <jsp:output omit-xml-declaration="true" doctype-root-element="HTML"
    doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"/>
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" isErrorPage="true"
    import="java.io.CharArrayWriter, java.io.PrintWriter, java.util.Calendar, java.text.SimpleDateFormat, javax.faces.context.FacesContext"/>
    <f:subview id="errorpageview">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
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    if (exception != null)
    CharArrayWriter charArrayWriter = new CharArrayWriter();
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(charArrayWriter, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    if (exception != null) {
    try {
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd" version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee">
    <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

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    O boy
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    Hi megascones,
    I apologize, I'm a bit unclear on the exact nature or scope of the issue you are describing. If you are having issues with the touch screen on your iPad, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    If the screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond to touch - Apple Support
    - Brenden

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    Thanks for posting this!
    I would only mention that your definition is incomplete for this -
    Contextual selector A type of Style Sheet Selector that
    and that it's most often referred to now as a Descendent selector, not a contextual selector.  It's basically the same as the Compound selector that you have already defined....

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    Hello megascones,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like the screen is not responding to touch in one app. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    If the screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond to touch - Apple Support
    Restart your device. If you can't restart, reset your device.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

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    Here is a very simple test case:
    create table test(
    col1 integer not null,
    col2 varchar(20) ascii default ''
    insert into test values(1,'2011-03-15 05:00:00')
    insert into test values(2,'2011-03-15 07:00:00')
        VAR ret VARCHAR(20);
      SET ret='2011-03-15 06:00:00';
      RETURN ret;
    Select * from test where col2 >= BTR_TAG()
    Select col1,col2 from test where col2 >= BTR_TAG()
    =>  Error in assignment;-3016 POS(1) Invalid numeric constant
    Select '',* from test where col2 >= BTR_TAG()
    Select col2,col1 from test where col2 >= BTR_TAG()
    => works as it should
    MaxDB V running on Windows Server 2003
    I can replicated the test case above with Sql Studio and other ODBC based tools.
    Thanks in advance,
    Silke Arnswald

    Hello Siva,
    sorry, but I don't understand your reply:
    This is not right forum to posting this question.
    You are from which module or working any 3rd party application.
    MaxDB is the community version of MaxDb,
    we are not using it for SAP
    and no 3rd party software is required to reproduce my problem,
    Sql Studio or Database Studio will do.
    Silke Arnswald

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    "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."
    Please see below for my example code.
    The following parameterized test case runs without a problem:
    package {
        import org.flexunit.runners.Parameterized;
        public class ParameterizedTest {
            public static var testData:Array = [
                [1,1,new Array(),1,1]
            public function ParameterizedTest(
            ):void {
            public function testOne():void {
                // Test to go here.
    When I add an Array as the sixth parameter :
    package {
        import org.flexunit.runners.Parameterized;
        public class ParameterizedTest {
            public static var testData:Array = [
                [1,1,new Array(),1,1,new Array()]
            public function ParameterizedTest(
            ):void {
            public function testOne():void {
                // Test to go here.
    I get this error :
    com.berog.proj_drum_machine.tests.matrix_test_suite.test_cases::MatrixConstructorTest.test One (1,1,,1,1,) .
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at flex.lang.reflect::Constructor/newInstanceApply()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\worksp ace\FlexUnit4\src\flex\lang\reflect\Constructor.as:253]
        at TestClassRunnerForParameters/createTest()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\Flex Unit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Parameterized.as:455]
        at org.flexunit.runners::BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner/methodBlock()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Fl ex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner.as:314]
        at org.flexunit.runners::BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4 .1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner.as:152]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Parameterized/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Parameterized.as:273]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Suite/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUni t4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Suite.as:151]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Suite/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUni t4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Suite.as:151]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/beginRunnerExecution()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1 \workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:348]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runRunner()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\ FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:307]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runRequest()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:283]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runClasses()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:269]
        at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUn it4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:245]
        at com.berog.proj_drum_machine.tests::TestMain()[E:\Actionscript\projects\DrumMachine\src\co m\berog\proj_drum_machine\tests\TestMain.as:18]
    com.berog.proj_drum_machine.tests.matrix_test_suite.test_cases::MatrixConstructorTest.test One (1,1,,1,1,) E
    Time: 0.013
    There was 1 failure:
    1 com.berog.proj_drum_machine.tests.matrix_test_suite.test_cases::MatrixConstructorTest.tes tOne (1,1,,1,1,) TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at flex.lang.reflect::Constructor/newInstanceApply()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\worksp ace\FlexUnit4\src\flex\lang\reflect\Constructor.as:253]
        at TestClassRunnerForParameters/createTest()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\Flex Unit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Parameterized.as:455]
        at org.flexunit.runners::BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner/methodBlock()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Fl ex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner.as:314]
        at org.flexunit.runners::BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4 .1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\BlockFlexUnit4ClassRunner.as:152]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Parameterized/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Parameterized.as:273]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Suite/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUni t4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Suite.as:151]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runners::Suite/runChild()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUni t4\src\org\flexunit\runners\Suite.as:151]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners::ChildRunnerSequencer/executeStep()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUni t4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ChildRunnerSequencer.as: 82]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/handleChildExecuteComplete( )[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\ statements\StatementSequencer.as:141]
        at org.flexunit.internals.runners.statements::StatementSequencer/evaluate()[E:\hudson\jobs\F lexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\internals\runners\statements\Stateme ntSequencer.as:109]
        at org.flexunit.runners::ParentRunner/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexU nit4\src\org\flexunit\runners\ParentRunner.as:483]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/beginRunnerExecution()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1 \workspace\FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:348]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runRunner()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\ FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:307]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runRequest()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:283]
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/runClasses()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace \FlexUnit4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:269]
        at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
        at org.flexunit.runner::FlexUnitCore/run()[E:\hudson\jobs\FlexUnit4-Flex4.1\workspace\FlexUn it4\src\org\flexunit\runner\FlexUnitCore.as:245]
        at com.berog.proj_drum_machine.tests::TestMain()[E:\Actionscript\projects\DrumMachine\src\co m\berog\proj_drum_machine\tests\TestMain.as:18]
    FAILURES!!! Tests run: 1, 1 Failures:
    Can anyone help me?

    Actually, I do see what's wrong.
    When you call a method in the ActionScript universe, you can can usually do a function.apply() and pass it a variable number of args. Unfortunately, constructors are the one type of method where this doesn't work. You can't actually do an apply() so we have to fake it by having a map of static functions which each know how to apply a given number of arguments to the constructor. There is a check in the code that tests if the number of arguments you have exceeds what our static map knows how to apply.
    It looks like that check should have thrown the error:
    throw new ArgumentError("Sorry, we can't support constructors with more than " + argMap.length + " args out of the box... yes, its dumb, take a look at Constructor.as to modify on your own");
    It didn't and I am guessing its because there is a border condition here. So, what happening is that we only support up to 5 arguments right now. That number is arbitrary. When it was written it just seemed like a reasonable number, however, this class was written before Parameterized testing was introduced.
    Your three choices right now would be to use the TestNG style of Parameterized testing, which uses functions and not constructor args so it will not suffer this same fate, change the code and compile flexunit for yourself, or we could put a patched Constructor class in your project which fixes it. Longer term, I would like you to file a bug that we should increase the number to 10 or some other quasi-reasonable number. We will never be able to support an infinite number and we will always need to pick som arbitrary line in the sand. It just seems our line should be farther out.

  • Strange behaviour when placing text frame on top of image

    Win XP, FM 8.04
    I have a front cover that consists of a TIF image that bleeds off the page. On top of that image I want to put a text frame with the book title.
    The strange thing is that when I create the text frame and use the toolbar buttons to nudge it down on the page, the text (but not the frame) suddenly jumps to a totally different place way down on the page, despite only nudging it, say, 10 mm.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

    Partly solved:
    After some tests, it seems FM does not like when you try to move a text frame over a transparent area in an image. The image in question was made by importing a PDF into Photoshop, then saving as TIF. Since the PDF contained an area that was had full transparency in InDesign (i.e. "Paper"), that area was also in the TIF image.
    The strange behaviour starts exactly at the border where the transparency starts. In non-transparent areas, there is no problem.
    Seems like a bug.

  • Need help with internal HD memory problems when using Premiere Pro?

    When using PP I keep loosing memory on my HD.
    Now this seems strange to me since I have every thing, all my video and audio files on external HDs.
    Each time I time I make a new project I end up with less space on my internal HD.
    Information related to these projects is somehow remaining on my internal HD.
    Anyone got any ideas about what I might be doing wrong?

    Premiere will slowly compile various files to help the project along, and the default place is usually your internal hard drive. Make sure your scratch disks are pointed to an external hard drive if that is what you want, also, make sure the Media Cache Files are being created on your external as well (and not the default location which is on your local drive).
    Premiere Preferences > Media
    Media Cache Files & Media Cache Database should be changed to an external disk if you don't want them created on your local disk. There are many tutorials and explanations about all of these aspects of Premiere on these forums and from other sources. Hope that helps!

  • Memory leak with callback function

    I am fairly new to LabWindows and the ninetv library, i have mostly been working with LabVIEW.
    I am trying to create a basic (no GUI) c++ client that sets up subscriptions to several network variables publishing DAQ data from a PXI.
    The data for each variable is sent in a cluster and contains various datatypes along with a large int16 2D array for the data acquired(average array size is 100k in total, and the average time between data sent is 10ms). I have on average 10 of these DAQ variables.
    I am passing the same callback function as an arguement to all of these subscriptions(CNVCreateSubcription).
    It reads all the correct data, but i have one problem which is that i am experiencing a memory leak in the callback function that i pass to the CNVCreateSubscription.
    I have reduced the code one by one line and found the function that actually causes the memory leak, which is a CNVGetStructFields(). At this point in the program the data has still not been passed to the clients variables.
    This is a simplified version of the callback function, where i just unpack the cluster and get the data (only showing from one field in the cluster in the example, also not showing the decleration).
    The function is passed into to the subscribe function, like so:
    static void CNVCALLBACK SubscriberCallback(void * handle, CNVData data, void * callbackData);
    CNVCreateSubscriber (url.c_str(), SubscriberCallback, NULL, 0, CNVWaitForever, 0 , &subscriber);
    static void CNVCALLBACK SubscriberCallback(void * handle, CNVData data, void * callbackData)
    int16_t daqValue[100000];
    long unsigned int nDims;
    long unsigned int daqDims[2];
    CNVData fields[1];
    CNVDataType type;
    unsigned short int numFields;
    CNVGetDataType(data, &type, &nDims);
    CNVGetNumberOfStructFields (data, &numFields);
    CNVGetStructFields (data, fields, numFields); // <-------HERE IS THE PROBLEM, i can comment out the code after this point and it still causes a memory leak.
    CNVGetDataType(fields[0], &type, &nDims);
    CNVGetArrayDataDimensions(fields[0], nDims, acqDims);
    CNVGetArrayDataValue(fields[0], type, daqValue, daqDims[0]*daqDims[1]);
    At the average settings i use all my systems memory (4GB) within one hour. 
    My question is, have any else experienced this and what could the problem/solution to this be?
    Go to Solution.

    Of course.....if it is something i hate more than mistakes, it is obvious mistakes.
    Thank you for pointing it out, now everything works

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